HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 32/99� �. . .°�i�� �. t . . � � � _ . . , �� . � � ' �''�, � � � � � . �N OF p� . . . . . . . . . . i �;;, ~ REPORT TO �1;�1UNC[L �! ;,, � � '�s1� FROM: BNce Taylor, AMCT, ClvIIvt DATE: July 12, t999 Town Clerk RE?ORT NUMB�R: CL 32/99 SUBJECT: Bike Patrol of Town Parks RECOIvA1EENUATION: That Clerk's Report CL 32/99 regazding the Bike Patrol of Town Pazks be received; and That an over-expenditure not to cxceed 5700.00 bc authorized in Account 2220-6178 (By-law - Capitai - Miscelleneous Equipment) in order to purchase accessories and other releted supplies to equip tha bicycle used for the Bike Patrol. ORIGIN: Enaclment of By-law 5495/99 on May 17, 1999 and et�orts af Ward I Councillors AUTHORITY: Section 102 of the Municipal Act FINANCIAI. IMPLICATIONS: Expenditure of S700.00 in 1999 L�XECUTIVE S[JMMARY: To report on a pilot project to patrol Town pazks on a bicycl� in cooperation with the Pulice and to seek approval to expend funds an the bicycle. DACKGROUND: Over the past aeveral years, the Town hes been receiving a gro�ving number of campinints Gom residents about parties, rowdy behaviour and other dangerous or obnoxious ectivities in parks and other open spaces. The Safe Communities Initiative v,:�s established severel years ago to study ways to control tlus problem and ane rewmmendation wes to enect a stronger and more comprehensive Parks Bylew and ensure that it is enforced more stringendy. Council did respond to this recommendation by enacting By-lew 5495/99 on May 17, 1999 to regulato, protect and wntrol all Town perka. In order to ensure that thie By-law is effcetively , enforced, staft'will be applying to the Minietry of tho Attomey Generel for approvai of ahort fonn wording thet will aliow the Municipd Law Enforcement ORicero to issue °tickets" on the spot to peoplo wntrav�ning the Bylew. This epprovel will be granted by the ertd of thia year in ordcr to be in place for the Year 2000. .J2 �� ;�:, ,§:�� ? — --� — - ��" _2. . � 1'ho Cuuncillors for Ward I havo been meeting with membera of tha Feirport Beach Ratepayere Associetion wi►h respect to problems that they aro experisncing in Petticoat Creek Conservation Area and open apaca lands at tha end of Park Crescent. In en efTort to assist the Town with the eisorcement of the Perks By-law, this Association, in caoperetion with Bay Cycle, have ofTered to donate a bicycle to tho Town in order to pedal ihrough parks were cars would not be able to travel. Staft' haae been meeting with Inspector Mortisson of the Durhsm Reg�onal Police Service nnd a representative of the TRCA to coordinate a Town bike patrol with the petrol already established by the Police severnl years ago. The Policr have agreed to participate in a pilot project to commence on Monday, July 25th whereby a Police Oflicer and a By-law Officer will patrol Town parks on bicycle severel evenings per week throughout the lest week of luly, ell of August and the first couple of weeks of September. A report will be prepared aRer that period assessing the success of the pilot project. At this point, the TRCA has not committed itself to a bike pairol of its lands, however, the Boerd af the TRCA will be considering this in the next few weeks and in the meantime, the Police will patroi the TRCA lands on their own. In order to make the public aware of this pilot project, a press release and public promotion will be held at the Bistro Restaurant on luly 26th and pamphlets will be made and distributed by the Police and Town Oftcers as they patral tha pazks to advise patrons of the pilot project. The cost of acquiring the bicycle and accessories is approximately SI,200. This is comprised of the following: Bicycle S 499.99 Taxes on bicycla 74.99 Accessories 500.47 Taxes on accessories 75.07 . TOTAL S1,150.52 Funding for this pilot project is not include m e 1999 budget and therefore approval wili ba needed to expend the funds needed to launch this project. Since the Fairport Beach Retepayers Association and Bay Cycle have of£ered to donate the bicycle, approval will be needed to expend funds an the accessories and a cell phone for 1he By-law O�icer which equal about 5700.00, i� -~ �/� ��I � Prepared By: U 2al � � �P ��� :/L�. Bruce Taylnr, AMCT, CMM Town Clerk � Copy: Director of Parks and facilities �►� ManagerofEconomicDevelopment A •�VEOFFl�EA /" � . ��y,iM�� � ��r � ,� � �� p� ��'�. � .. Recommended for the consideration of J� ,�.t�, a°``���A� G� Pickering Town Council �r � � L�/ l'/. C�• ,� Thomaa 1. Quinn, I � � � Chief Administrative Ofticer d � �� ! �- J � / / 11'EM NUMBER , � RECOhIIvtENDATION � FILE NUMBER: F 3220 • EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE HEADER: PICKERING PARKS BY•LAW FII.E NUMBER - F 3220 ITEM (n the Director of Parks and Facilities' Report PF OS-99, it is recommended thet a draft by-law to regulete, protect and control all pu6lic parks, b: fonvarded to Councii for enactment. � RECOMN/ENDATION: t e dra y aw to regulete, pr and control all public pa , e fonva ded to Council for e act t; and That appropriate ofliciels of the Town af i enng be given authority to give eEfect thereto. �,� � ,�,,,,,�.,. ,� �' ��.:, -�.`.:, i.�.�....r..� � ���,o..;,� �. ��.�.��...� �a'�,...°...✓ � �� ��� � ��°�. DATE OF MEETIIVG: DISPOSI170N a 0 1999 :;. {;' �' , . � . . _ .. � , _ . .