HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 005/98�N oF p� ,�O � FROM: Pcnny Wyger Town Salicitor REPORT TO COUNCIL DATE: Janunry T, 1998 REPORTNUMBCR: L005/98 SUBJECT: Roud - Dedication - PnAS of Block M, Plan M-1057, Pickcring (Enstbnnk Rood) designntcd as Pnrts I, 2, 3 und 4, Plnn 40R-3448 - File: W2304.340 RECOMMENDATION: A by-law should bc enocted to dcJicu�e those parts af Dlock M, Plan M-1057, Pickering, dcsignnted ns Pnrts I, 2, 3, anJ 4, Plun 40R•3448 (Eastbank Road) as public highwny. ORIGIN: Requesl Gom Kerz, Osicr, Wolfman, Solicitors, datcJ Dcccmbcr 18, 1997, AUTHORITY: hLmtcipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr MAS, scction 297(1)(a). FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Nonc. BACKGROUND: Approvnl of Land Division Applicntions LD 533/76 to 536/76 wns subjcct to scvcrnl conditions, onc of which rcquircd ihat thc I foot Rcscrvcs shown ns 1'nrts I, 2, 3 and 4, Plan 40R-3448 bc lifted. While all other conditions of the sevemncc wcre complied with, through inadvertence, thc finnlization of the li(ling of the rcscrvcs Gonting ihe nbove-noted propertics wns not cl'fected. In order to provide Iegal occess to ihesc lots, Parts i, 2, 3 nnd 4, Plun 40R-3448 must be dedicaled ns Public Highwny. Ennctment of the at�uched bylew will authorize that dedication. ATTACHMENTS: I. DraR bylaw. 2. Locution Map 3. Sitc Sketch. Penny W DB:IJm : Atwchmenu Copy, Dircctor of Plenning . Directar of Publfc Works : ,,:. � ,, , � �, �,. _ :,.. ., 35 3.� _ THE GORPORATION OF THF TOWN OF PI KFRING IIY-LAW N0. Being a by-laiv fo dedlcale diose parls ojll/ock M, Plan M-1057, Plcker7ng, deslgnaled us Parts !, 1, 3 unJ �l, Plan 40R-3498, as pu6!!c hlghtivuy (Easlbank RoadJ. WHEREAS Tha Corporation of the Town of Pickering is the owner of those pnrts of 81ock M, Plun M• 1057, Pickering, designated ns Parts I, 2, 3 and 4, Plun 40R-3448, (Eastbank Road) and wishes to dedicate them as public highwuy. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. Those parts of Block M, Plan h1-1057, Pickering, designated us Pnns l, 2, 3 nnd 4, Plun 40R- 3448 (Eustbunk Roud) nre hereby dedicuted as public highway. � �I BY-LAW read a first, second and third time anJ finally passcd this 19th day of Janunry, 1998, � Waync Anhurs, Muyor � i Brucc Taylor, Cletk i � �` [ ;' � , F. . � f . r • h , . , � r�� J OF PICKERI 'H URBAN AR �� R�SIDEN' �OPOSALS ,NS AF Si1R❑ � . . . � . . .. . �� . 3� pF PICKERING nar In IM OF PICKERING MUNICIPAUTY OF OURHAM �; I I"■ 30' , T,S.FLUKE , O.L.S., 1978. � .r N� � ' ;�1, I : rJ `, � Z r �� x � �� � , a¢ � � z �. 4 `.. �{\ I �� • � �t • �� �: • ' � 1 m �,� (ry � � .. i?' �t [0 V� .i `�. l�'� . .. , � Sr A��% ,_ .. . . �1.�N 40R � � ; �uaiac uMOCq ' �cornaio �J� �urt� iioi.ii,: ru Y•N � i ua n� �j = I\ 1 • :Nff MI C!OFA � .,rati •� �I.q� �n�r.� niwewi ,_... ._.� �_ —_,��.......•. �r�rrf N I Y�i/io+� I e � � A ° I .MR�lh � � r� I� � K — — � '� — I t.1Y ,n'�,rl _� •"__ !�i �_...�._ � :i�,ymu 0 � N ` I t ' "' I 7 ` s � a ti • wrreit ° ri.{Z� CC ��_�INi __ �� _�r�r� _ -----'�' _._.._— . wlMrNao�1_-- 7 � • C � ` . � i j � � � • 6 � 1, i f � , . •t wn•s�t = � 1.fY _rr�r� ._._ _ _..._ �n.�on,�` _.—_•--- .wmwaaT—'— —'� . — . t�..._. I � � M1 < ~ I s n I ..nr a 10111.I10�=—_. •11�Wq��� �� 1. •-`�IIIM�0011.�, ��._.. ��mMiMl y.7.D!' �1 � 1 MT3'74�10� /n'SI NI !ldlM . . � ' ? �' �V � i:�� ... . _��" . . _ . . , . ,. -.. . _ .,. -