HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 70/984, �' t � . . . � . ' ' � � .. . . 1� . .. .. � . �. 1 , f . . .. �. . � ' . ��) � � � 1 ./,� '��� � P . .' . . � . . � . . . � . 1 � REl'iDRT TO �OUNCIL FROM; Penny !„ Wyger DATE: June 2, 1998 Town Solicitor REPORTNUMBER: W0/98 SUBJECT: Bramalea Llmited - Lota 1•I10, end Blocks 1 I 1 to 146 inclusive, Plan 40M•1232, Pickering - Subdivfslon CompleNan end Releau REWMMENDATION: Bylaws should be enacted: 1. to acsumc Town roads in Plen 40M-1232, Pickering; 2. to acsume Town services imtalled in the development of Plan 40M•1232 Pickering; 3. to amend Bylaw 2672/88 (Stop Signs); 4. to amend Bylew 1416/82 (Places of Amusement); to rccognlu the completlon of Ihe proJect compdsing Plan 40M•1232, Pickedng. ORIdIN: 1. Subdivislon Agrcement daled October 2, 1981. 2. CompletionofproJat. AUTHORITY: 1. LandTir(eaAcl, R.S,O. 1990, chapter L.S, uction 152. Munlclpal Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, secttoro 262, 263. Regional FlwdclpallrtraAa, R.S.O. 1990, chapter R.B, sectlon 23. SurveyaAN, R.S.0.1990, chapur 5.30, sectlon 57. 2. Munlclpnl Aef, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, sections 263, 284, 286, 297, )14.7. PlanningAcl, R.S.O. 1990, chapler P.i3, section SI. Reglonal MwilclpaUrle.r Ac1, R.S,O. 1990, chapter R.B, sectioro 28, 72. 3. HlghwayTrafJJcAcI, R.S.0.1990, chapkr N.8, secdon 137 Regfona! Mrmlctpa/lffes Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chapter R.B, secQon 34. 4. Munlcfpal Acl, R.S.0.1990 chapter M.45, secNon 236.6. FMANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Thero ero no new finencial fmplications to the Town as e rcsult ofthis recommendation. BACKdROUND: • The wmpletion of the developmrnt of thfe project, being Plen 40MJ232, Pickedng, in accordence wtth the Subdividon Agrcement dated Ocrober 2, 198I nti emended end olher applfuble Town policies, must be ecknowledged by the enactment of bytawn avumtng the roeds and dvsum(ng ihe Town services instelled. In addidon, other bydaws must be enected to nllow lhe vartous Town depenmenU to ciom Ihe(r flies end to nmend exieHng municlpnl legbletion w rc0ect new circumstanca crcated by thi� proJaPs development Conuquently tt ie rceommended that iha faur drcft bylewa etteched hercto be enected, �+ ;�., _ i „ .. . - RepoTt ro Council � WON8 Dete: June2,i998 SubJcet; SubAiviilon Complution end Releau p� Z ATTACHMENT3: 1. DraR by-law to avur.ie ro.uis 2. Drelt byInw to auwie servica. . 3. Dreft by-lew to ammd Bp•law 2632/88 (Stop Sfgne). 4. Draft by-Inw to amend Bylaw 1416/C2 (Places of Amusement). 5. LocationMepptng(2). Prepered by: KP. � j�/ � lody Parsons JEP;Ic Altachmenb Recommendation approved as it e(kcu: amerai Manager Clerks Department Flm Dcparlment Perks a�id Fecilitles Culture and Recreution Plenning Deparlment Public Works Depertment Transpohat(on Departmcnt Treasury Depaitment Approved by: � �- Penny Wy �F: . 't �` a �; 3:J . �.�: '. � .. ��s � � . 'tit . 4 ATTACHMENTN.�TOREPORTN L70/qg � �;'�:.• ��.� ��' �.�.• :i.� .� Befng a by-!aw to assume BayJield Slreel, Beckwar�h Square, Amberwood Crescenl, Btrchwood Court, FfaveUe Cotul, Foxwood Trail, Wey6urn Square, and Weyburn Square North„ Plnn 40M-1231, Plckering, jor pubilc use aspu6Nc hlgbways under rheJurlsdlclton ojlhe Town \VF[EREAS, Bayfield Street, Beckworth Square, Ambenvood Crescent, Birchwood Court, Flavellc Court, Foxwood Trail, Weybum Square and Weybum Squarc North nre highways shown on e plen of :;ub�livision and ure thereforc dccmed, pursuvnt to the Surveys Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chapter 530, section 57, to be public highways; and WHEREAS, pursunnt to the 6luntclpal Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, section 263, the Council of The Corpo��ation of Ihe Town of Pickcring has jurisdiction ovcr thosc highwnys (the Council of 71ie Regional Municipality of Durham not having cnacted a by-luw pursuant to the Regfona! Munlcipal!!!es Acr, RS.O. 1990, chapter R.8, scclion 23, to ndd Ihosc highwuys to the rcgionnl road system); and WNEREAS, pursunnt to lhc blunicipa! Acl, scction 262, Ihc soil ;md frcchold of thosc highways is thcrefore vested in The Corporation of the Town of Pickcring; 1JOW THEREFORE, thc Council of The Corporotion of thc Town of Pickering HERHUY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Collowing highwuys arc hereby assumed for public usc ns public highways under the jurisdiclion of thc Council of Thc Corporation of the Town of Pickcring: Dnyficld Street, BeckwoAh Square, Ambcnvood Crescent, Dirchwood Court, Finvcllc Court, Foxwood Trail, Wcybum Squnrc and Wcybum Squarc North ull according to Plon 40M-1232, Town of Pickering, Regionul Municipality of Durham, 2. The Town Solicitor is hcrcby authoriud to epply to the Land Registrar pursuant to ihe Land Tiffes Ac�, R.S.0.1990, chaptcr L.S, section 152, to havc the Corpomtion cntered es ihe owner of the highways refcrted to in scction 1. BY-LAW read a first, second and ihird time and finally passed this 22nd dny of September,1998. TG1r,J (1F F(' .. �i{'�.g 'Y -^� Weyne Mhurs, Mayor , . ..;:1 ,. -- �o�ivi -�' —..... Bruce Taylor, Clerk . .�. . l�_ �:.'�: �►� 1._ •J�� :.61 �� Being a 6y-law ►o assume services under �he/urisdlcllon oj�he Town 1n P/an 40M•/132, Pfckering. WHEREAS, pursuant to, where applicablc, the Munlcipa! Act, R.S.O. 1990, chaplcr M.45, sections 263, 284 286, 297, and 314.7, ihe Planning Acl, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13, section 51, the Reglonal MunlclpaUries Acr, R.S.O. 1990, chapter R.8, secdons 28 and 72 and the Agrcement dated October 2, 1981 (Notice of which was rogistered on December 10, 1981 a� InsWmcnt No. LTI3923�, betwcen Bramalea Limited and The Corporation of lhe Town of Pickering, abovc ground and underground services under thc jurisdiction of Ihe Town in Plan 40M-1232, Pickcring, have been completed to ils satisfaction; NOW 77iEREFORE, Ihe Council of Tlie Corporalion of the Town of Pickering HERGBY ENACTS AS EOLLOWS: 1. Thc nbove ground scrvices undcr thc jurisdiction of thc Town, thet arc required to be construcled or installcd in thc dcvclopment af Plan 40M-1232, Pickcring, including thc roads, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, drivcway aprons, boulevnrds, strcet signs, fcncing and grading, located on lands Ihnt arc both, (a) dcdicated lo or owned by the Town, the RcgionAl Municipnlity of Durham or the Province of Ontario, and (b) in Plan 40M-1232, Pickcring, or immediatcly adjacent thcrcto, arc hereby accepted by ihc Town nnd assumcd by it for maintenancc, us of Junc 20, 1990. 2. The underground scrvices under the jurisdiction of the Toµn that arc requircd to bc conslrucicd or installed in the devclopment of Plan 40M•1232, Pickering, including lhe stortn drainage system and rclated oppurtcnanccs, locatcd on innds that arc both, (a) dcdicated to or owned by Ihc Town, lhe Regional Municipality of Durham or the Provincc of Onwrio, and (b) in Plnn 40M-1232, Pickering, or immediatcly ndjucent thereto, are hereby sccepted by the Town and assumul by it for maintcnnncc es of May 7,1984. 3. In sections t and 2, the phrase "lands that are..,owned by the Town" includes lends thnt arc subject to nn easement irens&rred to tha Tawn, but only with respect to the spccific urvice or services rcferred to in Ihe eaument transCcr document. BY-LAW read a first, second nnd th(rd time and finally passed this 22nd day of Septcmber, 1498. Tew,� oF i' ;,.C�iC•,3 ---.-''-,� Wayne Arthurs, Mayor ,.. �o'ri.�;rl u.: ;.L ��:'t. Druce Taylor, Clerk �ou.u�: - ° � � . .. ' 6 . A�fT�CHMENTl1� 3_TqREPQRT1t L 7�D/9Q' THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERIN(3 . ►• Being a by-faw �o amend Byfaw ?631/88 provtding jor fhe erecfion ojsrop slgns. WHEREAS, pursuent to the predecessor of the Hlghway Tra,(%Jc Acl, R.S.O, 1990, chepter H,8, section 137, lhe Council of The Corporetion of the Town oP Pickering enected By-law 2632/88 providing for the erection of stop signs et interscctions on highways under i1s jurisdiction; NOW TNEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickcring HEREDY ENACI'S AS FOLLOWS: 1. Schedule 1 lo Bylaw 2632/88, as umcnded, is hercby furlher nmendcd by ndding thcreto the following items: Colum Co umn 1 lnlersections Fucing Tmffic Wcybum Squarc Norlhbound on Airchwood Caurt Birchwood Court 2. This Bylaw shall not come into Corcc unlcss it is approvcd by thc Council of thc Regional Municipality of Durham pursunnt to the Regla�al Municlpal171PS Acl; R,S.O, 1990, chepter R.8, sectian 34, BY-LAW read a first, second end third time end finally pacud this 22nd day of September 1998. T�.:'ikCr r.:. ;a : •;-•� ,. ' � . � . :1 Weyne Arihurs, Mayor 1.:3,11 G!;NL Bruce Taylor, Cicrk IOM•I117/W7)11 � - �� . . . . �L-,. . . . , � � .. :. ..'? ; . . . _ . . ' . .. . . � .. � ,s,'1� - .. . : � .. � ei� p ' . . . . . . .. . �.�"_ ." . .. �� r � � {W' T�c m� . .. . _ �,�: ..., ,.. . ._ . ... � . . , . - . . � . . . . . . � .i . ATTACHMENT # �70 t1EpOqT 1l _L 7� � THE CORPORATION OF TNE TOWN OF PICK RINd BY-LAW N0. Befng a 6y-!aw !o amend By-!aw /41Q/81 pravlding jor �he regulatton and Ucenstng ojpfaces oJamusemen�, WHEREAS, pursuant to the Muntclpal Ac�, R.S.O. I990, chapter M.45, scction 236.6, the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering enacted By-law 1416/82 providing for thc regulation and licensing of pleces of amusement; NOW THEREFOItE, ihe Council of The Coqwmtion of the Town of Pickcring HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Schedule A to By-Inw 1416/82, as amended, is hereby further amcnded by adding thcreto the following item: Dnyftcld Strcet, Dcckwonh Square, Ambcnvood Cresccnt, Birchwood Court, Fluvelle Coun, Foxwood Trail, Wcybum Square and Wcybum Squarc Nonh BY-LAW read a first, second and third timc and finnlly passed this 22nd dny of Scptcmbcr,1998. TOVJt: OF P�:.:'.L°';:a . jy; .. .:� . . F.5 �i l. : u:...� � . Wayne Arthurs, Meyor LEGAL DEPL Bmce Taylor, Ckrk 40M�1211/C17W . . � . � .ii� _ . .. � . rr "`�q � k f + ,.�9'.4". �, �'.0 �I� , , � { � X �� ' � . i , r M �L t '_. ? _ 4 �ii{� � . � .`j . . _ f h_int? j 1�,,t�: � ��: . . ��l�,N �ry,�t�f �f � YT y l..� R . . .��� �}�y�q' ��. ' � . t 4�(� yt�F'� 2�e�V Ji f/ .. � U E r�c `^ t � _ . � �i�-£�}� � , Y ��, �' „ . _ . . .. , � L ,: � LEGEND PROPOSED � SfOP. SIGN �ro� or p►cKeaiNa TRAFFIC REPORT �.�, �, scYt ia000 - Mr i��e BIRCHWOOD COURT • LOCATION OF PROPOSED STOP 810N �yr�ra�acrv�n�ot.rv-wvuaa ATTACHMENTk S 7GIlEPORTU__�7��� 9 r � IJ Q.' J I- Q W W > 0 � > � > � � N W U Z � CRESCENT W� a CRESCENT ARCADIA SQ. � N 1 ARNWOOD COURT Z IRANDA � Q . m ASHFIELU � COUR� � n W � CRl . m GRT �R�vE FERNAM LANE a DRIVE ST. u�i W � -n �G ♦ 0 0 �o � STROUDS J 0 X� � � J U � U I Q a w Z O I- � � a U � p � � ���� Y � =1 � " 0 W J � W V o � � d W m � W � N FLAVELLE {- m a A COURT = > BRAEBURN �' CRES. � O � Y U �xw000 W m I_pRK . � 2 W � w� w y o Z a c�i w 3 ° d w LAURIER � � � Q SHEPPARD m � m D � A � � F DRIVE Z � � SUNDOWN � � Town ot Pickering �N TRAI vi w � U D �j � r BAYF,,� p " ST, J J W F; � � � U Q I U WEYBURN SQUARE RCHWOOD CRT AVENUE a r� DUNFAIR Y O O � m Q z N � oATE AU0.2QN8