HomeMy WebLinkAboutCR 09/00�`,�y OF P/p� 1 l I 3 REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Stephen Reynolds DATE: August I, 2000 Division Head, Culturc & Recreation REPORT NUMBER: CR 09-00 SUB)ECT: Pickering Recrcation Complex and Don Beer Arenas Right lo Sell Advertising Space RECOMMENDATION: That Report CR 09-00 be received by Councii and that; 1. Tho proposal in reply to RFP-4-00, submitted by Futuresign Multimediu Displays for the right to scll ndvertising space in the Pickering Rccrcation Complex and Don Becr Arenas be nccepted, subject ro receipt of appropriate WSIB coveragddocumentntion.. 2. A bylaw bc cnactecl to author.zc thc exccution of an Advcrtising Agrcement pursuant to which Futuresign Multimcdia Displays will be permiltcd to sell advcrtising space on the rink boards nnd othcr deviccs at the Pickering Rccrcation Complex nnd Don Hcer Arenas for n fivc ycar tcrtn. ORIGIN: RFP-4•00 AUTHORITY: bfiodcipul Act, R.S.O. 1980, scclion 210.57, chapter 302. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Revcnues Pickering Recreation Complex and Don Beer Arcnas 2000 — 4 months (minimum) = 5 1,6G7 2001-12 months (minimum) = 5 5,833 2002 — l2 months (minimum) = 3 8,333 2003 — l2 months (minimum) = 510,833 2U04 —12 months (minimum) _ $13,333 2005 — 8 months (minimum) = S 10,000 EXECUTIVE SUAIMARY: N/A BACKGROUND: A Requcst for ProposAl (itFP-4-00) was issucd by Supply and Scrviccs in Junc 2000 for thc right to sell advcrtising spacc s+t the Fickering Recrcation Complex nnd Don Becr Arenas. Supply and Scrviccs nlso edvcrtiscd in the Ne�va Advertiser on thc City Community Page. Submissians wcrc reccivcd itom Futuresign Multimcdia Displays, Bcardvicw Advr�lising Inc., Brooklin Bullctin and Signs, Sambrook Co. , 1 n 4 Report to Council CR 09-00 Date; luly 31, 2000 Subject: Pickering Recrcalion Complex and Don Beer Arenas page 2 An evaluation team consisting of Len Hunter, Supervisor, Facilities Operations, A1 Lillie, Materials Buyer Il, Bob Godden, Arena Foreperson reviewed proposals in detail, The evaluation team met on July 7 and evaluated all thc proposals in compliance with thc RFP requircmcnts, scope of services, financiul compensation, working relationships and professional competence. ARer careful examinution of the proposals received, staff recommend the proposal submitted by Futuresign Multimedia Displays to be the best overall servicc. Refercnces were checked by the Supervisor, Facilities Operations and are deemed to be satisfactory. Futuresign Multimedia Dispinys will be required to provide suCficient optional WSIB Insurance. The agreement is set to commence on Septcmbcr 1, 2000 upon approval for u five (5) year tertn. Enactment of the draft byluw attached will authorize the execution of nn udvertising ngreement to be prepared in a form acceptable to the City Soliciror in consultation with the appropriate City Departments and in conjunction with thc tcrtns of reference set out in RFP-4•00 and existing Ciry practices. AITACHMENTS: 1, Supply & Scrvices mcmorandum datcd Junc 21, 2000. 2. DraR Bylnw Preparal B• Approved / Endorsed By: � . . � ��, . 5teph�:n eyno s ve tt Bunt ma Division Head, Culturc & Recrcation Dircctor, Operetions & Emergcncy Services SR:th Attachments Copy: Chief Administrativc Officcr Director, Corporate Serviccs & Treasurer City Solicitor Manager Supply & Services Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ciry Council .• .. � � i �O mas J. Quin , Chief Admims v O�cer � '....• A�TACHMCNT N�,L, I U fttPORT tl�-d ��lJ�ci+r ro seu. Aov�rnswo ar� �s Department of Corporate Servicee 1�5 Inter-Depertmentel Memorandum Supply & 3ervicee To: Sleve Reynolds Divislon Heed — Culture and ReaeaGon From: VereFelpemacherJeffrey Naneper of Supply 6 Servtces Dete: June 21, 2000 m, Rlq I � ,�' — e '� Y � Proposals for the ebove proJed have been tecelved as of the Gosing timeldete of 12;00 Noon June 21, 2000. Flve companies were inviled lo paAlGpale of which four responded wilh proposels. Summary of Respondents • Boerdview AdveAt.;:�y Inc, (S3,OOD.OD deposit InGude� • :frooklin Bulletin Slgns ' • Fuluresipn Mullimedia Displays • Sembrook Co. Orlglnel proposals are ettached for evalualion. Review each proposal to ascertain which Company best mee4a the Ciry's arena advertlsing requfremenls. Aiso, retum each company's proposal for our Oles when the evaluation is complete, A spreedsheet of revenue offered is attached and is a first�glence preliminary drett only to esslsl during the evaluelion phese, to whlch more subjedive InlortneUon can be InGuded and I ar modllied. Acceplance Is Iikely subJed lo CounGl Approvel. Leaat Services would hendle the fortnulalion and prucesslnp of an Apreement belween the parlles involved. PriGnp and defails of propossls should nol be disdosed lo the respondents. Each will be advised accordinply of the outcome. Any Irpuires In lhis reperd may be direded to Supply 6 Services. If ya requiro furiher informalion, piease feel free lo conlact me. � Vera A. elgemachar Jeffrey, CPPO, C.P.P., CApd 1 Menager of Supply end Services ettachments J/misdifp4Q0 • ,. .�• � 106 � [ � �' � � � � 0 � co � ... < � � I �,' P �. O � O „� O � n (D � � � b n � � � �. � � � � �� �� � O A M �� n v � � � . , AT7'ACNMENT#..s�TOREPORTIi�'D¢00 THE CORPORATION UF THE CITY OF PICKERING 1 n 7 BY-LAW N0. Befng a by-law lo autliortze !he executton oj an Adver�ising Agreemenr benveeri the Ciry and Futuresign Mrrl�imedfa Displays jor lhe right to se!! advertising space at the Pickering Recreatfon Complex and Don Beer Arenas . WHEREAS the Don Becr and thc Recrcation Complex Arenas are community recrcation centres opernted by the City of Pickering; and; WHEREAS, pursuant to section 210.57 of thc Municipnl Act, R.S,O. 1980, chapter 302, Thc Council of the Corporation oC the City of Pickcring mny enact a by-luw inter alia, operating areans; NOW THEREFOPB THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKEItING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: l. Thc Mayor and Cicrk azc hcreby nuthorizcd to cxecute an Advcnising Agrecment, in a fortn ncccptablc to thc City Solicitor bciwcen Thc Co►poration of thc City of Pickcring and Futuresign Multimedia Dispinys for thc purposes of sclling ndvcrtising spacc at the Pickcring Rccrcation Complcx and Don Bccr Arcnas. BY-LAW read a first, se�ond und third timc and finally pazscd this 8'" day of August, 2000, Waync Atthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk . { . � .. . , ,; �,,, _ . , . . . . >_�; ,. ,... . .. . - �