HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 16/98, . ��'"�P� 27 � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Noil Cartoll DATE; October 28,1998 Director af PlennIng PLANNIN(i REPORT NUMBER: 16•98 SUBJECT: West Rouge Cance Club Request for Extensian of Lease Agreement with Toronto and Region Conservation Authoriry for Paddling Facility on West Spit of Frenchmnn's Bay RECOMMi?NDATION: That the request of the West Rouge Canoe Club to extend its lensc ngreement with tha Toronto nnd Region Conservadon Authariry for the period November 1, 1998 to October 31, 1999, to nccommodate a temporary compound on the west spit of Frenchman's Bay for the storagc, within tmilers, of cnnoes end kayaks essocieted with the club's paddling facility, bc supported by Council. ORICiIN, Request for Leosc Extension from thc Wcst Rouge Cance Club to thc Toronto und Region Conservation Authoriry dated September 25, 1998. AUTHORITY: No Statutory Authority FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: At this dme no addidonel cosls are enticipated beyond thosc nortnolly attributed to developmcnt of this neture. BACK(3ROUND: In Apri1,1994, the West Rouge Cenoe Club (WRCC), established a paddling facility on the west spit of Fanchmen's Bay on lands owned by ihe Toronto und Region Conservation Authority (7'RCA). The "facility" comprises two trailers on whcels for ihe temporary str,�age of cenoes and kayaks, end u parking area for ihree to five cars (see Plan Attechment #i). Thc f¢ciliry wns introduced with the permission of the TRCA, und the concurtence of Town Council: Extensions to that approval have been granted by Pickering Council and the TRCA, on a yearly basis from 1995 ilvough 1997, with the prcsent lease agrament to cxplre on October 31, I998. The Town's approval for ihis temporary accommodaUon is requind due to the curtent "R4" �.oning of the lend, whlch pem�its only rosident3el use of the property. i ' Plenning Ropott Number 16-98 , 2� West Rouge Canoe Club Page 2 N �1� The WRCC is hopoful that the TRCA or the Town, will be ablo W meke moro permsnent provisions for the accommodation of tha Ciub in the future, somewhero in the immediete vicinity of Fronchman's Bay. Such n facility hes been recommended by the Mayor's Tesk Force on thc Pickering Weterfront, through tha rolease of their Waterfront 2001 Interim Report. In the interim, the WRCC by a letter dated September 25, 1998 (see Attechment #2), have recenUy requested that the TRCA extend iheir lease agreement. The TRCA staff huve no objcedon to ihe request, and advisc that they will be reporting to the Executive Committeo oCthc Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Bosrd at t�e November 13, 1998 Meeting. TRCA stali will be recommending that eny epproval be condilional upon the concurrence of Pickering Council. CONCLUSION/SUMMARY: Town staff have reviewed the request of the WRCC and have no objecdon to a one year extension of their lease egreement with the TRCA crtding October 31, 1999, The paddling ectiviry is wnsistent with t�e environmentally-Priendly recreation activities which are suitable for the Bey, and with the current pazk operations. ATfACHMENTS: 1. Facility Plun and Location Map 2. Letter from WRCC requesdng extension of Lease Agrcement Preparcd By: �� �ti�� Catherine Faguson Plenner 2 �'y��. /�«�,�t . Lynda Taylo Maneger, Curtent Operations C1F/ab Attachments Copy: Director of Parks end Facilities Approvcd / Endorscd by; Neil C Director o g Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Town C I � . ,, . ? �' _ m J. Quf , Ueneral Menager � �� � � � � 1 - rt� � �,� � ,{ � { 35�.-,`•k3 t` L t A a ct 4 _, ( ... f� �� � �� q[ i YT A'�pa1�i-.q �ity r� � tI . I jl �� � 4'� �fi} ;x Y,_q ��n�i 9:'s��'�� tA. ,.r, �_i a� s. ' . � • ATTM;NM6NI/�iU hLANNINO lIEPOfIT I_.��g � ?9 �_ �, �— See Delall'A' � -• ° - -------•-•-•-••-•- ;.••_ J'1'fr�. � �: � � � � r -' LAKE � : ' ONTARID ' fi :4 :%i } ��' 1 ' -� I . • ` ez tt � 7�,1�:�: s'�7 I !;. �, .! . � �,p {, 4f �,� '� � .. r a „�:� . � . . . . . . � . �`' ,` � i . � 5 .. . 9 '� � S,r�r�':� � +! z �; . l�. ial"-r ....Lef'{(,yr,;3 t. ,1. . . . ����S { �-i t��, �tr�i - �+ y � a...K� IfMAP �1G�� � �� � � ,� ,��, `z � , , ��.��... � re,.r:� F .� � '� r r ^ • ,u , , .� �::;; , ;,.tx ', U(%I'�b-1�� �ll�4y Ior keglan l:oneerv ll�tlwr 41h bbl bkJitl N.uaV1 � '� � AT7ACHMENTN� 70 �, '�Q WEST ROUGE CAN�E CLUB PLANNINO REPORT N��- 9� ....., P.0.008�07•WflTMILL,ONfM10•M1E411s•(41612e1-0620 �•"" P�;,;F_IVL'� UCl 2 � 1996 3eptember 26, 1998 �r�C�t���o .��in �r „r �,r,i��'ec'!:- p�nN�uu _ „_... The Tamto end Repion ConservaUon Authorily ....-�" 5 9horet�am Ortve DaKlsvieW, Orltarl0 M3N 131 At6eMlon: Mr. Don J. Prinae, Maneger Propetty /lieet Manapement Oear Mr. Prirae; Re: padd�k,p Facany Famer $trnpgon PrMarty Lat 712, Pt Lots 271 and 273, Frenchman's Bay, Pidcering Aulhority ProJect WF3A-82 ' Pursuant tc my recent convenaHon vdth �od Colussi of your omce, please accept lhis letter as our format request for lhe extension of our lease on Ihe above prnperty ea the Fdph performenca tralydnp centre ai our ethletes. i hank you � your aonsideretia� in this matter. SI . �'� ��� � Angela Ourleaky, Commodare V1kct Rouge Conoo Club mta� P.t+z t� i te�� k � . � �` i � �+ f �� : �� i� �. . � -S r-_ a � �v i i k � l. 6 t`1l tt ��' ,{.; ,., , , F:r � , } ` j . � � .� � 3 �i "#:'t 4 .t t }F � f ''� ''�bS � i /{^���✓F if .. i 1 l � �� t, S t y x ��- (1 \ �y � � i 1 1 i 1' y, .. 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