HomeMy WebLinkAboutMPE 05/00. � \�OFP/�� 1J"� � ��c �� REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richazd W. Holbom DATE: February 18, 2000 Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering REPORT NUMBER: MPE OS-00 SUBIECT: Durham Region Public Works Officials Who Docs What Commiuec Facililnted Services Delivery Review RECOMMENDAT:ON: 1. That Report MPE OS-00 respecting Ihe facilitated review of Public Works Service Delivcry within Durham Rcgion bc receivcd; and 2. That thc Council of thc Corporation of thc City of Pickcring cndorsc Pickcring's participation in such rcvicw and appoint thc Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering lo participatc on Ihc "Who Docs What Commiltee". ORIGIN: Rcgion of Durham Council Resolution da1cJ, January 26, 2000 AUTHORITY: Not Applicablc FINANCIAL IMPLICATION3: The estimated cosl of tlic facilitaled proccss aver lhe four monlh procas is $30,000 to be shared by the Region, and eight local municipalilies. Pickering's share is S3,G00, nnd is includcd in the proposed 2000 Budgct,account2290-2392. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: At it's meeting of lanuary 26, 2000 Regional Council resolvcd, in part, "THAT the Region endorses tha Public Works "Who Does What" review and progress lo dale, nnd dirccls staff to continue the process with all Arca Municipnlities with a comprehensive dccision rcport to bc tabled at Regional Council und the Aren Municipal Councils by May 31, 2000." Thc Public Works "Who Docs WhaP' Committcc has rctaincd thc serviccs of Ainslic Nood af Wood•Sloan Inc. to fucilitntc this proccss. Pickcring's sharc of thc facilitution fec is 53,600. Thc purposc of this rcport is to havc Pickcring Council endorsc Pickcring's pnrticipation nnd to advisc how thc Committec intends to procecd. ��� RopaA to Council MPE OS•00 5ubject: Durham Region Pubiic Works Officials Who Does What Committee Facilitated Services Delivery Review Date: February IB, 2000 Page 2 BACKGROUND: The Public Works Ofticials within Durham Region hava been meeting regularly since Aprii 1997, discussing various aspects of service delivery and rationalization. Recent events such as the Kitchen/Armstrong report on Service Delivery, and Regional Council Resolulion of January 26, 2000 has prompted the "Who Does What" Committec to facilitatc and expedite the proccss Io meet the May 31, 2000 date to provide a final report to ihe Regional Works Committee and Arca Councils. The "Who Does WhaP' Committee has set a schedule of ineetings for February, March and April, 2000. A Committee framework of inembership and respective roles has been establishcd. A temis of reference is being finalized, as wcll as a list of serviccs to be reviewed. 'fhe Cammittee will prcpare an intcrim report to thc Durham Rcgion Works Committee for infortnation thal will provide the details of the above and the work to date. The final rcport will be sent lo local Municipal Councils and the Region's Works Commiltee prior lo Muy 31, 2000. ATTACI{MENTS: l. Leltcr Jalcd lanuary 31, 2000 from Regional Clerk Prcpared By: % � r ' hard W. Ibom, Division Hcad wiicipal operty & Engineering RW:ds: Attachmenls Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration oCPickering Ciry Council 1 ^�1I� 0�!/' omas J. nn, C ie 'nistrati e Officer Approved / Endorsed By� / � Everett u sma, ireclor Operations & Emergency Services '' ' CORPOpAT� I11OAJpTiONB AND ' � O�1/ NDE � /OONOMIC DNlLO�►16M . aFC�veo: . ATTACHMEN� �� I r� AEPOqTI� nu ra: � �I�b � • January3l, '° � p P EC�IVED ��Y �TY OF PICKERINQ . . L� UNC�I . . . OV9{EYERO.KRV. B ' �) �OW . . ' . Ll RI( FIR6 L • . lEOAI TRANSrt � . Mr. B. Ta I C Si CARE „pcE� ��TUFE { REC Y P����+�NO�o E RK'SDIVISION ' . ' � /C�Ie�. • �.►RQl\POII('.Y � MVN PROP f NU. . . l,I� O� e�^L COR► A�WIIE. q CARV.6 RVICE! � . TM Rplwul � `'^ • uow�q � . M����, �. 1 The Espl "°'"" . °fOirAi�" PickeriAg, Ontario aent. o�a�m,am L1 V 6K7 , � , eos �w.u,ro aa E.,i � • � ' eo. eo. sra ' Mr, Taylor, at lheir meeting held on January 26; 2000 the Council of the c�°�'i'N 8� Regional Mun(cipality of Durham passed the (oilowing resolulion: 1eos� seo-m � F°" �°°5�'6se.e°s� 'THAT the Report of the Facllitator, Action Plan and following vu, u,an�.,«x recommendations, from the Regional Council Study Retreat of January R'a°'"� aen� ' 11.12, 2000, be adopted by Regional Council and forwarded to ihe eighl Area Municipalities for endorsement: 1. THAT a modified 2-lier system af Regional Govemment be ., , retained in Durham, wilh a slimmed-down Region acling as an . apent of the lower tier. 2• THAT, recognizing lhe Province's directfon in pursuing a ' redudion in the number oi municipalities, the Region supports . and encourages potential amalgamations or govemance reform processes to be detertnined by June.30, 2000, with a final report , by June 30, 2001.' • 3. • THAT the Region endorses the Public Works W.D.W, review and ,• progress to date and direcls staft to continue lhe process with all • Area Municipalities with a comprehensive decision report to be . tabied at Regional Council and lhe Area Municipal Councils by . . . . : May 31; 2000. 4. . THAT the Region endorses the early completion and .., impiementadon of lhe Durham Insurance Pool by no iater than March 31, 2000 and requesls that Pickering and Oshawa • Councils endorse parlicipal(ng so lhat taxpayers savings can be . , maximized.• . . ,' S: THAT the Region requests that lhe P.O.A process be completed . and dealt with by all Councils na later lhan April 1, 2000 so lhat impiementation can be started April 1, 2001 with projected • , revenues of $4.0 M.ta the Regfon and Area Municipaiitiea ' . � . • . iooxvn.ico�n.�w . . , �Q �i �i • � , . r , . . . : -2.. . . A�AGHMEfYTq . I. � ' Mp6 ' TOqEppqTp S.00 ' . . . . . . . , . . . . . . ' : : '���� -� . .•8:. �'?HAT, In order to strengl�ea the drea Munfclpaf Fire Servlces; the � ' Reglon:encourage the F(re Chiefs ta (nvestlgate, prforitize and � . ' ' ' . ; repo¢ on the following items; .. • . . . • • : : � i�• Development of a joint emergency medlcal servlces, ' � �• ' • ' , � ': tralnfn9 Pro9ram. : . .� • • . . � . . • � (i � Jaint purchase of fire flashover simulation equipm@nt. . • • � � ' � � ii( Development of automatfc aid response programs: . � � ' . . iv .�' Pa�l(cipat(on in Reglonal co-operative pu�chasing group. ' ' . ' ' v ' Joint fire communications resource centre. •' ' ' vl Development of a Regional arson investigation,task force.' ' ' �� vii � Joinl purchase of aerial apparatus with the York Region •� ' � . , � co-aperative purchas(ng group. ' • , ' � � , � 7., THAT the Regional Council will review the issue.of the number of , . . '. .' poliUcians in Durham Regfon after the receipt of the locai . � . • � govemment studies and their oulcomes, and,will determine if • �. furlher changes are needed. As well, at that time, the issue of � � � � . direct, or (ndirect, elecUon of the Region Cha(r will �be revlewed, , ' • _. 8. THAT lhe Regional Cauncil strike a Committee comprised of the • � Reg(onal Chair, and eighl Mayors to rev(ew our Involvement with .> . '.• the G.T.S.B. and to consull with the Regional Councl and Area �` �, . Municipal Councils to form a positlon with re$pectto G.T,S.B.' • . reform.• . • . ' • • : . For your InformaUon, enclosed is a copy,of lhe Report of the Facflitator, � • Dick Tindal; Regfonal Council Study Retreat of January 11°' l012°', 2000. •' , .. , . ��iZd�� • . � P. M. Madill, A.M.C.T. , . , ,. ' , . Regional Clerk • • • . . .. '. • PMM/Iw. . • , � ' , ' � • ' . . , �• Encl, . ,: . . . .. • . : . . �. . • ' . • •. , � .�.�. � ,• �• ' ' I . . : � . .. • � � , , '. .. ��, , �' �• • � • � roc ATT/1CHMENT� � TOREPORT#.v�.o �'3�� U67 Report of the Facllitator Regional Council Study Retreat January 11-12, 2000 Dick Tindal Facilitator � , .i �' O�i$ ATTACHMENTq�Tpp�p�pT#�a �a.�� Ptcport from the Facilitator Preamble I indicated toward t4u end of the Retreat that [ would send along my thoughts on what had transpired, as background information for the Regional staff preparing their summary for you. The following are my perspectives and retlections, which I have asked be provided to aU those ettending in the hope that it may be of some use. Observations I commend members of regianal council for the progress that thcy made at the Fem Retreat in refortning tha system of gavemment in Durham region. There were many frank exchanges (some6mes brutally frank!), but members also showed a willingness to compromise and to search for common graund in pursuit of reforms which will serve the needs of the region while taking into account ihe refom► abjectives of the Province. This s,virit of cooperation was reflected in the virtually unanimous suppart for the series of motions appended to this report. Members afiimed their support far continuation of the hvo tier system of regional govemment in Durham. They endorsed a region which acts as an agent of the lower tier municipalities. [n my view, this concept recogtizes the fact lhat quite apart &om its role in offering a number of services mandated by the Province, the Region supports,the local municipalities by providing those services with cross•boundary implications or which are most e�ciendy or effectively delivered over a wider area. Members also endorsed pursuit of a"slimmed down" Region, a particulaz philosophy of govemment. Consistent with this philasophy is the consideration of altemative service deGvery options. These include everything from direct provision of a secvice by the Region, to reassignment of a service responsibility to the local municipalides or to combinations of local municipnlities, to. contracGng out of service provision thraugh a pazfiership aRangement. [Since I understand lhat the Region has eatercd into a number of pazfiership atrangements over the years, what has been endorsed is essen6ally e continuadon end advancement of this practice.] Members also agreed to support and encourage locally inideted studies of govemance refortn or poten6al amalgamation, which are to be Isunched with specific terms of reference by mid-year, with final reports by mid-2001. While the outcome is obviously unknown et this point, l regazd it as significant that there is a commitrnent to address this highly sensi6ve issue, and am encoureged to hope that the municipalities directly involved may resolve this maner themselves—while they stili have the time and local discretion to do so. Members also acted on several matters conceming the handling of specific services including roads, the Durham insurance paol, the Provincial Offences Act hensfer, and fire services. [n alt instances, l very much hope that full cooperedon will be farthcoming from all municipalities in the provision of information needed for any analyses, and that decisions on any new senrice arrangements will be consistent with the various objectives endorsed at � � ATTACHMENT��TOREPORTp�� � � °7s°�` n�� the Retreat conceming not only slimming down and streamlining but also lowering costs and maintaining or enhancing the provision of services. There was considerable discussion af the perceived necd to reduce the numbe� of municipal politicians and, indeed, municipalities, in the Durham region, even as members also noted the paradox that this action was being urged by the Province at a time when the workload for councillocs has incrcased markedly. Strong support was shown for the importance of local democracy and public accessibiliry. The members agreed that a final decision on the changes which might be needed with respect to the size of regional end local councils could be best detemuned after it was known whet services might be shifting where es a result of the series of servicing studies undenvay or endorsed, and after it was knawn what municipal nmelgamations might occur as a result of the local govemance initiatives which are to result in final reparts by mid-2001. Accordingly, they gave a fum commitrnent ro retum to the issue of the number of politicians within Durham region at thet time, They � decided not to deal with the issue of direct or indirect election of the Regional Chair until that later date as well. ' A Note of Caution It is a very fragile foundation that you have constructed at the Fern Retreat. It will quickly crumble if personal agendas returt► to the fore. Please don't look at any of the motions adopted to see "what can I get out of it from my municipaliry?" or "haw can this be used to advance my pet project?" Keep in mind the total package and the path down which you have barely begun to move. Yau have to dcmonstrate to the Pravince that you are working together, moving forward on a coordinated plan which will lead to reduced costs, while retaining or enhancing services, and which will result in fewer municipal polibcians and municipalities. At this point, you cen have a made in Durham solution. Yau are still the authors of your own fate. Please don't lose this c;��,'brtunity. It will not come again. It was a pleasure bcing part of your govemenco exercise, und I wish you well in the' challenges that lie ahead. � Dick Tindal January 13, 2000 +a n7�' ATTACHMENTa � TOREPORT#,nMs,�,2 ' �G�(o Action Plan (Follow up Steps) January 14 A report on the areas of agreement reached at the Retreat is to be compiled and faxed to all local municipalities. lanuary 26 The report on the Retreat is to be presented to Regional Council for endorsement at its next mceting, and is then to be referted to ell local municipalities, with on invitation for their responses end wiW the suggestion that they pursue local public consultabons with respect to these matters. January 26 Appointrnent af a committee to prepare a position with respect to the GTSB. • Mazch 31 Comple6on and implementation of the Durham Insurance Pool. April 1 Completion of the POA process. May 31 Report from the Public Works W.D.W. review to come to regional and local councils. lune 30 Terms of reference for local initiatives relating to governance review and potenbal amalgemations. To be detenained Report &om the Cross-Boundary Transit Committee To be detemw�ed Rcport from the Fire Chiefs ro various initiatives relating to ' area municipal fue services. June 30, 2001 Finel reports from the local initiatives on govemance and potendal emalgamations. Fall 2001 . Consideration by Regional Council, in light of results of the service and govemance reviews listed above, of what fiuther changes mey be needed with respect to the number of municipal politicians in the Region of Durham, and with res ect to the direct or ind'aect election of the Re 'onal Chair.