HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 19/00' 1'7 0 \,�y OF P/c� 4i� F�- � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Jene Burton DATE: April 13, 2000 Ciry Solicitor REPORT NUMBBR: L 19•00 SUBJECT: Roud — Dedicntion (Rosebank Rond) - PMs of Lots 31 nnd 32, Concession I, Pickcring, designnted us Parts I, 2 and 3, Plan 40R-17053; and - Part Lot 30, Concession 1, Pickering, dcsignuted us Part I, Plan 40R-17052 - File: W2304.384 RECOMMENDATION: A by-luw should be enactcd to dedicatc: (a) thosc parts of Lots 31 nnd 32, Conccssion l, Pickcring, designatcd as Purt 1, Pinn 40R-17053 nnd Part Lot 31, Conccssion I, Pickcring, dcsignated ns Parts 2 and 3, Plan 40R-17053; and (b) that part of Lot 30, Concession l, Pickering, dcsignated as Parl l, Plun 40R- 17052. ORIGIN: E3y-law 5346/98 authorizing thc convcynncc of Innds to the Ciry. AUTHORITY: tilunlcipulAcr, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr M.45, section 297(I)(a). FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Nil EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: N/A BACKGROUND: On June 22, 1998, Council enacted By-law 5346/98 nuthorizing the acquisition of the subject lands from TRCA, Ontnrio Hydro s+nd the Region Ibr rond widening purposcs along Roscbank Road. The ncquisition of those lands hns been finaliud and the City's Plunning und Dcvclopmcnt Depariment advise that construction along Roscbunk Road has now bcen complctcd suflicicnt to allow deJicution. Ennctment of thc attached by-law will uuthorize such dcdication. Report to Council L 19-00 Subject: Rond — Dedication (Rosebunk Road) ATTACHMENTS: 1. Locntion Mup. 2. DmR By-Inw. Prepared By: Ap�rov�d / Endo ed By: /�' �U.f.� ' Denisc e Janc on DB:Ijm Attuchmenls Copy: Chicf Administrntivc Officer Dircctor, Plnnning and Dcvclopmcnt RecommcndeJ for the considcration of Pickering City Council ,� n . ; � �, 2 ��� o as J. Qui , Chie dminis i c Ticcr 1'�1 Apri113,2000 Pnge 2 0 a . , 1,� . _ . . . �- ATTACHMENT a,�, ro liEPOaT n,},�-pp 1% 3 TEiE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERINa BY-LAW NO. Being a 6y-/aw �o dedfcale those parls ojLo�s 31 and 32, Concesslon /, Plckering, desJgnafed as Parls l, 1 and 3, Plan 40R-/7053 and Part ojLo! 30, Concesston 1, Pickering, deslgnated as Parl !, Plan 40R-17052 (Rosebank Road) as public hlghway. WHEREAS The Cocporation of thc City of Pickering is the Owncr of those purts of Lots 31 and 32, Concession 1, Pickering, designated as Purts 1, 2 and 3, Plan 40R-17053 and that part of Lot 30, Concession 1, Pickering, dcsignnted us Purt 1, Plan 40R-17052 and wishes to dedicute them as public lughwuy. NOW THERErORE, ffic Councit of Thc Corporation of the City of Pickering 1�ER�BY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: PM Lots 31 and 32, Concession l, Pickering, designated as Parts I, 2 and 3, Plnn 40R- 17053, urc hcrcby dcdicntcd a4 public highway (Rosebnnk Rond); nnd 2. PArI of Lot 30, Conccssion 1, Pickcring, dcsignatcd su Part l, Plan 40R•17052 is hcreby dedicntcd us public highwny (Rosebank Roud). BY-LAW rcnd a first, second nnd third time w�d tnally passed this 15th day of May, 2000. w:�a3u Wnyne Arihurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk