HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 020/00' �50 • �pFP� . G� � p � i�� REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Jene Burtan DATE: January 3, 2000 Ciry Solicitor REPORT NUMBER: L 02•00 SUBJECT: PolicyRespecting the Disposul of Lnnd - File: REOOUO RECOMMENDAI'ION: A by-law shouid be enacted to estnblish procedures to rcgulate thc salc of municipal reul property. 2. By-law 4592/95 should be repealed. ORIGIN: Requcst from Chief Administrntivc Officer. AUTHORITY: Scction 193 ofthebfuniclpalAc�, R.SO, c. Af.45. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: There nre no finnncinl implications relnting to thc implemenintion of this policy. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: N/A BACKGROUND: On April 3, 1995, Council enncted By-Law 4592/95, establishing procedures to regulnte the snle of municipul renl properiy. Since the ennctment of that By-law, it hus tx:en detcrtnined that additionul methods by which to dispose of municipal rcal property, namely the selling of lands vin the City's Tender process and the selling of lands by private sale, should focm purt of the procedures nttached to ilwt•By-law. As the Municipnl Act requires thal "every Council and local bo��d with authority to sell or to othenvise dispose of real property establish procedums", it is recommended thnt the originnl by law/procedures be repealed nnd a new by-law be ennctcd which: (a) ace�ua,ely reflects the Corporntion's recent administrative rcorganiwtion; nnd (b) incorporates the above-mentioned options into the Procedures Goveming the Sule of Municipel Real Property. Enactment of ihc ettacLed by-luw will effect these changes and ropeal By-law 459?l95. ;, h }'k ,� t {�. I . '54�...... � , , . .. ._ ,. _ _ , . � ..,.. _ �� ,. ..�., _ . '.7� , Report to Council L 02-00 January 3, 2000 0 rJ 1 Subject: Policy resFecting the Disposal of Lend pag� 2 ATTACHMENTS: I 1. DreR By-1aw. Prepared BY: APProv Endorsed By: , � J Parsons Jane /+ )EP:Ic Attachments � Copy: Chicf Administrutivc Oflicer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ciry Council �� � �i ' � g o ns J. Qu' , Chicf mims ' c 0(f cr � ; � . - a� � y ��� J�? - f._ { f � 7'- f� t � '�, R ' � y A �� � �7 r 4. a F . � t �L� .i _ .� . r 1 2 " f � �. r - ,{ � � : s� y � g s� � J f v pt. . �E � i � �� �3t � � : 7� � - � ,� f� t � ,' s �.� �� . a; 'iifk,+ 1� t k'�i� * zt � :�° f } �: �) �` � � � 4 � L rs� i "�l {'� .� r��q f 5 �_� V f F LY2 X F� 4 4 j Y �/` r � � t z�2 � y y�.: A} iP�".T _��e. , l.�.l._. �$�,_!" ..iY�.�e. �. s.t`+. . k{4... _ .,. ...�.`'�.1 .L, t ��.. �.�r ... _,�. l..�..., , . _. � 5 2 THg CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERINCi BY-LAW NO. Bciag n by-law to establish procedures to regulete the sale of municipal real property. WI-IEREAS pursuant to Section 193(2) of tha Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M.45, es amended, every council and locnl boazd with authority to sell or othenvise dispose of real property shell by by-luw establish procedures, including ihe giving of notice to the public, goveming the snle of the renl properiy; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Schedu(e "A" nttached to this By-luw shnll be decmed to be lhe procedures goveming the sule of real propeRy by The Corporation of the City of Pickering. 2. By-law 4592/95 is hereby rcpculcd. BY-LAW rend u first, second ond third time and finally passed this 6th dny of Mnrch, 2000. Wnync Mhurs, Mayor Bmce Tnylor, Cierk L7701 t . � t S t r � t ... _ f " . _ , . + p �� ,4 C a. { t Z .. .F .. {f -A t f,:y 1' - ! ' G w '� � 1 r t � �t . ..��._. , . ... ..' ,.. �` .t..�h . . . .' �Y�z'.{r �:.. .?.'.. t. . .��s'F^_vf, }�_. .. , t ..+....... t.)n �, r . . . .1 . � � e . ��� SCHEDULE'A' TO BY-LAW NUMBER /2000 POL[CY RESPECTING THE DISPOSAL OF LAND PertA Definitions: "Apprnisul" means an evaluation of land, prescnted in writing by nn nccredited appraiser. "CAO" menns the C6ief Administrndvc O�cer. "Corporation" me:ms The Corpomtion of the City of Pickedng. "CowciP' means the Council of the Corporation. "Designnted Director" means the head of u depertment of the Corporndon to whom the Chief Administrntivc Officer mny from timc to dme delegnte thc rosponsibility for thc coordinotion of the disposnl of land. "Land" means real property consisting of Innd or buildings or both lnnd and buildings which may no longer be reqwred by the Corporation. Part B Rcsponsibilitics: 1. Thc CAO may &om lime to time dcicgatc thc responsibility for the coordination of the disposal of land to n department of ihe Corporation. 2. The CAO or Dcsignnted Dimctor shnll mcommcnd to Council thc Innd thnt is considered su�plus to the needs of the Corpom4on. 3. Council shall decinre by By-law or Resolution, (i) if any Iw�d is surplus; and (ii) if so, upon what tertns nnd conditions thc disposul of land will occur. 4. The CAO or Designnted Director shall recommcnd to Council by which method lhe disposnl of thc surplus lnnd should occur. Part C Procedures: 1. Lund that may potentially be deemed surplus to thc necds of the Corporation will be identified by the CAO or Designated Dimctor. 2. The CAO or Designnted Dircctor shall rewmmend in a Repart to Council ihnt ce�tain lands.be deemed surplus to the nceds of the Cocporntion und lhe method by which the disposul should occnr. Council shall detennine whether or not to pursue the recommendution for ihe disposnl of the land. 3. The Report to Council shnll wntnin thc following: (a) n recommendation; (b) the legnl descripdon and municipnl addmss (whero uvuileble) of the Imd; (c) size end charucterisdcs of the land; (d) existing o�cial plen designadon, zoaing and use of thc land; ,(e) sita skotch and locntion map; (� scnior managcment comtnents; (g) method of disposnl; (h) pdmary suggested tertns and conditions of tho disposal, including en esdmate of the velue of lend. I' , n5� , 4. The CAO or Designnted Dicector shall cause a Notice to bc published at least ona in an npproprinte nawspaper which shAll contein lhe following informatian: (u) a stntement that Council will consider n by-law to declure Innds surplus for the purposcs of snle; (b) tha dntes of the meetings whete Council will be considering the by-law lo declsve tha land surplus; (c) the legal description nnd municipal address (where uvailable) of the land; (d) size and charncteristics of thc land; and (e) site sketch and locAtion mup. � 5, !f Council enacts a By-law or Resolution for the disposal of the land, thc CAO or Dcsignuted Director shal( obtnin at least one npprnisal of thc fair mazket vntue of the land. 6. The CAO or Desigtwted Director shnll report to Council on the purticulars relating to the disposal of land. The Report to Council shull include a by-lnw authoriung the disposition of the land. Part D ExcepUons: 1. This policy shnll not apply to thc disposal of the foltowing clnsscs of lund: (a) Land 0.3 metres or less in width ucquired in connection with an approval or dccision under thc Pla►u�ing Act; (b) Highways, ronds nnd road allowunces; (c) Lnnd fortnerly used for railway brnnch lines if sold to an owner of land nbutling thc formcr rnilway lund; (d) Land that does not huvc dircct nccess to n highwny if sold to the owncr of land nbutting that land; (c) Lnnd repurchased by an owncr in ncwrdnncc wilh scction 42 of thc Expropriations Act; (� Lund to be uscd for sites for thc csWblishmcnt nnd currying on of industries nnd of industrial operutions and incidenwl uscs; (g) Lund sold undcr section 112, 112.1, 112.2 and I13 of thc Municipat Act respecting lhc selling or icasing of lnnd for economic dcvelopment; (h) Gnsemcnts grantcd to public utilities or to tclephonc compunies; and (i) Lnnd sold undcr thc Municipnl Tux Sales Act. 2, This policy shall not appiy whcn land is bcing sold to thc following clnsscs of public bodics: (n) A municipaliry, including a metropolitan or regional municipality; (b) A local bonrd as defined in the Municipnl Affuirs Act; (c) An authority under tha Conservntion Authorities Act; und (d) The Crown in Right of Ontario or of Cunadn and their agencies. 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