HomeMy WebLinkAboutMPE 17/00� 1(18 ,� OR P/�� �,� F p REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richard W. Holbom DATE: Junc 5, 2000 Division Head Municipal Propeny & Engineering REPORT NUMBER: MPE 17-00 SUBJEGT: Amrndmcnt of Stop Sign By-law 2632/88 Intersections along Douglaz Avenue RECOMMENDATION: That a by-law bc enacted to furiher amrnd By-law 2632/88 to authorize the erection of stop signs at various intersections along Doaglas Avenue, for a one year trial period. ORIGIN: Statf investigation of existing levels of right-of-way control. AUTHORITY: Hlghway Tra�c Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, Chap. N.B, scction 137. FINANCIAL IMPLICATfONS: The manufacture and installation of regulntory stop signs costing approximately 5500.00 can be accommodated within the Roads Operating Budgct, 2320-2409. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not appiicable. HACKGROUND: Douglas Avenue is a collector road within the Bay Ridges Neighbourhood and is intersected by four local streets being Chapleau Drive, Fairview Avenue, Haller Avenue and Old Orchnrd Avenue. The intersections of Chapleau Drive and Fairview Avenue have operated for many yeurs under a very arypical level of two-way stop control creating driver confusion nnd u potential for collisions at thcse intersections. The improper application oC stop signs places tuming movcments hom the sidesUeets in direct conllict with the single direction of fmc flowing tra�c on Douglas Avenue which is not required to stop. Although collision history rcmains very low at these intersections, the existing level of two-way stop control is gcncrally not a recommended practice in accordance wi►h the Manuul of Uniform Trnffic Control Deviccs. Therefore, es a means to maintain uniCortnity and improve safcty it is rccommendcd thut the existing level of right-of-wuy at these intersections be changed to ull•way stop control. The intersection of Douglas Avenue at Old Orchard Avenue is eurrenity regulntcd by slop sign control westbound on Old Orchard Avenue. This level of right-of•wny is considercd npproprinte Rcport to Council MPE 17•00 Date: lune S, 2000 Subject: Stop Slgn Hy-Law 2632/88 Page 2 for the traffic volumes typically experienced at thls intersection, however, given the proposed changes to the otha intersections on Douglas Avrnue, it ie tccammended that an all-way stop also be provided at this Iceadon for wnsistency. Since unwartanted atl•way stops generally have a higher rate of stop sign disobedience, increased intersxtion hazards and actually do very little to control vehicle speeding, the installation of the ali-way stops along Dougias Avrnue should bc subject to a one-year trial basis. Based on staffs obscrvations and a future survey of the local community, the proposed ali-way stops along Douglas Avenue will be reviewed for overall safety and efl'ectiveness. If the findings confirtn that the all-way stops are unnecessary, these findings will be presented to rceommend that ihe level of control be roversed to one-way stops on the intersecting sidestreets. 77iis reversal oCstop sign control will be consistent with the approach as outlined in the Manual of Unifortn Tra�c Control Devices. If approved, the attached Drafl By-lan• t�z:l authorize the installation of ail-way stop controls at the intersections of Douglas Avenue at Chapleau Drive, Douglas Avenue at Fairview Avenue and Douglas Avenuc at Old Orchazd Avenue. These all-way stops will be reviewed for efCcetiveness during a one-yeaz trial period. ATTACHMENTS: I. Draft By-law 2. Location Map Prepared Bp: �"-' C. tephen rake, Coordinator iTic & Wazte Management ' ard W. Iborn, Division Head unicipal P operty & Engineering CSB/� Approved / Endors By: E. Buntsma, Director Operations and Emergency Services Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Ciry Clerk Manager of By-Iaw Enforcement Srnices Supervisor, Roads Supervisor, Municipal Works Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ciry Council �' .. �—� �,/ Th maa J. Quinn, ief dministra O icer in3 �i ��� 'Y � ATTACHMENTit.,L._TOREPORTM� I�-00 TIiB CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING SY-LAW NO. Being a by-!aw !o furlher nmend By-law 1632/88 to provlde jor fhe erectton ojstop sfgns af certuin intersections with the Crty ojPickering. WIiEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of sectian 137 of the Highway Tia�c Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, Chnp. H.8, lhe council of a municipnlity may by by-law provide for the erection of atop signs at intcrsections on highways under its jurisdiction; NOW THEREFORE, the Council oF the Corporation of the City of Pickering HEREBY ENACfS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Stop signs shall be e��.r •.;� at ihe intersections of highways set out in Column I, facing the Uaf6c bound in the direction or directions sct oul in Column II. 2. Schedulc A to By-law 2632/88, as amended, is hereby further nmcnded by aJding lhercto the Collowing items: Column I Intcrsections Douglas Avenue at Chaplenu Drivc Douglas Avcnue at Fairview Avenue Douglas Avenue at Old Orchard Avenue Column II Facins Traffic Northbound on Douglas Avcnue SouthbounJ on Douglas Avenuc Northbound and Southbound on Douglas Avcnue 3. This by-law shall not comc into forcc unlcss it is approvcd by thc Council oF thc Rcgional Municipaliry of Durham pursuant to the Regional Municipalities Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter R.8, section?4. BY-LAW read u first, second and third time und finally passed this 19th dny of June, 2000. Wnync Arthtus, Mayor IIrucc Taylor, Ciry Clcrk ATTACHMENT #l�TO REPORT#� �7'� 11I I N PROPOSED STOP SIGNS EXJSTING STOP SIGNS C17YOFPICKL+NNa I TRAFFIC REPORT PffuTqNS AND fufRCENCI SERNCES I DEPARTYENI LOCATION OF PROPOSED STOP SIONS SCALE 1:5000 OAR: JUNC 7000 �