HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 008/99O�� OF p�
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FROM: Janc Burton
.A �: .l.
DATE: Februnry IG,1999
SUBIEC"l': DisposalofLunds
- former Firehnll, Library, and Seniars Centre
- Cluremont propertics
- Our Files: RE9618, RE9619 and RG9621
1. A by-law should be enacted authorizing the sale of surplus munieipal lunds, ull in
nccordancc with Eiy-law 4592/95 und subject lo thc tcmis nnd conJitions sct out in Ihis
a. rortncr Firchall - Thut Part of Lols 16 and 17, Plan 43, Pickcring, designatcd as
Purt XXX on 40R-XXXX to bc convcycJ ta 563259 Onlnrio Limitcd c/u
Clnremont Collcctor Cars.
b. Fortncr Library - rirstly: Pnrt of I.ot 28,1'Inn 12,1'ickcring; Sccondly: Pnrt of I.ut
28, Plan 12, Pickcring, Jcsignated as Part 2, 40R-7829; and '17�irdly: Part of Lot
28, Plan 12, Pickcring, dcsignntcJ as 1'art 2, Plun 40R-7913, to Ix convcycd to
Knrstcn Smith, In Trusl.
c, Fortner Scniors Ccntrc - l�irslly: 1'art of L�! 19, Conccssion 8, Pickcring,
dcsignnted tu PnA I, Plnn 40R-2060; Sccondly: 1'ut of Lot 2, Plun 40M-1538,
Pickering, designatcd ns Purts 3 nnd 6, Plun 40R-13714, lo bc convcycd lo
Karsten Smith, ln Trust.
2. A by-luw should bc cnnctcd nutliorizing thc cxccution of n Tmnsfcr of Easemcnt Gcm thc
Town to 563259 Ontntio Limitcd for thc usc and supply af watcr Gom Ihc wcll locatcd on
tha fortner Community Centre lunds.
I, Resolution 126/98, declaring the subject Innds surplus.
2. Resolution 17/99, authorizing the ncceptnnce af tendcr bids for thc subject Innds.
3. Agrcemenls of Purchnse and Snle dated Febnwry 3,1999.
1. AlunlcipalAcf, R.S.O. 1990, chopter M.45, sections 191, und 193.
2. By-Law 4592/95.
Reporl to Council
L008199 pntc; Februnry 16, 1999
t� SubjecL• Cinremonl Properlics pnge 2
Procceds of Salc 5203,651.00
Sucvey Costs - former Firchall/Communily CenUe S I,000.00
(Town cust - estimated)
On Februnry 8, 1999, Council passed Resolution 17/99 nuthorizing the ucecptunce of the tendcrs
for the fortner Firchull, fortner Library and fortner Seniors CeNrc.
Pursunnt to the Town's Salc of Surplus LnnJ By-Inw 4592/95, ennctment of the nttachcd by-luw
will uuthoriu the disposal of the ubovc•noted lands to thc accepted Tendercrs.
There is an existing drilled water well located on the Community Ccntrc lands owned by the
Town that services the �irehall. In ncwrdnnce with Section 19(b) of thc Agreement of Purchnsc
and Sale for the Firchall Innd, ennctmcnt of thc attacheJ by-luw wil� authorize thc execution of a
Tmnsfer of Gascment from the To�m lo the ncccptcd Tcndercr for thc supply of wnter from the
Communiry Centrc Lnnds.
On June 29, 1998, Council pnsscJ Rcsolulion 126I98 declaring Ihc abovc•noted lands surplus tu
the nceds of the Corpomtion.
Thc Legul Departmcnt, in cooperntion with thc Dcpartmcnt of Supply nnJ Scrviccs and John
Hart, Solicilor from thc firm of Rcble, Ritchic, Grccn d. Kctchcson, devcloped a ncw proccss
called thc "Sale of Surplus To�m Lunds by Public Tendcr'.
On Janunry 26, 1999, a Noticc of Sulc of Surplus Lnnds by Public Tendcr wns publishcd in thc
Pickering News Advertiscr, notifying the public that they were invited to submit tendcr bids for
the nbove•noted lands on rebruary 3, 1999. A tolal af elcvcn biJs wcrc rcccivcd.
On Februnry 8, 1999, Council passcd Rcsolution 17/99 authorizing thc acceptnncc of the
following tendcrs:
1. Pormcr Firehall - 551,151.00 submittcd by 563259 Oninrio Limitcd, c/o Claremont
Collector Cnrs.
2. Former Librury - 551,500.00 submitted by Kurstcn Smith, in trust.
3. Fortner Seniors Centre - E 101,000.00 submitted by Karsten 5mith, in trust.
Notification of lhe ucccpted Tenders wns published in the News Advertiscr on February 16,
1999. As thc lands have prcviously been declnrcd surplus to the Corporntion, cnuctmcnt oC thc
attached By-Inw is now required in ordcr to finnliu thc canveyancc of thc fomter firchall to
563259 Ontario Limited for thc sum of 551,151.00, the fortner Librnry to Karsten Smith, in trust,
for thc sum of 551,500,00 and thc former Seniors Ccntrc to Knrslcn Smith, in trust, for
tt�pon co cuun�i�
Subject: Claremont Properlies
r�nN�y i6,1999
1'age 3
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Funhcr, on Dcccmbcr 7, 1998, Council pnssed Resolulion 232/98 authorizing staff to sell the
formcr Community Centre sepurute from the former Firchnll. As there is on existing drilled
water wcll located on a poAion of the Community Centre lands that hns bccn servicing thc
Firchall sincc 1977, clnuse 19(b) of the Agrecment oF Purchase and Sale for thc Firchall InnJs
provides thul an casement bc granted from thc Town to thc Purchascr for thc purposc of
obWining a supply of water Gom the well located on the formcr Community Centre sitc.
Ennctment of the utmched by-luw �rill authorize the execution of the Transfer of Eusement Crom
the Town to 563259 Ontario Limited for such n purpose.
I. Locntion map.
2. Dmft by-luws (2).
Prcpared Fiy: Approved / Endorsed Dy:
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Jady Parso Janc Du on
Rccommendcd for the considemtton of Pickering �
Town Cauncil �
Thomus J. Quin hicf A i' ' e OITic r
Copy; ChicfAdministmtivcOfftccr
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Town of Pickor(ng Planning Deparlmenl
3- Fire Hall
5- Seniora Centre
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BeTng a by-law ro aWhortzc tlie safe ojsurplus mu��lcipal
fands betng fhe jormcr Ll6rary, jormer Flrehall and
jormcr Senlors Cen�re !n fhe Town oj Clarematf,
Plckering, L� accordance wfth By-Law d591/95.
W1iEREAS, The 1 uwn of Pickcring on April 3, 1995 passed IIy-Law 4592/95 to cstablish proccdures
to rcgulutc the snle of Municipal Real Property pursuant to seclion 193(2) of the Alunlcipa( Ac1, R.S.O.
1990 c.M.45, as amended;
AND WHERGAS by Rcsolution No. 126/98, thc Council of Thc Corporation of thc To�m of Pickcring
declared the lands being the formcr �irehall, formcr Library nnd fortner Seniors Centrc in thc Town of
Cinremont, Pickering surplus to the necds of the hfunicipalily;
AND WI IGREAS Thc Curparation of thc To��n of Pickering Jcsires to sc0 thc surplus Innds;
NOW TH@RGFORG, thc Council of'fhc Corporation of �hc'Po�sn of Pickcring f IIiRC13Y GNACTS AS
T'hosc lands lying and bcing in thc 'fo���n of Pickcring, in Ihc Rcgimud htunicipality of Durham
nnd Icgnlly describcJ us thal Part ot Lots 16 and 17, Plan 43, designaled us I:vl XXX on �10R-
XXXX (fomicr Pirchall), shnll bc snlJ Io Ihc 563259 Onlario Limitcd clo Clarcmont Collcctor
Cnrs for thc sum of 551,151,00 in nccordancc �cith UyI.n«� 4592/95;
Thosc lands lying nnd bcing in thc To�cn of Pickcring, in Ihc Rcgianal Alunicipalit�• of Durham
and Iegally dcscribed as; firstly: Pnrt n( I.o� 28, I'Inn 12; SeconJlp: 1'nrt of I.ot 28, Plan 12,
dcsignalcd ns Part 2, 40R-7829; and 'Ihinlly: I'art of I.ol 28, Plan 12, Pickcring, dcsignaled as
Part 2, Plan 40R-7913, (fonucr I.ibmry�) shall bc sold to Karstcn Smi1h, in irust, for the sum of
Thosc lands lying and bcing in thc To�rn of Pickcring, in the Rcgional Municipalit}• of Durham
and legnlly described as: Firstly: Part of Lot 19, Concession 8, designated as Part 1, Plan 40R-
2060, secondly, Part of Lot 2, Plan 40M•1538, Pickcring, dcsignatcJ ns Parts 3 and 6 on Plan
40R-13714 shall bc sold �o Karsten Smith in trust for thc sum of $101,000.00.
DY•LAW read u first, second und third time and finnlly passed this lst day of March,1999.
Wayne Arlhurs, Muyor
Druce Taylor, Clcrk
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Being a 6��-lan� fo aulhorix rhe execu�lai oja Tra�ujer oj
Easentenf from The Corporatfon oJthe Toivn ojPlckering
ro 563259 O�uarlo Llmire�! orer dmt part ojGor l7, Plan
43, Plckering, designnled as Par! XX un dOR-XXXX.
WHEREAS, pursuant to thc provisions of scction 191 of the Alunlclpal Acr, R.S.O. 1990, Chap. M.45,
the Council of The Corporation of thc To�m of Pickering may pass by-laws for disposing of intcrests in
lands owncd by it;
WHEREAS, The Corporation of the To�m of Pickcring wishes to transfer nn cnscmcnt over Ihat part of
Lot 17, Plnn 43, Fickering, dcsignated ns Part XX on 40R-XXXX to the ubutting o«�ner of ihat Purt of
Lots 16 and 17, Plan 43, Pickering, designated as Part XXX on Plan XXXX for the purposc of sharing
thc watcr from the drilled wcll locoted thcrcon;
WHGRGAS, The Corporation of thc To��n of Pickcring is µ�illing to grant an cascmcnt ovcr ihat Pan of
Lot 17, Plan 43, Pickering, designatcd ns Part XXX on 40R•XXX, Pickering subjcct to certnin lenns and
condilions; and
NOW 1'l iGRErORG, thc Council of'fhc Corpontian of thc'fo��n of Pickcring I II:RGl31' GNAC7'S AS
1. The Mayor and Clcrk arc hcrcby nuthorizcd to csccute a Transfer of @nscmcnl from Thc
Corparalion of thc To��•n of Pickcring to SG3?59 Onturio I.imitcd a�er Ihat p�rt of I.ot 17, Plan
43, Pickcring, designatcJ as Pnrt XX on 40R•�XXX I'or thc purposc of shnring nnJ maintaining
�enicr scrvices ��•hich transfcr shall bc subjcct to Ilu tcmis and conditions, morc pnrlicularly scl
out Schcdule A nlinchcd hcrcto.
BY-LAW rcad a firsl, second and third timc and finally passcd tliis lst Jay of Alarch,1999.
\Vaync Arthurs, hinyor
Drucc Tuylor, Clcrk
RG9670&NG9619 � � � � � � � � . . ��
Schedule A
.Y � �
Subjeat to Ihc following tertns and wnditions, ihe Transfcror hereby trnnsfers to the Tmnsferec, ils succcssors
nnd assigns, tho frec, unintertupted and unobstrucled right end cesemcnl lo usc thc cxisting Jrilled well for thc
supply of wntcr under the Innds described in Bax 5, togethcr with tha right to enter onlo ihc Innds anJ pass nnd
rcpnss over the lunds for the purpose of excroising eny of the rights gmnted hercin.
The tcrms and conditions which thc parlies herelo covenant and egree to observe nnd be bound by are as follows:
I. The Trnnsferor and Transferee, their successors and nssigns, shall huve a right lo drnw watcr Gom the
well with each pnrty to bcnr the expense of any equipment, plumbing, pipes or pumps instnlled by such
pnrty. All maintenance, rcpair or repincement costs lo such cquipment, plumbing, pi�xs or pumps would
be at the expense of ihc purty that instnlled same.
2. The cosl of thc necessnry maintennnce ond repnirs to the wcll itself shnll be bornc equnlly by the partics
Gom timc lo time nnd Ihc pnrtias ngrce to do all reasonably necessary maintenuncc nnd repnirs.
3. Ncilhcr party shall intcrfcrc wilh thc olhcr party's risht ta thc usc of thc wcll und n continuing supply of
watcr from thc wcll.
4. The parties shall hnve u right of acccss to Ihe well for the purposes of cnnbling cnch party to cnjoy ihc
supply of water ns hercin pravidcd ond such right of acccss shall includc a right of entmncc by n paAy on
the othcr praperty if rcasonnbly nccessary nnd incidcntal to obtnining a supply of water.
5. The Trens(crec shnll, exccpt in cuse of cmcrgcncy, bcfore commencing nny �aork nuthorized hcreby, give
to thc Tmnsferor forty-cight houn previous writtcn notice thercof, nnd in wscs of emcrgcncy such
previous notice thercof as is rcasonnbly possiblc.
6. Upon complclion of any work, ll�c Trnnsfcrec shnll fill in all cxcnvutions, restorc (cnccs, unJ reslorc tlic
surface of Ihe ground by rcstoring all topsoil and grnss covcr disturbcd thercby, anJ do nccessnry grnding
to cnsurc soil nnd slopc stabilily, und removc all cquipmcnt.
7. Thc Transfcror shnll not crcct nny 6uilding or structurc on thc IanJs, nnJ shall not placc or rcmovc any
fill on or from any part of thc lands withoul thc prcvious wriucn conscnt of thc Trans(crcc.
8. The right and eascment grnnled hcrein shall bc su6ject lo nll Icases, licences, nnd nny righls of use or
occupalion existing at the datc hcrcof, nnd the Transfcror muy from timc to timc rencw or cxlend thcse or
makc new oncs, so long ns thcy do nat iNcrfcrc unrcasonebly wilh Ihc righl and cascmenl hcrcin grantcd.
9. The Tmnsferor shall execute such fuAher nssurances of lhc righl end cascment grnmed hereby us ihc
Tmnsfercc mny rcasonably rcqucst in writing.
10. Thc burden of this Transfer end of all tlie terms and conditions contained hcrein shnll run with Ilic lands,
until such timc ns local watcr scrviccs arc provided.
11. This Transfer nnd nll of the terms nnd conditions containcd herein shnll ensure to thc bencfit of nnd be
binding upon thc Trnnsferor nnd the Transferce end their rcspeclivc heirs, cxecWOrs, adminisirators,
succcssors and assigns.
12. Thc bcnefit of this Tmnsfcr nnd ell of thc tcrms and conditions containcd hcrcin shnll run wilh nll othcr
lends and intcrests in lands owncd, occupicd or uscd by Ihe Tmnsfcrcc, nnmcly Ihat Pnrt of Lots 16 and
17, Plan A3, Pickcring, dcsignated as Part XXX on 40R-XXXX.