HomeMy WebLinkAboutMPE 18/00r' � _��',�OPP/� � �� � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richard Hoiborn DATE: June 7, 2000 Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering REPORT NUMBER: MPE 18-00 SUBJECT: RFP10/2000 Request for Proposal — Playground Structures RECOA�IIvIENDATION: l. That the recommendation by the Supervisor, Perks & Property as outlined on the memo from Suppiy and Services dated May 19, 2000, for the supply and installation of various Playground Structures be accepted, end 2. That a project cost of S 285,783.36 be approved, and 3. That funding in the amount of S 286,000.00 be approved. ORIGIN: Year 2000 Capital Budget — Account Number 2718•6181 AUTHORITY: Year 2000 Cepital Budget — Account Number 2718-6181 FINANCIAL 1MPUCATIONS: t. Amount of Proposal .:...... . ...... , . . Supply and Install Playground Swctures f 277.459.04 ::. ,.,,;-, ,, . . . _ _ G.S.T.(7%) 19,422.13 .._ ...,...:,,. , °°_ . . ....:. . . ...... . Sub Total 296,BB1.17 .:..: . ., :.. ,,..,,, ,. .. ..:,...:,_ _, G.S.T. rcbatc (4%) , „ (11 097. B1) Total Amount � f 285 783.36 �� 2. Approved Source of Funds , .. _> ><��...���.:_�. .�_:u,:..;: _aY;...- ,,::.- ..,..::,:.. �._.:_.,.: CurtentYear: pBudgM-27t8-6181 f 320 000 00 „f.•» ._r.r.; .; �...,u,.: .�..._:;�> ..„..«..-�..,,- PriorYear: BudgM rx � T Futuro Years: n Hadgct . � , . . ... t.'n . .a'�s.4T: ,.. . �Total A roved �f 320,000.00 � 81 •°�8 2 Report to Councii MPE 18-00 Da�e:lune 7, 2000 Subject: RFP 10-2000 - Request for Proponal - Playground Structures Paga 2 FMANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: (conUnued) 3. ..._ .�..:...: : a:�._ ,.:.-:�� e Park - Lower Unit Crorier f 42 056.00 „ ,. ::..,... ,,...,:,... Hrockridge Park - Upper Umt Crover 18 654.00 . ...,. _,...,:... Village East ABC RecreaGon 40 974.�G GlcnRavinc to TotLot Q�� ,� , ��Y ) yr�ABC RecrcaGon 27 601 12 ...u. ,.,...�,.. .,,.a..,.,::o�....,. Shadybrook Par}c &lair Recreation 31, 671. 04 _>� . 9 -.. -r.. _.. Grcen River Crover 23, 364.00 -, � ,., ,,, D�� Little Tykcs 2 114, 26 ,,, ... . � ,.�._,,. .. ,.. .,. .: . Dunmom " Crozicr 26.168.00 ., , Claremont ABC Rccrcation 42.053.18 Forest Glen ABC Recreation 23.346.94 .,. .. ,..,, Sub Total 277.459.04 .,, _,. G,S.T. 19.422.13 G.S.T.rcbatc < _... (11.097.81) Total Pro'ect Cost E 285. 783.36 4. Projeec Co» (over) wrler A�rovW PunA� S 34.216.64 M amount of S200,000,00 has born idrntificd in thc 2000 Capital Budgct - Account Numbcr 2718-6181 for Ihc rcplaccmcnt or rctrofit af cxisting play units as per Satcty Standards and Durham Region Hcalth Ucpartmrnt Rcports, 7fic fallowing parks havc bccn idrntificd individualiy in thc 2000 Capital Budgct - Acwunt Numbcr 2718-6181 - Play Unit - Villagc East Park (rcplaccmrnt) • S 40,000.00 - Play Unit - Dunmooro Park South (rcplaccmrnt) - S 30,000.00 - Play Unit - Forcst Glcn Tot Lot - S 25,000.00 • Play Unit - Batory Tot Lot (rcplaccmcnt) - 25,000,00 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not Applicable BACKGROUND; Due to the varied nature of the Play Structures required at diflerent park locations, a Request For Proposal was issued by Supply end Services. The results were reviewed by the Supervisor, Parks & Property and the Division Head, Municipal Propeny & Engineering. Play Structures that best suited speci6c parks were identi6ed with a recommendation for the supply and installation of these units. ATTACF�vIENTS: l. Supply and Services memorandum dated May 19, 2000 2. Summary of Request For Proposals Report to Council MPE 18-00 Date: June 7, 2000 Subject: RFPI0.2000 - Request for Proposal — Playgraund Stn�ctures Page: 3 Prepared by: b Kuzma, Administr on Supervisor �i�%i'�f��C -��'/� Richazd Holborn Division Head, Municipel Property & Engineering Copy: ChiefAdministrative0fficer Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Supervisor, Pazks Division Approved/E dorse y: Ev Buntsma Director, Operations and Emergency Services Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Cauncil , .� " Thomas J. ui Chi f Admiriistratrve �cer 83 nrrACHMEr°�" /,(o.,� r�(;REPOftT#�EiB-� �>'�b t!u�n�, .�.� 8 4 later Dep�rtmeHW Memorwdum �� � ' CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Supply & Serviui To: From: Date: Subjecl: Rid�ard Holbom J Division Head Municipal Property and Engincering Chazlina Iavery Matcrials Buycr I . May 19, 2000 Requat for Proposal - Playground Slructura No. RFPIOI2000, Cioaing Date: May 10, 2000 Proposals have bccn reccived for the abovc project. Six wmpanics were invited to participatc of wwch six respondcd. Original submissioaa are uttached — pleasc rctum whcn your evnluation is wmpicte. A fcw ycars ago, at tl�c rcqucst af thc Diractor of Pnrks 8c Facilities, it was discovcred that providing the budgct figurc cnablal playground supplicrs to providc a more substantial and infortnaUve submission, nnd lhe Ciry bctter abic to obGVn lhc best valuc for thc budgd �nount. You will note ihis has continucd in this rcqucst for proposals. • A summary of all proposals is atmchcd ulso for yrour infomution. NI proposats comply wilh lhc Canadian Standards Z614-98. Jim Driclmell Bns rcvicwcd submissionc, dcsigns and spccifications with AI Lillie and 1. It has becn dctermincd that the following Playground Structures �vould bc suiwblc for th: fo�lowing Parks, subjcet to your rcvicw with ]im, and your rccommcndation. Summery PST included/GST e:tra PARK/AGE CR011P �Qj�1PANY NAME I. Drockridgc Pnrk — Lowcr Unit (5-12 ycan) Crovcr 1 Play swcturo, up-to-datc styling, 1 Dragon Slidc, I Buck-a-bout, Lavol Rock Climbcr, including 2 Benches 1 Waste Rcccptacic. Note: Crozicr pours concrctc first, Ict it sct, add thc polcs md thcn pour moro concrcte. Thie hclps climinate thc structurc from shifling. 2. Brockridgc Pnrk — Upper Unit (I-5 ycars) Crozicr t Play structuro, 2 Slides, 3 Pancl AcUvity Unit (wave mirtor, lhcatcr panel, store unit), I Bench, I Waste Receptacla 3. Villagc East (5 — 12 yprs) ABC Recrcation 1 Play Structuro, includes Store Front Pancl, Sound Chimes, Hole Panel, Sevcral Slides, Numerous Activitia, 2 Bcnchcs, l Wastc Rcccptacle � OUOTEDAMOUNT 542,056. 518,654. S40,424.50 . 08-07-2000 13t59 9058B382BB C1TY OP PICNEItINO . , . � . � I f� ;�FPOer ro� IS�oo 4. a� w� �s.iz �> '"�'�' esc � 1 P4y Structure, 2 Slida, Loop MoS, Locp polq, Diia CdpUmQo, Diw Cilmbar. l- Bmch S. Sh�btook Puk (5 —12 ypirs) . BeWr Recro�Non 1: „y Stmcwro, sU woldod �Eool 0000tructloa � cu�ue�. e.�y ww, s� wn�a � � �u� d eme r.�.. votc.v...a�a P4Y+� �$ � s vay wcti ura. 6. (#ran Rlvm (S —12 Y�) Cmzler � 1 Pl�y Structuie, Sarenl Slidee, Aocouible • Draga� Deck. Z 8�rha, I W�tto Racept�cto, 7. Daouur LiCle Tika wtm s�eehs s;� sat (2 e.y�� . �.�a 2 ra s�. s� t�n 8. Dumnore (3 —12 Ytare) Croxior I Phy Strucduo, 1— � Spt &tt Swing, I Buqkt-bout, ' 9. Clercawat (3 —12 Y�) ABC RecraWoa , 1 Play SWdu% 3bvot�l Cilmb�». Sevetel Slidp� I.�Wden, Cawl Tau�l, 2 3' Hencha, l Wuto Rocoptule, 10. Fwest Obo wgC ��� 1 Play 9WCC�% SoVenl Clfmbat, Iaddcn nod Acdvhy Piao4, P.01 85 •s��,�oi,ix 531,677,04 523,364. 52,114.26 526,168. 542,033.18 S23.346.94 Your �eleGlon(t) In wrltlag ean be prooa�ed m Y� �PDmved roquleitlon No. 4353 wlilch le on tile. Pleaie ndvice, IFyou ro�Nite�tnformWa4 Pkaw fool fmo w oont�ct rtm, O!� Copy: JIm Bdclmoll, Supatlnh�odmt pf pulu aod pmputy ppention� yern pelge cher Jef frey CPP, CPPO, (!Pf Vmlt FOIYanootNx 7eEIieyr Mluuger pf Supyly tod SqviCp ,Mannger of Supply & Servicea 16 ,�,86 A'tTACHMENTN�TOREPORT#,�C �B-� , ett�uuar_rarnvcummcrrnc � .. KOWAN MC HWOlIItON CRO.LCiI lFIAYt MNf� .. Mbu�d G t2 � DN.11 DN.3l.�2 DN.lO ON.IOD�� eioctrldp�►uk BT�31�csMa■ rryboo.�Kap PFOt�e N�ae�. ��•H�X' wM«wn era��aMnw.e �xx.Ni,n 000. �e.�o a�.a ��. �x». &uoo.r�imw� x.�w, p°r'�'�"�. aFOtes7 it0.�. ;;;!?•f� o,t7 I BT�3f1CeMM� EaN Okn NHM OrNn Rlwt f26000. DInIMf n p 000. Wnmora 8T1 sze 000. en Cl�ffllplll He 000. PIXn101m PF01650 �;�. J� 781.EE BT7f07 Plryboodnhl PF01EQ0 ��T. 175]5 Ewpade berch 1]SJE n ae.s� n at.0 ue u�ai tHCe 0T�21� Mq600alaN/ Pf01l61 1]5]9 CWhral trlNrP� 1JS7E ai tOf.M .!t ftf p1.77 N OM. 17�97 872f07 Pla�booder�n. PF01867 1�SJ9 :�epd� 71E370AE � 1I5]E 11�1�.M 107.11 f70f61.ft f2776/ 1J571 ua smo. Pw swq vx�nni �s«i e.n s�wq ua s� �eor�o ztwroi �s.we.�s.� �. � eet.0 i m.10 aA7 f eai. f oa+.i 3of71A�.1� Plnboo�IwRsn/ Pf01lW q575 4N.i RKp. t75�e n m.�� r�na� us��tu rn�u. �assr BT�70E W�Woodal8en. Pf01058 1�5J7 17 �� f�R0�67.t! ftOiQi. H ON. 17106 ECE7C Am�•v vFOiero 1�5N� �v.ww x�e��te �u�s t7 L7TillTr(!t �� i16l6EOU su�a swky [i.,"'r�-, ...s^f�