HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 40/00� - � . ,�yOFP/� tw . ,- . , REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Carroll DATE: luly23, 2000 Director, Planning and Development PLANNING REPORT NUMBER: PD 40•00 SUBJECf: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2000-01 Parkmount Building Corporation Part of Lots 1 to 3, Plan 505 (Rear portion of lands on the west side of Rosebank Road, south of Foxwood Trail and east of Autumn Crescent) City of Pickering RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Draft Plan of Subdivision 3P-2000-01 submitted by Ms. Helen Lepek of Templeton-I.epck Limit..f on behalf of Parkmount Buiiding Corporation, on lands being Part of Lots 1 to 3, Plan 505, City of Pickering, to pertnit thc extcnsion of Pineview Lanc eastcrly to accommodate the devclopment of 20 rcsidcntial lots providing minimum lot frontages of 10.0 metres to support detachcd dwcllings, bc APPROVED, subjcct to thc conditions outlined in Appcndix 1 to Planning Rcport Numbcr PD 40-00. ORIGIN: Drafl Plan of Subdivision SP-2000-01 submittcd to thc Rcgion oFDurham and cicculated to the City of Pickcring Cor commcnt. AU'f'HORITY: Thc Plonning Ac7, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 FINANCIAL IMPL[CATIONS: No dirccl costs to the Town are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. EXECUTNE SUMMARY: Thc applicant proposes to extrnd Pineview Lane casterly and develop 20 new residential lots providing a minimum lot frontage of 10.0 metres. The proposed lots are intcnded to support detached dwellings. The proposed Plan of Subdivision represents good planning as the proposed developmcnt complies with current zoning requirements, confortns to the policies of the Pickering Ofiiciul Plan, and accomn:odates the future completion of the local road network. All interests oC thc City will be approp�:ately addressed through an associated subdivision agrcement. REPORT NUMBER PD 40-00 Date: July 27, 2000 Subject: DraR Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2000-01 Page 2 BACKGROUND: 1.0 lnformation Matina A Public Information Meeting for this development proposal wos held on J►me I5, 2000. Information Report No. 15-00, which summarizes the applicant's proposal and outlines the issues and comments idrntified to that date through circulation of the application, was prepared 1'or that meeting. The text of the Information Report is provided for reforence (sce Attachment #3). Prior to the Public Infortnntion Meeting, comments were received from the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, the Durham District Scheol Board, and the Durham Catholic District School Board, ail expressing no objection to this proposal. A comment was received hom Veridien Connections, exprcssing no objection to this proposal, end rcquesting a copy of the proposed civil design to prepare an estimate to srnice the proposed subdivision. A comment was rcceived from Bcll Canada, requesting various conditions of dralt approval be imposed respecting the installation of underground services (see Attachmrnt #4). A comment was received from Canadian National Railway, recommending a warning clause be inserted in any fuwre agrecments and on the tiUe of cach future lot, noting the proximity of the existing rail cortidor to the proposcd dcvelopmcnt. C.N.R. also requires a noise and vibration analysis be completed by thc applicunt, including recommended abatemrnt mcasurcs, where appropriate (scc Attachment #5). Canada Post requires conditions of draR npproval bo cstablishcd respecting thc Iocation and installation of a Community Mailbox serving lhe proposcd dcvclopment (sec Atwchment �6). At the Public lnfortnation Meeting, the applicant was present to respond to questions rcgarding the proposal. The npplicant notcd thal thc proposed rond pattcm is anticipated through the OtTicial Plnn, and that the existing zoning npplicuble to the subject lands pertnits thc developmcnt they are proposing (and although nat sought by the applicant, would also allow thc establishmcnt of semi-dctached dwelling units). 7'he applicant furiher noted that the proposed development would be compatible with devclopment in the surrounding area. Four area residents commrnted at the Public InCortnation Mceting. Mr. J. Stavropoulos of 410 Pineview Lanc noted that he purchased his property (at the end of the temporary Pineview Lane lerminus) bccausc of the adjacent vacant lands and tne fact that Pineview Iane "dead-ends" at his property. He noted his concem with thc extension of Pineview Lane, and noted that the proposed devclopment will change the character of the area and negntively affect his property value. Mr. N. Vickovic of 1752 White Cedar Drive noted that when he purchaced his property, he was advised that no further development would occur in the neighbourhood. Hc expressed conc om with the adjacent lands to the north (conditionally approved by the Durham Land :`-� � ion Committee to support detached dwellings on lots fronting onto Foxwood Trail) and their maintenancc, and qurstioned when Autumn Crescent is planned to extend northward to Foxwood Trail. Ms. J. Donaughey of 1764 Rosebank Road and Mr. E. Gwiner of 1752 Rosebank Road (two of the three owners conveying lands being assembled for this proposed subdivision) both spoke in support of the proposed application, noting that the proposed dcvelopmrnt would eventually occu:, and that the current lands have becomo more difficult to maintain. ��..: 4 REPORT NUMBBft PD 40-00 �ubjcet: DreR Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2000•Ol 2,0 Additionallnformation Datc: luly 27, 2000 Page 3 Following the Public Infotmation Meeling, written comments were received from Hydro One Netwotks Inc., expressing no objection to lhis proposal, and the City's Development Control Supervisor. The Development Control Supervisor provided recommended conditions to be incorporated into any future draR approval of this proposal, and noted that the applicant's proposal would ensure that sufficient land remains east of this proposal to wmplete the extensions of Autumn Crescent and Pineview Lane tivough a futute viable draR plan of subdivision application (see Attachment #7). 3.0 Discussion 3.1 Appropriateness of the Proposed Development The proposed development is compatible with ihe chazacter of existing surrounding development. A Property Location Map nnd the Applicant's Submitted Plan — Stafi Recommended Pian a:e included as Attachments N! and il2 respcctively, to this Reporl. Existing lots currently fronting Pinevicw Lnne provide a minimum lot frontage of 11.0 metres, a minimum lot depth of approximately 33.5 mctres, and support detnched dwellings. The proposed lots provide minimum lot frontages of 10.0 metres, maintain thc samc general lot depth, and will support detached dwellings. The subject lands are curtently zoned to pertnit the proposed developmcnt. No zoning chunge is proposed to accommodata the proposed development. A siting and architectural design statement is requircd to ba submitted and approved by the Planning & Development Department, ensuring ihat thc resultant dwcllings on the proposed lots maintain the similar stylc and character of surrounding existing dwellings. The Amberlea Neighbourhood Plan in the Pickering Official Plan idcntifies Cuwre road conncctions within the neighbourhhood, including thc extension of Pineview Lane easterly connecting with a futurc north-south cxtension to Autumn Crescent meeting Foxwood Trail. Thc proposcd dcvelopment will result in Pineview Lane cxtending casterly in thc same gcneral pattem anticipated in thc Amberlea Neighbourhood Plan, temporarily tertninating until the remaining easterly-abutting lands are devcloped. The applicant submitted to the City a conceptual lotting plan for thc eazterly-abutting lands, and en estimated construction plan forecnsting dcvelopment costs and projected rntes of retum for future development on those lands. This submission satisCactorily shows that the remaining lands to the east arc of an adequate size to support an economically viable subdivision supporting future residential development, and associated road infrastructure. This analy�is was requested in ordcr to satisfy Staff that the remaining lands to the east are of an adequate size to support economically viable development, and to ensure that the completion of the road network in this neighbourhood will not be jeopardized. 3.2 Technical Matters The City's Development Control Supervisor has commented that additional lends will be required for the proposed temporary tuming circle, and must be designated as blocks end dedicated as road allowance. These blocks would ba conveyed back to tha owners of the affected lots when Pincview Lane is continued. The applicant has exprcssed cuncem with this condition, end wishes to explore altemative development stnndards Cor the tuming circle so that none of the proposed lots in the draR plan become temporarily undevelopable. A condition requiring the applicant to satiafy the Dircctor, Planning & Dcvelopment with reapect to thc installation of a new temporary tuming circle is recommended, and includcd in Appendix I to this Report. ' � REPORT NUMBER PD 40-00 Date: July 27, 2000 5 'Subjxt: Draft Plan of Subdivieion Application SP-2000-01 Page 4 A fpture subdivisian agreement between thc City end thc owner of the lends will be required to cnsure that all matters of interest to tha Ciry sra protxted. This required agreemrnt, and several other development implementation matters, are incorporated into the recommended conditions of approval for lhis proposal found in Appendix I to this Report. 4.0 AonlicanPs Comments The applicant hns reviewed and concurs with thc recommendations outlined in this Repon. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Property Location Map 2. Applicant's Submittcd Plan - Staff Recommended Plan 3. Infonnation Report No. 15-00 4. Agency Comment - Bell Canndn 5. Agency Commcnt - Canadian National Railway 6. Agency Commcnt - Canada Post 7. Staff Comment - Dcvclopment Control Supervisor prep� gy; Approved / Endorsed by: . � Ron Taylor Neil Carto , CI , P � Planner 1 Director, Plamm�g & Development -_1����!�� Du� Q�i.ynda D. Taylor �f�'� Manager, Curtent Operations RST/LDT/ph Adachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ciry Council , �� .i i/ Th J. Qu , C icf Admt ' ' e �cer . . , APPENDIX I TO I'' . s� PLANNING REPORT NUMBER: PD 40-00 RECOMMENDED CONDTTIONS OF APPROVAL FOR DRAFT PLANS OF SUBDNISION SP-2000-01 ;, ;�. % -.� t` �t. ',}._ �. .�._. . �.'�...� , > .� , �,,. ... .-'3 . , . ... . � ,. _ . . . . . Appu�dix I to Planning Report Number PD 40-00 pag� � 7 0 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR DRAFf PLAN OF SUBDIV SION SP-2000-01 1.0 CENERAI. CONDITIONS 1.1 That this recommendation apply to the draft pian prepared by J. D. Bames Limited, dated March 7, 2000 (Reference No. 99-25-948-00), for DraR Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2000-01 submitted by Ms. Helrn Lepek of Templeton-I.epek Limited on behalf of Pazkmount Building Corporation, on lands being Part of Lats 1 to 3, Plan 505, City of Pickering, to permit lhe development of 20 lots with minimum lot frontages of ]0 meUes for the development of detached dwellings, bearing thc Citys recommendation stamp. 2.0 PRIOR TO THE REGISTRATION OF THE PLAN: 2.1 That the owners submit a Draft 40M-Plan to be approved by the City Planning & Development Department. 2.2 That tha owners enter into a subdivision agcement with and to the satisfactian of the Ciry which shall include, but not nccessarily bc limited to the following: 2.2.1 Storm Draina¢e (a) satisfnction of the Director, Planning & Development Department respecting a stortnwater drninage and management systcm to service all the lands in the subdivision, and any provisions regarding eazements; (b) satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development Department that stortnwater managcment techniqucs comply with tha stortnwatcr management requiremrnts set by the dcvelopment of the adjaccnt Bramalea Inc. and Woodsmere Properties Limited developments. 2.2.2 GradineControl and Soils (a) satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Devclopment Department respecting submission and npprovel of a grading and control plan, with special emphasis on co-ordinating grades with adjacent lands and any proposed tree removal rosulting from proposed grade changes; (b) satisfaction of the Director, Planning and Development Department respecting tho submission and approval of a geotechnical soils analysis. 2.2.3 Road Allowances (a) satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development Depattment respecting construction of intemal roads wilh curbs, storm sewers, sidewalks and boulevard designs to maximize front yard space without impeding services or the safe operation of Ihe streets; (b) satisfnction of the Director, Planning & Devclopment Depwtment rcspecting the removal of the existing temporary tuming circic tertninating Pineview Lanc, and installation of a pertnanent road including all rcstoration of pertnenent road secvices fronting Lots 42, 43, 44, 46, 47 end 46, Plan 40M-1810; (e) satiefaction of the Director, Planning 8c Development rcspeeting the installation of a new tempornry tuming circle at thc east limit of thc Pinevicw Lanc extension. ' ,8 . Appendix I to Planning Report Number PD 40-00 Pa�; 2 2.2.4 'd s (a) that the owners construct a sidewalk along the new and restored sectio,�s of Pineview Lane to the satisfaction of the Director, Plunning end Development Department. 2,2.5 Construction/Installation of Citv Works & Services (a) satisfaction of the City respecting azrangements for the provision of all scrvices required by the City; (b) satisfaction of the appropriate authorities respecting artangements Cor the provision of wderground wiring, street lighting, cable television, natural gas and other similar services; 2.2.6 Dedications/1'ransfers/Conveyances (a) the dedication of all road allowances with thc proper comer roundings and sight triangles to the City; (b) lhat the owners convey to the Ciry: (i) Block 21 as n 03 metre road reserve block with the right-of-way of Pinaview Lane at the proposed easterly limil; and, (ii) anyothercasementsasrcquircd. 2.2.7 Construction Mnnngement Plan (a) that the owncrs make satisCactory urmngements with lhe City respecting a construction managcment plan. 2.2.8 Pnrkland Dedication (a) that the owncrs make satisfactory arrangements with lhe City regarding cash-in-lieu for the required parkland dedication. 2.2.9 Existin¢ Buildines (a) satisfactory amangements with the Ciry regarding the demolition o1' all swctures on tha subjxt property. 2.2.10 Development Charges (a) satistaction of the City financially with rcspect to the Development Charges Act. 2.2.11 Co-ordinated Development (a) satisfaction of the City with respect to arrangements necessary to provide for co- ordination of secvices and roads with adjacent lands and any phasing of developmrnt that may be required; (b) satisfaction of lhe City with respect to the provision of temporary fencing along the entire proposed east lot lines of Lots 10 and 20, and along the proposed eastem limit of Pineview I.ane; (c) satiefaction of the City with respect to the proviaion oCprnnenent fencing on Lots 10 end 20 prior to the occupancy of dwelling unite on those Lots; (d) saUefaction of the Ciry with rospcet to tho provision of temporary frncing end eiltadon controls prior to tho commencemcnt of any works; � � ,..., . ...., _. ... :.. . .. .... � ,. - .. . . . . Appcndix I to Planning Rcpoct Number PD 40•00 Page 3 9 (e) iho aubmission of a trcc preservation and street planting program to the eatisfection of lhc City. 2.2.13 Aesian Plannina (a) the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development Depaztment respxting a report outlining siting and architectural design objectives tor lhe devolopment, and the submission of site plans nnd architectural drawings idrntifying how each unit mats the objecdves of the report, prior to the issuance of any building prnnit for the consWction of a residential unit on the lands; (b) the report outlining siting and architectural daign objectives tor the devclupment must address building envelopes, house designs, siting, and streetscapes as well as garage designs, locations, massing, and projection hom the main dwelling; (c) the report outlining siting and architectural design objectives for the developmrnt must place special emphasis on building elevntions nnd unit siting that is in keeping with the character of cxisting development located on Pineview Lane; (d) the repori outlining siting and architectural duign objectives for the developmenl must address driveway placement and curb cut location on the extension of Pineview Lane to ensuro adequate room is maintained to accommodate street fumiture and boulevard Inndscaping. 2.2.14 Noisc Attenuation (a) that thc owners satisfy the requirements ot the Ministry of tha Environment and Canadian National Railway regarding the approval of a noise and vibration study rccommending noise control fcatures satisfactory to thc Region of Durhnm, the City of Pickering und Canadian National Railway. �� ,� - '' �, . �, . � � ATTACHA!EpT � � Tp . . , REPORi i PD_ �TO -OO . , APPIJCAf�TS PROPOSED SUBDMSION PLAN SP-2000-01 PARIQulOUNT BUILOINd CORPORATION (3TAFF RECOMMENDED PLAN) �� q� q� � �-------� te � �-��_ n I � � � I �19 � nrr '[smw � _1_1 �j� � � � � �w-mm � `—_ �i--'� I ��i-------�N ron000 � � e�oac tae 1 I r---r----------- aoac iu���` j=�.��� � 1 � I -- _----- -----------Qi--ll I I � � I I.�� �. o..n � �. �. .�� � � ., .m� ,.a, � I " j �or mx sw n+a. � R+m.w I I � nu� aot rrr imw � I �- � � � � — — — — — — — — — — --- � --��.: � --------I ��2 1 2 3 � 6 8 7 8 B �10 � � maua wo� a.w n � I i il YI YI oiW IW W YI W YI YI YI i RNIfIm O�pl [ L L_ �.� .� ,w., �� I � IM� 1 �� I � ' 11M IO.MIN ��* `� y � ( ' ���������������� �_ ����������� � � � � � ������ T� � iY �o W YI Yl YI W W W W KO401N V�'�f O�m �'I ��pp AQ' l0f '9R' 1 I ��e 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 � 1B 19 20 � I uss aau r.r, om�w I � �� I � I � I � I � iiiiii iiiii� -_1_Ll�_L1 rrcasmuo LAND USE SCHEDULE L41LOfNStt acsocxrou LO15 I TO t0 . (s.ot auom o�ai.a� aax ai ms. �7 ROA05 � I I � I I I I � I I I I� I�— A I I � I I � I I I I�' j W--- °7 � � � � � �-___. � i� i i i i�� i i i� i i as i i.,,i i i i,�.. i i i�..� i__` L1_LL�_L1J_L1_LL�.�� — wnnn attsaHr 69 `� � � +ou-taio �� �-,,. 1015 I1H1S ARCA 70 IO 0.67E fw aoai na 0.t01 Aa . TOTAI APfA 0.EE0 ho. � � a � 11 N A/S 1NP 1111t PF�(D BY pL O!Y p' F7t'lII7i�1C A'MMMN' d AMIGYM4T'7lXfWPACN7, ,R.hE JI. AaP4 ATTACNMENT I 3 TO , ��2 REPORII PD UI —oo __� � �.� OF P��� � INFORMATION REPORT N0.15-00 FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETlNC OF June15,2000 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACI', RS.0.1990, chepter P.13 SUBJECT: Drafl Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2000•O1 Parkmount Building Corporation Part of Lots I to 3, Plan 505 (Rcar portion of lands on the wcst sidc of Ros�bank Road, south of Foxwood Tmil and enst of Autumn Crescent) City of Pickcring 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTIOIV - the subject lands are locnted on thc west side of Roscbank Rond, south of Foxwood Trail und cast of Autumn Crcsccnt, surroundcd by nn existing residential subdivision; - n property location map is providcd for rcfcrcncc (scc Attachment #1); - thc subjcct Innds currcntiy support thrcc dctnchcd residcntinl dwcllings (one locuted on cnch subjcct lot) oricnted towards Rosebank Road; - all thrce lots are subjcct to land scverance npplicntions proposing to sever the rear portion of thesc lots, intcndcd to support futurc infill residential development. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL - the applicunt proposcs to cxtcnd Pinevicw Lane castcrly, and devclop 20 new residcntial lots providing a minimum lot Gontagc of 10.0 mctres (see Atlachment #2); - the proposed lots ure intcndcd to support detnched rcsidential dwellings; - thc existing threc dctachcd dwellings located on thc subject properties would be retained on resultant largcr lots fronting onto Rosebank Road. 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham Reeional Oftictal Plen - the subject lands fell within the "Living Area" designation; - this designation pertnits residential land uses to be cstablishcd; - the application uppears to conform; 3.2 P(ckerine Ofttclal Plan - the subject lands fell within an "Urban Residentiel — Low Density Area" in thc Amberlea Neighbourhood; - permissible uses within this designation include residcntial uses, including thc establishment ofdetachcd dwellings; - the Plan establishes a maximum density of up to, and including, 30 dwelling units per net hectare; - the proposed devclopment would provide n net sitc density of 19.5 units per net hectare; � ATTACHMENTI � TO REPORT/ PD_ �/o-Oo 13 Infortnation Raport No. I 5-00 Page 2 - within Urban Residential Areas, Council shall havc pnrticular regard to protecling and enhancing lhc character of established neighbourhoods; - the Amberlea Neighbourhood Plnn identifies anticipated future road connections within that neighbourhood, including the extension of Pineview Lane eastcrly, connecting with a future north-south road connecting Autumn Crescent to Foxwood Trail; - lhe applicant's proposal conforms to thc policies of the Pickering O�ciul Plan; 3.3 Zonine Bv-law 3036 - the portion of lands subject to this application are currenlly zoncd "S-SD-SA-1" — Residential Detachcd, Semi-Detached and Single Attached Dwclling Zone, by Zoning By-law 30?6, as amendcd by By-law 4286l93; - this zoning pertnits detached dwellings on lots providing a minimum lot frontage of 9.0 metres and a minimum lot arca of 250 squnrc mctres; - the applicait's proposnl confortns to ihc rcquircmcnts of By-law 4286/93, and thercforc, no rezoning application is requircd to implement the proposed development. 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 4.1 Resident Comments - no resident commcn►s hnvc bccn rcccivcd to-dntc; 4.2 Aeencv Comments - no ugcncy commcnts havc bccn rcccivcd to•datc; 4.3 Staff Comments - in reviewing the epplicution to-date, the following matters have been idcntified by stuff for futlher rcvicw and considcrntion: • ensuring that thc proposcd lotting nnd resultant residcntinl development is compatible with surrounding residentinl devclopment, particularly existing residential development fronting onto Pineview Lane; • ensuring that thc future completion of Pineview Lane and the nnticipated Autumn Crescent extension norihwerd to Foxwood Trail is not jeopardized, and can be accomplishcd through a futurc viable plan of subdivision; • ensuring that the boundarics of 1he draR plen arc appropriate to pertnit orderly futurc development to occur, • reviewing the appropriate method of temporarily terminating Pineview Lane at the eastem edge of the proposed development. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATlON - written comments regerding this proposal should be directed to the Planning and Development Department; - orel comments may be mndc at thc Public Infortnation Mecting; - all comments received will bc noted and used us input in a Itecommcndetion Report prepared by thc Planning and Dcvclopmcnt Department for n subsequcnt mceting of Council or a Commtttcc of Council; - if you wish to be notified af Council's dccision regarding this proposel, you must roquest such in writing to the City Clerk; : ": _ ATTACHMENTI 3 'TO _ . _ "- '� � REPORT r PD �r• _. o � : Information Report No. I 5-00 Pagc 3 - if a person or public body that files an eppeal of a Jecision oC the Regional Municipnlity of Durham in respcct of tho proposcd plan of subdivision does not makc oral submission at the public mecting, or make writtcn submissions to thc Rcgional Municipaliry of Durham beforc the proposed plan of subdivision is approvcJ or rePosed, thc Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss the appeal, 6.0 OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Informatlon Received - full-scnle copies of the Applicant's submitted plan ure available for vicwing at the offices of the Ciry of Pickcring Planning and Dcvelopment Dcpartment; 6.2 Comuanv Prfnctoal - the applicant, Ms. Helen Lepik, advises that the principnl of Parkmount Building Corporntion is Mr. David Brand. ORIdINAL SIONED BY ORIGINAL SIQNED By Ron Taylor Lynda Taylor Planner I Managcr, Current Operntions RST/pr Copy: Ncil Carroll, Dircctor, Pinnning nnd Dcvclopmcnt ,, , �°�; ATTACHMENT /__�TO ` • • REPORT/ PD_.f4}-np ' 9 �,J J. ___ . .. ._ , � • ': REo E�VEb:� . . -� �_:�,--� � .. . ,� ' : � � JUN 2 6 2000 . . . B�'S CLERK'S DIVISION Right of Way • Fl 3- 100 Bor�ugh Drive D�^�D�� Scarborough, dntario �(" M1P 4W2 Tel: 416 296-6291 JUN 2 61QOO Fa:s: 416 296-0520 June 15, 2000 C�pTM �R�Na!�KERING ONTqq�p The Corporation of the City of Pickering Adminietration Department Pickering Civic Complex -,... One the Eaplanade `� y��O�J; Pickering, Ontario . � L1V 6K7 %yj ,� i0 ,/J I ���'� 2%?OCU '(�av l��.�,,.s�r ATTENTION: Bril Or , ' ' ' �' PICKE^ . .. . s.r:.,!:xi�an��o ' _. ._ N-+V •_ �� DR3►FT PLAN pF Subdivieion File No: 3P-2000-01 Weet eide of Rosebank Rd eouth of Foxwood Trail Parkmount Building Corporation Pickering Thank you tor your letter of May 16, 2000 concerning the above propoaed Subdiviaion. Would you pleaee eneure that the Eollowing paragraphs are/ have been included as conditione oP Draft Plan Approvals 1- Hell Canada ehall confixm that eatiefactoxy arraaqementa, financial and otherwiae, have been made with Hell Canada for any eell Canada facilitiea eerving thie draEt plan of . aubdiviaion which ara required by. the Municipality to be � inatalled underground; a cop�f o� asc,'� eur.Plrmation ehall be fozwarded to the Municipality. 2- The Owner ahall be requeated to enter into an agreement • (Letter of underatanding) with Bell Canada complying with any underground servi.cing conditione impoaed by the municipality and iE no auch conditions are impoeed, Cha owner ehnll adviee the municipality of the arrangement mnde Eos euch eerviciag. IE there are any confllcCa with exieting Be11,Caaada facilitiea or eaeamenta, the Owner/Developer ehall be reeponeible ior re- � arrangemante or ralocation. ,Tf,you have any questiona,, please contact: Janice Young 296-6291. Y��ru Y� �� . c oung Manager - RighC of Way � � � ATTACHMENT I ''� TO , ' REPORT I PD—t/o-oo . .�S _._ JLN 09 '00 11�SSAM CPRP Tq20ryT0 � �A FAX: (90S) 420•9886 Mt. Bruee T IorJ�iC7 Cily e Corporalton of tho Cfty of Plckerinp Pickedng Civlo Complex Ona ihe Eepienade Pkkertng, Onterfo L1 V 8K7' --...__._ .__ __ � - D/�� P.fil �r-� v 8" Floor 277Front6VeatWeel R�CEIVED Toronlo, Ontarlo CITY OF PICKERINa M6V 2X7 a duno 200o JUN - tl 2000 CLERK'S DIVISION Your FUe; SP-2000-01 Our Flle: TZ�4500 ECEIVED • JUN � 2 2000' CITY OF PICKERINO OEVELOPME��EPMiL'EM Ooar Mr. 7ayla: Re; Proposed Plan of 8ubdivieion Part ot Lots 1 to 3, Plan 505 (RCar portion of lande on thc wost slde of Rosebank Road, Soulh of Foxwood Troll and aast of Autumn Cresco�t We have roviowed your leller daled 24 May 2000 reparding Ihe a6ovo noted application qnd requesl lhat Ihe foilowing comment be InGuded in lho Draft Condltiona, to be cloared by CN: t. The followfng waming dause shall be Included in lho Subdivision AAreemenl end Inserted in all Agreements of Purchase ond 3elo or Lease for each dwollinp unif. Provieions muel bo tncluded in the Subdivtaton llgreement lo ensuro thal lhe wamtng clnuso survives the releaae of Iha OwnaPe obllgaUons under lhe Su6divtaton APreemenl anJ remafn on tlUe. 'Waming: Ceradlan Natianal Reihvay Company or ile asefgns or successors tn Inlerest has or havo a right•of•way wiUiin 300 metros from Ihe land Ihe subJect hereoL 7here mey bo aiterallons to or expansbns of tho rell facfliGea on such right-ol•way In the fulure includinp Ihe posaiblfty Ihat Ihe roiiwey or fls aseigna or sucrassors as atareaafd may expand IIS operaUons, which expanalon may aHect lhe Iiving environment of Iha residenls in Iho vic(nity, nohvithetandfng Ihp �nclusion o( any nofse and vlbraUon attenuaUng measurpy In lhe deaign of Ihe dovclopment and Indivfdual dwelling(s). CNR wiil nol bo roaponsible for any wmplalnls or clalms aris(ng from uso of such fac5itfes andlor operotions on, over or under Ihe aforasaid right•of•way." 2. fia Owner Is required to enpapo a consultanl to underiako nn analyafa of notse end v@ralinn end to recommnnd abetumenl measurea neceeeary lo ochiovo Ihe meximum Ievo1 Ilmits sat by lhe Minislry o► Environmenl and CanadWn Nalional Reilway lo the saliefaclion of lho �rlunkipality, Canad�an NaUona� Raihvey and the Minislry of Environment. We would appreciute tho oppa»uniry W review Iho draft condittona prior to approvai, antl ullimalety, we request receiving a copy of the Approved Dreft Condittons. Should Ihe appifcalian bo approved wlthout Incorporaling Iho above requlremenla, wo havo no aitemative but lo requost that Ihia epplicallons bo reforred lo Ihe Onfario Mun�dpal Board pursuant to Ihe prov(oinna oI the Plannfng Atl, R.S.O. 1880, C.P.13. Should you have eny further quesllons, plcase do not heaitale lo conlaat tho underttpned al (416)217-84gg, Youre tru!y, �tlarer��'�� Koren Fraser . Manager, Property Ptannfng end Dovelopment ATTACHMENT I ` TO REPORTI PQ 'y0-� _._ � DELIVERY PLANNING �-------J --- .. - (416)285-5383 (1') �-� , 1860 MIDLAND AVE 2ND FL. (416)285-7624 (i� SCARBOROUGH ON MIP SAI JUNE 7, 2000 MR. N. CARROLL DIRECTOR OF PLANNING CITY OF PICKERING l THE ESPLANADE PICKERING ON LIV 6K7 ItE: APPLICATION FOR MPROVAL OF A PLAN OF SUBDIVISION DURIIAM ItECION FILE NO.: 5-P-2000-01 MPLICANT: PARKMOUNT BUILDING CORPORATION LOT: 31 CONCFSSION l .- CITY OF PICKEItING REF. NO.: 64797 Denr Mr. Carroll, 17 o ������ � JUN 1 3 Z000 �' JUN 1 3 2000 CITY OF PiCKEqINO OEVELOP�M MD PMTMF.M Thank yau for thc opportunity to commcnt on thc ubovc notal applicntion. Plcasc note our new condiUons bclow. As u condition oComR approval, Canudn Post rcquires thnt thc owncr/dcvcloper comply with thc following conditions: - Thc owncr/dcvcloper ngrccs to includc on nll offers of purchase und snlc, a statcment which ndvises the prospeclivc purchuscr thnt mail dclivery will be from n designated Community Mailbox. - Thc owncddevcloper will bc responsible for notifying the purchascr of thc exect Community Mailbox locntions prior to the closing of any home sale. - The owneddeveloper will wnsult with Canada Post Co�poration to detcmiine suitable locations for the placement of Community Muilbox and lo indiwtc thcse locations on lhe nppropriate servicing plans. �, , ATTACHMENT / 6 TO � p HEPORT I PQ _ Yo -oo y � , �O• • . � c 'Z' The owner/devcloper will provide the following for each Community Mailbox site and include thesc requirements on the appropriate servicing plans; - An appropriately sizal sidewnik secdon (concrete pad) ns per municipal stnndards, to place the Community Mailboxes on. . - My required wulkway across the bouicvard, as per municipal standerds. - My requircd curb depressions for wheelchair ecccss, The owneddeveloper further egcccs to dctemiinc ond provide n suitnbla temporary Community Mailbox location(s), which may bc utilizcd by Conadn Post until thc curbs, sidewalks arid final ` grading have been complctal at thc permnnent Community Muilbox locations. This will cnnble Canada Post to providc mnil dclivery to new residencc aa soon as the homes arc occupiai. I Vust that this information is su�cicnt, howcvcr, should you rcquirc furiher infortnalion, plcasc Jo not hesitnle lo contnct me thc above numbcr or mailing addrcss. Sinccrcly, l•�. Dcbbic Grcenwood Delivcry Planning Officcr c.c. R. Szarck, Durham Region p.s. We may be able to accommodate some of the new lots in an existing mailbox site in the immcdietc erca. A:UI'ILDRAWSAM �s��sr � . . . . .. . . . _ . _ , . . + ' � ATTACNMEN7 i_�_TO REPORTI pp ✓a-eo ___ �� RECEIVEtJ JULU5?000 July 5, 2000 CITY OS' P;GKERiNti .;,�.,�;.�,J�� � I:CVEICi��r�:lll J:PAF:F�-Nf IIVTERDEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE PLANNING A1VD DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT TO: Ron Taylor FROM: Robert Starr Pianner 1 Supervisor, Dr,velopment Control itE: Drait Plen of Subdivision Applica6on SP-2000-01 Pazkmount Building Coiporation Part of Lots 1 to 3, Plan 505 (Rcar portion of lands on the west side of Rosebank Road, - soul6 of Foxwood Trail and east of Autumn Crescent) . City of Pickering We have reviewed the ubove-notcd applicatiou and provide the following comments: 1. The development of thue lands must comply with the stortnwater menagement requitemrnts set by the development of the adjacent Bramalea Inc./Woodsmere Properties Limited Dcvelopmcnt. � 2. All easements required by the City for stormwatcr management purposes must bc providcd. 3. Removnl of the tcmporary tuming circle and installation of pem�ancnt road services franting lots 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, and 48 (40M-1810), is a requirement of this developmcnt and must be completcd to the satisfaction of the City. 4. A temporary turning circic built to pennanent tuming circle standerds must be installed at the proposed east limit of Pineview Lane es pact of the condaua6on of Pineview I.ane. � Additional lands required for lhe tuming circla will need to be designated as blocks and dedicated as road allowance. (They can be conveyed back to the owners of the affected lots when Pineview Lane is continued.) r ....continued ... �J. . _- . . A17ACHMENTI- 7 TO . ' '• 2 Q ' REPOfli I PD_ �o-ou — �r _ _.—. . __._ � _ __ .2_ � 5. A sign will need to be posted at the new east limit of Pinoview Lane indicating thxt tlus road will con6nue in Wa future. This sign will be required to be placed following completion of base course asphalt (prior to building permits) end must remain and be maintained during the maintenance period. 6. 13e Engineering dravrings for City services, roads, atorm sewere, sidewallcs, lot Brading, atreetlights, fencing ete. and financial.obligations with respect to securitics for these reqwremenls must be to the satisfaction of ihe Director of Plauning & DevelopmenG � • 7. The developer will be required to enter into a Subdivision Agrament to sadafy the requiremeats of the City. , 8. Conditions ohould be implemented in the Draft Plan conditions, detailing the requirements to the City, necusary to permit any tree removal, pro-gn, cling or '" other construction activiry on the site. 9. A soils rcport conlaining geotechnical informud'on is required. 10. Foncing along lhe east lot line of Lot 10, Lot 20 (SP-2000-01) and across the road allowanco ahould be a requircment; e) temporary fencing nnd sillation control prior to the atart of any work, and b) pertnnnrnt fencing prior to the occupancy of Lot 10 or 20 (SP-2000-01). 1 i. Temporary frncing ahould ¢lso be rcquircd along thc west boundary of Lot 1 and Lot i l(SP-2000-01) to protect the cxisting lots during construction, 12. We have reviewcd thc cost estimate provided for the proposed development of the • remainingJands to the cast, to enaure thut thcre is sufficient devclopment potenlial — for the completion of Autumn Crescent end although some items such es noise attcnuation, fencing, and engincering the fill material do not appear to be accounted for, they may be covered in the contingency itcm. Thcrefore, there does appear to be sutficienl allowance to ensure futurc development of these lends ' and completion of Autumn Crescent to Foxwood Trail. �P�� Robert Starr Copy: Developmont Contro] Co-ordinator n