HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW 15/99_ ' . .. . .�` rR ,�/ � ,iY ��OF� W,�O F � � . REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richard W. Holbom DATE: July 9, 1999 Director of Public Works REPORTNUMBER: PWIS/99 SUBIECT: Tender for Road Improvements - Pickering/Uxbridge Townline Road and Rougemount Drive. Tander No. T-6-99 RECOMMENDATION: Thet Tender No. T-6-99 submitted by Miller Paving for road improvements on Pickering/Uxbridge Tawnline Road and Rougemount Drive in the amount of $164,982.51, including 7% G.S.T, bc accepled; and That funding in thc amount up to 5233,500.00 bc approvcd. ORIGIN: ' Requested by Public Works Department AUTHORITY: 1999 Cepitel Budgets FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: I. Tendercd Amount: Total Road Work -Pickering/Uxbridge Townline Road SI03,962.50 Total Road Work - Rougemount Drive S 50,226.76 G.S.T. (7%) 3 10,793.25 G.S.T. Rebate (4°/a) $ 6 167.26 Total 5156,815.25 Amount 2. Approved Source of Funds: Current Year: 3263-OJ73 - Pickering/Uxbridge Townline Roed S 130,000,00 Curcent Year: 32G3-0073 - Rougemount Drive S I 15,000.00 Prior Year; Budget S 0.00 Fuwre Years: Budget S 0.00 Tot�l A roved Bud el 5245 000,00 � i.;,.; �ROport to Council PW15 /99 Date: luly 9, 1999 13 Subject: Tender for Road Improvements - PickeringllJxbridgc Townlinc Roed Pagc 2 and Raugemount Drive Tender No, T-6-99 Financial Implications (cont'd) Estimatcd Project Co�ting Summary Construction per T-6-99 $154, I89.26 Contract Extras - Rougemount Drive $ I0,000.00 Pattem Asphalt - Rougemount Drive $ 37,000.00 "A" Gravel & Grading - Town Forces Pickering/Uxbridge Townline Road $ 25,000,00 Materials Testing $ 500.00 Sub Total $226,6B9.26 G.S.T. (7%) $ 15,868.25 G.S.T. Rebate (4%) $ (9,067.12) Total Proiecl Cost $233.490.39 4. Estimated Project Costs (over) under Approved Funds $ I 1,509.61 EXECUTIVE SUAIMARY: Not applicable BACKGROUND: Tlte following tenders for this project wcre opened on Wcdnesday, July 7, 1999. An estimatcd 7 companies were invited to participate of which 5 picked up tendering documenls for a non- refundable fee afS10.00 per set. Purchasing Policies and Procedures Item 9.22(h) provides ihet where iherc are incorrect extensians or misplaced decimals, ihe bid may be corrected. Unit prices shall be used to corzect extensions. Purchasing Policies and Procedures Item 9.27(a) pertnits ihat all deposits other than the low three bidders shall 6e retumed. Summary (PST included, GST included) ,,, ,. „_; Compapy Totei Tendered Amount S_'. After Calculation Check Miller Paving Limited S 164,982.51 5164,982.51 Hamden & King Construction $178,453.86 $176,453.86 D. Crupi & Sons Limited Deemed Improper & Rejected Addenduni not acknowledged with tendcr submission Miiler Paving Limited have not performed previous work for the Town, but a review of their references has been deemcd acceptablc by the Director of Public Works The Health and Safety Policy, tha Conflned Space Entry Procedure document to be used on ihis project, a list of personnel trained, end the CAD 7 form issued by Workplace Safety and Insurance Baard, as submitted by Miller Paving Limited, have been reviewed by the Municipal Works Supervisor and ere deemed to be acceptable. . '; ,:�. �Rbpart to Council PWIS /99' Dete: luly 9, 1999 Subject: Tender for Road Improvemente - Pickering/Uxbridge Townline Road Page 3 and Rougemount Drive Tender No. T-6-99 Upon careful examination of all tenders received end relevant documents (Health and Safety Policy, CAD 7 fortn, Workplace Safery and Insurance Board dearance, etc.), 1 recommend the bid by Miller Paving Limited, in the amount of S 164,982.5 L ATTACHMENTS: l. Supply and Services Memorandum dated luly 7, 1999 2. Record of Tenders Opened and Checked 3. Location Meps Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: . . V v '" `• b Kuzma Rich rd W. Hoibom dministra n Supervisor � Dircctor of Public Works � aterson Director of Financc and Trcasurcr RWH:ds: Attachments Copy: Thomes 1. Quinn, Chicf Administrative Otficei Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Town C il � ,� a 1 3 Th m J. Q � Chief Administretive Officer ,r'" °r'� ' � � •+� � , � y�f The Corporation of the Town of Pickering SUPPLY & SERVICES 15 July 7, 1999 Milier Paving Lfmited Via Facsimile 905•655•8740 4615 Thickson Road North P. O. Box 520 Broaklin, Ontado L3R 9R8 Dear 5ir. � Sub)acl: Tender lor Road Improvements, Tander No. T• b• 99 Further to your tender submission on the above project, please provide the lollowing lor review during the evalualion slage ol this te� yer coll, This request is pursuant to tendering Specifications Ifem 24. (a) a copy of the HeaHh and Safety policy fo be used on this project: �b� a copy ot the cunenf CAD 1 form issved by Worker's Compensafion Board. , :� � :: :?,: � Please lorward to the Departmenf of Supply and Savkef by 12:00 noon Monday, July i2. 1999. Yours Iruly, 1 � }�.���..t„/ L� J Vera A, Fetgemacher Jeffrey, CPPO. C.P.P.. CMM I Manager of Supply and Services /bt tc. Richard Holbom, Direclor of Pubilc Works Oartell Selsky, Municipol Works Supervisor - iENDPAY�1•6•99 � � � � � � � � � � Fu �9051��'1685 � F•mail Pickering Civic Complex, One the Esplanade, Pickering, Untario, (:anada LlV b►a DireclAccess (905) 420-4660 www.town.pickering.on.ca , . r . I _ I R . ... � '.: . -.�'� :��.�. ... � .� � � . � . � . 9 ,, I 1 16. Supply and Services :. To: Richard Holbom Dartell Selsky Director of Public Works Municipal Works Supervfsor • kom: Jql Hon� lor Vera Felgemacher Jelfrey . Manager of Supply and Services Dab: Juty 1, 1999 Sub)�eY. T�nd�r tor Road Improvements Tand�r No. T• 6• 99 Tenden have been recefved for ihe above proJect. An ostimated 7 companies wore InvHed fo porficipate ol which 5 picked up tendering documenis for a non-retundable tee ot;10.00 per set and 3 responded. A copy of ihe Record of Tenders Opened and Checked used at ihe tender open(ng fs atfached. Purchasfng Policies and Procedures Item 9.22�h) provides Ihat where ihere are IncoRect extensions or misplaced decimals, the bid may be correcled. Unif prices shall be used lo cortect extensions. Purchasing Policies and Procedures Ilem 9.21.�a� permils Ihat all deposits other than ihe low three bfdders shall be returned. Summary �PST Included, GST Included� Company iofat Tende�d AmouM Me Cakulallon Ch�tk Mnler Pwfng Llmited 16�,982.51 164,982.51 Hamden 8 King Construction 178,153.86 178,453.86 D. Cru i d Sons Limfted ro ected - addendum not acknowled ed Pursuant to Intormation lo Bldden Item 24: (a) a copy of Ihe Heaith and Salely policy fo be used on this pro�ecL' and �b) a copy of Ihe curtent CAD 71orm issued by Worker's Compensatlon Board, has been requested of ihe low bidder' for your review during ihe �valuallon �fapa of this tender call. Pleasa advise if 1he procedures submfHed are acceplable in your foHhcoming memorandum. Please revfew original tenders• and refum. Include responses to ihe toliowing ifems in your forihcoming memwandum: (a) any past work experience with Miller Pavfng Limited including work location; �b) wllhout past work experience, II relerence information fs acceptable; �c� a work locatfon mop; �d) the appropriate account number(s) to which ihis work is to be charged; �e) ihs budget amount�s� ossigred lhereto; �q Treasurer's confirmation of lunding; (gJ retated departmental approvals; �h) any reason�s) why the low bid ot Miller Paving L(mited is not acceptabte; and �i) related commenis speciflc to Ihe pro�ecL It you require turlher Information, please teel free to contact me, i EncL i� z o� W � U � � 0 z 3 O � �� � �p a g � F � U �; r r J � ti 0 � 0 � � � � 0 2 i v c � � � � �� � ��`°� �.'� � + �, � +'� � �£a� 2 � z a � � \ � 7 � r � , � � �� �� .� � r � , � �I�I� . . ., .., � ., . .� .; • ` I \ d _ �1t: � � 0 p� P.�ls , h• . �� r'� . Attachment For Tender: T-6-99 �. � ROADIMPROVEMENTSON PICKERING/UXBRIDGE TOWNLINE PUBL[C WORKS DEPARTMENT LOCATION MAP PROPOSED IIUDGET AMOUNT; Ronds(Account#2320) 5130,000 LOCATION: Pickering/llxbridge Townline - Gom Mnrkhwn/1'ickering Townline, cast to Concession 3 (Uxbridgc). PROPOSED CONSTRUCTIONINCLUDES; Roud Restidncing (granular buse, Surfnce Trcatment and Slurry Seal) . Pickering/Uxbridge Townline -&om Markhwn/f'ickering Townline, enst to Concession 3 (Uxbridge). i¢oc,wwsiwcuur_ae000 ' _ _ , �� . ,�,,N ol '�r �$ " Attachment For Tender: T-6-99 '' 19 � ROAD IMPROVEMENTS ON ROUGEMOUNT DRIVE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTI:IENT \� 6 3UBJECT \• A�A � s,�;`�r�' Ir�J�, ` � � [ o•o �` � °F l�l. \ � u \ �.��,�, � $ • �- � ��'� ° . . � � �^�'��� ^� ro u n� t/ � � u ` ' � ,.'j � tin�h u I '� � L_ J � ; I Q rUStCU � � � u.r. �.a�v[� J � 1 ] u ( n �1 V� u I1� ��Of.t�N��� tuw~'.r� � . 1 � u�os, 1 u � • �! O t) ----- --- �• .,��r�.� , I.00ATION MAP PROP03ED BUDGHT AMOUNT: Roads(AccountH2320) $It5,000 LUCATION; Rougemount Drive- from Onkwood Drive, north to Toynevnle Road. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES; Rond Resurfucing (usphalt) . Rougemount Drive- Gom Oakwood Drive, north to Toynavalc Rond. ; i= i v.x�aw.n iwnwv_oicoc