HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 8/00ozu ., �.. . . � �,� OF p�� W 1= P REPORT TO C(DUNCIL FROM: Bruce Teylor, AMCT, CMM DATE: February 29, 2000 Ciry Clerk REPORT NUMBER: CL 8/00 SUBIECT: Appointment of Representatives of the Region of Durham to sit on Duffins anA Carruthers V�'atershed Task Forcc RECOMMENDATION: That the letter from the Regionel Municipeliry of Durhem dated Fcbruary 24, 2000, regarding the Duffins and Cartuthers Watershed Task Force bc received; and That Councillor be nominated by the Council of ihe City of Pickering for appointment by the Region to the Duffins or Cartuthers Watershed Task Force. ORIGIN: Resolution of the Regional Council passed on February 23, 2000 AUTHORITY: Municipal Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not applicable EXECUTNE SUMMARY: The Region is requesting the City of Pickering and the Town of Ajax to each neminete a Regional Councillor for appointment by the Region to sit on the Duffins and Carruthers Wetershed Task Force created by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. The Region also requests thet the nominee not be the person appointed by the local municipaliry to these Task Forces, which in Pickering's case is Councillor Pickles. BACKGROUND: Please find attachal to this Report a letter from the Fcegion of Durhem requesting the City of Pickering to nominate a Regional Councillor for appointment by the Region to sit on the Duffins and Carruthers Watershed Task Force created by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. At its regular meeting of February 7, 2000, Cauncil appointed Councillor Pickles as the City's representative on both the Duftins and Cartuthers Watershed Task Forces. Councillor lohnson was appointed as the altemate. Thc Region is requesting that the nominec utected by the Ciry be e Rcgionel Councillor and not be the City's representative, namely Councillor Pickles. ..,.12 r Report to Councii CL 8/00 Date: Febniary 29, 2000 021 Subject: Du�na and Car►uthere Weterehed Teak Fo�ce Page 2 ATTACEAMENTS: I. Letter from Region dated February 24, 2000 Prepared By: � Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM Ciry Clerk Attachments Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ciry Council . „ 9 o as 1. C' f Ad ' ative O� r I va .- OQ2 . . ATiACHMENTn � . TOREPORT# Gt qr.a �.' . _. • . � RECEI.VED � . • CITY OF PICKEHINO . . . FE8 2 810W Febru.ary 24, 2000 ` . , . • � . • • ' ' • CLERK'3 DIVISION • � . • . , • , ' • . � ��i"'� Mr. B. Taylor, Clerk . • ' ' • ' . wo�,� � . City of Pickedng . . �*• �e��� � 1 The Esplanade � ' ' • Pickering, Onta�lo � . ����•�"" L1V8K7� P.O. Bmt 823 � . • WhIWy� OnUrb � . � - • � . � ' � � •� ��N � DuNina end Carruthers Wateraheds Strategy • Toronto and Reglon ' ��°��',��a� Conservadon Authority ' � Our Files: C12-01. D07-00 P.Y. M�dlll, �ct . . . . . �. R�yooal qerk. . . . • Mr. Taylor, the Plamm�g Committee of Regional Council conaidered the above matter and, at a mee8ng held on February 23, 2000, Council adopted the fallowing recommendations of the Committee: ,'a) • THAT the preparation of a Duffins and Carruthers Watersheds SUategy by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority be supported in principle, subject to the Year 2000 Budget delibaration; b) THAT two members of Council be appointed to represent the •.. Region - one on the Du�ns Watershed Task Force and lhe other • •� on ihe Cartulhers Watershed Task Force; and further that this matter be referred to lhe Towo of Ajax and the City of Pickering for • their recommended nominees; . • , c) THAT the Commissioner oi Planning, or his designate, be • appointed as an aitemate member to both Task Forces; • d) THAT members of Council recommdnd directly to TRCA, � community group representatives to be Intervlewed for participation • . . on the Task Forces; and , e) .• THAT a copy of Report #2000-P-14 be fonvarded to the 7own of '. Ajax, City of Pickering, Township of Uxbridge, and the Toronto and • Reglon ConservaAon Authority." . �. � • ' � � � . � �oonvo.�car�n,r � ...21 !' , . . . . � . . � . . . .. . . ' .. ' . . ; : ' • . . . . ., 023 .. Z _ . . •, PleBSe take note of paR b) of the �above notod resolutlon which requests � ihat your munfcipality.recommend e nominee.to represent the'Reg(pn on "• . �'the Duffins Watershed Task ForGe: It would bs. appreciated if you would ., . .� ': place thia matter before yodr Council for their wnsidereUon. .. ' • SubaequenUy, will you please adv(se me oi Council's action (n order that I •.' •: � cen place the nom(nee before Rogional Council for appointment. '. . • � E�closed, as directed, is a wpy of fteport #2000-P-14 of. • , � ' . . •. M • .L. Georgieff, Commissioner of Planning. • .' • • P.M: Ma il ; A.M.C.T. ' ' � � . ' � , . RegionafClerk •. • • ' ' . ' PMM/dab . , , ' � . . Encl. � ' . . ' . cc � J. Craig Mather, C.A.O., Toronto and Region Conservation � � Authority . • W.E. Taylor,'Clerk, Towqship of Uxbridge '. � . A.L: Geo�gieif, Commissfoner of Plann(ng � .. f , �'.. ,_ , . �.. _.. . _ . . .�:•��•' 02� ATTACHMENTt�_._L_TOitEPORT# �c �'��-o Pianning Department ' Commissioners Report to Planning Commmee Report No. 2000-P-14 • . Date: Febniery 16, 2000 .. SUBJECT Duffins and Carruthers Watersheds Strategy—Toronto end Region Conservation Authoriry, File: 4,2.5.2, Council Correspondence 2000-003 RECOMMENDATIONS 1. THAT the preparatton of a Duffins and Carruthers Watersheds Strategy by , the Toronto and Region Conservation Authorfty ba supported in principle, subJect to the Year 2000 Budget deliberaUon; 2. THAT two members of Council be appointed to represent the Region - one on the Duffins Watershed Task Force and the other on the Carruthers Watershed Task Force; 3. THAT the Commiasfoner of Planning, or his desfgnate be appointed as an altemate member to both Task Forces; 4. THAT members of Council recommend directly to TRCA, community group representatives to be interviewed for participaUon an the Task Forces; and 5. THAT a copy of Comm(ssioners Report 2000-P-14 be forvvarded to the Town of Ajax, City of Pickering, Township of Uxbridge, and the Toronto and Regfon Conservation Authority. G . � ...H.:... .�v, •. . ...... ... .. ...I .�..... .. ., ....._ .� ._._.�� _ ...�.._ . ...,.. . : , ..._. .... .� .....k .:,.. . '. . . . � ..... �. � Commisafoners Report No. 2000-P-14 BEPQBI 1. Puroose , Page 2 1.1 This repo�t responds to correspondence (see Attachment 1) from the Toronto and Regfon Conservation Authority (1'RCA) requestlng the foltowing: • funding far a oomprehensive watershed strategy from local, regional, provincfal and federal agenctes within the Duffins and CaRUthers Watershed; • that the Regfon appoint Regional Counciilor(s) and altemative(s) for both the Uuffins and Carruthers Watershed Task Forces; and • names of communky groups and indivfduals who should be considered for the Task Forces. 1.2 On January 26, 2000, Regional Council referred the subJect correspondence to the Planning and lhe Finance 8 Administrat(on Commfttees. 2. ack und 2.1. The Du�ins and Carruthers Watersheds cover an area over 300 equare kilometres. It includes areas wfthfn tho Regions of Durham and York and area municipalities of Pickering, AJax, Uxbridge, Merkham, and Whitchurch- Stouffville (see Attachment 2). 2.2. TRCA has completed three waterehed management strateg(es or plans, since 1991 and wish to IniIIate one for both the Duffins and CarNthers ' Wate�sheds. The preparation of these atrategies normally proceeds through three phases over a 2 to 3 year dme frame. The three pnases are described below: . 0 tdentiry issues and describe key environmental, social and economic conditions of lhe watershed, wlth the primary focus being environmental; rewmmend actions necessary to protect, regenerate and celebrate the watershed; and implement the strategy and monilor progress toward regeneration, i 025 ' 026Commiaeioners Report No: 2000-P•14 � Pege 3 Attachment 3 provides a d�aft work pian for the Dufflne end Carruthers 'Watersheds Strategy which ouUines the work to be done for each phase. By CounGl resoluUons, tho Town oi AJax, Ciry oi Pickering and Township of Uxbridge have all indiceted aupport for the preparaUon of the Duffina and Carruthers Wateraheda Strategy. Need for Watershed Strateav 2.3. The completion of the Duffins and Carruthers Watersheds Strategy witl assist in achiev(ng sustainable and healthy watersheds. Informadon relaUng to the protection, enhancement, restoration and management of these watersheds will be provided. The Strategy can be used to c;o-ordinate environmental policies, programs and actions to ensure thet cumulalive upstream activiUes do not negatively impact downstream conditions. Specifically, the following benefits will resui� . a better understanding of the watersheds; • the ability to evaluat�a environmental impacts on a watershed basis rather than a site by site basis; and . the detailed mapping and informaUon on naturai heritage features, .environmental constraint mapping and the hydrogeological condiUons wh(ch will assist in the review of deveiopment applicatlons and policy fortnulation. 3. Task Forces A000intments 3.1. TRCA Is seeking to establish two task forces, one for the Duffins Watershed and one for the Carruthe�s Watershed to develop the strategies. The Task Forces will recommend pollcies, crite�ia and guidelfnes to help ensure sustainable and healthy watersheds. The Duffins Creek Task Force will consist of approximalely twenty-three membe�s and the Cartuthers Creek • Task Force will consist of fourteen members. Along with the Region, the Commiriee will include representatives from, A)ax, Pickering, Uxbrfdge, Markham, Whitchurch-Stouffvitie and York Councils, bus(ness nnd induslry and residents within the watershed. � � Commiseloners Report No. 2D00-P-14 Page4 QQ7 . 3.2. A Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) has been fortned represenUng a group of "sclenQsUexperts" who have experfence and are familfar with etate of the art wete�shed methoda and models. TAC membe�s represent topics such ae groundwater, eurface water, terrest�ial reaources, fleherlea, dimate change and land use planning. Reglonal Plenntng staH currenUy sk on thia Commktee. TAC will provide the technical suppaR to both Task Forces. Attachment 4 provides the structure of the Task Forces, the support of the Technical Advisory Committee and the integration of the Watershed Executive Committee. 3.3. In support of the watersheda strategy the local municipalkies have appointed the following Councillors to the Task Forces. 3.4. It fs, therefore, recammended thet Regional Council appoint two membe�s of Council to represent the Reg(on — one to the Duuffiins Task Force and one to the Carruthers Task Force. The representatives should not be appointees of a local municipality on the Task Force. Further, it is recommended that the Commiss(oner of Planning or his designate be appointed as an altemate to the Task Forces, 0 028. Commtsabpers Report No. 2000•P-14 Pege 5 4. Recommended Waterehed Residenta • • 4.1. TRCA has requested thet the Region, as weli as the oiher municfpal�ies . within the wate�sheds, provide names ot those community groups and . fndividuals who should be consfdered for membership on the Tesk Forcea, ' TRCA wfll also place an advertisement In local papers request(ng (nterested residents within the watersheds to apply for appointment to either Task Force. 4.2. The selection of residents from within each watershed wfll be carried out by a selectfon committee which will attempt to batance the representation of (ndividuals, acUve interest groups and tatepayer assocfations. Councillor J(m McMaster, Mayor Geni Lynn O'Connor and Councfllor poug Dickerson have been appointed by TRCA to sit on the selectfon committee. It is appropriate that members of Council be afforcled the opportunity to make suggestions to TRCA. The flnal selecNon of resldents will be made by the selection committee. 5. Reauested Fundfna 5.1. TRCA has approached Iocai, regional, provincfal and federal govemments for funding assistance in the prepa�ation of the watershed strategy. The total cost for the strategy is expected to be approximately $340,000. Based on land base and the eMent of urban development, TRCA has requested $25,000 from Dufiam Reg(on. The Town of AJax, Cky of Pickering, Township of Uxb�idge, Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville and York Region have all coniirmed their particfpation and funding. 5.2. On February 2, 2000, the Finance 8� Administradon Committee referred the request for $25,000 from TRCA(Council Correspondence 2000-003) to the Year 2000 Budget deliberaUons. As a result, lhe funding request for the Duftins and Carruthers Watersheds Stralegy will be dealt with through the budgetary process. ' c l� . , . , - , �. . , . ,. � ,,. . REVISED ` Cammissioners Report No. 2000-P-14 Page 8 5.3. In conclusion, the preparatlon of the Duffins and the Carruthers Watershed� . Strategy is important to the goal of achtevfng suetalnable and healthy � watersheda, Accordingly, thts tniUalive should be supported in prindple, subJect to the Year Y000 Budget deliberaUons. Ptanning Committee will be kept infortned on the progress of the Watershed SVategy. Steff of the Finance Deparfinent concur wfth this approach. ' � ' . A.L. Georgieff; M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Commissioner ot Planning . Attachments:l. Counctl Corcespondence No. 2000-003 � 2. Locatbn Sketch 3. Draft work pian � 4. Task Force sUudure RECOMMENDED FOR PRESENTATION TO COMMITTEE , .H. , .S.W., C.A.O. , • H11•2lapandas12000102•15-001treadx ��� :.. i� , , 'S._. . .. - .. . ... �, _ _ .. _ _.. . . • � : No Change : '0��� • Attachment 1 � . . THE TORONTO AND REGION CONSEHVATION AUTHORITY � f�� e snor.i+r� om.. oo�+n.�.., awo ww i e. N�p a� �eoo ►NC re� �MII nw�r.�.�aru.a,.0 Ui!!K'S OEAARf1AEh Decembor 23, 1989 , Or�pkis�� To� Ms. PaWda Madfll , C�DY RsptonN Clerk T�� The Repbnal MuniGpatity ot Durhem '—� 80S Rossiand Road East, P.O. Box 823 �Nhitby, ON U N BA3 , Deat Ms. MadUl; G Fle � � Rr. Dufflns and Carruthen Cnek Watenhed� Str�tapy �� �� �p�� __.._,.._., ... .. -Taek For� Initistlon � At Meetlnp #71/99, heid on November 28,1888 (sta}f report endose�, the quUw�ity adopted HOa..�: 'THAT the Authority direct atatt to request funding trom local and regbnal muntctpaifdes end provtndal and federat agencfea within tha Duttins end CarMhera Wetetsheda to support the work roquired to accomplish e comprehenshre waterched evatepy; , TNAT the dreft worlc plan, membership selecUon, reportlnp procedures, budDet requirements end draft temu ot referonce tor the DutNns arM CarnMere Creek Watershed Task Forces, ae deacribed In tha report dated October, 1889 (attaGia�, be receNed; r TF44T two membera of the Watershed Management Advisory Board be se�ected to assist on e ` aelectbn commfttee to revlew watershed restdent appt'.callons; � ' THAT the Authortty dbect steff W conflrm Wtlh Iccal end repbnel muntdpalitien wMhin ths Duffine ••. end Carruthera wetenheda, e counctl member, end en attemate to represent their muntdpalfty on the Task Forces and to request namea of Ihose eommunity grpupa end UWivid�nl,q ��u�l leels should be considerod when interviewing wetershed reaklenb for the Task Forcea; TFIAT the AuUwrHy dtrect staff to requeat aelecled federei arxf provindal epencies to appoint a senlor employee and en altemate to the Task Forces by March 1, 2000; • THAT the AWiority authwize �tatt to take ali other necsssery setlpny, �nquding the preperatbn o} a Stete of the Waterahed peport, to achieve e Dufflna uxf CarrWxR Geek Waterahed Sfratepy; TNAT ataN report back to the Auttwrtty on the propoaed worlc plan erW membershtp ol lhe Tesk Forces for endorsemant and lormal•appointment in ;ha spdnp ot 2000; AND FURTHER THAT Councillor Jim McMaster and Mayor Gerri Lynn O'Connor be selected to auist on a selecUon committee to review wate►shed resident applications.• AMENDMENT BES. A299/eg; 'THAT the lollowing name be tncluded as a n�ember ot Ihe selection commfttee in the last paragraph of the main motan: Councillor poug Dkkerst��•, ��,� ...� � �� � ,��� _oo C�C.N003 � -.2. . 031 �� �+0� ��9� ths TRCA hoated a �trate� assalon tor mun�ipalit(ea, provinciel representaUve� ar� fetl�ral ropreaentativea for the purpoae of �rinp ksues, dsvplopinp � Work plan a�d �pr��y �p ���� or► keY stePa, sequencirp and proliminary Uminp for a Dulflns and CernAhers Creek watershed strateoy. Based on the tlHferoncas in weterahed aize, currern land uses, Propoaed developmeM and the amouM p� intortnetbn and etudbs conducced to date on the Dulflns Creek, k wae propoeed that two task facea be initlated tn the spriny of 2000� to assist in the development of a Dulfina end Cartuthers Creek Watenheds 5Va y to achieve sustelneble, heallhy watersheds. Both Task Forces would be supported by a T Advisory Committee (TAG�. The Duffins Creek Task Force will conabt of approx(metely twenq,•ihree members end Cartuthero Creek Task Fwce wiil consist of apProximately fourteen members. Membership wtii frxlude elected muntdpal roP��Uvea, provfr�cfal erxl tederel eyency at�}, and ropreaeMaUves from buatnesa and induatry� ��Y 9roupe� ratepeyen auodeUons arxl resider� wRhin the wateraheds. This crosa sectton of �� ��� �and expertbe wUt help to bupd the stro�0 Partr�ereh(ps needed for planNnp ond eov In thl� rsgard, tha /luthptHy royuyb tha� • 1I Locsl and repional munlclpalNlp ccritributo ths foliowinp tunds from the�r 2000 budget Induding, th� Raplon of Yotk (510,000), Rsylon of Durham (t26,pppj �nd ths munlclpalities of /1�au (t�0,000), PlokeHnp (t20,000), IWa�iCham (56�ppp)� yyhltchurch-Stouttvllls (:6,00p) �nd tha'Township ot Uxbridy� (t6,000). • . 2) Th� Townshlp of Uxbridy�, Tovm of Mukham, Town oi Whitchuroh-Sfouthrilla end York ' Repion appolrtt o�e memb�r of Coundi and on� alt�mat� to putic(pate on tha Duflins cnek Wn•roh.d Tuk Fwa. Th� altemat� m�y b� � membH of counalt or a municipal , staff p�rton. 3i The Town of lyaz, Town of Plak�rinp �nd R�plon of Durham appolnt two membere ot � Coundl and two ut�s. Th� il►a Councll manb�r w�p a ippolnted to the Duttlns ' • C+►►uther+ CrNk T ik Forca. Th �tt� dma�y b�e a m mbor of cbouncll o�r a municipel itatt psnon. 4) Th� local and nylon�l munidpalitl�s wlihin tM Dufflru u�d C�rruthen Groek watenhed� ncommend oommunNy proup npns�ntWws vrho shou�d a�nsldared for �n i►riorvlaw 1w th� two Taak Faas In tM sprinp of 2000. • . de eb V° �Y Questbrn or roqulro odditbnel IMortnatton regerdinp the Tesk Fwces or the atratepy Pmer», pleese co�rtap,benne,leffmy� yy8tenhed Resources Planner at e�dension 5334. Yours truly, J: C � Chiet Administrntive ptficer � . Enclosure B i3 r r _ !. ;_ ,`��f�.. a 0 e�► r.w+a.o e�� �w�n�s 0 � �i � �� • ��� ��a s � � �- � . MB �� ��� � � �� � ���' � q � �� � � m � � �' � �- o � � s. . �� � � � i�� �.� �� � � �� . . � �� � � � � � �� � '� � � : . � � p :OOS MA1p • �, • OOOZ �J�IppM• , 4�.�� �8 �4� �� cs� �� aP � . 0 . � •� �� ��� �� � �� $ � .� � . , . � . � � � ' . . � � � �. �� � � � . �. ��.-� � o . . � � � m � . � � � � � .. � � �� � �� � � � . .� � � � �� � � � �� . � � q �� � -- . . . �. ��. ..� � a • . � tooa�r . �� �� �� �� � � : � � � � � � �' � . � ,� £�o . . . , . E luawy�Q3iV � _ , ' ' ' ' -' � Attechment 4 ,��'1 • � TRCA Board � � � . . � Watershed Executive Committee Co-dw(ts, DufMs d� Grtutlt�'fiuk Fotoa .,• Vlc�duin DulAm 3 Cartutlwn Tiqt Face � . ws�r,�a s� a� �'� . OFO, Env(ronment Canada, Tranapat Canede Cd) • . '� � . ' . state of tha watersnea RePort �SOUI� Duffins Creek . . Camithers Creek .Task Force • . ' Tssk Force TFiCA Vlitanhed 6pedapat (1) . TRG4 V1�torsFtsd 8podapst (1i Metlduun (1) ' Dwtum Replcn i�I ��m'�(1) . . • ` Aleoc(1) Yak Repton �1 �0 (�� Dufiem •Rs01on �1) ' AprlaAturs ReP (1) • Plc!^ce ��0�(1) ' ' ' Educa9onRep (1) Realdenb(� • Bwtneedlnd�atryl�lDl (� . . Tranrpat Canada (1) . 9m����� ' • dwtryNDl (� t Technical Advisary Commfttee ' (TRCA sta�f, MNR, MOE, MTO, . . ..frmhonmentCerwdal'txkU:'fiOfTldta: •. . . • Dufine d� CnrTUthers Croek , Wate�ehed 8trstspy � . • . ... ig .