HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 18/00�,�y OF P�C �' � 16 7 REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Janc Burton DATC: April 12, 2000 City Solicitor REPORTNUMBGR: L IS-00 SUBIECT: Rond — Dedication (Clemenls Road) - Part Lot 18, Renge 3, B.F.C., Pickcring (Purt I, Plan 40R-3578) - File: W2304383 RECOMMENDATION: A by-luw should be enncted to dedicate thnt part of Lot I8, Rnngc 3, D.F.C., designnted as Part I, plan 40R-3578. ORIGIN: Request from salicitor of aJjacent property. AUTHORITY: Mrmicipal Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, chnptcr M.45, seclion 297( I xa). FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Nil EXECUTIVG SUMMARY: N/p BACKGROUND: Clcments Road wus constructcd in two phases - Ihc first phasc slarting nt Squires Bcach Road cxtending westerly to the Pickering Spur Linc and the sccond phnsc sturting nt Brock Road extcnding ensicrly to Ihe Pickering Spur Line. While the construction ofClemcnls Road was completed scvcrol years ngo, not nll of the road wus dcdicnled us public highwuy. Enactment of thc utinched by-law will cffect the dedicntion af ihc portion of Clemcnts Road thatwns inndvertcntly not dcdicuted nt the time of complction. ATTACHMENTS: I. Location Mnp. 2. DraR By-law. Prcpared By: Approvdd /�ndors ,�, �,� ,, Y. Dcn�se Dye Jane u n UD:Ijm �, Atlachments �, G H ATTACHMENT lt J^ TO flEP0f1T #�- 00 i: ATTACHMENT il_�. TO REPOaT Jil,i$=0p THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OP PICKERINd BY-LAW NO. Being a by-!aw fo dedreole Ihat part ojLo! l8, Range 3, 11.F.C., Piclrering, designared as Parl 1, Plan 40R-3578 (Clemen�s Road) as pub!!c hlghway. 169 WHEREAS The Corporution of ihe City of Pickcring is the owner of thnt pnrt of [.ot 18, Rangc 3, II.f.C., Pickering, designuted as Part 1, Plan 40R-3578 and wishes to dedicute it as public highwuy. NOW THEREFORE, thc Council of The Corpomtion of thc Ciry of Pickcring HGREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: l. That pari of Lot 18, Rungc 3, B.F.C., Pickcring, dcsignatcd as Pnrt 1, Plnn 40R-3578, is hercby dedicated as public highwuy (Clcmenls Roud). BY-LAW rcad u first, sccond and third timc anJ finally passcd this I Sth dny of Mny, 2000, Waync Arthurs, Mnyor Bruce Taylor, Clerk W7704J60 � . � . � . . . - . . .� . .....( .�... '. _ ., .'. .. � . . . .. � . � � � . .