HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 71/98. - :-,T..-T---:.-"_-- . - . . � -. . . - . .. � � ' . � t: . � . . � . '�N �F p� L 1 WA� I '.. REPORT TO C�iUNCIL FROM: Penny L. Wyger DATB: Junc 2, 1998 Town Solicitor REPORT NUMUER: L71/98 SUBJECT: Bremelea Limited. - Lots I-154,1ncluaive and Blocks I55 ro 164 In;lusive • Plan 40M-1242, Pickering - Subdiv4slon CompleNon and Releasc RECOMMENDATION: Bylaws should be enacted: I. to assume Town roads In Plan 40M-1242, Pickoring; 2. to assume Town servicu irotalled in the development of Plan 40M•1242 Pickering; 7. to amend By-law 2631J88 (Stop Signs); 4, toamend8ylawl•116/82(PlaccsofAmusemeN); to rccogntu thc completion of the project comprising Plan 40M•1242, PfckcrinP ORIdIN: I. Subdivision Agrccment daied Oclober 2,1981. 2. CompletionofproJect. AUTHORITY: I. Lnnd Talea Acr, R.S.O. 1990, chepter L.S, sation 152. Alunlclpnf Acf, R,S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, scclioro 262, 263. Rrgtonal Alunkipallrlea Acr, R.5,0. 1990, chepter R.B, section 23. Surveyr Acf, R.S.O. 1990, chaptar 530, seclion 57. 2. bfunlclpaf Aci, R.S.O. 1990, chapler M.45, sections 263, 284, 286, 297, 314.7. PlainingAcf, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr P.I3, satfon S I. Reglona! Mw�ictpollpes Aci, R.S.O. 1990, chapter R.B, sectlons 28, 72, 3. Nlghwoy 7Ya�c Acr, R.S.O. 1990, chaptet H.B, uction 137 RegfonalMunlclpafltJea Acr, R.S.O. 1990, chepter R6, sec�ion 34. 4, Munfclpal Act, R.5.0. 1990 chapter M.45, sectlon 236.6. FMANCIAL IMPLICA710NS: 'Ifiero are no new finenclel Impllcations to Ihe Town at a rault of thls rccommendatfon. BACKOROUND: The wmpletion of the development of this proJat, being Plen 40M-1242, Pickering, In aaordena with the Subdivielon Agrcement dated Ocrober 2, 1981 a+ emended and other epplicable Town policla, must be acknowledged by the enactment of by-lawe sstuming Ihe roade and auuming the Town servica tnslallcd. In eddition, other bylaws must ba enacud to ellow� Ihe various Town departmmts to ciou Iheir filn end to amrnd existfng municipal Iegisleqon to rcilect new cfrcumstance� crcated by thb projaPs developmenG Conxquenqy it b rccommended thnt the Pour drnit bydews ettachcd herero be enected. .. !�. . . .... . . ' ` . .. . .. .. . . . _ . . . . . . . � . �. x � �f. ' . . Z � RepoR ro CouncU . UINB � Date; 1une2,1998 SubJect: Subdivielon CompleUon end Relwe � peg� Z � BremeleeLtmited ATTACHMENTS: , 1. Drnll byInw W sssume road�. 2. Draft bylaw lo assume urviw. 3. DmR bylaw to wnend By-lew 2632/88 (Stop Signs). 4. DraR bylaw to emend By-lew 1416f82 (Places of Amuxmenl). 5. Location Mepping (2). Prepared hy: � Jody Pars s JEP:Ic Anachmcnls Raommendation epproved a� it etfats: Oeneral Menager Clerks Depertmom Firc Depaztment Parks end FacilUia Cullure end Recrcallon Plennfng Department Public Works Department Tronsportallon Departmrnt Treasury Department Approvcd by: 'G � enny Wyger l { i : �,_ ,�z :''t; ig ' ATTACHMENTt; I �,. ., p;�Ty L71'�f $ �E CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PI K. Ma e .� Being a 6y-law to assume Braebron Crescenl, Fo�vood :Yall, Laurier Crescen�, Newmark Place and Gardeirv:cw Square, Plan 40M•1242, Pfckerin� jor pu6qc u.se as pu6/ic hlghways under fhe f urlsdicflon of lhr Town. WHEREAS, Bayfiald Strcet, Beckworth Square, Ambenvood Crescent, Birchwood Coust, Flavelle Court, Foxvvood Trail, Weybum Squnrc und Wcybum Square North are highwoys shown on a plan of subdivision and are thcrefore deemed, pursunnt to the Surveys Act, R.S.O. 1990, chnpter S.30, scction 57, to be public highways; and WHEREAS, pursuent to thc bfunlclpal Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr M.45, section 263, the Council of The Corporetion of ihe Town of Pickering has jurisdiclian over thc:�c highwnys (the Council of The Regi�m:) Mwicipality of Durham not having enacted a bylaw pursuant to th. Regional Muntclpafiries Act, R.S,O.1990, chnpter R.8, seclion 23, to add lhose highways to the regionul road system); and WHEREAS, pursuant to th: Munklpa! Ac►, section 262, the soil nnd Creehold of those highways is thereforo vested in Thc Corpomtion of thc Town of Pickcring; NOW THEREFORE, thc Council of Thc Corporntion of the Town of Pickcring HERE[3Y ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Thc foliowing highwoys arc hcroby nssumed for public �sc as puhlic highways undcr thc jurisdiction of thc Council of Thc Corporation of thc Town of Pickcring: Brnebum Crcscent, Foxwood'frnil, Laurier Crcscent, Ncwmark Placc und Gardcnvicw Squsve all according to Plnn 40M-1242, Town of Pickcring, Rcgional Municipality of Du�ham. 2. The Town Solicitor is hereby authoriud to apply lo the Land Registrar pursuant lo lhe Land Ttlles Acr, R.S.O. 1990, chapter L.S, scction 152, to have the Corporation entercd ns the owner of the highwnys refcrred to in section 1. BY•LAW read a first, srcond end third time and finally passed this 22nd duy of Septembcr,1998. Tc:ti: i �,:• PIC!�E; :::, � r;�; . . , Wayne Arthurs, Mayor � . '. 8rucc Teylor, Clerk � �IOM•IU] � � . � � _ . . . � . . . . � , � � . :�.r' .. . . , . , .. . . . . . . . . . . . _ - . �. ��' ATTACHMEn!r r.• ? ; ; �I / l & I THE CORPORATION OF THB TOWN OF PICKF Md BY-LAW N0. Being a by-!aw fo assume services under �he Jurtsdtcllon ojlhe Town !n Plan 40M-1141, Plcke�ing. WHEREAS, pursunnt to, whero epplicablc, the MunicipalAc►, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, sections 263, 284 286, 297, end 314.7, thc Planning Act, R,S.O. 1990, chapter P.13, section 51, the Regtanol MuniclpaliNes Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, chapter R.8, sections 26 and 72 and the Agreement dated October 2, 1981 (Notice of which was rcgistered on December 10, 1981 as instrument No. LTi39237), between Bramalea Limited and The Corpomtion of the Town of Pickering, abave ground and underground services under the jurisdiction of the Town in Plan 40M-1242, Pickering, heve been completed to its satisfaction; NOW 71iEREFORE, the Council of'Ihe Cocpomtion of the Town of Pickering I�EREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS; 1. The ubove ground services undcr the jurisdiction of the Town, thnt urc required to be constructed or insmllcd in the development of Plon 40M-1242, Pickering, including the roads, curbs and guticrs, sidcwalks, driveway nprons, boulevurds, stmet signs, fcncing and grading, located on i�„ag �ne► � n��n, (a) dedicalcd to or owned by the Town, the Regional Municipality of Durl�am or the Province of Ontario, and (b) in Plan 40M•1242, Pickcring, or immcdiutcly adjaccnt Ihcrcto, nre hereby accepted by the Town end assumed by it for maintcnnnce, as of September 7,1990, 2. The underground urvices under thc jurisdiction of the Town that arc rcquircd to be conswcted or insmlled in ihc dcvelopmcnt of Plan 40M•1242, Pickering, including the stortn drainagc systcm end rclatcd appuAcnanccs,locnted onlendslhalnrc both, (a) dedicaled to or owned by the Town, the Rcgional Municipality of Durham or the Provincc uFOntntio, and (b) in Plan 40M-1242, Pickcring, or immcdintcly adjaccnt thercto, are hercby accepted by the Town and assumed by it for mnintcnance as of Septembcr 6,1990. 3. In sections 1 and 2, the phrose "lends thet are...owned by the Town" includes lands that nre subject to en easement transferred to the Town, but only with respect to the spccific scrvice or services roferred to in the easemcn► transkr document. BY-LAW read e first, second and ihird time and finally passed this 22nd day of September,1998. Totvr� o,: PiCI{j.rlf'�1 �t'; �r:,' .� Wayne Aithurs, Mayor _ �:: . , ::i . ,; i: Bruce Teylor, Clerk a�ixi: �. �' '+. ATTACHMENT'� 3 ._;,,��i . . ���qg THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PI KE IN(i �]�il�P�t�� " Being a by-!aw !o dmend By-law 16i1/88 provlding jor fhe erecflon ojsfop slgns. WHEREAS, pursuant to the prcdeassor of the /Ilghway Tra�c Acl, R,S.O. 1990, chapter H.B, scc(ion 1?7, the Council of The Corporetion of thc Town of Pickering enacted By-lew 2632/88 providing for the erection of stop signs at inlersections on highways under ils jurisdiction; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporalion of the Town of Pickcring HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1, Schcdule I to By-Inw 2632/88, es nmended, is hereby furthcr amended by adding thereto the following itcros: u n ou ]ntersectio� Fncin�Tra c Gardcnview Squere end Gastbaund on Gardenview Square Gerdenvicw Squarc 2. This By-law shall not come into force unless il is epprovcd by thc Council of lhe Regional Municipnlity of Durham pursuant to thc Regional N.anlcipallNes Acf, R.S.O. 1990, chapter R.S, section 34, 8Y-LAW read e first, second and Ihird time end finally passed this 22nd day of September 1998. TOWV OF PICf;L•fL'iQ j,r,:;; j;rr� Weync A�ihurs, Mayor !:: ,.. � ..i:d , �; ,';L ;.� Hruce Taylor, Cicrk IOMdt/1/W2711 ' � � - - � � t: C'; _ _ _ � . .. ,.., . . _ . ,. . .. . . . ATTACHMENT#�TOREPOR7q �-7I .�s THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKF.RMd pY-LAW NQ. Be1ng a by�law lo amend By-law 1416/81 provldfng jor the regulaNc: ��,nd Hcensing ojplaces ajamusemen►. WHEREAS, pursuant to the Munlcipal Acf, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, scction 236.6, the Council of The Corporatlon af the Town of Pickering enacted Bylaw 1416/82 providing for tha regulelion end Ilcensing of ple:es of emusement; NOW THEREFORE, lhe Council of The Corpomtion of the Town of Pickering H�RCDY ENACTS AS POLLOWS; 1. Schedulc A to By-Inw 1416/82, as nmcnded, is hcreby further nmendcd by ndding Ihcreto the following itcm: Bracbum Crcscent, Foxwood Trail, I.aurier Crcsccnt, Ncwmark Plucc and Gardcnview Square. BY-LAW rcad a first, second and third timc end finally passed this 22nd day of September,1998. T01YN OF PIC::EI;I; ;p r" •'� �''' � Weyne Arihurs, Mayor '.:',.....:.i . � r` ;=���' �� _ Brucc Teylo�� Clerk �OMd3/fICT10T � � .'fJ; ATTACHMENTN�TOREPORT# �-7II9$ LEOEND PROPOSED � STOP S/GN ; �0"" �' P1Q1��'"� TRAFFIC REPORT ��� r fua iaaoo - Mr t1w OAROENVIEW 80UARE • LOCATION OF PROPOSED BTOP 81QN N�7�w�.�v_w+�uo . � '1� ATTACHMEN?It.ZTOREPORT# L 71Iq$ � W�J U� a(` '1 CRESCENT ARCAD l.—,J �---.J � � ENT 3 CHARNWOOD COURT Z IRANDA O � m ASHFIELD � COURT � � � p CRT. m � GRT �R�vE FERNAM LANE Q DRIVE ST. � ~ � N W � 'n ' O OUOS �NE d STROUDS Q p X� � o p ; W Q Z Y � � O U � d ) � y Q� W � � FLAV Z � .-� iC J m m ,� D COU a W � r BAYF � � 0 BRAEBURN � W � 1 W � CRES. Q � J Q -�' Y � 3 � w � � FOXWOOD m Q I NOOD TR TRAIL U _p.RK 3 WEY :VIEW � w � ANE wJ W j fl za � Z o �1N CR. U�p d W � LAURIER � � � U SQUA LWAYS Q o�or.�_nur�. SHEPPARD AVENUE m ❑ m D � � � � � � � � DRIVE Z � � SUNDOWN � � p � QO � DAYLIGH � CRES. � � U Tovm oi Plckerin8 Piannlnp Department � � wTe AUO, g819e