HomeMy WebLinkAboutPF 08/98, ,, , , 149 �N OF p� � REPOR'� TO C'OUNCIL FROM: Everett Buntsma, N.P.D., C.M.M. DATE: July 29, 1998 Director of Parks and Facilities REPORT NUMBER: PF 08-98 SUBJECT: Hiring of Consultants, and Project DevelopmendConstruction Management Services Company to initiate the work approved by Resolution #I 14/98. RECOMMENDATION: That the Council approve entering into contracts for the ft'lowing amounts with: 1. Stone, Kohn, McQuire, Vogt $39,000 2, Simcoo Engineering $30,000 3. Dulton Engineering and ('onstruction Limited 521,000 and That a plen for phasing end financing be brought back to Council far final approval snd That Council euthorize the execution of all necessary documenis to bring efTect hereto. nR1GM: Council Resolution #I 14/98 AUTHORITY: Resolution of Council FINANC[AL IMPLICATIONS: Fixed Costs for Services (including Project Management) 590,000 Estimated Disburscments, Surveys, Landscape Architectural, site costs $10,000 TOTAL SI00,000 plus G.S.T. EXECUTIVE SUfvIIv1ARY: At the June 22,1998 Regular Council Meeting Council approved Resolution # I 14/S8 (attachment # 1). Portions of that epproval require the hiring of various professionals to initiate thc directions given in the resolution. Such hiring as required and approved, requires ihe approval of funding to pay for these services before retuming to Council with e plan, for phesing and financing of Ihe actual �'�;r conttrucUon. ��'' !� r Tderefore, lhe abovo rer,ommendation initiales PhAse 1 of Resolution #I 14/98. :� •�� . = t4�s �r � 4�' . n�tr y�?�`�. . - � ' � L'f C / �1 � � { ] a�; 4 r . .._ ��� .. .. .. . ��'i . 15� Report to Counci! PF 08•98 Dalc: 29, )uly 1998 ' �� � �i „ Subject; Addition to East Shora Communiry Cenirc Pege 2' BACKGROUND: The East Shore Building Committea, chaired by Councillor Dickerson, submitted to Council a proposal for renovetions and an addition to tha Eest Shore Community Centre. Council endorsed the propasal e�id further directed other works to progress and thet a plan for phasing and 6nancing be brought back to Council for final approval. The Director of Parks and Facilities hes negotiated and received proposals from threa professional services firms required to complete the intent of the Resolution and to initiate and complete construction when Council approves ►he phasing and financing of the project. The erchitecturai firtn of Stane, Kohn, McQuire, Vogt was approved for retention as part of Resolution # 114/98. To complete the plan Por phasing and financing, and the working drawings, specifications and tenders requires the services of Simcoe Engineering to provide structural, electrical and mechanical engineering services. Also, the services of Dalton Engineering and Construction Limiled ure required for cost estimating, Project Management and Construction Manegement Services in lieu of a General Contractor. It should be noted that the services of Dalton �vere included in th� originai construction cost estimate of 3609,351.00. Although other consultant fces wcrc not included. The cast for these services are: Stone, Kohn, McQ���rr, Vogt 539,000 Simcoe Engineering 530,000 Dalton Engineering and Cansiructian Limited 2a �.000 Fees Total 590,000 The costs have been e;tabiished ns a fixed cost not tied to final construction cost to ensure fee consistency. However, all have bcen advised that canstruction shell not exceed S600,000. Thero will also be incidental wsts for surveys, disbursements, landscape architectural, pertnits and site services estimated et S 10,000. Therefore the total funds requested for approval at this time aze S 100,000 plus G.S.T. Approval of the foregoing recommendation will ellow the Department of Parks and Facilities to proceed with implementation ofResolution #114/98. ATTACFIIviENTS: I, Resolution #114/98 :f`; ��k �4 �.f. :' .`�:�.. ... .... ; � Report to Council PF 08•98 Data: 29, luly t998 Subject: Addition to East Share Community Centre Prepazed B • Approved / � dorsed Everetl Bunlsma EB:jw : Copy: General Maneger i , � �� � ,:. , � , . . ., ,� , .; <_ : , � j. 4.:. 151 Page 3 ;"- � � � � ' ' .���' �N �1 ��l .�Fs. � D �C�C��M�g INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORAND JUN 2� 1998 DD TOWN OF ri�K�hlNp DEP7 Os CLERK'S DEPARTMCNT p�RKS 6 F�ciuries DATE: June 23,1998 1'O: • Everett Buntsme, Dirator of Parks and Facilities ✓ • Gil Peterson, Director of Fina�ce • Vera Felgemacher-leffrey, Manager, Supply & Services FROM: Brua Taylor, Town Clerk Pleaae be advit ed lhet the Council of the Town of Pickering passed Ruolufion N114N8 at a Regular Cour,cil Mating ofJune 22, l998. That llie report of the Ea�t Shore Communily Cenlre Building Commiltec be received for informelion; nnd That lhe rccommendnlions eonfnined in lhe report be endoncd; end Thnt n pinn far phnsing and linnncing be brought back lo Council for finnl epprovnl; nnd Thnt budget approvel be given In order Ihnl working drnwings nnd apeciticet(on� ean be drawn up and tenden prepared; and 7'hAt lhe erehitecturnl and engineering firni of Slone, Kohn, McQuire, Vogt, Arehlleel� 6e retalned lo eomplele Ihe reeammended n�stgnmenl. This resolution ia sent to you for your informetion. Bruco Taylor, Town Clerk � • T.l. Quinn, General Manager �..�.; • 4.,�,� � r..�;���,7�f. �f�i}�,��I{•`f��'1Q!tSti � ri<<iF °T����, j•�!;w�S ,�ri;, {`�,; � ` .'.• - '" . . r�. e:,. tf . } r o ? ���`" �j. tp ,• . ��+�Y<��fr�r� i.��.� � � . . � > �-� t�'� � . - � �+ , {�j ?f.. . . �� t �yi;Ft���. r�t 't J { \ :�i A` . 1; aa�� tit•; . . ay � .�. _ . � �' } {��._. ��y,�' I . �:., � < < ,<< �' _ - . � �;y`..rsrs<" n. ..�,, ��>�;1 , �.,: -- � � ].� t, s. M � : � r� � � $ �\ �' . � y�n 'Y� � s i >�. . • � � t { 6 h,<y. ! t'r �+. .� �� ' ti�` � , Y �'3; . S t � Slsi3 �� �t.:� � . � i . t . . .. t; �lFY54 �._ . ( `� t;sfi�; . , r . �y f= J � .. � f1 ) ��,�') �i�� �t Y; , `� .� t�� ,. C��'; h��'Y. ,� )�( - � ) � S` \ ��} �' ( 1 1 Q \ . �4��rf� <�•� c,j td ` k,'�,° � F� . � ¢ �'2 �' . ��� < f f . ' � t�i� a b: �S � , , >.• F� �i, x '� �. ; \,' . 3�3: a.�.9. � . 1.�. r �'�, `s..� .. , ;i,•'