HomeMy WebLinkAboutMPE 11/00� , �,� oF ai� 113 � � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richnrd W. Holbom DATE: May 26, 2000 Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering REPORT NUMBER: MPE 11-00 , SUBJECT: Shadybrook Drive Amendment of Parking By-law 2359/87 RECOMMENDATION: 1. That u by-luw be enacted to amend Schedule 'B' of By-law 2359/87 regulating p�rking rostrictions and prohibitions on certain highways. ORIGIN: Staff invcstigation of on•street parking problcros along Shadybrook Drivc AUTHORITY: Afuntclpa! Act, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr M.45, scction 210.123 FINANCIAL IMPL[CATIONS: Thc manufacturc and instullntion of "no•parking" signs costing approximntely 51000.00 can be nccommodated within the Roads Operating Budget, 2320-2409, Highway Aids. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY; Not npplicable. BACKGROUND: On-street parking has been a mejor problem across the frontage of Shedybrook Park on Shadybrook Drive for a number of years. Serious tra�c movement and pedestrian crossing hezards occur each weekday evening through the summer months in this area as numcrous vehicles are pazked along both sides of Shadybrook Drivc while the drivers visit thc park's soccer field and its other amenilies, The resulting on-street pnrking conditions effectivcly reducc the roadway width to ona lane nnd very seriausly compromise visibility sighUines. As n means to addross these issues an extensive on-street parking review and public opinion campaign wns camed out in 1998 Uvoughout the Shedybrook Drivc ncighbourhood. From thc results of the rcview nnd ctunpaign a no-parking by-luw was drnQed for fuAher considerntion. Although every effort was made to address the concerns of all tcsidents involvcd, un agrccment could not bo renched wilh tha entiro community und ns a result the regulnting bylaw was not approved. The main complaint respccting the proposed bylaw wes the fuct thnt a smull numbcr of residents would losc tha privilege of bcing ablc to park on-strcct fronting their homcs along the north side of Shadybrook Drivc, 1� 4 Report to Council MPE 11-00 Date: May 26, 2000 Subject: Parking Prohibitions By-Law 2359/87 Pagc Z In anticipation of another upcoming busy summor aeason nt Shudybrook Park, Staff ot the Municipal Propetty & Engineering Division huve recognized the need and importance for this by-law. In an attempt to gain complete supporl for the by-law restrictions each of the previously opposed residents hns bcen personally contacted for comment. From these discussions specific chunges have been made to the previous draft of the by-law thereby making it acceptaUle to all residents. The by-Inw, as propc�scd in its new fortn, recommends that parking bc prohibited along the north and west sides of Shadybrook Drive betwecn Strouds Lane and 20 mctres east of Orion Court, between the hours of 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, from May to September inclusive. Restrictions ure also included in the by-law to prohibit parking fo� approximately 20 metres on each side of the Meadowview Avenue, Belinda Court, Orion Caurt and Hedgerow Place intersections with Shadybrook Drive. These limits will protect the sightline visibility requirements for vehicles completing tuming movements to a�id from the sidestreets. The by-law is designed to improve the safety of vehicle movements as wcll as pedestrian crossings across the frontage of Shadybrook Park and through the curved sectiuns along Shudybrook Drive. 'fhe limits as proposed are supported in writing by other neighbourhood residwits and are now considered ucceptable to all but one resident along thc north side of Shadybrook Drive. Unfortunately, however, complcte ngreement with all residents cnnnot be reached on this matter. To provide the minimum suitable control on this roadway the recommended by-law must be passed in its new fortn. Options, such ns constructing an on-site parking lot cannot be considered at this timc in Shadybrook Park to accommodatc the vehicles of visitors. It is therefore recommended that the uttached dralt by-law be npproved to regulate on-street parking ulong Shudybrook Drive in the arca of Sha�ybrook Park. Thc approved by-law must bc regulurly enforced to be effectivc. ATTACHMENTS: 1. DraII By-law 2. Location Mnp Prepared B• Approvcd / Endorsed By: �_ L C. tephen Brake, Coordinator E. Bun a, irector Traffic & Waste Management Operations and Emergency Services Ri ard W. Ibom, Division Head unicipal Property & Engineering CSBh�n.rw.�.,,.n.. Copy: ChiefAdministrativeOftcer City Clcrk Maneger of By-law Enforcement Scrvices Supervisor, Roads Supervisor, Municipal Works Recommended far the considcrntion of Pickering City Council • i1 ,� •� .6E� �( Od omas J. Qui , Chic Admi ' trative fficcr •' � ATTACHMENT iJ __ j__ TO REPORT #� pC -��'0U 115 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PIC�CeRING BY-LAW N0. Being a by-law !o amend By-law 1359/87 regulaftng parking, standing and sfopping on htghways and an priva►e and municipa! property. WHEREAS, pursuant to the Municlpa/ Act, RS.O. 1990, chapter M.45, sections 218.52, 210.73, 210.123-126, 210.131, 310, 314.7 and 314.8, the Council of the Corporntion of the City of Pickering enacted By-law 2359/87 regulating parking, standing and stopping on highways and on private and on municipal property; NOW TFIEREFORE, thc Councii of the Corpomtion of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Schedule B to By-law 2359/87, as amended, is hereby amended by adding thereto the following items: Hi wa Side Between/And Prohibited Times and Davs Shadybrook Drive West and Stmuds Lane and 20 melres east 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. North of Orion Court Mondny to Friday Mny 1 - September 30 Shudybrook Drive North 20 melers cast of Orion Court See Note 1•"' und 19 mctres wcst of Orion Courl Shudybrook Drive North Belinda Court nnd 20 mctres Scc Note 1'� cast oCBelinda Court Shadybrook Drive East and t 16 metres south oC Sce Note 1'• South Meadowview Avcnuc and 20 metres east of Meadowview Avenue ShadybrookDrive East (5 meVes south of Hedgerow SeeNotc 1'• Place and 24 metres north of Hedgcrow Placc '* IJnless othenvise specified, the parking prohibitions above shall be in effcct twenty-four (2A) hours per day, year round. BY-LAVd read a first, sccond and tliird time and finally passed this 19th duy of June, 2000. Wnyne Arihurs, Mayor Bruco Tuylor, Clerk �: � � •� 1 � � ATTACHMENT#�TOREPOitTM NDE II-OU UU U V VYVVL.JRVrf � W � � U ARCADIA �?. U � � � � IW- g Q a cRi�� N a � F w = Z Q � ���N � � O �Z ��E m N � Q STROUDS EDGERO � Q SG S ORION PLACE O �� CRT. �p �� � a o Z U � O J � W � m J FLAVELLE � J D NO PARK/NG I COURT > � LAWLOCATI Z BAYF/ � < � m eC� ST. OOD �'� UI J �\„ Q W AVENUE w . � � AT EDGEWO�D JACQUEL � U Y '�p AVE. = O n U � � MINSTREL W WEYBURN m � p � � A MNR. Q U Q I N � COURT ��J� O KA SHADYBROOK SQUARE LA RCHWOOD CRT � N CRY OF PICKERINO � . ��,t� DEp�y��NC7 SEIMCES TRAFFIC REPORT y, LOCATION OF PROPOSED NO PARKINO ZONES SGIE 1:5000 OAiE: WY 7000 . . �,�o.�wa xsr�snr.lua�aaa_so�rwrr�v_mvrao�c