HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN 28-13 Resolution #150/13 City 4 „A Dated December 9, 2013 Report to Executive Committee Report Number: .FIN 28-13 Date: December 2, 2013 From: Paul Bigioni Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor Subject: Awarding of Contract for Property Tax Software Implementation Recommendation: 1. That Report FIN 28-13 of the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor regarding the awarding of a contract for property tax software implementation be received; 2. That, pursuant to Purchasing Policy Sections 09.09 and 09.10, Council award the contract for the City's new Property Tax Software, including licence and implementation, to the Corporation of the City of Mississauga, on terms satisfactory to the Treasurer and to the Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor; 3. That the total gross Property Tax Software project cost of$299,450 (HST included) and $269,664 (net of HST rebate) be approved; 4. That the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the said contract; and, 5. That the appropriate officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: A key component of financial management is to ensure that the City provides the necessary tools and resources for staff. The need and the rationale for a new financial system was supported as a Corporate Priority during the 2011 and 2012 budget process. Council supported senior management's request by providing funding and approval for a new property tax system in the 2012 Capital budget. The current taxation system generates 30,000 property tax bills per billing cycle for a total billed amount of$195 million. The City's current property tax billing system is approximately 16 years old and is plagued by technical and support issues. The current software requires IT support on an ongoing basis to modify reports and to make minor programming changes. Many processes are manual and require extensive staff time. With Seaton development starting in approximately two years, the goal is to have the new taxation system up and running by 2015 to meet the City's current and future needs, including the additional volume of transactions that will result from Seaton. The Report FIN 28-13 December 2, 2013 Subject: Awarding of Contract for Property Tax Software Implementation Page 2 City's Purchasing Policy, Item 09.09 states: "A single source purchase exceeding $125,000 is subject to Council approval." In addition, Purchasing Policy, Item 09.10 states "The Manager and appropriate Director or designate is authorized to enter into negotiations without competitive bids and enter into a contract if deemed advantageous." The City's Purchasing Policy requires Council approval before the property tax implementation contract can be awarded to the City of Mississauga. The City of Mississauga has developed its own property tax software and will licence the City of Pickering to use its software. As with any new financial software, there is a cost associated with installing the new system, building interfaces and converting the old data. Recommendation three includes the cost associated with those tasks. Financial Implications: 1. Software Conversion Costs Property Tax Conversion Costs $236,720 Miscellaneous Contingency 28,280 Sub-Total Costs $265,000 HST (13%) 34,450 Total Gross Amount $299,450 HST Rebate (11.24%) (29,786) Total Net Project Costs $269,664 2. Source of Funds Taxation Billing System Upgrade Account Code Budget Required 5203.1201.6174 $275,000 $269,664 Project Cost under (over) approved funds by $5,336 The Division Head, Finance & Treasurer has reviewed the financing of the expenditures contained in this report and confirms that it is appropriate. The 2014 Current Budget will include a provision of$65,000 for a temporary staff person to backfill in the tax section while the Supervisor, Taxation is seconded to the property tax software implementation project. The hiring of temporary staff to backfill for seconded staff is a common software implementation strategy. In addition, the 2014 capital budget will include $90,000 for an operating system software upgrade to run on the City's file servers for the TXM software. This system software upgrade will Report FIN 28-13 December 2, 2013 Subject: Awarding of Contract for Property Tax Software Implementation Page 3 also accommodate a planned update to the City's Amanda land management system and will save an operating system software upgrading cost of$23,000 originally expected for the Amanda system. Discussion: Five key corporate priorities provide long term direction for the City. Sound financial management is one of those priorities. Financial management, in its simplest terms, ensures that funds are available for Council-approved projects, that funds are properly spent as per Council policy, and that all transactions are recorded to meet external reporting requirements. Without good financial management, achievement of the City's other corporate priorities is put at risk. It is said that "an army marches on its stomach," meaning that soldiers function effectively if they are well fed. Similarly, a municipal government functions effectively if it has sound financial management. Financial staff, beginning in 2011 and continuing in 2012, outlined to Council the need for the City to replace its existing financial information systems. The taxation module was selected first as it will be directly impacted by Seaton. It is advantageous to replace the property tax system before development in Seaton increases the volume of tax-related transactions. The Mississauga property tax system (TXM) includes the following functions: billings, property tax account changes due to successful appeals, Section 357 adjustments, rebate programs, collections, and reporting. In addition, the software vendor has to be able to quickly interpret and understand the frequent legislative changes (Municipal Act and Assessment Act) in order to keep the software relevant and functional. The City of Mississauga developed the Tax Manager (TXM) tax system in-house with the co-operation of staff of its municipal clients, Markham, Brampton and Richmond Hill. TXM has been operating in the four municipalities as their tax system since 1998 and has been updated to reflect various legislative changes. TXM has the capability and functionality required for the City of Pickering today and for the future. It is highly flexible, modular, easy to maintain and simple to use, with a focus on customer service excellence. In addition, the City of Mississauga has a dedicated in-house legal staff that specialize in municipal legislation. Any Provincial legislative changes, as they relate to property taxation and/or assessment, are reviewed by this experienced legal team and then incorporated into the next version of TXM. The software industry is a very competitive environment in which companies may only exist for a few years. When software companies disappear, the user is left scrambling to find an alternative system or solution. By adopting software developed and used by a large municipality, the likelihood of default or non-support is kept to a minimum. Report FIN 28-13 December 2, 2013 Subject: Awarding of Contract for Property Tax Software Implementation Page 4 Analysis The City's Supervisor, Taxation was directed to review and evaluate available property tax systems. Prior to joining the City, the Supervisor, Taxation also worked on two other property tax systems. She did a thorough review and analysis of several property tax systems based on the following methodology: • Software survey initiated through the Tax Collectors' professional membership Ontario Municipal Tax and Revenue Association (OMTRA) • Phone surveys • On-site demonstrations • Reviewed testimonials from both current and past users of software packages for an unbiased review of the software. Users were surveyed for comments on software support, functionality and performance • Reviewed software investigations of other municipalities • Interviewed software support staff and developers • Reviewed online company websites and blogs Tax software investigations included Open Tax (AMANDA), Diamond GP (Great Plains), Assyst (USTI), Vadim, Mississauga Tax (TXM), and Vailtech. After a thorough evaluation, several tax systems were eliminated due to inadequate functionality, limited capacity, or poor technical support. The Supervisor, Taxation tentatively concluded that TXM would be the best product for the City to purchase, due its superior functionality, support, capacity, and cost. The next step in the process was to compare the City's current property tax system with TXM. Process/Feature TXM - Mississauga Current Tax System Capping Calculations Calculated within system OPTA calculates capping and it is imported to system. Recalculation of Recalculated within system after Capping not recalculated capping adjustments each change event for each year. following event. Must wait due to adjustments for OPTA to verify change and then enter to system. Apportionments Fully automated including owner Manually calculated on notifications and recalculations of spreadsheet and entered capping adjustments and into system. subsequent years taxes. Vacancy rebate Requirements validated and Calculation done within calculations calculated in system. Notifications system. Manual notifications generated for MPAC and owner. and allocation of rebates. Full allocation of rebates including education. Rebate calculations Rebates automatically Manual recalculations after due to change events recalculated following change change event. event. Report FIN 28-13 December 2, 2013 Subject: Awarding of Contract for Property Tax Software Implementation Page 5 Process/Feature TXM - Mississauga Current Tax System Tax & assessment Fully automated, including Calculates appeal, but does appeals notifications. Recalculates not recalculate capping, capping, tax adjustments and taxes or penalty after penalty for all years following change event. Notifications change event. Generates tax bill produced manually in Word. for tax changes. Tracks No tracking abilities. applications and generates reminders. Tax Billing Interim taxes calculated in System must be accordance with legislation at manipulated to comply with 50% of previous year. Duplicate legislation for interim bills can be reprinted as original billings. Can reprint original or amended. bill only. Supplementary Capping adjustments Capping is manually billings automatically recalculated on recalculated as an supplementary billings adjustment post billing. Collections & Tax Automated process for notices No tax sale process or Sales and calculation of special forms. payment arrangements. Alerts/Warnings Several activity alerts on main Very few alerts. screen. Penalty Recalculation Automatically recalculated after Adjusted as of date of entry, change event from effective date. not effective date of event. Manual recalculation of penalty to reflect past events. Notices for Tax statements and notifications Notifications generated adjustments automatically generated based on upon request. No tax event. statements. Archiving & recall Available. Not available. Local Improvement Commute amount tracked and Manually calculated and charges calculated on system. entered into system. Property information Database is manually updated for Database is stand-alone updates changes and data is then and manually updated. updated to multiple databases. Year End Year roll over only, as system is Full year-end process balanced daily. required. Education tax ratios Fully apportioned by system. Calculated offline. Reports Over 100 fully customizable Customization required by reports. Notice of Hearing, Notice vendor. No appeal notices of Decision, and Council Report or reports. No rent reduction Summaries for tax appeals and notice report. apportionments automatically generated. Rent reduction notice reports generated. Report FIN 28-13 December 2, 2013 Subject: Awarding of Contract for Property Tax Software Implementation Page 6 Process/Feature TXM - Mississauga Current Tax System Assessment tools Creates file for building permits & New development occupancy information & information done by other transfers electronically to MPAC. means. Navigation Menu driven from main screen. Must use multiple tabs to access information. Access is inconsistent. Support Ongoing upgrading, minimum two Infrequent upgrades (five upgrades per year. Legislative years). `Fixes' provided compliance and technical inconsistently to users (on currency. Five programmers and request). Support calls developers on staff, one full time outstanding for several tester. Two hours turnaround time months. for system emergencies. Selection Committee The analysis and recommendation of the Supervisor, Taxation were then presented to a working committee of City staff for review and discussion. The committee members included the Manager, IT, Manager, Accounting Services, Supervisor, Taxation, Treasurer and Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor. The unanimous decision of the committee was to proceed with the TXM software. Although the formal RFP process was not used, the steps undertaken as outlined above was thorough and complete and strongly parallel on the RFP process. Under the Purchasing Policy, sections 09.09 and 09.10, Council can award the property tax implementation contract to the City of Mississauga without using the traditional RFP purchasing process. 2014 Current & Capital Budget Requests Implementation of any new major software system creates hardware and software costs. Staffing in the Taxation Section has remained fixed for the last eleven years however, the property tax (customer) base has increased during this time. As a result, there is very limited staffing resources available to assist and undertake the implementation of a new system. An additional staff resource will be required on a temporary basis to backfill for a current employee while the current employee is seconded to implement the new tax system. The additional employee cost is estimated to be $65,000 and will be funded through the financial systems reserve. By using reserve funding, there is no direct impact on the property tax levy. Whenever a new computer system is implemented, there is an opportunity to review current business practices from the perspective of increasing operational efficiency and taking advantage of new system features. The additional staffing resource will allow the City the opportunity to pursue operational efficiencies by having an experienced and knowledgeable staff person blend current business practices and staffing resources to the new system. In other words, the City will be able to leverage its new property tax system investment to generate operational efficiencies. Implementation of any new 1 Report FIN 28-13 December 2, 2013 Subject: Awarding of Contract for Property Tax Software Implementation Page 7 majorsoftware system creates hardware and software costs. At the current time, the draft 2014 capital budget will include $90,000 for operating system software upgrade to run on the City's file servers for the TXM system. This system software purchase will also accommodate the planned update to the Amanda land management system and avoid an operating system software upgrade cost of$23,000 for the Amanda system. Staff are still exploring alternative information solutions to either reduce or eliminate this cost. It is anticipated that this issue will be resolved when the 2014 draft capital budget is presented to Council. • Timing/Approval Process As the objective is to have the new system in place and operating for January 1, 2015, approval is needed now in order to commence implementation. Attachments: None Pre ared By: lo I Approved/Endorsed By: Donna DeLong S .n Karwowski Supervisor, Taxation Divisio ead, Finance & Treasurer , t Paul Bi. o • Director, C. po :te Services & City Solicitor Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council 'd i /141)7 t g, 243 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer • . . 1 e SCRIBE eSCRiBE r Workflow Status: eSCRIBE Approval Workflow MEETINGS,EVOLVED Workflow Information Initiator: Webster,Valerie Document: FIN 28-13 Awarding of Contract for Property Tax Software Started: 11/15/2013 3:04 PM Status: Approved Last run: 11/19/2013 8:32 AM I Tasks v_ The following tasks have been assigned to the participants in this workflow.Click a task to edit it.-you can also view these tasks in the list Tasks. Q Assigned To Title Due Date Status Related Content Outcome Bigioni,Paul FIN 28-13 Awarding of Contract for Property Tax Software.docx Review 11/17/2013 Completed FIN 28-13 Awarding of Contract for Property Tax Software Approved Prevedel,Tony FIN 28-13 Awarding of Contract for Property-Tax Software.docx Review 11/19/2013 Completed FIN 28-13 Awarding of Contract for Property Tax Software Approved Workflow History The following events have occurred in this workflow. - - a Date Occurred Event Type _�User ID Description Outcome 11/15/2013 3:04 PM Workflow Initiated Webster,Valerie eScribe Approval Started 11/15/2013 3:04 PM Task Created Blgionl,Paul Approval Task Assigned 11/15/2013 3:17 PM Task Completed Bigioni,Paul Document Approved 11/15/2013 3:17 PM Task Created Prevedel,Tony Approval Task Assigned 11/17/2013 3:18 PM Comment System Account Task Overdue Reminder Sent Task Overdue 11/19/2013 8:31 AM Task Modified Donaldson,Margaret Task Changed Task Assignments Changed Task assigned to Prevedel,Tony had a delegate added Donaldson,Margaret 11/19/2013 8:31 AM Task Completed Donaldson,Margaret Document Approved Approved By Delegate:Donaldson,Margaret 11/19/2013 6:32 AM Workflow Completed System Account Document was Approved • • • • if