HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 27/00;,-- 'I����p"„-'— _ ��:�:i�c�i�t�' R.EPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: John Rcblc DATE: Scptemtxr 27, 2000 5olicitor for the City • RGPORT NUMt3ER: 1.27-00 SUBJECT: i 179298 Ontario Limited - Block D, Plnn M-1024, Pickering (Part 2, Plun 40R-16324) - Parhwny Retircment Residence - Encroachment Agreement - File: V0001 RECOMMGNDAT[ON: A by-law authorizing the execution of un Agrcement bctwecn I 179298 Ontario Limiled and Thc Corporation of the City of Pickering respecting thc cncroachment by 1179298 Ontario Limited ccrtuin lands in which thc City has nn interest. ORIGIN: Requcst Gom I 179298 Ontario I.imitcd dateJ 5eptcmber 25, 2000. AUTIIORITY: Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, chaptcr 302, scction 210.101. PINANCIAL IMPWCATIONS: Nonc. BXGCUTIVE SUMMARY: N/A DACKGROUND: In 1997, a Site Plnn Agrcement was cntcred into for the devclopment of thc Park�vay Retircmcnt Residence on Block D, Plan M-1024, Pickcring, which development was subject to a storm sewcr easement in favour of the City ovcr Part 2, Plan 40R-16324. �ollowing construction of thc P,,:kwny Retiremcnt Rcsidence, it was dctcrmincd thnt the retaining wall thnt provided for the acecss to the underground parking slightly encroachcd onto thc lands whcrc lhc City's storm sewcr casement exists. Wiiilc City stnff do not feel therc is n nced to remove und rclocate the rcluining wnll ns it does not affect the actunl storm scwcr, it is necessary, in ordcr to protect the City's intcrcs4e, to huvc th, awner enter into nn Encroachment Agmement with Qie City. Cnactment of the ntlnchcd by-Inw will nuthorize the entering into of nn ngrecment bch��ccn 1179298 OnWrio Limited nnd the City, which ngrecment will be in u form sntisfactory to thc Solicitor for tha Ciry. � Report to Council L27-00 Date: September 27, 2000 1(} 9 Subject; I 179298 Ontnrio Limited , Page 2 A'ITACHMENTS: l. DrnR by-Inw. 2. Site Sketch identifying encroachment. 3. Location Mnpping. Prcpnred By: Approved / d rsed (3y: /� -- y . c��Q Den�se Dye Jol DD:Ijm Attachments Copy: Chicf Administrativc Oflicer Dircctor, Planning and Dcvclopment Rccommcnded for thc considcration of Pickcring City Council �i r C� .J QGID TI as !. Qr.i , Ch f Adm ' trativ 011iccr �' � ,� ,s ,.... . , . ... ' ATTACHMENT N_L._TO HEPORT lt.�,a�-VO l i d 'ffiE CORPORATION OT' THE CITY OF PICKERINd BY-LAW NO. Being a by-law to nuthorize tha execution of nn Encroachmcnt Agreement betwecn The Corporalion of the City of Pickering and 1179298 Ontario Limited. WHEREAS The Corporation of thc City of Pickering has an interest in ihc lands described as thnt part of Block D, Plnn M-1024, Pickering, designnted as Part 2, Plan 40R-16334 in which 1179298 Ontario Limited hns built u structure that encroaches thereon; WHCREAS it is deemed cs{xdient to petmil such encrwchment to continue, subject to certain terms nnd conditions; NOW THEItEFORE THE COUNCIL OF TEIC CORPORATION OF THG CI'CY OP PIC[CGRING HEREDY ENACTS AS POLLOWS: 1. The Mayor and Clcrk nrc hereby nuthorized to execule an Encroachment Agreement, in the form sntisfactory to thc Solicitor for the City, between The Corporation of tl�c City of Pickering and 1179298 Ontnrio I.imitcd respccting the eneronchment of n retnining wAll locnted on pnrt of Block D, Plan M-1024. BY-LAW rend a first, second und third time und finally pnsscd this 16th dny of October, 2000. v000i Wnyne AAhurs, Mayor Bruce Tnylor, Clerk . . . � , � . . 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I. ,' THE CITY Of PICKERING 1178290 ON7RRI0 LI�IITED Fila: V0001 LEGAL OIVISION ' -�Encroachment' Agreement - Biock D, Plan �1-1024, (Part 2, Plan 40R-1 i � .' � i i 6 4) �• I � � i � ATTACHMENT #�.TO REPORT t�.(,�j.-o0 h- ._:f . . .. . .... . , . 113 �� �� �� RECOMMENDATION OF THE EJ�ECUTIVE COMMITTEE DATE MOVED BY SECONDED BY p33�° 'That Council ennct a by-lnw authorizing the execution of n Licence Agreement to permit the owners of Lots 13 and 14, Plan 40M-1866 to cncronch upon Block 53, Pisu� 40M- 1866, for the purposcs of: (u) erecting a fence ulong the centrcline of the Block; and (b) temporarily utiliting it for residential purposes in conjunction with the'v respective lots, all wtil such timc ns the City requires the Block for walkwny purposes. +! ;�