HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformation Report 06-15 o0 Information Report to Planning & Development Committee PICKERING Report Number: 06-15 Date: October 5, 2015 From: Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Chief Planner Subject: Draft Plans of Subdivision Applications SP-2015-01, SP-2015-03, SP-2015-04, SP-2015-05, SP-2015-06 Zoning By-law Amendment Applications A 2/15, A 5/15, A 8/15, A 10/15 and A 11/15 Ontario Infrastructure and Land Corporation Seaton Community 1. Purpose of this Report The purpose of this report is to provide preliminary information regarding applications for five Draft Plans of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendments, submitted by Ontario Infrastructure and Land Corporation, being the Province of Ontario, for various parcels in the Seaton Community of Pickering. This report contains general information on the applicable Official Plan, Zoning By-law and other related policies, and identifies matters raised to date. This report is intended to assist members of the public and other interested stakeholders to understand the proposals. Planning & Development Committee will hear public delegations on the applications, ask questions of clarification and identify any planning issues. This report is for information and no decisions on these applications are being made at this time. Staff will bring forward a recommendation report for consideration by the Planning & Development Committee upon completion of a comprehensive evaluation of the proposal. 2. Property Locations and Proposal Detail Ontario Infrastructure and Land Corporation (OILC) has submitted five applications for the approval of draft plans of subdivision and related zoning by-law amendments. The proposals reflect the developable OILC lands in each of the Seaton Neighbourhoods. Further, all the Seaton Natural Heritage System lands throughout Seaton are included in one of the rezoning applications. The following subsections describe the various applications. 2.1 Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2015-01 and Zoning By-law Amendment A 2/15 Neighbourhood 21 (Phase 2) These applications represent the OILC lands in Seaton Neighbourhood 21, Pickering Innovation Corridor, being the Seaton Phase 2 Employment Lands (see Neighbourhood 21: Pickering Innovation Corridor Neighbourhood Plan, Attachment#1). The Seaton Phase 1 Employment Lands subdivision application is presently being processed through the Ontario Municipal Board. Information Report No. 06-15 Page 2 2.1.1 Property Description • the subject lands comprising of eight individual parcels generally located between Sideline 26 and Sideline 34 and on the south side of Highway 7, east of North Road, and on the north and south side of Highway 7 west of North Road • these lands are located in the northwest quadrant of the Seaton Community (see Location Map, Attachment#2) • the subject lands have a total land area of approximately 284 hectares and are bisected by Highway 407/ETR • the lands are currently used for agricultural/rural activities with rural residential properties along Highway 7 • two dwellings along Highway 7 are identified as being of heritage interest • surrounding land uses include: north - on the north side of Highway 7 are the Federal Airport Lands that currently support agricultural activities, open space lands and agricultural lands south - additional lands owned by the Province that are designated Seaton Natural Heritage System east - additional lands owned by the Province that are designated Seaton Natural Heritage System, and further east additional future Employment Lands west - the Hamlet of Green River, and open space and agricultural lands 2.1.2 Application Detail • the predominate uses in the draft plan are for employment: 134 hectares for Prestige Employment General uses; 17 hectares for Prestige Employment Node uses; and 1 hectare of Employment Services uses (see Submitted Plan, Attachment#3) • the Prestige Employment Node uses are generally located in close proximity to the proposed 407 interchange at Sideline 26 • a 27 hectare district park is proposed at the west end of the draft plan • the draft plan contains 13 hectares of land to be provided to the Region of Durham for a transit/work depot and waste transfer depot at the west end of the draft plan, immediately south of the district park • two heritage lots are proposed that contain heritage buildings • the draft plan also contains lands for a future transitway station, stormwater management facilities, and open space (Seaton Natural Heritage System lands) • the Employment Lands are separated from the proposed residential lands being developed by others in existing draft approved plans of subdivision by Natural Heritage System land that will act as a buffer between the land uses • see Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2015-01 details on Attachment#4 • Information Report No. 06-15 Page 3 2.2 Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2015-03 and Zoning By-law Amendment A 5/15 Neighbourhood 20 These applications represent the OILC lands in Seaton Neighbourhood 20, Thompson's Corner. The subject draft plan represents all the developable land within this Neighbourhood (see Neighbourhood 20: Thompson's Corner Neighbourhood Plan, Attachment#5). 2.2.1 Property Description • the subject lands consisting of five individual parcels located in the northeast quadrant of the Seaton Community; Brock Road acts as a spine for the neighbourhood (see Location Map, Attachment#6) • the subject lands have a total land area of approximately 191 hectares • the realigned Brock Road at the Highway 407/ETR interchange is reflected in the development plan • the Hamlet of Brougham is not included in the applications • the lands are currently used for agricultural/rural activities and open space lands • surrounding land uses include: north - the Hamlet of Brougham, and on the north side of Highway 7 are the Federal Airport Lands that currently support agricultural/rural activities south - additional lands owned by the Province designated Seaton Natural Heritage System east - north of Whitevale Road are rural/open space lands, and south of Whitevale Road, in the Town of Ajax, there is a pioneer cemetery and rural uses west - additional lands owned by the Province that are designated Seaton Natural Heritage System, and along the Highway 407/ETR corridor are additional future Employment Lands 2.2.2 Application Detail • the proposed draft plan of subdivision is reflective of the land use designations in Neighbourhood 20 of the Official Plan • the Neighbourhood is considered a complete community given the integration of a diversity of land uses that includes employment, commercial, residential, schools and community facilities (see Submitted Plan, Attachment#7) • the draft plan proposes approximately: 34 hectares of Prestige Employment Node; 14 hectares of Prestige Employment General; 6 hectares of Community Node; 8 hectares of Mixed Corridor; 14 hectares of Medium Density Residential; and, 11 hectares of Low Density Residential • the projected number of dwelling units in the draft plan of subdivision is approximately 2,398 units • the Community Node is located along Brock Road, central to the neighbourhood; a Pedestrian Predominant Street runs perpendicular to Brock Road, and forms the spine of the Community Node Information Report No. 06-15 Page 4 • mixed corridor uses are proposed along the west side of Brock Road, south of the Community Node and extending south of Whitevale Road; with possible uses including residential, retail and office • a cluster of blocks for community facilities is located in the area of Brock Road, north of Whitevale Road that are intended for a high school, an elementary school, a neighbourhood park and a recreation centre • see Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2015-03 details on Attachment#8 2.3 Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2015-04 and Zoning By-law Amendment A 8/15 Neighbourhood 17 These applications represent the OILC lands in Seaton Neighbourhood 17: Brock-Taunton. The subject draft plan represents all of the developable land within this Neighbourhood (see Neighbourhood 17: Brock - Taunton Neighbourhood Plan, Attachment#9). 2.3.1 Property Description • the subject lands consist of six individual parcels located in the southeast quadrant of the Seaton Community; Brock Road and Taunton Road act as spines for the neighbourhood (see Location Map, Attachment#10) • the subject lands have a total land area of approximately 32 hectares • Neighbourhood 17 is the smallest of all the Seaton Neighbourhoods; the majority of lands within this Neighbourhood are Seaton Natural Heritage System, resulting in the a limited amount of developable land • the lands are currently used for agricultural/rural activities and open space lands • surrounding land uses include: south - the CPR rail lines, and further south, the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood that contains open space, residential and mixed corridor lands north - additional lands owned by the Province designated Seaton Natural west Heritage System that currently support agricultural and rural/open south space lands 2.3.2 Application Detail • the proposed draft plan of subdivision is reflective of the land use designations in Neighbourhood 17 of the Official Plan • the draft plan consist of six development blocks, three large blocks at the intersection of Taunton Road and Brock Road, and three blocks west of Brock Road that are accessed off of Taunton Road and Concession Road 4 (see Submitted Plan, Attachment #11) • the three larger developable blocks, which are clustered around the Taunton Road and Brock Road intersection, are proposed to be the main focus area for the Neighbourhood with the highest concentration of activity and the greatest potential for diversity of residential and commercial uses Information Report No. 06-15 Page 5 • these blocks are all designated as Gateway Sites, and residential development of these lands will be in the form of High Density Residential such as apartment buildings • the lands at the northwest corner of the Brock Road and Taunton Road intersection are proposed to be transferred to the Region of Durham for a police station, subject to the approval of the Region of Durham • the developable blocks located on the south side of Taunton Road and Concession Road 4 are proposed for High and Medium Density Residential in the form of apartment buildings and townhouses • see Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2015-04 details on Attachment#12 2.4 Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2015-05 and Zoning By-law Amendment A 10/15 Neighbourhood 19 These applications represent the remnant developable lands owned by OILC in Seaton Neighbourhood 19, Wilson Meadows. The majority of developable lands in this Neighbourhood are owned by various Seaton developers and have been rezoned and the subdivisions have been draft approved (see Neighbourhood 19: Wilson Meadows Neighbourhood Plan, Attachment#13). The rezoning application is for the OILC developable lands within this draft plan of subdivision, and also includes the zoning for all the lands in the Seaton Natural " Heritage System in all of Seaton that have not been included in previous rezoning applications. This application includes the Provincially owned Natural Heritage System lands as well as some privately owned Open Space Systems lands. 2.4.1 Property Description • the subject lands consisting of nine individual parcels spread across Neighbourhood 19 • some of the lands are small remnant parcels and others are larger developable blocks (see Location Map, Attachment#14) • the subject lands have a total land area of approximately 41 hectares • the subject lands include: Low Density Type 1 Areas; Low Density Type 2 Areas; Medium Density Areas; Stormwater Management Facilities; Heritage Lots; Community Park; Neighbourhood Park; and land for Elementary School use • the lands are currently used for agricultural/rural activities and open space uses • rural detached dwellings, including heritage lots are located along Whitevale Road • the largest developable block in the Provincially owned lands is surrounded by Seaton. Natural Heritage System and adjacent to other Low and Medium Residential Density Areas within the Neighbourhood Information Report No. 06-15 Page 6 2.4.2 Application Detail • the proposed draft plan of subdivision is reflective of the land use designations in Neighbourhood 19 of the Official Plan • the draft plan for the Provincially-owned lands in Neighbourhood 19 supports the overall vision of Neighbourhood 19 and contributes to the completion of development areas (see Submitted Concept Plan, Attachment#15) • the draft plan proposes a total of 550 dwelling units: 317 detached dwellings; 94 semi-detached dwellings; and139 townhouse dwelling units • the draft plan proposes community park blocks on the north side of Whitevale Road, a portion of a neighbourhood park that will be assembled with a park block in an abutting subdivision, and one elementary school block • one heritage lot is also proposed in the draft plan • see Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2015-05 details on Attachment#16 • the rezoning application includes not only the land within the draft plan of subdivision, but also includes the Provincially owned Seaton Natural Heritage System lands, as well as some privately owned Open Space System lands (see Seaton Natural Heritage Systems Lands, Attachment#17) • the additional private lands included in the rezoning application were requested by the City to ensure all the open space lands within Seaton will be rezoned to an appropriate Open Space System zone 2.5 Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2015-06 and Zoning By-law Amendment A 11/15 Neighbourhoods 18 and 16 These applications represent the remnant developable parcels owned by OILC in Seaton Neighbourhood 18, Mount Pleasant and two small parcels in Neighbourhood 16, Lamoreaux (see Neighbourhood 18: Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood Plan, Attachment#18 and Neighbourhood 16: Lamoreaux Neighbourhood Plan, Attachment#19). The subject draft plan represents the OILC developable lands within these Neighbourhoods. The majority of developable lands in these Neighbourhoods are owned by various Seaton developers that have been rezoned and the subdivisions have been draft approved. 2.5.1 Property Description • the subject lands consisting of eight individual parcels spread across Neighbourhood 18, as well as two parcels in Neighbourhood 16 • some of these parcels of land are small remnant pieces and others are larger developable blocks (see Location Map, Attachment#20) • the subject lands have a total area of approximately 41 hectares • the Provincially owned lands in Neighbourhood 18 are spread across the northern portion of Neighbourhood 18, and are generally adjacent to Low Density Type 1 land uses that are held by other landowners and are also adjacent to the Seaton Natural Heritage System and/or the Hamlet of Whitevale Information Report No. 06-15 Page 7 • the subject lands include lands designated as Low Density Area Type 1, Low Density Area Type 2, Village Green, Open Space and Hamlet Heritage Open Space • a Community Park, a Neighbourhood Park and two elementary schools sites are identified within the lands designated Hamlet Heritage Open Space • the Neighbourhood 16 lands include a block designated as a Mixed Corridor Type 2 — Gateway Site, and a block for High Density Residential 2.5.2 Application Detail • the proposed draft plan of subdivision is reflective of the land use designations in Neighbourhoods 16 and 18 of the Official Plan (see Submitted Plan, Attachment#21) • the larger development blocks in Neighbourhood 18 are adjacent to the Hamlet of Whitevale • the lands that partially surround the Hamlet of Whitevale, located in the lands designated Hamlet Heritage Open Space, are intended to provide a buffer/transition between new urban development and the Hamlet, while supporting community integration • the Hamlet Heritage Open Space designation allows for institutional and recreational facilities, including two blocks for elementary schools, a Community Park, a Neighbourhood Park and a stormwater management pond • two blocks for elementary school sites are located in the northwestern and southeastern corners of the Hamlet Heritage Open Space • the Hamlet Heritage Open Space designation also has a Neighbourhood Park proposed south of Whitevale Road, and a Community Park north of Whitevale Road; both parks are directly adjacent to new Low Density Area neighbourhoods • north of the Hamlet Heritage Open Space designation, on the west side of North Road, is a residential development parcel that is proposed for 148 detached dwellings and 24 semi-detached dwellings • the other developable parcel in Neighbourhood 18 is on the south side of Whitevale Road, east of the Whitevale Cemetery • this parcel is proposed for 47 detached dwellings • an open space block is proposed on the west side of the cemetery that is designated as Cemetery • the two remnant developable parcels in Neighbourhood 16 are a Gateway block along Sideline 26 that is anticipated to be developed with adjacent property, and a High Density block along Taunton Road • see Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2015-06 details on Attachment#22 3. Policy Framework 3.1 Central Pickering Development Plan • the Central Pickering Development Plan (CPDP) sets out the principles and goals that outline the general development vision for the overall Seaton Urban Area, including the integration of new sustainable urban development while ensuring the protection, maintenance and enhancement of the natural heritage system Information Report No. 06-15 Page 8 • the objectives and policies of the CPDP are designed to achieve the vision of Seaton • the Provincially owned lands that are subject to these applications generally conform to the intent of the CPDP 3.2 Durham Regional Official Plan • the Seaton Neighbourhoods fall under `Special Policy Area A (Pickering)', in the Durham Regional Official Plan, and these lands shall be developed in accordance with the CPDP and implementing Neighbourhood Plans • the design, structure and uses proposed for the Provincially owned lands within the Neighbourhoods are consistent with those permitted in the CPDP and the Neighbourhood Plans • the applications comply with the Durham Regional Official Plan 3.3 Pickering Official Plan • the subject lands are within the Seaton Urban Area Boundary • the Official Plan contains policies governing various land use designations, such as Residential Areas, Mixed Use Areas, Employment Areas, and Open Space System, all of which are located in the Seaton Neighbourhoods • the Official plan establishes various polices for such matters as density, intensity of land use and sustainability • Official Plan Amendment 22 further defies the land use designations as well as establishes polices for such matters as the Seaton Natural Heritage System, cultural heritage, sustainable development, servicing, and urban design • the applications will be assessed against the policies and provisions of the Pickering Official Plan during the further processing of the applications 3.3.1 Seaton Sustainable Place-Making Guidelines • the Seaton Sustainable Place-Making Guidelines address the urban design guidelines contained within the CPDP and expands upon the key design elements: • the Guidelines set out minimum standards and benchmarks for plans of subdivision and site plans, and list the range of matters that are to be addressed in the development of the lands • the Guidelines provide direction on the design of the public realm, built form and green infrastructure and buildings • the applications will be assessed against the policies and provisions of the Seaton Sustainable Place-Making Guidelines during the further processing of the applications 3.4 Zoning By-law 3037 • the subject lands are zoned "A" — Rural Agricultural.Zone under Restricted Area Zoning By-law 3037, as amended, which currently permits a detached dwelling, home occupation, and various agricultural and related uses Information Report No. 06-15 Page 9 • portions of the subject lands are zoned "G"- Greenbelt— Conservation Zone • portions of the subject lands are zoned "Q"- Pit and Quarry Zone • amendments are proposed to delete all of the subject lands from Zoning By-law 3037 and to add these lands to the new Seaton Zoning By-law 7364/14 in order to facilitate the implementation of the draft plans of subdivision and provide appropriate zoning for the Seaton Open Space System 4. Comments Received 4.1 Resident Comments • • no comments received 4.2 Agency Comments • comments received to date from agencies relate to technical implementation matters and no agency that has commented has provided any comments on land use matters 4.3 City Departments Comments Heritage Pickering • applications SP-2015-01 &A 2/15 and SP-2015-03 & Advisory Committee A 3/15 were considered by HPAC on July 22, 2015 (HPAC) • the applicant should prepare a Heritage Assessment Report for the properties at 575 and 815 Highway 7 and a Heritage Impact Statement for the property at 3440 Brock Road 5. Planning & Design Section Comments The following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: • ensuring the applications will implement the City's Official Plan and the Seaton Neighbourhood policies • ensuring the proposal is consistent with the City's urban design goals and objectives in the Seaton Sustainable Place-Making Guidelines • ensuring that the submitted Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report is consistent with the Seaton Master Environmental Servicing Plan to the satisfaction of the Region, the City and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority • ensuring a full heritage assessment for appropriate properties has been undertaken and adverse impacts are appropriately mitigated • ensuring that the proposed development contains appropriate sustainable development components • ensuring that required technical submissions and reports meet City standards • the City Development Department will conclude its position on the applications after it has received and assessed comments from the circulated departments, agencies and the public Information Report No. 06-15 Page 10 6. Information Received Full scale copies of the plans and studies listed below are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering, City Development Department: • Archaeological Assessments • Environmental Noise Assessments • Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Reports • Phase One Environmental Site Assessments • Planning Rationale/Sustainable Development Guidelines Reports Copies of this information will be posted on the City's website. 7. Procedural Information 7.1 General • written comments regarding these proposals should be directed to the City Development Department • oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting • all comments received will be noted and used as input to a Planning Report prepared by the City Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council • any member of the public who wishes to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for these proposals or makes a decision on the draft plans of subdivision • any member of the public who wishes to be notified of Council's decision regarding these proposals must request such in writing to the City Clerk 8. Owner/Applicant Information • the owner of the subject lands is Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation on behalf of the Province of Ontario, represented by Graham Martin and Anton Potasok • the applications have been submitted by John van Nostrand and Emma West of planningAlliance on behalf of Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation Information Report No. 06-15 Page 11 Attachments 1. Neighbourhood 21: Pickering Innovation Corridor Neighbourhood Plan 2. Location Map SP-2015-01 3. Submitted Plan SP-2015-01 4. , Development Detail SP-2015-01 5. Neighbourhood 20: Thompson's Corner Neighbourhood Plan 6. Location Map SP-2015-03 7. Submitted Plan SP-2015-03 8. Development Detail SP-2015-03 9. Neighbourhood 17: Brock - Taunton Neighbourhood Plan 10. Location Map SP-2015-04 11. Submitted Plan SP-2015-04 12. Development Detail SP-2015-04 13. Neighbourhood 19: Wilson Meadows Neighbourhood Plan 14. Location Map SP-2015-05 15. Submitted Plan SP-2015-05 16. Development Detail SP-2015-05 17 Seaton Natural Heritage Systems Lands 18. Neighbourhood 19: Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood Plan 19. Neighbourhood 16: Lamoreaux Neighbourhood Plan 20. Location Map SP-2015-06 21. Submitted Plan SP-2015-06 22. Development Detail SP-2015-06 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: fd0 6t0?/rt/X-t- Ros Pym, MCIP, RPP Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Princ'pal Planner— Strategic Initiatives Chief Planner Nilesh Surti, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review & Urban Design RP:Id Attachments Date of Report: September 21, 2015 Copy: Director, City Development Attachment#_i__to , L Information Report#. v0-i5 5 �' .' ;C4 Z U ; a u o v ;has g o e, a � N W ^ E d a V to 2 U F N 'rs U jv E w 'o = w E, i, 3 V g m m d m "t, O m m^y• =L: O O g .. w —° a m 2 z v m °o w c ., 'm )(Q L C t,' st ,4 > = w w g °a s m m Z t E Yi E ;i22 ` M 12 N c rn W f' m Z. v Z' != : Ill H n 'IT'''. w 1 0 • 111 % 1 _ 111 • . . ill! 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LL as lI. • iii z. v Attachment#___Lto x`15 Information ReDort# 0 Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2015-01 Proposed Development Detail Neighbourhood 21 (Phase 2) Pickering Official Plan Designation — Employment Areas— Prestige Employment — Open Space Systems — Seaton Natural Heritage System — Hamlet Heritage Open Space, District Park Neighbourhood Plan Designation — Seaton Natural Heritage System — Heritage Lot — Prestige Employment General — Prestige Employment Node — Prestige Employment Node —that includes a Future Transitway Station — Hamlet Heritage Open Space that includes a District Park Zoning Existing — A—Agricultural, G — Greenbelt- Conservation in By-law 3037 Proposed — appropriate to permit proposed draft plan in Seaton Zoning By-law 7364/14 Details of the Draft Plan Total area of draft plan — 284.2 hectares Prestige Employment — 134.3 hectares Prestige Employment Node — 17.1 hectares Employment Service — 0.9 hectares Stormwater Management facilities — 18.8 hectares Natural Heritage Systems — 36.6 hectares Hamlet Heritage Open Space — — 8.7 hectares Regional Facilities Hamlet Heritage Open Space— — 27.1 hectares District Park Hamlet Heritage Open Space — 4.5 hectares Heritage Lots — 0.9 hectares Transitway station — 2.2 hectares Non-Developable blocks — 0.5 hectares Non Participant blocks — 3.7 hectares Municipal roads — 28.3 hectares Attachment## 5 E. Information Report#.__(/.e-.J 5 E o.S N 3d.,s $ E'om° Z E o a c N o ° °`- > e W U 'C O 'p ; Y t v — — r ° w ', ys" y Y z ° c ° o o ° A i E. O u O 1 t w a a 8 rn m a 1 c a ;, a =- a z 2' , A f E w z d a y X L N t z o • 2, g o m o w > P _ i o Zn J o O 15 c E m E ° a E w a ? T mm E E ° E u E . Z m Y o. V rn k u a 126 i u = u g a a ia n z � °E 4 8 D-- 9 a-a m . g u z > z o w i f E Id=�U 1' * .S■• - 111•il /1 I ® II ; p•• z lfl o \ _ —g_ L C uy ' 1I 1 irw...rk�w � �-_.---ACC - i_i�s. ,,, na.y t....f.:x: \\'' \,? ..›..... poi. \,., \\\,..\:‘,.,N.„..,, ,....*".., NAI, ,.„‘ ,..,,,, ..... _ \ fit' -- �•... '.w � k Tr( iiii , ,Iv ',fir. „,1,f,i,,,,,,k 1,\,. ,1 � � � �i� , ,,,,,.„ „ ,:,,,,, et„�V ,U. : .1,_,L__ j si, t*_ ) ^ n■ ,.. ------- .i...;%,111\ 1 ] - , -: -,,, , zi=i, ,,,,,,,„.6 k — n--Th(-11 1C]E 1 x a)I.... ri �g ) Attachment# 0 to Information Report# 06_15 , -a,•-1.1 Ml IU1immellW 111111 MG►� m1 - - . .tx ......•••••I9 l�luMI1 �r IIKcii ►0♦i!Di"•0i•0i♦i•i•ii♦Oio♦i 1 t .. .. ;MI= •• A / AA A%SUBJEC ♦••►•••♦♦••••♦ 1 ill ••♦•♦•♦•••• _____ ♦ LANDS ♦•♦•♦♦♦•♦••♦• 11►•;♦•••♦♦.� .ore,. I .••••�4,i ,.�i r ■ �i►�•iiii•Oiii 1 1 r4 I ill •. •••••♦♦♦• ■ ►♦• ♦•• 4 iiii•4. ♦`i •• �iiiiiii!�`,'�•iiiiiiiiii� ♦♦•♦♦♦ •••♦•♦♦♦••••••►•♦.♦•♦♦♦•♦♦••••Vi•♦•i i i / •�i•♦`►••♦•••••••'►•4.4••♦••♦••♦•• •♦•♦•♦•♦•i_ '•4! i�/∎••4■ •••• i Attachment# 7 to Information Report# No-15 , 1 • -• ::::"A:/. :■*:3, —1 %%%%%%%%%%%%% wolt.0001,1 •.-4 VAI 1 A0.0.0..‘ .....00.00, 0,I■.1,0 1101 10 41.%% 040■VVrk . .. ....•1,1 .10:141 t.0.0.000111 OSOSS.4.03:401k *." 14.0...A **Ma ____ .... ne*...•..0 I.•t a 0.a•.■.-. . ,.. ...14* '.•-1•Itlfteff.""";VO :*.**‘'•• 1 I I I I I I I I?,;50,*:40, NOSOSeSeStg Ull I PO tVett0.02% *AA...... • \ HIGHWAY 407 0 wi is vo Vi•Ao Vte*W•V•1:400.0% ••••••••••••• 00.0.0.••••40:40.s. 0:0•000%**0•0 100.000 0 0 0 es 0 0' , ........._ .........,,,.......... .:::: ......... ...% . ....... ...... ........ ..,.... ... „, ............. „,. ........, ii ii il , x < ,, ,i, .......„ • . .............. 111,1111111 . „,„„ ,„„ z 0 \ lig IIIIII ' i 1111 \ i ! ii 1 11101 ( !IIIIIIII1 mmHg ....._, . Jill OILC LANDS BOUNDARY 1 1 - — NEIGHBOURHOOD BOUNDARY NG PROPOSED SCHOOL b Ifilli,„„„„ , i NATURAL HERITAGE/STORM POND/PARK , IIIIIIIIIIIIII1 111111117111111 i 7 ,---,••..-,,-_,,_,.e..,_,,...--- , COMMUNITY NODE IiiiIIIIIIIII RESIDENTIAL ) 11111111! '...: I, 'III .11,111111i riporapsx PRESTIGE EMPLOYMENT I IIIII ft \ = HERITAGE LOT 1 ,IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ill '111111ilillilillImiiili I I N Submitted Plan Obi 00 .1' FILE No:SP 2015-03 and A 05/15 s_j-r3- 1'-`-r-rAILIL-Vi•-.7coVirk APPLICANT: Infrastructure Ontario 4111311 0'IR 01110L PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Part Lots 17-29, Concession 4, and Part Lots City Development 17-21, Concession 5 Department FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. DATE:Mar 30,2015 • Attachment# _ to (3 Information Report# O(7 Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2015-03 Proposed Development Detail Neighbourhood 20 Pickering Official Plan Designation — Employment Areas — Prestige Employment — Mixed Use Areas — Community Nodes — Mixed Use Areas — Mixed Corridor — Urban Residential Areas — Medium Density Areas — Urban Residential Areas — Low Density Areas — Open Space Systems — Seaton Natural Heritage System — Open Space Systems —Active Recreational Areas Neighbourhood Plan Designation — Seaton Natural Heritage System — Prestige Employment General — Prestige Employment Node — Prestige Employment Node—that includes a Future Transitway Station — Community Node — Mixed Corridor Type 2 — Gateway Site — Medium Density Area — Low Density Area Type 1 — Heritage Lot — High Schools — Elementary Schools — Recreation Centre — Neighbourhood Park — Village Green — District Energy Zoning Existing — A—Agricultural, By-law 3037 Proposed — appropriate to permit proposed draft plan in Seaton Zoning By-law 7364/14 Attachment# 'S to Information Report# O ( Details of the Draft Plan Total area of draft plan — 191.6 hectares Prestige Employment — 14.2 hectares Prestige Employment Node — 34.7 hectares Community Node — 6.6 hectares Mixed Corridor Type 2 — 8.1 hectares Medium Density Area — 14.8 hectares Low Density Area Type 1 — 11.5 hectares High School — 6.6 hectares Elementary Schools — 4.5 hectares Recreation Centre — 4.1 hectares Neighbourhood Park 3.0 hectares Village Green — 0.9 hectares Trail Head — 0.1 hectares Stormwater Management facilities — 12.6 hectares Natural Heritage Systems — 39.3 hectares Heritage Lots — 0.2 hectares Non-Developable blocks — 0.2 hectares Municipal roads — 29.6 hectares Residential Units • Detached Dwelling Units — 529 Townhouse Dwelling Units — 467 Stacked Townhouse Dwelling Units — 198 Low Rise Apartments — 801 Mid Rise Apartments — 161 High Rise Apartments — 241 Total dwelling units — 2398 Q L 3 x Q C t 3 E , ..;1' A S Attachment# o #to ����Information deprte > d d a 12 q md".lO v N €-, 8 E c o c a ° 6 c E a O« Qm W i V m d m m y W Z v L 8 T Vf ° + u o Y W m m 7 O m H O d 03 ;E.. N q O. g N O-N m N Z c o r m m d TQ J T� a = m 6 L Vl U ° E rn H a Q ° ° , " a- z Y m •L d � m uO = * c T, v 5 O c Z' m m m SLL O O m L E in m z m m o o �w it-iii O C Z z u v - o m v i m •� y A ° u r°' f YL EL:p L 7 o S 3 c z rn x v 3 v v E c u° E u - F s 0 J LU 3 i0 7 f € rn m s S S nv n a uZ O ~ � n � > z f f pO v F zr-t ri T Lj 2 8 -2: 110 A* •91 1 1 .01 i 1 0. It ► =_ r ► r 1 ir- 7 Imo _ , sL. �� L A as ;� N � i , s I--® ' ri 1„7.- C ' " fin.s.-°L' te r..:,...;�.... � A ' "4 ( 1 �- ., • • \ , — /i i • ft ' - - - -,,,, , , IIIIIIIIIL,J.1 4',,:-:-/ • `''� ) z 'IMI=11 711. 11 S 8 e 'ID ..- �. _E,_' 'C v U En Attachment# /O to Information Report#, C) -I5 i 4 7.-----------___ ___ >I _ r___\ 0 1 x . ,. [ A ....... ......... . ,„, -- --• ... ... `•,•••••••••4•44•77::- iiiii i'�•i�; .1.1 .• �i.•.• :.••• •..•1 / I -ii i I I I I Il■Zttt.:e *44 ■******::******;:;: itie • . • ••• •• •••••.. 1 4 e UBJECT 11011 ►.;O'iii•.Q'�'�Viiiiii►••ii`•iiiiii�.0•i 9° �! s'- PROPERTIES . `•,%.••�,•����•• • •..•••.•.•••o:••♦ „agillilk■••■' v., •�•!Oiii��'i'i-i�!••iiii�iiiiii!��'' s .4 K4 111 I II Ill R;:;:*, *kW P 1 ,, :A 0.0•OOi !•�•ii i Attachment# 1/ to Information Report# Oho-15 \ 0 s N \ = N \ \ N N )T m m 7. `'hus, `U \ us \0 E N i \ X m ' U—m \,,; \0 e : 6 O O ` Q r, co \ N E m N LWO O E :le e, as .• m U E \ 322 2ce m O O U SINKS E \ Y S \nDEo� - ms.¢3l 0 ' MOCKRQO .J BROCKROAD I- \ . v J N \ }• Z N 2 W? J E ^O Q� W U M 0 E U CO N `� /'/n E h m \ 0 (.0 ... O I _ m O X Q \ u,0 1 I e m�0 \ N u, z U Y \ S• E \ ''17_ +J O z ri CO J w -E + T 0 > z \ M O �" O W ^` Z W 4/ o " p 5 \ Q ■ - a\ ..4. i■ LU CC \ ° CO CO U CC a ZZ W • o �\ \ C O- W =� $ m I` N ~a• \ w a WZ E E V 0 U W 0o■` E Z _1 O. .0WaO NW J a °c cnLQel. °L) � L _ :I--7 aa) o= g z .6. °\ Is o t °\m. i .//� Attachment# /2- to Information Report# O to-15 Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2015-04 Proposed Development Detail Neighbourhood 17 Pickering Official Plan Designation — Mixed Use Areas — Mixed Corridor — Urban Residential Areas — High Density Areas — Open Space Systems — Seaton Natural Heritage System — Freeway and Major Utilities — Potential Multi- Use Areas Neighbourhood Plan Designation — Mixed Corridor Type 2 — Gateway Site — High Density Area — Seaton Natural Heritage System — Village Green Zoning Existing — A—Agricultural, By-law 3037 • Proposed — appropriate to permit proposed draft plan in Seaton Zoning By-law 7364/14 Details of the Draft Plan • Total area of draft plan — 31.8 hectares High Density Blocks — 3.2 hectares Mixed Corridor Type 2-Gateway Sites — 2.7 hectares Mixed Corridor Type 2-Apartments — 1.2 hectares Mixed Corridor Type 2-Stacked — 5.6 hectares Townhouse Mixed Corridor Type 2-Townhouses — 4.1 hectares Mixed Corridor Type 2-Regional — 4.0 hectares Facility Use (Police Station) Village Green — 0.3 hectares Stormwater Management facilities — 2.9 hectares Natural Heritage Systems — 0.6 hectares Easement blocks — 1.9 hectares Municipal roads — 4.9 hectares Residential Units Townhouse Dwelling Units — 156 Stacked Townhouse Dwelling Units — 572 Mid Rise Apartments — 147 High Rise Apartments — 1021 Total dwelling units — 1896 Attachment# 13 to Information Report# D(o-I ) = .§2 S e E 9WyH 3°a g Y N o° °15 ° o v ! og 8� E `s t a J c m C i ° v $ ° t o g Q 1-1 d C l H U - a m O T N 21 00 'O O x _ 2 c a N z u ° a Q v a ° u m i ° " O m m T T h ,LL O 'O O 5 _Z u ° al Z o E > L v y a '° w z g m a E rn "=�'° t Z o - r°. 3 L E N N c x 0 i. y L Z LL m m g 'o u u° `w w E m A m Z Z 2 Z a �° ° c m g T g J 1-11 Z 3 - 3 i m € E Et rn m E c ° ; o v E t w m E E ° E °° ' rn c P.o" R D Z O O 3 3 a LL a C a 0 F F u° et z > w x f , _I f I V a a m I in 9 z i- z m E 3 0 cox • O Z , �rnd-i 8 uj y .01 til CI cna Z > Z Ma D .......... LAN ',1 GI �• J� rt y —%R I 0 i U;11 I af 1 s�,q 3 ■ ' 0 a �i m 7 ; l\` W �G7'�, ,, ,, EyNi D .\ �e ' / O 4. [ :--3Lfli ki,,,,,,;0,1\c5-.-?.„.., , ,1 ' , Q - Z._ , i ig t 64:04 tIo, \,' e 1 (0 * k i "iüi i ' 1 v, Ui] I V•30,4' - 111U4\,4 ' K\C!-=it up ,. 1,,,„ , %, __ LiiiiD Atm ‘,... 0,„ ',N, (in) I 444.0 "OW 411 *4 . N‘1, .7 ‘ ' I 11 1 I c a) a) s U • Attachment# to Information Retort#. D(0_15 IHIGHWAY 407 -- Eii4WimON7 ♦.•.• (n IV I Ilk simsvistz ,__ :14\I WHIT ME ROAD I •;►,�•�6 4NO•�••••�•�� . III . . ■ �iiiiiiii0• •i ii ' 11(7C);- ••1• .4•. w �ii�1 � j•••1 I W 41,..•...... ..‘ 1 _ a SUBJECT PROPERTIES � N o¢ Location Map • City FILE No: SP-2015-05 &A10/15 V _' 11- APPLICANT: Infrastructure Ontario ei s m r,4 1 0[ PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Pt Lt.20-24 Con 4 & Pt Lt 20-25 Con 5 City Development Department Data sources: DATE:Aug 17,2015 p Teranet Enterprises Inc. and Its supplier,. NI rights Reserved. Not a plan of survey. SCALE NTS PN-19 CO, 2013 MPAC and Its suppliers. All rights Reserved. Not a plan of Survey. Attachment#_j_k_to Information Report# Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2015-05 Proposed Development Detail Neighbourhood 19 Pickering Official Plan Designation — Urban Residential Areas — Medium Density Areas — Urban Residential Areas - Low Density Areas — Open Space Systems—Active Recreational Areas that includes a District Park Neighbourhood Plan Designation — Medium Density Area — Low Density Area Type 2 — Low Density Area Type 1 — Community Park — Neighbourhood Park — Village Green — Elementary School — Heritage Lot Zoning Existing — A—Agricultural, By-law 3037 Proposed — appropriate to permit proposed draft plan in Seaton Zoning by-law 7364/14 Details of the Draft Plan Total area of draft plan — 41.3 hectares Medium Density Area — 0.6 hectares Low Density Area Type 2 — 6.5 hectares Low Density Area Type 1 — 11.6 hectares Community Park — 5.1 hectares Neighbourhood Park — 0.6 hectares Elementary School — 2.3 hectares Heritage Lot — 0.7 hectares Stormwater Management facilities — 3.3 hectares Community Use Block—Transit — 1.9 hectares facility Municipal roads — 8.2 hectares Residential Units Detached Dwelling Units — 317 Semi-Detached Dwelling Units — 94 Townhouse Dwelling Units — 139 Total dwelling units — 550 Attachment#11___to Information°Report# ,,/.16-15,r,,,,,, 0 O p 4 v NHS r rm- m c O m m Z �H. % t r {Aaai Tir *In% 111_ 1‘21,,,,N___.j1,1 ! 1........ -willaiviiiiihstioaailpilibi HWY407 illiiiiiTalliter .111171: 1 411ratipillA, s -- _ WH1TEVAUE ROAD""vil 1 _ _ 30tor ir,_,_ _41i-04 —11 L,....44 . Air Iiii -- ..._ pr-- r�a� TAUNTON ROAD 1110 , 1\ N �+���� Seaton Natural Heritage Systems Lands `hiss % FILE No: A010/15 •- APPLICANT: Infrastructure Ontario li co��t��i-OL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Seaton Lands City Development 1 Department FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING DATE: Sept 4,2015 CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. Attachment# 1 0 to z 'S - 4 E 3 L' Z N _ v d o = c Gs a @ V .' . g F a s a N w r . a 0 o z w m o fi E r a ll w m rn5 c ? ∎U Q Q m $ m - p iiN t w ° 2 5 t. r ° E L i o I t 9 = n a c s g 2 s m r £ E V z i O O _ > , x 8 E 8 8 ' - r v c 8 xp s fa -E z w - 2 w � . v a v E . ' A E E ° _ $ f?U 7 3 A € E ?� A E E m w ° 3 _ U 7 2 n U d 6 A a ( z . f C J ° a ° N F F V 2 1 x Q V K W x x J J Y x Z o-I z � N I III ®® .-® 1® 0 *00011.• ® ® �® - cna ZSZ 1111‘- n ,,,t.- 04,. ,itcsr-AIN, t:eUD U— 0 1 l '‘- f--144/111V ..: ,„„.. , %, 'ilteallibil et 1 V:0\ ) \ IL• \p„. ,.... wi....."._ 0 ti 1:7-' 1 zr:Ill 1\ 1,..„.„„\_ ,..1 , • ,' ' Ill --"millilrf r ir id.. N i e"\,...N (C) \) f q S ...1 0......4 0... .1os 4, 1 I i mill n g lo/.010,1"007.,01A-eAl ! 1 ''. I II .mac 11 I ®® ■ F ri ■II�II®��I ; r L�.„ ,'') CO , _ _ 1I 71110.. , ERBb _ • tA , ,) c.,._ "St , i. L. , I DO 15' $ 4 ' Wr, , � . � �, � � o00 � 1t ,,„_- (--, il -' IN-\\*At.\\ ' \ I ���`�` � �' ,.., \ J 1 a J:1 PL('' ___,s da JE°m 0Q^ c in VS oNI c g_ c H A'm`2 N E 8 c m.- H dE3 o d4 m u°i0 Z 1 i + Attachment# 1 to S .. F m° E577,.= all ti 4 b Z 2 5 8(. o o a m g o eu. m ° P d u r y ° ` ° rn y m°" a ¢ « - arn u Y m v rrc J v v = w n ° . (n E a c v v Sil ` z le' m m m E`2'n 8_LL O O L l f m co c i ° a > c 2' v ' ° rn f a ' __Q L L z m ° 7 ` r U o o v E « c E t ° p Z _ H ' d j N 8 W U 3 7 O mLL r € E c c, m E J j rn I E U 7 g Sa to Ut I q§51J_z Z 2 2 2) n 1n m f 3 '' > W S f 2 ZE8° � °=Y ' ' ® 0 � _vU vm to a Z _r Z ...®• ® 1111•® I ® II •• • 3 0 to � 0� ill ,®�� C i.N 1. .1..k. .____,...7:7 7_,_,,i._ ,,..=__,,_.,..k:::=7:7°' 12..1*-.1)31 F\eiti um."-4 r ■ ■ & \ ■ ■ ■ jam. -1,■7:p4ilicrir,),, :_,iir,a.:11 —,on Dk49. N. 7 6._, ...it, 11, . Ir. 10,-alw FAIiit =a rite°0 01.00 01101/1,1 =_._-1 r4Aies ,, ,,,,,,„ 4._ 0,0... . , ,,,,,.,„ ,,, ,,....(2„) --___I ,7\1.;___I le•i i ec i:2 A 0 i s. 11% A , �....�- t \ 1,, \\ si 7 \\\\ Qu _ o`�`° I. \' It �� §m_ a w _ 0iii -=� E '7 \ 3 0 WF. Id 4 UD i Attachment# 20 to Information Report# 06-15 D lifiik 1 ip i'ii'iiiii' �►���•�•�•�4 ►•OOOOOi • ktrik N 1 - 4.0 11111162k !IIIWRII i: "t'A- '”'4%%:\ tilair111111111111 Mir-- Illrir,`DOi•�'i ►'i'i'i`. •i i••ii �•i--'''ii'ii�i'i'i'i cr:1101'ii' illt.. . . _. • 1 1 % 1//4/111 -- I r � � f , . 1111-) ..__Ab ' N( ---7 tiik „,\. .....„.„---,(itt, ) ,._. , _ _.• , „.,. ., W"--r ' '�•�• �..... SUBJECT PROPERTIES Location Map Cifq° FILE No: SP-2015-06 &A11/15 - APPLICANT: Infrastructure Ontario ' m�iI I- PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Pt Lt 26-31 Con 4 & Pt Lt 26-31 Con 5 City Development Department DATE:Sept.21,2015 Dato Sourea: Q Teranet Enterprises Ine. antl its suppliers. All rights Reservetl. Not a plan of survey. SCALE NTS PN-18 ®2Ot3 MPAC antl its suppliers. All rights Reserved. Not a plan of Survey. Attachment# 21 to . Information Report# O'-/ , II I,1 , _=gL_C I Ir1 1f \ -'-.. 1 . 1 lc r ,I i^�i 1 II II 1I ill \ �. /�j.�IN --J L---J I Jr �ULJI I1- , Li 1 I r-J!1 `]I I-L_-L_—_ /, 1 I 11 \ /'/ -,-i ri, 11 11 11 : u 11 11 11 11 ii /// L-J1 1 1 v / /i�11 1 JU1 II ),;i r i ���-I t 1 /// JJL�_ JL�---- \T-1 �/ " III T I \ J,-'1' / o: �� 11 :1--1.] \, /� // -- L----JI ILA_— JL\ xxos \C ___J L____/4 /� // � J I �\ i \\�_ I I III I/ /, / , III r---- I r- &__. I II ' 11 l :/ : 1 ;1 II \ ' \\ _ 1 \ I L1J I r J '. I II 1 r-----1 \ ,, r1 r1 r1 r1 I II 11 T \T ,,-� /C__J LJ I LL--__J L-_---- 1 II it II Ir- _JLJI 1 T 111 ' —% 1 T y 1i I J \ \ ___c_...2_ I T / ��/ / I I , L-1 - _IL _�_i \\,\ T r T --7I--=-7 r Tti �r '-''�I T �_'� ICJJ� j j1 I r i Ii II it 1 - -i I J L---_JJ L-L-- - JL----J L i■ ,_-Jl L_J L J L_i_- I1 1 --1 r —1 r-'-- 11 1 I 11 1 __J L J L-I-- I J1 L-J I 1 L__-,J L J L_1__ --- , L_ J L=1 // r- I/ I II 1 II II 11 I II rj E_ -- y—------ I ac—= I L--_J r 1 . J I 1 1 I 1 r III 1 L___JI 1 (r 11 1 i H /I L___J LL J LJ/ 1 l i r---1� 1 I FFF-Ia-I II IL---�1 I 1T[I ---- I 1 I r- // -1 \I,1 �/ ) `l r 11 -, /•,\ J1 I , / I' \ I' / 11 I1 ,,'/' I_ L�-, i JLJL�r1' /-rrT-1,r--T 1 11 I IrJ 1L--'--JI IL_I I I 1r-----1I 111 I�--- `J L_,__J LJ I I 1 r--- -1 r 11 I r L-41 L— J11 \1 r---11I I 1 e II I A, ,4 Submitted Plan °¢ FILE No: SP-2015-06 &A11/15 � I '¢u'gg; APPLICANT: Infrastructure Ontario liC0131:1N101 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Pt Lt 26-31 Con 4 & Pt Lt 26-31 Con.5 City Development Department FULL SCALE COPIES OF THIS PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AT THE CITY OF PICKERING CITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. DATE:Sept. 21, 2015 Attachment# 22- to Information Report# 06-IS Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2015-06 Proposed Development Detail Neighbourhoods 16 and 18 Pickering Official Plan Designation — Urban Residential Areas — High Density Areas — Mixed Use Areas — Mixed Corridor as — Urban Residential Areas — Low Density Are • — Hamlet Heritage Open Space — Hamlet Heritage Open Space, that includes a Community Park Neighbourhood Plan Designation — Mixed Corridor Type 2 — Gateway Site — High Density Area — Low Density Area Type 2 — Low Density Area Type 1 — Hamlet Heritage Open Space — Hamlet Heritage Open Space that includes a Community Park — Hamlet Heritage Open Space that includes a Neighbourhood Park — Hamlet Heritage Open Space that includes elementary schools — Village Green — Cemetery Zoning Existing — A—Agricultural, Q — Pit and Quarry in By-law 3037 Proposed — appropriate to permit proposed draft plan in Seaton Zoning By-law 7364/14 Details of the Draft Plan Total area of draft plan — 39.9 hectares High Density Block — 0.3 hectares Mixed Corridor Type 2 — Gateway — 0.3 hectares Site Low Density Area Type 2 — 0.7 hectares Low Density Area Type 1 — 7.6 hectares Hamlet Heritage Open Space 9.0 Hamlet Heritage Open Space — 6.67 hectares Community Park Attachment# 22-to Information Report#, 06- 16 Hamlet Heritage Open Space — 2.3 hectares Neighbourhood Park Hamlet Heritage Open Space — 5.0 hectares Elementary School Village Green — 0.1 hectares Stormwater Management facilities — 2.3 hectares Open Space Blocks — 1.5 hectares Municipal roads — 3.4 hectares Residential Units Apartment Dwelling Units — 96 Detached Dwelling Units — 195 ' Semi-Detached Dwelling Units — 24 Total dwelling units — 315 •