HomeMy WebLinkAboutCR 06-15 Cats 00 it Report to n., - ' '-�----`= Executive Committee I KERIN Report Number: CR 06-15 Date: September 14, 2015 From: Marisa Carpino Director, Culture & Recreation Subject: Arts Centre - Arts Business Case - File: A-1440 • Recommendation: 1. That Report CR 06-15 of the Director, Culture & Recreation regarding an Arts Centre Business Case be received for information; 2. That Council endorse the examination of the feasibility of a performing and visual arts centre as a City staff initiative, in partnership with Durham West Arts Centre Foundation; 3. That Council authorize staff to investigate the feasibility of an Arts Centre Business Case assessment and to bring forward appropriate cost estimates during the 2016 budget process; and 4. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: The City of Pickering has a vision for an Arts Centre in Pickering's downtown as per Report PLN 10-13 entitled "Downtown Pickering: A Vision for Intensification and Framework for Investment" which was endorsed by Council at the July 8, 2013 Council meeting by Resolution #87/13. Durham West Arts Centre Inc. (DWAC Inc.) and Durham West Arts Centre Foundation (DWAC Foundation) share a similar vision for an Arts Centre in Pickering and have been working within the community for the past several years to respectively build an .- audience to support an Arts Centre.and advocate for an Arts Centre in Pickering. As such, DWAC Foundation commissioned Webb Management Services Inc. in 2010 to complete a Feasibility Study & Business Case Assessment that evaluates the need for new performance and visual arts facilities in Pickering. After extensive community consultation and a comprehensive needs assessment, findings of the Arts Centre Feasibility Study & Business Case Assessment dated March 9, 2011 confirmed that Pickering has the capacity to support an Arts Centre envisioned to include: CR 06-15 September 14, 2015 Subject: Arts Centre Page 2 • Performance Hall with 800 to 1,000 seats developed for music, dance, drama and speakers series with a high quality acoustical environment. • Visual, fibre and media arts gallery. • Large public space in the lobby for public gatherings and private functions with access to food service amenities. • Secondary multipurpose space to accommodate meetings and classes. • Backstage spaces for dressing rooms and administrative offices. At this stage, the Arts Centre Feasibility Study & Business Case Assessment needs to be updated to reflect current realities and changes from when the original report was commissioned. The updated feasibility study will also explore funding models to determine the municipality's positioning regarding building, supporting and sustaining this facility in Pickering. This will assist in determining the business case for a performing and visual arts centre in Pickering. The City's Cultural Strategic Plan (which was endorsed by Council at their June 16, 2014 Council meeting by Resolution #247/14) identified the municipality as the lead in determining the need for an Arts Centre in Pickering. As identified in strategic direction #6 of the Pickering's Cultural Plan to "Cultivate opportunities for creation, education and enjoyment of the arts", the City is to play a leadership role in addressing the need for a new performing arts cultural facility in the City Centre. As such, the purpose of this report is to seek Council's endorsement of the Arts Centre concept as a staff driven initiative while working closely and in partnership with DWAC Foundation. The completed business case will be brought back to Council for their information and consideration in a future budget year. Financial Implications: As indicated earlier in this report, the Arts Centre Feasibility Study & Business Case Assessment completed by Webb Management Services Inc. is now five years out of date. Staff will determine how best to update and refresh the feasibility and business case assessment with cost estimates being brought forward for Council consideration during the 2016 budget process. Discussion: The City of Pickering's vision for a performing and visual arts centre in downtown Pickering is aligned with the vision of Durham West Arts Centre Foundation and Durham West Arts Centre Inc. As such, the City of Pickering has been an active supporter of Durham West Art Centre Foundation and Durham West Art Centre Inc. for the past several years. The Durham West Arts Centre Inc. is a 'hub' organization working to establish links with artists, arts groups and arts lovers. More specifically, their role is to provide ongoing arts programming, in aid of building interest and audience in the Arts. DWAC Inc. currently has a lease agreement with the City of Pickering (expiring March 31, 2019) to operate the Pottery Studio at the Pickering Recreation Complex. In this way, DWAC CORP0227-07/01 revised CR 06-15 September 14, 2015 Subject: Arts Centre Page 3 Inc. offers a variety of pottery and art programs at the Pickering Recreation Complex that are promoted within the City of Pickering's Leisure Guide. DWAC Inc. also operates an annual Durham West Studio Tour and supports local art/cultural activities such as the Farmers Market. The vision statement for the Durham West Arts Centre, as defined by DWAC Inc. and DWAC Foundation, is as follows: "The Durham West Arts Centre will provide a home for all arts in a unique building located in West Durham (Pickering). As well as advocating for the arts, the Centre will be a place to exhibit, perform, practice, teach and learn. It will bring the arts of the world to Durham and the arts of Durham to the world. The Durham West Arts Centre will contribute to the life of the community through encouraging and developing creativity as a way of seeing and thinking. It will be an inclusive and welcoming destination that promotes cultural exchange and understanding. The Centre will reflect who we are as a society and provide opportunities for personal expression for all ages. The Durham West Arts Centre will have world class acoustics, world class seating and world class site lines." DWAC Foundation, in partnership with DWAC Inc., has worked very closely with the City of Pickering over the past several years to bring this vision to life. Both DWAC Inc. and DWAC Foundation are registered charities and the bulk of the work is done by committed volunteers who share in the vision. In 2010, DWAC Foundation commissioned Webb Management Services Inc. to complete a Feasibility Study & Business Case Assessment that evaluates the need for new performance and visual arts facilities in Pickering. After extensive community consultation and comprehensive needs assessment, findings of the Arts Centre Feasibility Study dated March 9, 2011 confirmed that Pickering has the capacity to support an Arts Centre envisioned to include: • Performance Hall with 800 to 1,000 seats developed for music, dance, drama and speakers series with a high quality acoustical environment. • Visual, fibre and media arts gallery. • Large public space in the lobby for public gatherings and private functions with access to food service amenities. • Secondary multipurpose space to accommodate meetings and classes. • Backstage spaces for dressing rooms and administrative offices. Upon request, a confidential copy of the Arts Centre Feasibility Study & Business Case Assessment prepared by Webb Management Services Inc. can be made available to members of Council. CORP0227-07/01 revised CR 06-15 September 14, 2015 Subject: Arts Centre Page 4 At this stage, in order to move forward, an update of the original current Business Case assessment for an Arts Centre in the City of Pickering must be completed. Certainly, an Arts Centre is envisioned in Report PLN 10-13 entitled "Downtown Pickering: A Vision for Intensification and Framework for Investment" endorsed by Council at the July 8, 2013 Council meeting by Resolution #87/13. However, this type of functional and financial analysis has not yet been completed by the municipality. The City's Cultural Strategic Plan (which was endorsed by Council at their June 16, 2014 Council meeting by Resolution #247/14) identified the municipality as the lead in determining the need for an Arts Centre in Pickering. As identified in strategic direction #6 of the Pickering's Cultural Plan to "Cultivate opportunities for creation, education and enjoyment of the arts", the City is to play a leadership role in addressing the need for a new performing arts cultural facility in the City Centre. By working in partnership with the Durham West Arts Centre Foundation, the City is able to access resources and processes that staff are not able to access on their own. DWAC Foundation, as a registered charity, can accept donations and issue receipts, can approach potential investors and has access to government funding not available to the municipality. The volunteers that comprise DWAC Foundation are community leaders who are passionate about the arts, the need for this facility in Pickering and are committed to moving this project forward. This partnership is beneficial for both parties, and given the shared vision, it is the appropriate time to seek Council's endorsement of the arts centre vision and partnership. Role of DWAC Foundation within this Partnership: Staff have reviewed with DWAC and agree that their role is as follows: • Continue to work closely with City staff and have regular meetings and consultations. • Provide input on the design of the facility. • Provide input on the location of the facility. • Providing input on governance and operational management of the facility. • Provide input on programming. • Seek funding sources and lead the fundraising efforts. • Take a lead role in marketing the facility and obtaining community engagement and buy-in. In conclusion, the Arts Centre Feasibility Study & Business Case Assessment will identify construction costs, operating costs and governance options for an Arts Centre in Pickering (as envisioned in the Feasibility Study prepared by Webb Management Services Inc.). As well, the report will identify potential viable sites and business partners. City Council requires this information in order to evaluate financial impact and overall sustainability and make an informed decision about proceeding with an Arts Centre in the City of Pickering. CORP0227-07101 revised CR 06-15 September 14, 2015 Subject: Arts Centre • Page 5 As such, the purpose of this report is to seek Council's endorsement of the Arts Centre concept as a staff driven initiative and to investigate the feasibility of an Arts Centre Business Case assessment with appropriate cost estimates being brought forward for Council consideration during the 2016 budget process. Attachments: 1. Not Applicable. Prepared/Approved/Endorsed By: Marisa Carpino Director, Culture & Recreation :mc • Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer • CORP0227-07/01 revised