HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 31/00' 002 �[�1.���'°��..; - - .�i� i��'. REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: John Rable DATE: November 30, 2000 City Solicitor R�PORT NUMBER: L31/00 SUBJECT; Rougecrcst Construction Inc. - Lots 1-120 nnd Blocks 121 und 122, Plnn 40M-1379 and Lots 1-127 nnd Alock 128, Plan 4UM-1380 - Sulxlivision Completion and Assumption �tECOMMENDATION: I3y-Inws should be ennctcd: I. to assume City rouds in Plans 40M-1379 and 40M-1380, Pickering; 2. to nssume City scrviccs inswlled in the development of Pls+ns 40M-1379 und 40M-1380, Pickering; 3. to nmend By-law 1416/82 (Plnces of Amusement); to rccogniu thc completion of thesc projccts comprising Plans 40M-1379 nnd 40M-1380, Pickcring. . ORIGIN: I. Subdivision Agrcement dated Mny 21, 1985. 2. Completion of project. AUTHOR[TY; I. Land Tllles Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, chnpter L.S, section 152. A�un1clpalAcr, R.S.O. 1990, chnpter M.45, sections 262, 263. Regia�a! Munlcipalifles Ac�, R.S.O, I990, chaptcr R.8, section 23. Surneys Ac1, R.S.O. 1990, chapter S.30, section 57. 2. Munlclpa! Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chnpter M.45, sections 263, 284, 286, 297, 314.7. PlanningAcl, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13, section 51. Regiona/ Munlcipali�les Act, R.S.O. 1990, chupter R.8, sections 28, 72. 3. MunTclpal Ac�, R.S.O. 1990 chapter M.45, section 236.6. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: There Are no ne�y finnncial implicntions to the City us a result of this rccommendation. EXECUTIVG SUMMARY: N/A . o�.� Report to Council L31/00 • November 30, 2000 Subject: Subdivision Complelion and Assumption Page 2 BACKdROUND: The completion of' these projects, bcing Plnns 40M-1379 und 40M-1380, Pickering, in accordancc with thc Subdivision Agrccment dnted May 2t, 1985 und olher applicnblc City policies, must be acknowledged by the enactment of bylaws nssuming the ronds nnd services within thesc Plans. In nddition, other by-luws must be enncted to allow the vnrious City departments to close their files und to umend existing municipal legislation to reflect new circumstances crented by these project's developments. It is therefore recommended that the 3 dmR by-luws nttnched hereto be enacted. ATTACFIMENTS: 1. Dmft by-luw to assume ronds. 2. DrnR by-Inw to nssume services. 3. Drnft by-law to nmcnd By-law 1416/82 (Plnces of Amusement). 4. Site Cketch/Location Mnp (2). Prepared Dy: pv�/ Jody sons JGP: Attnchments Copy: Chicf Adminislrativc Officer Dircctor, Planning & Development Recommended for the considcration of Pickering City Council .. �� .. � /� D o as J. nn, Chie mmistmtive fftcer Recommendation opproved as it effects: Chief Administrntive O�cer Ciry Clerk Direclor, Operations & Emergency Services Director, Planning 8c Dcvelopment Director, Carporate Scrvices & Trcasurer Approved Gndor d B : � John Rebl O O 4 ATTACHMENT #�TO REPORT t1 3��00 THE CORPOItA7'ION OR 1'HE CITY 0� PICKERING BY-LAW N0. Being a 6y-!mv lo assume MaJor Oakr Road, lieamn Way; Shay Drlve, Rayleen Crescenl, Plan 40M-l379 and Dellbrook.tvenue, CandalfCourf, Den6yDrtve, Duberry Drlve, McBrady Crescent, Pfan 40M-/380, Plckering, jor pub/tc tu�e as pi�b/lc hlgliways under �he Jurfsdictton oj ►he Cify. WHEItEAS, Mejor Oaks Rond, Benton Way, Shay Drivc, Rnylecn Crescent, Plan 40M-l379 nnd Dellbrook Avenue, Gandnlf Court, Denby Drive, Duberry Drive, McDrndy Crescent, Plan 40M-1380 ere highwpys shown on a plan of subdivision and ure therefare decmed, pursuant to the Surveys Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, chnpter S.30, section 57, to be public highwnys; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Munfclpa! Act, R.S.O. 1990, chnpter M.45, section 263, the Council af The Corpomtion of the City of Pickerins has jurisdiction over those highwnys (the Council of The Regional Municipality of Durhmm �ot having enucted a by-law pursuant to thc Reglonal Municlpnl(�les Acl, R.S.O. I990, chnpter R.8, scction 23, to udd lhose highways lo the tegional road system); nnJ WFIER�AS, pursuanE to thc Municipal Act, section 262, the soil anJ freehold of thosc highways is therefore vested in The Corporation of the City of Pickering; NOW TI IERGFORG, the Council of Thc Cotporntion of the City of Pickering HEREBY GNACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The following highways nrc hercby nssumcd for public usc ns public higl�ways undcr the jurisdiction of the Council of The Corporation of the Ciry of Pickering: Mujor Oaks Road, Renton Wuy, Shuy Drive, Ruylecn Crescent, Plan 40M-1379 nnd Dcllbrook Avanue, G6ndalf Court, Dcnby Drive, Duberry Drive, McBmdy Crescent, Plnn 40M-1380, City of Pickering, Regional Municipulity of Durhnm. 2. Tha City Solicitor is hereby authoriud to npply to Ihc Land Registrnr pursunnt lo the Land Tides Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter L.S, section 152, to have the Corporntion entered as the owner of the highwnys refetred to in section 1. DY-LAW read a first, second and third lime and finnlly pussed this 15th day of January 2001. IOA1•1779MOM•I7t0 Wnyne Arthurs, Mnyor IItuce Taylor, Clcrk A1TAC;iMENT# �. TOREPORT�l��•7 THB CORPORATION OF THE CITY Of PICKGRINd O O J BY-LAW NO, Deing a by-!mv fo assume scrvlces under Ihc furlsdlction ojtlie Ciry !n Plans 40M-1379 and 40M-1380, Ptckcring. WIiEREAS, pursunnt tc, where npplicahle, the Municlpal Act, R.S.O, 1990, chaptcr M.45, scctions 263, 284 286, 297, nnd 314.7, the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chnptcr P.13, section 51, the Reglona! MunicipnliliesAcl, R.fi.O. 1990, chapter R8, sections 28 nnd 72 and thc Agreemcnl dated Mny 21, 1985 (Notice of which wos registercd on April 22, 1986 as Instrument No. LT267584 betwecn Rougccrest Construction Inc. nnd The Cor�wrntion of tha City of Pickering), abovc ground nnJ undergrounJ services under the jurisdictinn of tha City in Pluns 40M-1379 und 40M-1380, Pickering, have bcen completcd to its sntisfnction; NOW THEItEFORG, the Council of Thc Corporntion of thc City of Pickering HCRL'13Y GNACTS AS �OLLOWS: 1. The nlxrve ground scrvices unJer the jurisdiclion of the City, thut arc required to be constructed or installed in the development of Plnns 40M-1379 and 40M-13R0, Pickering, including thc roads, curbs und guttcrs, sidewalks, drivewuy nprons, boulevards, street signs, fencing and gmding, located on lunds thnt urc both, (u) dedicalcd to or owncd by thc City, thc Regionnl Municipaliry of Durhum or the Provincc of Ontnrio; and (b) in Plnns 40M-1379 nnd 40M-1380, Pickcring, or immcdinlcly udjaccnt Ihcrcto, nn: he�eby acccpted by the City nnd assumcd by it for mainlcnnuce, as of April 12, 1990. 2. The undcrground serviccs under thc jurisdiction of lhe Ciry that nrc rcquircd to bc constructed or instnlled in the developmcnt of Plnns 40M-1379 und 40M-138f), Pickcring, including the storm drainnge systcm nnd related nppurlenances, locnted on lands that are botli, (a) dedicnted to or owncd by thc Cily, the Regional Municipality of Durhnm or the Province of Ontario, ond (b) in Plans 40M-1379 and 40M-1380, Pickering, or immcdiatcly odjacent thereto, tve hereby nccepted by the City nnd nssumed by it for maintenance us of Mnrch 29, 1990 and Februnry 27, 1990 respectivcly. 3. in sections I and 2, the phmsc "lands thnt nre..,owncd by the City" includcs lands that ure subject to nn ensement transfertcd lo lhe City, but only with respect to the specific scrvicc or scrvices referred to in the eosement tran�fer document. BY-LAW rend a first, second and third time und finally passed this I Sth dny of January, 2001. �Vnyne Arihurs, Mayor I3rucc Taylor, Clerk Ons �' ATTACHMENTti.�TOftEPOR7�i.�OD THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF P►CIC�RING DY-LAW N0. Being a by-!aw �o umend By-(ntiv 1q16/81 providing for the regulation and Iicensing ojplaces ojamuseme�rf. WHEREAS, pursunnt to the Mrrnicipal Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, section 236.6, thc Council of The Corporntion of the City of Pickering enacted IIy-law 1416/82 providing for thc regulntion and licensing of places otnmusement; NOW THEItGfORE, the Council of The Corporution of the City of Pickering I-IGR�BY ENACTS AS rOLLOWS: l. Schedule A to By-law 1416/82, ns nmended, is hcrcby further amended by adding iherelo the foilowing items: Mnjor Ouks Rond, Deuton Wny, Shay Drivc, Rayleen Crescent, Plun 40M-1379 and Dcllbrook Avcnuc, Gundalf Court, Dcnby Drivc, Dubcrry Drivc, McBrndy Cresccnt, Plnn qOM-1380, City of Pickcring, Rcgionul Municipality of Durhnm. DY-LAW rcad u first, sccond tfnd third timc nnd finally posscd lhis 15th Jay of Janunm 2001. 40M•1779//OM•13D0 Waync Arihurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk . ,. ' \��' --- ••. =,111111111��1/ �� � : _ � �- 5 ' �j��llllll►j �i � 111 � I ��` �� = � �� " III�I=� �� '� =-, � �II��� rl_ �I i���u�■■■ : �...�_ _,,, _���. -- ���,■�■ . . .: .. ._._ — � . . : . : � :� . W:W��i�7:iti�1 � � � .. , . . , . . . ' *•, : . . . : . . � . . , . . . ,. . , . •_ , . _. e . _ ._ .. ... , 1 I . • , i .' 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