HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 14-15 city co - Report to Planning & Development Committee PICKERING Report Number: PLN 14-15 Date: October 5, 2015 From: Thomas Melymuk • Director, City Development Subject: Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2014-04 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 11/14 K. Lazaridis and Louisville Homes Ltd. Part Lot 31, Concession 2, Parts 1 and 2, Plan 40R-28483 (452 Finch Avenue) City of Pickering Recommendation: • 1. That Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2014-04, submitted by K. Lazaridis and Louisville Homes Ltd., on lands being Part Lot 31, Concession 2, Parts 1 and 2, Plan 40R-28483, to establish a residential plan of subdivision consisting of 4 lots for 1 detached dwelling and 6 semi-detached dwellings, and a block for a road widening, as shown on Attachment#3 to Report PLN 14-15, and the implementing conditions of approval, as set out in Appendix I, be endorsed; and 2. Further, that Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 11/14, submitted by K. Lazaridis and Louisville Homes Ltd., to implement the Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2014-04 be endorsed with the provisions contained in Appendix II to Report PLN 14-15, and that staff be authorized to finalize and forward the implementing Zoning By-law Amendment to Council for enactment. Executive Summary: The subject lands are located on the north of Finch Avenue, west of Rosebank Road; in the Rouge Park Neighbourhood (see Location Map, Attachment#1). K. Lazaridis and Louisville Homes Ltd. have submitted applications for a Zoning By-law Amendment and a Draft Plan of Subdivision proposing a residential development. Based on comments received from area residents, the applicant has revised their proposal from 4 lots for 8 semi-detached dwellings to one lot for a detached dwelling and 3 lots for 6 semi-detached dwellings. The plan also provides for a block for Mahogany Court widening. Block 5 identified on the original plan has been conveyed to the abutting owner to the east (see Original Submitted Plan and Revised Submitted Plan, Attachments #2 and #3). Report PLN 14-15 October 5, 2015 Subject: K. Lazaridis and Louisville Homes Ltd. (SP-2014-04 &A 11/14) Page 2 A number of concerns were identified by area residents including: protecting and maintaining the existing shared driveway access from Finch Avenue by the abutting owner to the west; impacts related to construction activity; and compatibility of the proposed development with the existing residential development to the east. In response to these concerns, the applicant has agreed to rezone Lot 1 with an "(H)" Holding Symbol that will be lifted only once an alternate vehicular access to 450 Finch Avenue is secured and when the easement is relinquished by the abutting property owner. Temporary safety fence and silt fence will be erected prior to construction around the perimeter of the site. To ensure the proposal maintains the character of the existing development within the abutting subdivision to the east, the applicant has requested that the same zoning performance standards with respect to building height, yard setbacks, lot frontage, lot area and lot coverage be extended over their lands. Staff supports the proposed residential development as it is consistent with the established residential subdivision to the east, implements the policies of the Official Plan, and conforms to the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines. Accordingly, staff recommends that Council endorse Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 11/14, revised Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2014-04 and the related conditions of approval. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the recommendations of this report. 1. Background 1.1 Property Description The subject lands are located north of Finch Avenue, west of Rosebank Road, in the Rouge Park Neighbourhood (see Location Map, Attachment#1). The subject lands are approximately 0.33 of a hectare with approximately 58 metres of frontage along the south side of Mahogany Court. Vehicular access is currently provided from Finch Avenue through a right-of-way easement over lands owned by Ontario Hydro. This access also provides vehicular access for the abutting property to the west (450 Finch Avenue). The property currently supports a detached dwelling, which will be demolished in order to facilitate the proposed development. Surrounding land uses include: established low density residential development consisting of detached dwellings and semi-detached dwellings to the east and north fronting Mahogany Court and Rougewalk Drive; existing large residential properties having frontage on the north side of Finch Avenue containing detached dwellings to the west; and a Hydro Corridor to the south. Report PLN 14-15 October 5, 2015 Subject: K. Lazaridis and Louisville Homes Ltd. (SP-2014-04 &A 11/14) Page 3 1.2 Applicant's Proposal The applicant's original proposal requested to rezone two properties in order to facilitate a residential development consisting of 4 lots for 8 semi-detached dwellings fronting Mahogany Court and a block for a road widening (see Original Submitted Plan, Attachment#2). Based on comments received by area residents, the applicant has revised their proposal to create one lot for a detached dwelling adjacent to 450 Finch Avenue, and 3 lots for 6 semi-detached dwellings. The applicant has confirmed that the smaller of the two properties, 453 Mahogany Court, (identified as Block 5 on the Original Submitted Plan) has been conveyed to the abutting landowner to the east (see Revised Submitted Plan, Attachment#3). The proposed lot for the detached dwelling will have a minimum lot frontage of 9.0 metres. The minimum lot frontages for the semi-detached dwellings have been increased from 7.0 metres to 8.1 metres to ensure that the proposed lot frontages are generally consistent with the existing lot frontages along Mahogany Court and Rougewalk Drive. 2. Comments Received 2.1 Public comments from the April 13, 2015 Public Information Meeting and written submissions At the Public Information Meeting, approximately 15 residents attended the meeting to voice their concerns with respect to the development proposal. Specifically, the concerns identified are as follows: • the abutting owner to the west (450 Finch Avenue) expressed concerns with: the potential elimination of the property's legal right-of-way; the sharing of the right-of-way as a temporary construction access; the impact on the existing dwelling as a result of construction activity; and potential adverse impacts of grading and drainage • residents along Mahogany Court and Rougewalk Drive identified a number of concerns regarding: • compatibility of the proposed development with the existing neighbourhood with respect to built form, lot frontage, and size and scale of the proposed dwellings • impacts of construction activities including access, parking of construction vehicles, noise and dust, and the preference for the construction access to be from Finch Avenue rather than Mahogany Court • the desire for a neighbourhood park Report PLN 14-15 October 5, 2015 Subject: K. Lazaridis and Louisville Homes Ltd. (SP-2014-04 &A 11/14) Page 4 A petition from area residents representing 9 households within the adjacent subdivision to the east was received requesting the applicant consider building detached dwellings instead of semi-detached dwellings, and expressed concerns about the possible impact on property value. A letter was submitted by Pickering Shores Development Inc., who owns a block of land on the north side of Mahogany Court, requested that a clause be included in all Purchase and Sales agreements advising future homeowners that Mahogany Court will be extended further west in the future. 2.2 City Departments & Agency Comments Region of Durham • the Regional Official Plan designates the subject lands as "Living Area", which shall be used predominately for housing purposes • sanitary sewer and municipal water supply are available to service the proposed lots • the proposal complies with the policies of the Regional Official Plan and conditions of draft approval have been provided Hydro One • Hydro One has granted conditional approval of the Networks Inc. proposed construction access from Finch Avenue • no objection to the proposal, and conditions of draft approval have been provided Durham Catholic • no objection to the proposal District School • students generated from this development will attend Board St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Elementary School and St. Mary Catholic Secondary School Durham District • no objection to the proposal School Board • students generated from this development will attend Elizabeth B. Phin Public School and Dunbarton Public School Canadian Pacific • no objection to the proposal Railway • satisfied with the Environmental Noise Impact Study, as prepared by YCA Engineering Limited, and recommended the insertion of the warning clause in the conditions of draft plan approval Engineering & • generally satisfied with the development proposal Public Works • the subdivision agreement will address matters such as, but not limited to, works external to the site including installation of a storm sewer, sidewalk extensions, pre-condition surveys, construction management plan, cost sharing, fencing, landscaping, noise attenuation, securities, insurance, and lifting the reserve on Mahogany Court to provide access to the proposed lots Report PLN 14-15 October 5, 2015 Subject: K. Lazaridis and Louisville Homes Ltd. (SP-2014-04 &A 11/14) Page 5 3.0 Planning Analysis 3.1 The proposal conforms to the density provisions the Pickering Official Plan The Pickering Official Plan designates the subject property as "Urban Residential — Low Density Areas" within the Rouge Park Neighbourhood. Lands within this designation are intended primarily for housing at a net residential density of up to and including 30 units per net hectare. The proposed development will result in a density of approximately 23 units per net hectare, which is within the density range for lands designated Residential Low Density in the City's Official Plan. 3.2 The proposed residential development is consistent with the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Development Guidelines, and the recommended performance standards will ensure compatibility with the existing neighbourhood is maintained A number of residents expressed concerns regarding compatibility of the proposed development with the existing residential development to the east along Mahogany Court and Rougewalk Drive. The Official Plan recognizes that in establishing performance standards, restrictions and provisions for residential development, particular regard shall be had to protecting and enhancing the character of established neighbourhoods, considering such matters as lot frontage, building height,, yard setbacks, lot coverage, access to sunlight, parking provisions and traffic implications. The applicant is proposing one lot for a detached dwelling with a minimum lot frontage of 9.0 metres, and 3 lots for semi-detached dwellings with minimum lot frontages of 8.1 metres. The applicant has requested that the zoning provide the same minimum lot frontage requirements that exist within the residential subdivision to the east. The zoning for the lands to the east require a minimum lot frontage of 9.0 metres for lots zoned for detached dwellings and 7.0 metres for lots zoned for semi-detached dwellings. The applicant has advised that the proposed dwellings will have building heights of approximately 9.0 metres, which is generally consistent with the existing building heights along Mahogany Court and Rougewalk Drive, and less than the maximum building heights permitted in the zoning by-law for the adjacent subdivision to the east. The applicant will also be maintaining the building setbacks and lot coverage standards established for the abutting subdivision. Appendix II of this report outlines the recommended zoning performance standards for the zoning by-law. The proposed lotting pattern and development standards will ensure an appropriate built form that is compatible with the established residential development along Mahogany Court and Rougewalk Drive. Report PLN 14-15 October 5, 2015 Subject: K. Lazaridis and Louisville Homes Ltd. (SP-2014-04. &A 11/14) Page 6 3.3 Conditions of draft plan approval and the implementing by-law contains provisions to address various concerns identified by the adjacent property owner to the west The abutting owner to the west (450 Finch Avenue) expressed a number of concerns that have been addressed by the applicant. The primary concern was the use and possible removal of the abutting owner's legal right-of-way access on the subject lands. A portion of Lot 1 is currently encumbered by an easement in favour of the neighbouring property (450 Finch Avenue) to the west for purposes of a right-of-way access. To protect the existing driveway access for the adjacent property to the west, Lot 1 will be rezoned with an "(H)" Holding Symbol that will be only removed by City Council once an alternate vehicular access to 450 Finch Avenue is secured and when the easement is relinquished by the abutting property owner. Another concern raised was the applicant's proposal to use the vehicular access as a temporary construction access, and the potential parking of construction vehicles on the shared access. The applicant has submitted a preliminary construction management plan, which illustrates a designated parking area for construction vehicles and storage of building materials on the rear of lots 2, 3 and 4. This plan also notes that the shared driveway is to be unencumbered. The applicant has also agreed to ensure the access is maintained in good condition throughout the construction period and into the future. Other concerns expressed by the owner of 450 Finch Avenue include that the proposed grading and drainage from the new development will have an adverse impact on her property, and that construction activity will cause damage to her house. Conditions of final approval will require the applicant to submit detailed grading plans, which will require that drainage from the development not impact adjacent properties. As well, a pre-condition survey, prepared by a qualified professional engineer, will be required for the dwelling at 450 Finch Avenue. The pre-condition survey will evaluate the current status of the foundation wall and the dwelling prior to construction commencing on the Lazaridis property. 3.4 Construction activities t es are required to comply approved with the a roved Construction Management Plan Residents expressed a concern with the construction activity and impacts on the surrounding area. As noted above, the applicant has submitted a preliminary construction management plan, which addresses the following: details of erosion and sedimentation control during construction; parking of construction vehicles; storage of construction and building materials; location of the construction trailer; type and timing of construction fencing; and mud and dust control on all roads within and adjacent to the site. Report PLN 14-15 October 5, 2015 Subject: K. Lazaridis and Louisville Homes Ltd. (SP-2014-04 &A 11/14) Page 7 The preliminary construction management plan notes that the hours of construction activity and work will adhere to the City's Noise By-law (7:00 am to 7:00 pm Monday through Saturday and no work is permitted on Sundays or Statutory Holidays). Parking of vehicles and the storage of construction and building materials during servicing and construction will be located on the rear of lots 2, 3 and 4. The primary construction access will be from Finch Avenue • (through Lot 1). The applicant has also agreed to erect a 1.8 metre high temporary safety fence along Mahogany Court and a 1.2 metre high silt fence on the east, west and south property lines. 3.5 Opportunity for a future public park will be explored as development proceeds to the west The residents along Mahogany Court and Rougewalk Drive requested the City to explore opportunities to provide for a public park for the residents in this area. The Rouge Park Neighbourhood Guidelines identify a neighbourhood park near the northwest corner of Finch Avenue and Altona Road. The lands in this area are currently held in private ownership and by Infrastructure Ontario and Land Development. There are no plans to develop these lands at this time. There may be additional opportunities to provide a public parkette or village green when the lands to the west are developed. 3.6 Other matters have been addressed Pickering Shores Development Inc., who owns a remnant block of land on the north side of Mahogany Court, submitted a letter requesting that a clause be included in all Purchase and Sales agreements between the applicant and purchasers advising them that it is anticipated Mahogany Court be extended further westerly in the future to accommodate future development. The applicant has no objection to including a provision in their purchase and sales agreement to inform future residents regarding the extension of Mahogany Court. In addition, the subdivision agreement will require the applicant to post a sign at the terminus of Mahogany Court advising residents that it is anticipated Mahogany Court be further extended in the future. 4.0 Technical matters are to be addressed as conditions of subdivision approval To ensure appropriate development, the City, Region and agency requirements have been imposed as conditions of approval for the subdivision application. These conditions address matters such as, but not limited to, temporary construction access and construction management plan, stormwater management, archaeological assessment, noise mitigation measures, pre-condition survey, erection of a noise attenuation fence along rear lot lines, noise warning clauses, on-site grading, site servicing, cost sharing obligations, and a holding provision requirement in the zoning. The conditions of approval set out in Appendix I to this Report, address these (and other) matters. It is recommended that Council endorse these conditions. Report PLN 14-15 October 5, 2015 Subject: K. Lazaridis and Louisville Homes Ltd. (SP-2014-04 &A 11/14) Page 8 5.0 Staff recommend that a zoning by-law be finalized using the same zone provisions as the development to the east, and forwarded to Council for enactment The Zoning By-law Amendment seeks to rezone the subject lands from an "A" -Agricultural Zone to the same residential categories used in the existing development on Mahogany Court: "S5-2" - Detached Dwellings Zone; and "SD-7" - Semi-Detached Dwelling Zone. Staff supports the rezoning application and recommends that the site specific implementing by-law, containing the standards outlined in Appendix II, be brought before Council for enactment following approval of the draft plan of subdivision. 6.0 Applicant's Comments The applicant has been advised of the recommendations of this report. Appendices Appendix I Recommended Conditions of Approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2014-04 Appendix II Recommended Performance Standards for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 11/14 Attachments 1. Location Map 2. Original Submitted Plan 3. Revised Submitted Plan • Report PLN 14-15 October 5, 2015 Subject: K. Lazaridis and Louisville Homes Ltd. (SP-2014-04 &A 11/14) Page 9 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: .L .ree27. 5 Lalita Paray, IP, RPP Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Plann-r I Chief Planner Nilesh Surti, MCIP, RPP Thomas Mel uk, CIP, RP . Manager, Development Review Director, City Dev opment & Urban Design LP:Id Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council aqtkedi 4:j: 22, Zo/S Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer Appendix Ito Report PLN 14-15 Recommended Conditions of Approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2014-04 • Recommended Conditions of Approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2014-04 General Conditions 1. The Owner shall prepare the final plan generally on the basis of the draft plan of subdivision prepared by H.F. Grander Co. Ltd., dated July 29, 2015, on lands being Part Lot 31, Concession 2, Parts 1 and 2, Plan 40R-28483, City of Pickering, for the creation of 4 lots for 1 detached dwelling, 6 semi-detached dwellings, and a block for road widening (Mahogany Court), and-bearing the City's recommendation stamp. 40M-Plan 2. That the owner submits a Draft 40M-Plan to the satisfaction of the City Development Department. Zoning 3. That the implementing by-law for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 11/14 becomes final and binding. Subdivision Agreement • 4. That the Owner enters into a subdivision agreement with and to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering to ensure the fulfillment of the City's requirements, financial and otherwise, which shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the conditions outlined in this document. Pre-Condition Survey 5. That the Owner submits a pre-condition survey for 455 Mahogany Court and 450 Finch Avenue to the satisfaction of the City. The survey must be prepared by a qualified professional and must be undertaken prior to any site works commencing. Street Names 6. That street names and signage be provided to the satisfaction of the Region and the City. Development Charges & Inspection Fee 7. That the Owner satisfies the City financially with respect to the Development Charges Act. 8. That theOwner satisfies the City for contributions for development review and inspection fees. Recommended Conditions of Approval (SP-2014-04 — Louisville Homes Ltd.) Page 2 Dedications/Transfers/Conveyances 9. That the Owner conveys to the City at no cost Block 5 for road widening purposes. Architectural Control 10. That the Owner, prior to the preparation of the subdivision agreement, engages a control architect, to the satisfaction of the Director, City Development, who will prepare a siting and architectural design statement to the City's satisfaction, approve all models offered for sale and certify that all building permit plans comply with the City's approved statement. Stormwater 11. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering & Public Works respecting stormwater drainage and management system to service all the lands in the subdivision, and any provision regarding easements. 12. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering & Public Works for contributions for stormwater management maintenance fees. 13. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering & Public Works that all stormwater management and erosion and sedimentation control structures are operating and will be maintained and in good repair during the construction period. Grading 14. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering & Public Works respecting the submission and approval of a grading control plan. 15. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering & Public Works respecting the submission and approval of a geotechnical soils analysis. 16. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering & Public Works respecting authorization from abutting landowners for all off site grading. Cost Sharing 17. The Owner provide, to the City, a certified cheque payable to Vee-An Management in the amount of$11,001.93, being the Owner's pro-rated share of the costs associated with the installation of the storm sewer on Finch Avenue with Plan of Subdivision 40M-2254. Recommended Conditions of Approval (SP-2014-04 — Louisville Homes Ltd.) Page 3 Fill & Topsoil 18. The City's Fill & Topsoil Disturbance By-law prohibits soil disturbance, removal or importation to the site unless a permit has been issued. No on-site works prior to draft plan approval is permitted. A Fill & Topsoil Disturbance Permit will be required should grading works proceed prior to the subdivision agreement being executed. Road Allowances 19. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering & Public Works respecting the construction of roads with curbs, storm sewers, sidewalks and boulevard designs along Mahogany Court and Finch Avenue. 20. The Owner shall include a clause in all Agreements of Purchase and Sales advising purchasers that it is anticipated Mahogany Court be further extended as part of any future development of the lands to the west. 21. The Owner shall erect a sign, to the satisfaction of the City, at the terminus of Mahogany Court advising residents that it is anticipated Mahogany Court be further extended as part of any future development of the lands to the west. Reserve 22. That the Owner submit a written letter to the City requesting that the reserve along Mahogany Court (being Block 78, Plan 40M-2254) be dedicated as public highway, and submit the required fees associated with lifting the reserve. Construction/Installation of City Works & Services 23. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering & Public Works respecting the construction of roads, storm sewers, sidewalks and boulevard designs through a site servicing plan. 24. That the Owner satisfies the City respecting arrangements for the provision of all services required by the City. 25. That the Owner satisfies the appropriate authorities respecting arrangements for the provision of underground wiring, street lighting, cable television, natural gas and other similar services. 26. That the cost of any relocation, extension, alteration or extraordinary maintenance of existing services necessitated by this development shall be the responsibility of the Owner. Recommended Conditions of Approval (SP-2014-04 — Louisville Homes Ltd.) Page 4 27. The Owner shall provide for the extension of such sanitary sewer and water supply facilities which are external to, as well as within, the limits of this plan, that are required to service this plan. In addition, the Owner shall provide for the extension of sanitary sewer and water supply facilities within the limits of the plan which are required to service other developments external to this subdivision. Such sanitary sewer and water supply facilities are to be designed and constructed according to the standards and requirements of the Region of Durham. All arrangements, financial and otherwise for said extensions are to be made to the satisfaction of the Region and are to be completed prior to final approval of this plan. Easements 28. That the Owner conveys to the City, at no cost, any easements as required and any reserves as required by the City. 29. That the Owner conveys any easement to any utility provider to facilitate the installation of their services in a location(s) to the satisfaction of the City and the utility provider. 30. That the Owner arranges, at no cost to the City, any easements required on third party lands for servicing, and such easements shall be in a location as determined by the City and/or the Region and are to be granted upon request at any time after draft approval. 31. That the Owner satisfies the Director, Engineering & Public Works with any required easement for works, facilities or use rights that are required by the City. Construction Management Plan 32. That the Owner makes arrangements with the City respecting a construction management plan, such Plan to contain, among other matters: (i) details of erosion and sedimentation controls during all phases of construction and provide maintenance requirements to maintain these controls as per the City's Erosion & Sediment Control Guideline for Urban Construction; (ii) addressing the parking of vehicles and the storage of construction and building materials during servicing and house construction, and ensuring that such locations will not impede the flow of traffic or emergency vehicles on existing streets, proposed public streets, or the right-of-way to 450 Finch Avenue; (iii) assurance that the City's Noise By-law will be adhered to and that all contractors, trades and suppliers are advised of this By-law; (iv) the provision of mud and dust control on all roads within and adjacent to the site; (v) type and timing of construction fencing and existing trees to be retained; (vi) location of construction trailers; and (vii) details of the temporary construction access through the Hydro Corridor, and over Lot 1. • Recommended Conditions of Approval (SP-2014-04 — Louisville Homes Ltd.) Page 5 Fencing 33. That the Owner satisfies the City with respect to the provision of temporary fencing around the entire perimeter of the subject lands during construction, prior to the commencement of any works. 34. That Owner satisfies the City with respect to the provision of permanent fencing for lands adjacent to Hydro One lands and as per the Noise Attenuation Report. Landscaping 35. That the Owner submits a boulevard street tree-planting plan to the satisfaction of the City. Tree Compensation 36. That prior to final approval of the draft plan, or any phase thereof, the Owner agrees that compensation for the loss of tree canopy will be required either 'through cash-in-lieu and/or replanting. Where replanting is considered, the applicant will be required to provide four copies of a Landscape Plan/Replanting Plan to the satisfaction of the Engineering & Public Works Department. Engineering Plans 37. That the Owner ensures that the engineering plans are coordinated with the streetscape/sitjng and architectural control statement, and further, that the engineering plans coordinate the driveway, street hardware and street trees to ensure that conflicts do not exist, asphalt is minimized and all objectives of the streetscape/siting and architectural control guidelines can be achieved. 38. That the Owner satisfies the City respecting the submission of appropriate engineering drawings that detail, among other things: City services; roads; storm sewers; sidewalks; lot grading; streetlights; fencing and tree planting; and financially-secure such works. Noise Attenuation 39. That the Owner satisfies the requirements of the Ministry of Environment regarding the approval of a noise study recommending noise control features to the satisfaction of the Region of Durham and the City of Pickering. 40. That the Owner agrees in the subdivision agreement to implement noise control measures and warning clauses as recommended in the noise report as approved by the City of Pickering. Recommended Conditions of Approval (SP-2014-04 — Louisville Homes Ltd.) Page 6 Development Blocks 41. That the Owner agrees that no development will proceed on Lot 1, until such time as an alternate vehicular access to 450 Finch Avenue is secured to the satisfaction of the City and the easement is relinquished by the owner of 450 Finch Avenue. 42. That until such time as Lot 1 referred to above are developed, the Owner shall keep and maintain Lot 1 in good repair, traversable in all seasons and in a clean and orderly fashion, to the satisfaction of the City, at no expense to the City. Archaeological Assessment 43. Prior to any site alternation, the Owner shall carry out an archaeological assessment of the subject property and any mitigation and/or salvage excavation of any significant heritage resources to the satisfaction of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport. No grading or other soil disturbance shall take place on the subject property prior to a letter of clearance from the Regulatory and Operations Group of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport. Parkland Dedication 44. That the Owner satisfies the City with respect to the payment of cash-in-lieu in accordance with the parkland dedication requirements of the Planning Act. Fire 45. That the Owner agrees that no development will proceed on any land until adequate services are available including adequate water pressure to the satisfaction of the City's Fire Services Division. Hydro One Network Inc. 46. That the Owner shall make arrangements satisfactory to Hydro One Network Inc. for the crossing of the hydro right-of-way for construction access. Canada Post 47. That the Owner, through the approval of the Utility Coordination Plan for the location, enters into an agreement with Canada Post Corporation for the provision of a Community Mailbox including technical specifications, notice requirements and financial terms. 48. That the Owner agrees to determine and provide a suitable temporary Community Mailbox location, if required, to the satisfaction of the City. Recommended Conditions of Approval (SP-2014-04 — Louisville Homes Ltd.) Page 7 Model Homes 49. That the Owner enters into a model home agreement with the City, if applicable for this draft plan. All model homes must satisfy all requirements of the siting and • architectural design statement. Plan Revisions 50. The Owner acknowledges and agrees that the draft plan of subdivision and associated conditions of approval may require revisions, to the satisfaction of the City, to implement or integrate any recommendation resulting from studies required as conditions of approval. 51. That the Owner revises the draft plan, as necessary to the satisfaction of the City, to accommodate any technical engineering issues which arise during the review of the final engineering drawings. Required revisions may include revising the number of residential building lots or reconfiguring the roads or lots to the City's satisfaction. 52. That the Owner agrees to implement the requirements of all studies that are required by the City for the development of this draft plan of subdivision to the satisfaction of the City. Cost Recovery 53. That the Owner agrees to contribute their proportionate share of the Rouge Park Neighbourhood Study. 54. That the Owner agrees to contribute to shared service costs for stormwater management purposes in general conformity with the Rouge Park Master Environmental Servicing Plan. Other Approval Agencies 55. That any approvals which are required from the Region of Durham or any utility for the development of this plan be obtained by the Owner, and upon request written confirmation be provided to the City as verification of these approvals. Appendix II to Report PLN 14-15 Recommended Performance Standards for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 11/14 Recommended Performance Standards for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 11/14 • That the implementing zoning by-law to permit detached dwelling lots in accordance with the following provisions: 1. Lot 1 — "S5-2" site specific zoning a. Permitted Use — Detached Dwelling b. minimum lot area — 250 metres c. minimum lot frontage — 9.0 metres d. minimum front yard depth —4.5 metres e. minimum interior side yard width — 1.2 metres on one side and 0.6 metres on the other side f. minimum rear yard depth — 7.5 metres g. maximum lot coverage —48 percent h. maximum building height— 12.0 metres i. minimum one private garage per lot attached to the main building, any vehicular entrance of which shall be located not less than 6.0 metres from the front lot line j. maximum width of driveway—4.5 metres k. maximum projection of the garage from the front wall containing the main entrance to the dwelling shall not exceed 2.0 metres in length I. covered and unenclosed porch or verandah not exceeding 1.5 metres in height above established grade may encroach a maximum of 2.0 metres into the required minimum front yard m. any uncovered decks, platforms and steps not exceeding 1.5 metres in height above established grade may encroach a maximum of 3.0 metres in to the rear yard 2. Lots 2 to 4— "SD-7" site specific zone a. Permitted Use — Semi-detached dwelling b. minimum lot area — 205 metres c. minimum lot frontage— 8.0 metres d. minimum front yard depth —4.5 metres e. minimum interior side yard width of 1.2 metres on one side and on the side where dwellings on adjacent lots are attached, no side yard is required f. minimum rear yard depth — 7.0 metres g. maximum lot coverage — 50 percent h. maximum building height— 12.0 metres i. minimum one private garage per lot attached to the main building, any vehicular entrance of which shall be located not less than 6.0 metres from the front lot line j. maximum driveway width — 3.5 metres k. maximum projection of the garage from the front wall containing the main entrance to the dwelling shall not exceed 2.0 metres in length I. covered and unenclosed porch or verandah not exceeding 1.5 metres in height above established grade may encroach a maximum of 2.0 metres into the required minimum front yard m. any uncovered decks, platforms and steps not exceeding 1.5 metres in height above established grade may encroach a maximum of 3.0 metres in to the rear yard 3. "(H)" Holding Symbol — Lot 1 a. Subject to an "(H)" Holding Symbol, no development will proceed on Lot 1, until such time as an alternate vehicular access to 450 Finch Avenue is secured to the satisfaction of the City and the easement is relinquished by the owner of 450 Finch Avenue. 4. Model Homes a. a maximum of two model homes together with not fewer than two parking spaces per model home, may be constructed on the lands set out in Schedule I attached to this By-law prior to the division of those lands by registration of a plan of subdivision b. Model Home shall mean a dwelling unit which in not used for residential purposes pursuant to an agreement with the City of Pickering ATTACHMENT# / TO REPUR1 # ' fLN 111-1• a 0 cK Y Z C.P.R. 111111 NO mm • SU3JECT me```` PROPERTY ) I FINCH AVENUE ` —II AVENUE ■ DRIVo GO °Q III 0 IIII CC • ��oRo Z II CO Mara w 0 ROAD' RN ■ El MOW�I I _ . mil au iii,,,, 4 -IL,mi -11- -Am 4.4r 4, T ■■ =MI!` m■�11� mai N =I J DRIVE gill City . Location Map 00 FILE No: SP-2014-04 and A011/14 '-- -° 'A-[- APPLICANT: K. Lazaridis and Louisville Homes Ltd. Si'I`� 1 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION:Part Lot 31, Concession 2, Parts 1 and 2, City Development Plan 40R-28483 DATE: Sept.3, 2015 Department Data Sa�rae.: o T0 t M PEAC nr Ie.p ar...A pit RAervre ..N oRe ae rvn. S a rvpelya.n of „raY. SCALE 1:5,000 PN-14 ATTACHMENT# 2- TO REPORT# ;1t ill-/5 \ \ 11 I \\\ \ II I \\ O II I G II \ MAHOGANY \ \ . \ \ MAHOGANY COURT \ \ \ \ 7.00 I 7.00 7.00 I 7.00 7.00 I 7.00 700 � 8,6 \\ \ \ . j \ I I \ I BLOCK 5 �- I I I ,/ ' I I - I , I'I i - 11 BLOCK ' 1 BLOCK 2 BLOCK I 3 BLOCK I 4 • , I I I � I I I I . ' � I I I I •I N* 1 1 1 1 I II I IL 1 FINCH AVENUE /\ . i N Original Submitted Plan City o _ FILE No:SP-2014-04 and A 011/14 m:--: APPLICANT: K. Lazaridis and Louisville Homes Ltd. IKON at4 re PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Part of Lot 31, Concession 2, Parts 1 and 2, City Development Plan 40R-28483, and all of Block 70, Plan 40M-2254 1 Department ent FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. DATE:Mar. 18,2015 ATTACHMENT#, 3 TO . REPORT # - 'PLR 1i-1-15 „ , V II VV 1 . II II II ,1V \ II V II V I I I \ 1 . 1 MAHOGANY COURT BLOCK 5 1,, 8.1 m i • 9.Om 8.1m 1 8.1m 8.1m 18.1m 8.1m t ,`N s, , \` 1 t I �\ I 1 I I I • I 1 1 1 I I { 1 I I �� v :1 L 'IT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 4■ �' LOT 1 I 1 / �e- • N I 1 E E E COs : i (NOV' 1 1 moo : °GOB 1 1 FINCH AVENUE —'—' limit of lands being to landowner to the east 9 conve ed Y b/\ Revised Submitted Plan C FILE No: SP-2014-04 and A 011/14 APPLICANT: K. Lazaridis and Louisville Homes Ltd. W ROI NI M N I O[ PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Part Lot 31, Concession 2, Parts 1 and 2 City Development Plan 40R-28483 Department FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING DATE:Set 11,2015 CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT P