HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 24/00� ,• ��� �pPP/ . � � . � . Sw � '' REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neii (;arroll DATE: June 5, 201i0 Director, Planning and Dovelopment REPORT NUMBER: PD 24-00 SUBJECT: DraR Plan of Condominium CP-2000-01 Carrera Homes (Parklane Mews) Inc. Pazt of Block 56, Plan 40M-I480 City oC Pickering RECOMMENDATION: That Pickering City Council recommend to Regional Council that DraR Plan of Condominium CP-2000-01, submitted by Carrera Homes (Pazklane Mcws) Inc., for the establishmcnt of condominium tenure on 40 townhouses units, on the lands being Part of Block SG, PIan40M-1480, City of Pickering, be APPROVED AS REVISED, subject to the conditions listed in Appendix I to Rcport Number PD 24-00. ORIGIN: DraR Plan of Condominium Application CP-2000-01 submittecl to thc Rcgion of Durham m�d forwarded to the City for comment. AUTHORITY: The Planning Act. R.S.O, 1990, chaptcr P.13 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of tha proposed dcvelopment. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Approval of this Draft Plan of Condominium application is required to enable the establishment of condominium tenure for 40 townhouse units, which are currcntly under construction on the noAh side of Kingston Road, west of Steeple Hill. The development is bein� market<d under thc name of "Parklane Mewa". A property Location Map and a reduction of the Submitted DrnR Plan of Condominium are attached far informalion (see Attachments Hl und #2 mspectivcly). The proposal confortns to the policies and provisions of lhe Durham Regional Officinl Plan, the Pickering OfEicial Plan, and the Zoning Bylaw. Conshuction is requircd to procecd in eccordance with thc rogistered sitc plan agreement cxxuted between thc owner and the Ciry. The plan of wndominium application is recommendcd for approvaf, subject to thc conditions outlined in Appendix 1 to thie Report. .��J"t - . .. . . . . . : L .. . . . . . Y.� � , . .. � . ,���� 7 .. },-� � . . ,. , x. �: . . . t. _ . ,. , . /. � REPORT NUkfBER PD 24-00 Date: Junc 5, 2000 29 Subjal: D:e(t Plnn of Condominium CP-20(►O-Ot Page 2 BACKGROUND: I.0 Discussion The City granted Final Site Plan Approval on Jnnuary 17, 2000 for thc dcvelopmcnt of a 40-unit townhouse devolopment. The owner has entered into a Site Plan Agrcemcnt with thc Ciry and the Agreement has been registered on ►itic. The 40-unit townhousc development known as "Parklane Mews" is curtently under construction in accordance with the rogistered site plan agreement. i.l ZoninR and O�cinl Plan Tha Pickering Of'ticial Plan designates the subject property "Mixeci Use Area — Miacd Corridor' within the Woodlands Neighbourhood, pertnitting residenti�l developments with a density range of over 30 nnd up to 140 units per net hectare. Zoning By-law 3036, as amcnded by By-law 4121/92 and varied by n decision of tl�e Committee of Adjusunent (P/CA I S/99), zones ihe subject property "SA-3" - Single Attached Dwelling Zone to pPrtnit the developmcnt of 40 townhousc dwelling units. 1.2 Common Elements The common cicmcnts proposed on this Plan of C,'ondominium do not include artain aspccts of the dcvelopmcnt which aze typically held in "common" (i.e. walkways, feuc:ng, landscaping, rctaining walls). To cnsurc thc long-tcrtn maintcnance of thcse Ceawrcs does not bccome thc responsibility of 1hc indiviJu�l dwelling unit owncr, it is rccommended that thcsc elemrnts rcmain in common owncrship uf the condominium corporation. By including ihese elcme�ts within the common orcas of the registercd cundominium, the City has grcatcr nssurancc that thcsc cicmcnts will bc properly maintaincd in conformiry with thc approvcd sitc plan. Thc submittcd condominium plan did not include nll significant landscnpc arcas, rctaining wulls, and acoustical fcncing in common arcas. Thc subject drafl plan of condominium must bc "redlined" to cnsurc that thc "common features" will be the responsibility of the condominium corporation us a whole and not that of the individual unit owner(s) (see Recommcnded Conditions of' Approval No. 2(e) in Appendix I of this Report). 'f8e "redlincd" plan will extend thc proposccl boundnries of the common clemcnts to include abovc-notcd items. (see Attachment N3 - Staff Recommcnded Plan). 1.3 Condominium At�rccment It is rccommrnded that thc owner�devcloper enter into a condominium agreement with the City prior to the regisuation of the proposed condominium plan, ensuring that thc futurc condominium corporation and the owner�devcloper are aware oC their obligations and responsibilities after registration of tiu condominium plan. Typically, the condominium agreement �vould require continued compliance with the City-approved site plan, and that appropriatc artangements be made with the City rcgarding such matte�s as rcfuse collection, snow starege, and drivcway entrancc mnintrnnnce (see Recommrnded Conditions of Approval, Appendix [ to this Report). These conditions of approval include the standazd requirements that condominium dcvelopers and Cuture condominium corporations nortnally encounter prior to tha Region's final upprovat and registration of a condominium plen. : �, =.f r� - - . . � 4, � , . r, . i _ t', � � . . "YL . �. . .�.. . _ � . r .,_ . . . ,. 30 REPORT NUMBER PD 2400 Dalc: 7une S, 2000 Subjcet: DraR Plan of Condominium CP•2000-01 pag� 3 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Property Location Map 2. ApplicanYs Submitted Plen 3. StatfRecommendedPlen Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed by: Tyl Bamett Nei! C Plann Director, mg and Development G��(/� ' Lynda T or Manager, Current Operations JTB/ab Attachmcnts Copy: ChieCAdministrativcOfficcr Recommcnded Cor the consideration of Pickering Ciry Council �� . � �a/ Ti as J. Qui , Ch CAdm 'strative fficcr �� -�:, �y ,���` - .i,; � �, � rr . '. ��. �x� , ` j� i L � t i 1 r t c _� d. .�.a,:, .,. r.. _..'�r', � r �.... _,.., .«. ,..,,.. -,. � , _..>.. . , ,.."`� +r. � ._ . . . �. �. . APPENDIX I TO 31 REPORT NUMBER PD 24-00 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR DRAFT PLAN OF CONDOMIMUM CP-2000•01 1. That this recommendation apply to the draR plen of condominium prepazed by Vladmir Krcmar Ltd., Onterio Land Surveyor, dated Februery 16, 2000, (Drawing Name 98156DRA) conlaining 40-townhouse units, as revised in red to include the common elcments, and beuring the City's Recommendation stamp; and 2. That prior to finnl registration of the condominium plan: a) the applicant shail submit a DraR Durham Condominium Pian to be approved by the City's Plnnning end Development Department in order to ensure consistency between the condominium plan and the approved site plan; b)' the City must be satisfied that thc site is in full confortnity with the Site Plan Agreement dated November 26, 1999, and registered os Instrument Number LT938972 on Jnnunry 14, 2000, und thnt all of the genernl on-site works, including landscaping, fencing, lighting, nnd surfncc treatments have been or will be completed to the satisfaction of the City's Planning und Development, and Operations und Emergency Services Depnrlments; c) lhe npplicunt shall enter into an approprintc condominium pgrecment with and to Ihe satisfuction of the City, which shall include, but not neccssarily be limited to, the following rcquircments: (i) assurunce of the continued complinncc of the subject property with the Ciry-npprovcd site plan; (ii) the ensurcd cooperation of thc condominium corporation with the City, regnrding such matters as snow storage, refuse collection, and driveway entrance maintenance; and (iii) that thc owner implcmcnt the noisc attenuation recommendutions outlined in thc Detailed Noise Control Study refecrcd to as Report No. WA99-12, prepared by SS Wilson Associates, dated Apri126,1999; e) the applicant shall satisfy thc City thnt key clements of the proposed development such es retaining walls, walkways, fencing, parkette, visitor parking azeas, und landscape features will remain in the common ownership of the resultnnt condominium corporation and not in multiplc privatc ownerships; � the applicant shall establish easements to the satisfaction of the City, where dccmed necessary by the City for the purpose of access to and maintenance of common ownership features, such as retaining walls and fencing, which shull includc but not limited to, (i) an easement across the rear yards of units 2, 3, 4 nnd 9, in favour of the future condominium cocporation Cor the maintenance and repnir of the snnitary and storm sewer lines; Lr � t ,<.x � „ .,r � �.�, ' �` . ....t e. . 4 . . . n .. .. .... . _ .. . �.�.e.. � . . . . . �. . ... .�.- �. . . .. .._ .. .... � �� p� i�. ��II � 111� ��' °� �,�.s �—muu � = ����`�� IIIIII��:C_=� \ = .. • �� ��= ��� �� – �� 'F,�� — � ` ��� :: �= __ � � - � �� • �= .. � � _� � CO CII =_ ��!�� ! ► � ��� �■ _ .. ► �� �� — -/iumi►�\'= � �►� . . . I �� � =nn��� � � � ;ra=:=�= � �'.�='_�� = 1 �/t-- — - _--•�— =� �` I __ �� �:'�..,.,,_- p . , .: : .-.: , .. C' _ I - �� . .. � • M�� . . . . . . .d � .. . . . . . . . . . . �. , . . . . �. , ' - �. -� . � -.�� .. . . � .. . h � ATTACMMENi ��TO REVOqi R PD_'�F� - 00 __ INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICM�T'S 3UBM(1'�ED pLqN CAREARA HOMES (PARIQANE MEW8) INC. � CP-2000�01 • a % � �.� �., . . �/ � �� . �� � , � � �, . , �"`� � ���;/Rf~ T � .,w • � 4 �• 9 /f �N .�*° '��r� : / a � �� j�! �g � � �•I Y a/� • • �,�, � , s � � s� � \\\ ,.` •,,� ••. ,• . f` p, i P ! • , :yr+— L 'as-. �•-- �� � �.�.�..,_,� � . ��, . �� i � ' . . W�A ���� . . ` � � . ����� �_b�rr .1���� � iil� . n� Kwo's xwHw��„rrao. s(�csroe nwo).....,. . ' , � co�u�oH a.�u�rrs . '. .. � � ' •. , , ,. i ar�i���i�rw�r�i�w"'�u,r�° ' '"' . . _ • . , , �. , . . � . . . _. . �� �• 31 PTTACH�ENTN�,,� TO REPONT � PD _ 1�'I - n 0_� 3TAFF RECOMMENDED PLAfd CARERRA HOME3 (PAqFaJWE MEWS) INC. CP,2000-01 n+e Kwo's tnww�� r r+�a �(KwcsTa� Hono)...�.. I - couuoN �p�rs �AODRWNAL COMAION ELE4ENfS '�� �M w M�1t JIIHOIK'm IY R[ a11' Ik' J10lIe�p /1MNa Aln ol1nM1�R _ .� i�R6K. ItAYMV IfIA�NAqV JOIM�'� AMitM{ YNMY A1D (�IOr AL7qq ^- - � � � - .. . ...pt 4 �Cq0. . . .Y.. - � -�i" _ . .. .� .. . . � ' . � . .