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FROM: dillie A, Pateraon DATB: June 16 , 1998
Director of �inancc & Treusurcr
Thomes J. Quinn � RL�PORT NUMDGR: TR 18/98
denerril Mnn6ger
SUOJGC7': 1999 Currcnt and Cnpital Dudgals
That Report N'1'R 1 Sl98 be reccived and thnt:
� Each Dcpartment Ilead undertakc a revicw oFextemai user fees chorged, or lhnl cauld be
charged, for Ihe services providal by that Departmcnl for discuseion wilh lhe deneral
Mianngcr and Ihc Aircclor of �innncc; .
2. Tlic �ire Chicf prcparo n report on Ihe charging for fire services rcndered to non-rcsidents
af Ihc Town of Plckedng for discusslon wilh Ihc Qencrol Mannger and Ihe Direcror of
financc; .
3. 'I1ie firo Chief, in conjimction wilh the Dircctor of rinance, prcparo n rcpoA on tl�e stale
of Ihe �irc Depnnmenl's Oect of vchicics, induJing a pinn for rcpincement and financing
acquisilions for discussinn wilh Ihc Oencrol Mnnngcr,
`� ,�D4. Cach Ucpodmcnt llcad propare n report on cost savings, ef(iciencies nnd any otlur
� improvements imdcrlaken, or lo be underinken, in Iheir respective Depuriment for
discuss(on wilh Ihc Qcncrnl Manoger nnJ Ihe Direclor of �innnce;
5. Tlic Dircclor of Public Works uadcrinko u rcvicw of inelhods of charging for garbagc
pick-up (ar discussion wilh Ihe l;uncml Managcr nnd Ihe Direclor of Pinonce;
6. 7'Iro Direclor of �innncc, in wnjunctian wilh the appropdatc Department Hwds, prepero
n Masler Developmenl and Servicfng Plan (Cepilel Porecast) and a mullf-year Current
Oudgcl in conjunclion wilh Ihc rcview of Dcvelopment Chnrges;
7. ` The Director of �inance, in conjunction with thc Maneger of Informntion Systems end tlie
` appropdale Depadment Hcuds, ; prcpnro a Stralegic Plan for the provision and
mninlennnco oFautomated informnilon sysiems (n Ihe Town af Pickering;
`8. TIu deneral Mnnnger, in conJunctinn wilh tl�o appropdata Deportment Itends and thc
Direclor of Finonce, report la Council on tha invenlory of fixed nssets (lenda and
buildings), logelher wilh a projeclion of nny revenues Ihat m(gl�t be �ecciveJ upon Ihe
dispasflion af any eucli nssels deemed sumlus lo Iho needs of the Town;
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; 3 ', ;'`Ret>an to Caunoll TIt i 9/98 f � June 16,199B
yf x� Snbjeet 1'KM Curteot and Capilal [iudgets . •,
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, Pege 2
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' ORIGIN: UlrcctaroFRinanceandTrcasurcr
- , Al1Tt1URITY: The Municipal Act
The rccommendations do nat result in any financinl implicnlions at Ih(s lime, however, it is
hoped thot soma benefils mny rcsult, prior 10 Ihe considemtion of the 1999 Dudgets by Council.
As menlioned obove, tlio mnJori�y of tlu rcwmmcndalions arc iNended to initiute swdics lo
iJenlify arcos of polenlinl cost reduclion or revenue cnhoncemcnl befpre Ihe 1999 budget is
considercd by Council. A delnllcd Aclion Plan for Ihe undcrlaking of these anJ olher swdies and
inilinlives wlll Ue forlhcoming from Ihc Ocncml Munagcr.
Not npplicoblc,
, Not applicublc,
hrspnrcd Dy:
Approved/Cndorsed Dy:
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!� Qillis A. Polerson os J. Q�
Dircclor of rinnnw & Trcasurer :%'�� deneml Manager
OAP/md .
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