HomeMy WebLinkAboutENG 19-13 City°0 Resolution #141/13 Report to Dated November 18, 2013 Council 1 Report Number: ENG 19-13 Date: November 18, 2013 From: Richard Holborn Director, Engineering & Public Works Subject: Small, Rural and Northern Municipal Infrastructure Fund Grant Application Michell Bridge Rehabilitation Recommendation: 1. That Report ENG 19-13 of the Director, Engineering & Public Works regarding the Small, Rural and Northern Municipal Infrastructure Fund Grant Application for the Michell Bridge Rehabilitation be received; 2. That the Corporation of the City of Pickering participate in the Small, Rural and Northern Municipal Infrastructure Fund Grant by submitting an Expression of Interest application for the Michell Bridge rehabilitation at a total estimated cost of$520,000; 3. That the Corporation of the City of Pickering declares that the information contained within the Expression of Interest is factually accurate, and that should the application be successful, the project will be completed by December 31, 2015; 4. That the Corporation of the City of Pickering will have a comprehensive Asset Management Plan in place by December 31, 201.3, and that plan will be made publically available online by May 30, 2014; and 5. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. • Executive Summary: The Province of Ontario has recently announced a new grant program for municipalities. The Small Rural and Northern Municipal Infrastructure Fund - Capital Program will support critical road, bridge, water and wastewater projects where the primary objective is to address urgent public health and safety issues or maintain public health and safety in the long term. The City of Pickering is eligible since our population is under 100,000. The City has submitted an Expression of Interest application by the deadline of November 1, 2013. A Council Resolution certifying that the information in the Expression of Interest is factually accurate, that the project will be completed by December 31, 2015, that the municipality will have a comprehensive Asset Management Plan that includes all information and analysis described in Building Together Guide for Municipal Asset Management Plans by December 31, 2013, and that the comprehensive Asset Management Plan will be made publicly available online by May 30, 2014 is required to complete our submission. Report ENG 19-13 briefly discusses the details of the grant program and recommends Council's endorsement of Report ENG 19-13 November 18, 2013 Subject: Small, Rural and Northern Municipal Infrastructure Fund Grant Application Michell Bridge Rehabilitation Page 2 the Michell Bridge rehabilitation project at an estimated cost of$520,000. The City's Expression of Interest application requests 90% Grant funding in the amount of $468,000. Financial Implications: Under the Small, Rural and Northern Municipal Infrastructure Fund Grant, the province has committed up to $100 million for roads, bridges and other critical infrastructure. The Grant Program allows municipalities to request up to 90% funding for this project up to a maximum of$2 million. The cost for the detail design and construction for the Michell Bridge rehabilitation is estimated at$520,000. In the 2013 Roads Capital Budget, $50,000 was approved for the detail design. RFP 15-2013 for the detail design was issued, and closed on November 14, 2013. In the draft 2014 Roads Capital Budget, $470,000 is being proposed for the rehabilitation costs. With a 90% funding ratio, the Province will be contributing $468,000 and the balance of $52,000 will be funded by the City. Since $50,000 for the City's share has already been approved in 2013, an additional $2,000 is required to be included in the 2014 Budget for the City's share. Funding for this project will be flowed as project milestones are achieved. Details for this will be included in the Contribution Agreement. Reporting • requirements will also be specified in the Contribution Agreement. This project will only proceed upon receiving approval of this Provincial grant. A further report will be submitted to Council once the results of the application are known and tender costs have been received. • Discussion: The Small, Rural and Northern Municipal Infrastructure Fund Grant program has a two stage selection process, with the first stage being an Expression of Interest, where projects will be pre-screened. The Expression of Interest was submitted by the City on Friday, November 1, 2013 for the Michell Bridge rehabilitation project (see attachment 1). In order to complete the submission a Council Resolution is required to declare that the information contained in the in the Expression of Interest is accurate, that the project will be complete by December 31, 2015, and that the City will have an Asset Management Plan by December 31, 2013 which will be made available to the public by May 30, 2014. The existing Michell Bridge on Seventh Concession Road west of Sideline 32, was constructed in 1962 over the Reesor Creek (see attachment 2), and is a 15.2 metre single span concrete rigid frame bridge with a concrete deck and a gravel wearing surface. The concrete deck is supported on concrete abutments constructed at 30 degrees to the roadway alignment. Based on the results of previous inspection and testing program of the Michell Bridge, it is recommended that the existing gravel wearing surface, granular base, concrete and handrail systems be removed and replaced. The existing concrete deck needs to be removed and replaced, and the new deck will require waterproofing and a new wearing surface. The concrete deck soffit, retaining walls and wing walls are to be rehabilitated. The road approaches should be adjusted to match the new deck profile. Report ENG 19-13 November 18, 2013 Subject: Small, Rural and Northern Municipal Infrastructure Fund Grant Application Michell Bridge Rehabilitation Page 3 Infrastructure investments are vital to strengthening the economy, creating jobs and building strong communities in which residents enjoy a high quality of life. Existing infrastructure in municipalities is ageing while demand grows for better roads, bridges, sewers and water systems. In August 2012, the Province of Ontario initiated the Municipal Infrastructure Strategy, in which asset management planning is the foundation, and requires a formal Asset Management Plan to be in place by December 31, 2013 in order to apply for provincial funding. The Asset Management Plan includes detailed information on the state of the local infrastructure, expected levels of service, asset management strategy and financial strategy. The City has hired R.J. Burnside together with Watson &Associates Economists Ltd. to complete our initial Asset Management Plan, focusing on roads and bridges, which are the areas that are currently available for grant funding. The final version of our initial Asset Management Plan will be received by the City on Friday, November 29, 2013, and the Asset Management Plan and corresponding report will go directly to Council for consideration at the December 9, 2013 meeting. If the City's project is selected, an application is due in January 2014 and successful applicants will be informed in February 2014. The City will be required to enter into a Contribution Agreement with the Province in order to receive the funding as project milestones are achieved. Projects must be completed by December 31, 2015. • Attachments: 1. Expression of Interest Application 2. Location Map • Report ENG 19-13 November 18, 2013 Subject: Small, Rural and Northern Municipal Infrastructure Fund Grant Application Michell Bridge Rehabilitation Page 4 • Pre ared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Darrell Selsky Ri and Holborn, P. Eng. Manager, Capital Projects & In"rastructure Director, Engineering & Public Works Stan Karwowski, CMA, MBA Division Head, Finance & Treasurer DS:ds Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council aod&t, �nr. t1Z 13 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. • Chief Administrative Officer Attachment / Report ENG /q-/3 ��-- Ministry of • Small, Rural and Northern Municipal Ontario Infrastructure Infrastructure Fund — Capital Program — Expression of Interest The objective of the Small, Rural and Northern Municipal Infrastructure Fund-Capital Program is to support: • Critical road,bridge,water and wastewater projects where the primary objective is to address urgent public health and safety issues or maintain public health and safety in the long-term • Projects identified as priorities in municipal asset management plans • Applicants with challenging economic conditions and limited fiscal flexibility,with additional consideration for applicants who are making significant infrastructure investments. For more information,please refer to the Program Manual. If submitting by email, please save the completed form to your desktop and send as an attachment to new-municipal-infrastructure anontario.ca. Please attach the relevant documents to the email(e.g.,council resolution). If submitting a hardcopy of the completed form,all supporting documentation,including the applicable declaration documents must be sent to the following address: Small, Rural and Northern Municipal Infrastructure Fund-Capital Program do Rural Programs Branch Ministry of Rural Affairs 1 Stone Road West,4th Floor Guelph ON N1G 4Y2 Please fill in all fields on this form that apply to your proposed project. •Note if this is a joint project,please list all partners that are involved in this project,but only the contact information for the lead municipality/LSB. Section 1 -Municipality/LSB contact information Municipality/LSB` CITY OF PICKERING • Mailing Address Unit No./Suite/Apt. Street No. Street Name ONE THE ESPLANADE Rural Route PO Box Postal Station County/District City/Town Province Postal Code CITY OF PICKERING ONTARIO L1V 6K7 Authorized Contact • Last Name First Name Middle Initial SELSKY DARRELL B Position Telephone Number Email Address MANAGER 905 420-4660 dselsky @pickering.ca Section 2- Project Information Project Name MICHELL BRIDGE REHABILITATION Project Type.(Please Check all that apply) ❑ Road Bridge 0 Water Wastewater Combined Projects-Which of the above is addressing the primary problem(road,bridge,water or wastewater)? For Bridge Projects-Has a Municipal Structure Inspection Form been completed within the last two years(if no,will it be completed by the application deadline)? 0 Yes,currently have one or will have one by application deadline ❑ No Note: Bridge or combined projects with bridge elements must have a completed Municipal Structure Inspection Form for the proposed bridge to be eligible for funding at the application stage. 0037E(2013/09) m Queen's Printer for Ontario,2013 Disponible en frangais Page 1 of 4 • Section 3- Project Financial Information Total Project Cost Amount of provincial funding requested Provincial Funding as%of Total project costs$ $519,246.00 $467,730.00 90.00% , List the sources of financing for the project other than the provincial funding requested Funding source Amount 1 PROPERTY TAXES $51.516.00 Total $51,516.00 Section 4- Project Details Please provide an estimated cost of the work plan as outlined below Activities Estimated Cost$• Engineering/Design $50,000.00 EA/Permits $5,000.00 Project Management $35,000.00 • Construction $450,000.00 Miscellaneous $45,000.00 Total Eligible Costs . $585,000.00 Less Rebatable Taxes $65,754.00 • Total Net Eligible Cost $519,246.00 • Provincial Share at(must match Section 3) $467,730.00 Section 5-Project Location ` Unit No./Suite/Apt. Street No. Street Name 7TH CONCESSION ROAD Rural Route PO Box Postal Station County/District City/Town Province Postal Code CITY OF PICKERING ONTARIO Latitude Longitude 43.91954729 -79.18964354 Section 6- Health and Safety Issue Description. The issue description should clearly describe the current or future public health and/or safety problem arising from the current situation and the impact of the problem on the municipality or LSB(e.g., number of people affected). THE EXISTING BRIDGE IS IN A DETERIORATING SITUATION WHICH POSES SAFETY CONCERNS FOR PEDESTRIANS AND VEHICULAR TRAFFIC. THE EXISTING BRIDGE IS SITUATED ON A CONCESSION ROAD NEAR A WELL ESTABLISHED GOLF COURSE WHICH IS A LIFELINE FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLES SHOULD THE NEED ARISE. ULTIMATELY THE BRIDGE WOULD HAVE TO BE CLOSED FOR SAFETY REASONS UNTIL IT 1S REPLACED. 0037E(2013/09) Page 2 of 4 Section 7-Project Description The project description should outline the scope of-the project and alternative options considered. THE MOST RECENT STRUCTURAL APPRAISAL WAS DONE IN 2012 BY KEYSTONE BRIDGE MANAGEMENT WHICH ADVISED THE CITY THAT SHOULD THIS BRIDGE NOT RECEIVE EARLY INTERVENTION IT WILL NEED TO BE REPLACED INSTEAD OF MERELY BEING REHABILITATED. THE EXISTING MICHELL BRIDGE, WHICH WAS CONSTRUCTED ABOUT 1962 OVER THE REESOR CREEK, IS A 15.2m SINGLE SPAN CONCRETE RIGID FRAME BRIDGE WITH A CONCRETE DECK AND A GRAVEL WEARING SURFACE. THE CONCRETE DECK IS SUPPORTED ON CONCRETE ABUTMENTS CONSTRUCTED AT 30 DEGREES TO THE ROADWAY ALIGNMENT. BASED ON THE RESULTS OF THE PREVIOUS INSPECTIONS AND TESTING PROGRAM OF THE MICHELL BRIDGE, IT IS.RECOMMENDED THAT THE EXISTING GRAVEL WEARING SURFACE, GRANULAR BASE, CONCRETE AND HANDRAIL SYSTEMS BE REMOVED AND REPLACED.THE EXISTING CONCRETE DECK NEEDS TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED. THE NEW DECK WILL ALSO REQUIRE WATERPROOFING AND ASPHALT PAVEMENT.THE CONCRETE DECK SOFFIT; RETAINING WALLS AND WINGWALLS ARE TO BE • REHABILITATED.THE ROAD APPROACHES SHOULD BE ADJUSTED TO MATCH THE NEW DECK PROFILE. If this is a joint project in partnership with other municipalities, LSBs and/or First Nation communities,please describe the nature of the partnership. • Section 8- Project Rationale _ Please describe how the project would reduce or eliminate the current or future public health and/or safety problem. BRIDGE REHABILITATION IS FAR MORE FEASIBLE THAN BRIDGE REPLACEMENT. LESS GHG EMISSIONS DUE TO LESS BUILDING MATERIALS BEING REQUIRED AND LESS TRUCKING REQUIRED. REHABILITATION IS.FASTER THAN REPLACEMENT.LESS GHG EMISSIONS DUE TO SHORTER CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE. REDUCED GHG EMISSIONS FROM SAVINGS IN KILOMETRES TRAVELLED DURING THE TRAFFIC . DETOURS DUE TO CONSTRUCTION. Section 9-Asset Management Planning Is the proposed project a priority within your municipality's or LSB's comprehensive asset management plan? If your municipality/LSB is developing an asset management plan for December 31,2013 but has not yet completed it, is The proposed project expected to be a priority within the plan once complete?. NI Yes,the proposed project is a part of the comprehensive asset management plan or expected to be once completed No . ❑Other(explain) Note:Applicants that pass the pre-screen and are invited to submit a detailed application will be required to include their asset management plan with their application. 0037E(2013/09) Page 3 of 4 Section 10-Declaration Each Expression of Interest must be accompanied by a declaration*.For municipalities,the declaration must be made by council resolution. For LSBs,the declaration must be made by resolution from the LSB board. I certify that • the information in the Expression of Interest is factually accurate;and • the municipality or LSB has a comprehensive asset management plan that includes all of the information and analysis described in Building Together;Guide for Municipal Asset Management Plans in place or•will have one in place by December 31,2013. • the comprehensive asset management plan will be publicly available, including online if the municipality/LSB has a website,by May 30, 2014. • the project put forward in this application will be completed by December 31,2015. I have the authority to bind the municipality/LSB. ' Last Name First Name SELSKY DARRELL Title Date(yyyy/mm/dd) MANAGER, CAPITAL PROJECTS AND INFRASTRUCTURE 2013/11/01 if submitting an electronic copy of the resolution,please attach this document to the email submitted Section 11 -Documents Submitted With This Expression of Interest Please outline any files or documents(e.g.,council resolution)you will be submitting along with this Expression of Interest. If you are submitting this form by email,write a description of the file's contents to the left and indicate the file name or hyperlink to the right. Attach all documents to the same email as this form. If you are submitting this form by mail,simply write a description of each document you are submitting along with this Expression of Interest, in the left-hand column. Documents attached Description File name COUNCIL RESOLUTION TO BE SUBMITTED ONCE THE REPORT TO COUNCIL REGARDING THE RESOLUTION IS APPROVED AT THE NOVEMBER 18,2013 COUNCIL MEETING Submission Expressions of Interest must be received by 5 p.m.EST on November 1,2013. Questions?Call 1 877 424 1300 or send an email to new-municipal-infrastructure( ontario.ca Mailing address Small, Rural and Northern Municipal Infrastructure Fund-Capital Program c/o Rural Programs Branch Ministry of Rural Affairs 1 Stone Rd West,4th Floor Guelph ON N1G 4Y2 0037E(2013/09) Page 4 of 4 Attachment a Report ENG 19-13 vjg 1 4 - O ' . = GR�P( : O Iz k W zI o O N W o I' SUBJECT F ° c, BRIDGE �- O ROAD SEVENTH CONCESSION Z _•I/ IW 76DU2xJ I • w ii:c z w z IY o O Z r O i� ) zrn I J W IN N HIGHWAY 7 v r 1...:I � Z ) ( / ENGINEERING&PUBLIC City o¢ WORKS DEPARTMENT LOCATION MAP FOR a� MICHELL BRIDGE N N.T.S OCTOBER 30/2013 ,:1 1[ 7 L _ I e SCRIBE eSCRIBE r Workflow Status: eSCRIBE Approval Workflow MEETIJILS,EVOLVED Workflow Information initiator: Ross,Lucy Document: ENG 19-13 Small,Rural and Northern Municipal Infrastr-Michell Bridge Rehabilitation Started: 11/8/2013 11:32 AM Status: Approved Last run: 11/11/2013 2:22 PM Tasks The following tasks have been assigned to the participants in this workflow.Click a task to edit it.You can also view these tasks in the list Tasks. • A Assigned To Title • Due Date Status Related Content Outcome Holborn, ENG 19-13 Small,Rural and Northern Municipal Infrastr-Michell Bridge 11/8/2013 Completed ENG 19-13 Small,Rural and Northern Municipal Infrastr- ' Approved Richard Rehabilitation.docs Review Michell Bridge Rehabilitation Prevedel,Tony ENG 19-13 Small,Rural and Northern Municipal Infrastr-Michell Bridge 11/8/2013 Completed ENG 19-13 Small,Rural and Northern Municipal Infrastr- Approved Rehabilitatlon.doa Review Michell Bridge Rehabilitation Workflow History The following events have occurred in this workflow. Q Date Occurred Event Type _*User ID Description Outcome 11/8/2013 11:32 AM Workflow Initiated Ross,Lucy • eScribe Approval Started 11/8/2013 11:32 AM Task Created Holborn,Richard Approval Task Assigned 11/11/2013 12:41 PM Task Completed Holborn,Richard Document Approved 11/11/2013 12:41 PM Task Created Prevedel,Tony Approval Task Assigned 11/11/2013 2:22 PM Task Modified Donaldson,Margaret Task Changed Task Assignments Changed Task assigned to Prevedel,Tony had a delegate added Donaldson,Margaret 11/11/2013 2:22 PM •Task Completed Donaldson,Margaret Document Approved Approved By Delegate:Donaldson,Margaret 11/11/2013 2:22 PM Workflow Completed System Account Document was Approved • • • • •