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FROM: Stephen keynalds, Division Hcud DATE: November 29, 1999
Culture bt Recreation Division
SUBJFCT: Recreution, Pnrks nnd Culturnl Services
Mester Plan
That Report to Council CR 06•99 bc rcccivcd by Council and thnL•
I, 'fhe Culwrc ond Rccrcntion Division bc dirccted to procecd with thc dcvclopmcnt of a
Recreution, Parks and Cultuml Scrviccs Mastcr Plan.
2, Town Staff bc authoriud to iniliatc n Rcqucst for Proposul for Consultnnt Scrvices to
ossist in thc dcvelopmcnt of the Recreation, Parks and Cultuml Scrvices Mostcr Plan.
3. The appropriidc oflicials of ►hc Town of Pickcring bc givcn uuthority to givic effcct
ORIGM, CounciUScnior Stnll' Prcsentntion Junc 24, 1999
AUTHORITY: Council Resolution.
FMANCIAL IMPLICATIONS; 525,000 hns been proposed in thc 2000 CopiWl Budget for thc
preperation of the Recreation, Parks and Cultural Serviccs Master Plan.
The Culturc and Recrention Division requests Council's nuthari�tion to procecd with the
development of n Recrention, Parks and Cultuml Services Muster Plon.
71tcro Is a need to develop n strntegic muster plun far recrcation, parks and culture scrvices to
' address future Ieisurc nceds in the communiry in view of incnasing population, demogmphic
changes, and shifts in leisure intercsts and scrvicc delivery opifons.
The Mastet Plen will reilect Pickering's vision for communiry Ieisure services over the next five
to ten ycius. Tha Muster Pl;u� will bu str�legic in nnture providing esscntini nnd focuscd
direction to securc this desired vision,
, Report to Council CR 06-99 Qatc: Novcmber 29, 1999
�� � Subject: Recrention, Pnrks and Culturnl Services Pagc-2
Master Plan
Cleurly, thc cull of n new Millennium is to rcilect on our past, cxamine our prcsenl nnd preparc
for our future. In this way, the Recrcalion, Purks nnd Cultuml Scrvices Stmtegic Mastcr Plan
becomes a tangible mcnns of assessing all thnt the Town of Pickering has to otTcr our community
und detertnining whut direction we uecd lo go in the coming ycnrs.
The Town af Pickcring will saan become u Ciry to rcllect our spirit of growlh nnd chnngc for the
ncw Miilennium. In lhis same spirit, thc Town of Pickering must cmbrace und even crcatc
opporlunities to take stock nnd makc change in thc area of scrvice dclivcry in an cfi'ort to meet
the needs of the growing nnd Jiverse populution.
The To�vn of Pickering hns a populotion of 85,247 in 1999 which is a 5% increase Gom 1996
(80,625) and a 22% incrense from 1991(69,701). In fact, according l0 5lntistics Canadn Census
DaW, lhe Pickering population hns morc than JoublcJ in 10 ycars incrcasing GI% Gom 1986 to
1996. This trend of population gro�Nh is significant in comparison to othcr municipalitics in thc
Durhnm Region. It is projected thal thc populution of Pickering will increase 9% to rench a
projccted populntion of 93,762 in 2002. This trcnd is nlso expccted to apply lo the Durham
Region as it too will bc cxpericncing a significant population growlh Gom 473,G00 in 1996 to
970,000 in 2021- thut is an incrcasc of morc than 50%.
It is cicar thut in ordcr to proviJe accommodnting and avnilablc Itccrcation. Parks, and Culturnl
Services to a rising populntion, steps must be iaken no�v Io idcnlify thcse projected needs and
fncilitntc thcir implcmema�ion. 'fhc most rcccnt To�m of Pickcring Maslcr Plan dcvclopcd to
address thc Icisurc necds of ihis communily �vas conductcJ in 19R3 r.nd �vns entided "I'arks and
Rccrcatinn Mastcr Plan. Thc To�m ol' Pickcring: A Plan for thc 1980's". Wilh thc ndvrnt of thc
new millennium, thc lime has come w rcvisit this asscssmcnt unJ crcntc a ncw vision that is
reflcctivc of our communilics growlh, changc nnJ necJs - our new Ciry of I'ickcring.
Recrcation & Culture, Facility anJ Parks Inventory As�e�smenl:
The Mastcr Plnn proccss proposcd fur thc To�m of I'ickcring ��ill includc nn assessmcnt in
primarily thrce nreus: Recrcution & Cullurai Scrvice, I'ncility Service and Pnrks and Open Space
Scrvice Areas. Thc assessment will include un cxtensivc inventory of currcnl scrvices in these
respective areas. This will providc Town sla(T with u bcr.chmark upon which to measurc changc.
The inventory will cicarly idcnlify our currcnt scrviccs and will providc a basis from which to
rcccive commen4s.
With respect to the Recrcation & Cultuml Imentory Assessment, infortnation will be collccicd
Ihal provides an nll encompsusing picturc. The typcs of programs will be outlined ns wcll ns thc
numbcr of programs offcrcd compnrcd to thc numbcr of progmms Ihat operntc. A staff to
parlicipant ratio will bc idcntified for npproprinte progrnms nnd all thesc figures will be
compured to othcr Oninrio municipalitics of similur siu nnd divcrsity.
The Fncility Inventory Assessment will include n revicw of all Town of Pickcring �acility
Service levels. Thesc facilitics will includc Arcnns, Indoar Pools, Danquct Spncc, Seniors
Centre, Fitness Eacility, Gymnasi�m, Tennis Courts, Arts & Cullural Ccntres, Youth Centres and
Outdoor Fields such ns Soccer Pitches und Dasebuli Diamonds. A facility to population rotio
will bc detcrmineJ und will revenl the nccd for ndditionnl facilitics in futurc ycars ns thc
A review of Open Spacc Lunds and Natural Lnnds will bc canductcd in thc Parks Invcntory
AsscssmenL In addition, Purks Clnssificutions and 5tandurds will bc identificJ to undcrstnnd
dcvelopment critcrin nnd cnhancc informutian nvailnble for futurc finnncinl plamiing and
developmcnt chnrgcs critcriu,
• Report to Council CR OG-99 Dutc; Novembcr 29, 1999
SubjecL• Recreation, Parks and Culturnl Services Page-3 �%�i
Master Plnn
Review of Emergiag Trenda:
A significunt addition to ►he Inventory ossessment of Recreation & Culturc, Pacilitics anJ Pnrks
is the review of thc emcrging tmnds in thesc rcspective arcas. Trends nre un excellent indicntor
of the chunging needs of u community. Trcnds in iha fields of Arts nnd Culture, Special Needs
progttunming, Youth, Older Adults, smallcr neighborhood parks nnd multipurpose facilitics will
influence the recommcndations developed through the Master Pinn process. Trcnds will bc
determined by literature in the field und pnnicipant rcsponse.
NecJs Assessment:
Once lhe inventory assessment is complete, lhe Master Plan process will involvc input from
community residents, user groups, key infortnnnts, Members of Council and town stafT to
determine Icvel of snlisfuction und nceds for improvement in thc respcclive assessment areus.
This process will be exhemely informutive and will provide direction in terms of futurc
recommendations. A variety of pubtic involvcment activities will be undertakcn, including a
community telephone survey, key infortnnnt intervic�es, organiud user group survcys, nnd a
public meeting.
First, a community survcy will be conducteJ by phonc to rondomly chosen Pickcring houscholds,
The proportion of responses will be coordinated so that cuch arca of Pickering is equally
reprcsented. Thc tcicphonc intcrviews will dcicrtnine community sutisfuction, puAicipation
rntes, polential necds nnd constrnints in ihe arcas of Rccrenlion & Cullure, Paciliry and Parks
scrvice. The public will bc adviscd of thc upcoming �clephonc survcy by vurious promotionul
initintivcs prior ro thc start dalc.
Second, e series of Kcy Informnnt Inicrvicws will bc conJuctcd to iJcntify thosc fnctors thut
must be cornidercd lo make nny Mostcr Plan a realily. Thcsc interviews will be conducted wilh
individuals involvcd in or fnmiliar with scrvicc Jclivcry nnJ Municipal operntions, Thcsc kcy
informants serve to identify gonly, issues nnd cancems Ihat must be considercJ in urJer to
develop achicvublc strategic goals.,
Third, a survey of uscr groups in the 'I'own of Pickcring will 6c conducteJ. This survey will
uddress facility and parks scheduling anJ use, currcnt mcmbcrships, panicipaliun trends und user
fees and charges. This information will bc invaluuble as it will idcntify the gaps in scrvicc
dclivcry nnd emcrging trcnds of thc uscr groups.
Lastly, open forums ond individual intcrvicws will bc conducicd with Members of Council and
Town of Pickcring staff. This process will servc to idcntify goals, objectives, challenbes und
opportunities thnt the Town faces in thc rcality of our current structurc. This insight will
provide us with the rond mnp from which to dircct final servicc delivery recommendntions.
All four sources of infortnation are for the purpase of identifying the sntisfaction of current
services and determining the gaps or existing needs of thc community. The end result of this
proccss is lo devclop a Strntcgic Plun thnt will provide clenr, renlistic nnd approved action steps
to mcet these needs, The Community Survey, Kcy Informant Inferview, User Group Survey,
Mcmber of Council and Stnff Input will rcsult in an extensivc necds asscssment thut fs bath n
comprehensive und reliable basis from which to mnke thesc recommendutions.
Report to Council CR 06-99 Dalc: Novembcr 29, 1999
Subject: Recreution, Parks wid Cultuml Services Pagc-4
Master Plan
Revicw otFinancial Conditiona:
A Master Plun cannot bc compleled without a gencral review of thc financial conJitions anJ
spending trcnds of the Town of Pickering. To make the strategic plan a renlity, thc ewnomic
viability of implementing potentiai recommendations must be considered. This is not to say that
lhe purpose of the Mosler pian is lo genemle new wuys of spending. This is simply not lhe cnsc.
Thc purpose of the Masler pinn is to mnximize Tawn dollnrs by providing thosc scrviccs that
mcet thc nceds of the community. The finnnciul review will provide the parumcters from which
to davelop a stmtegic plan.
Stratcgic Plan:
Thc Mnster Plan proccss will tuke on n strategic focus in order to ensure its npplication in future
yenrs. The stmtegic plan will provide detniicd recommendntions and slmtegies to muke them a
reality. The rccommenJntions made in the stn:tegic plan �vill be a Jircct result of nll thc
informntion gathered during the Technical portion of the Master Plan pracess. The Slrategic
Plnn will bc a stand alone document that can be utiliud by �taff for years to come - to develop
thc Reacntion, Pnrks und Cultural Scrviccs for a growing und divcrsc City of Pickcring. Thc
Strntegic Plan cnn be used as u rcsouree in cnpitnl forecnsting, policy Jevelopment anJ service
dclivery planning.
CriHcal Putii:
The Moster Plnn proccss is cxtcnsive and will rcq�ire scvcml moNhs lo complcte. This is a
vision for our futurc in Rccrwtion, Parks and Culturnl Scrvice dclivcry nnJ as such timc and
ntlention must bc tnkcn so that it accumicly reticcls ihc nccds of thix community. Plcnsc sec thc
altached Criticnl Path to review projcct timelincs.
In conclusion, thc Rccrcntion, Pnrks and Culturol Scrviccs Mastcr Plnn will rcilcct Pickcring's
vision tor communiry Icisun; scrviccs in the ncw Millennium. It is without question thnt, with
Ihe degrcc of gro�vth and divcrsily in this community, an nssessmcnt of nccJs is required to
provide essential nnd focuseJ dircction i�r Rccrcatinn, I'arks nnd Cultural Scrvices for ycnrs to
comc. The Muster Plan �vill allow thc 7'own of Pickcring to be proacdvc and prepnrc for thc
current nnd future needs of this community.
The Master Plnn process will be primnrily conducted by existing statTrcsources within thc Town
of Pickering. 'fhose items to be conducted intemally include a demogmphic profilc of the
community, service inventory assessmcnt, future service trends unalysis, finnncinl conditions
overview and nn ovcroll ussessment of service delivcry in thc nrea of Recrention & Culturc,
Facilitics nnd Purks.
A poriion of the Master Plnn process will, however, rcquire the ossistance and rcsources of u
qualified and cxperienced consullant team. This will ensure thc most effectivc und etiicient usc
of stuff time and will ensurc thc rcsults of the projcct ure objectivc.
'fhe successful consulmnt tenm will conduct thc work under thc direction nn�l within thc tiMc
� guidclines set out by the Town of Pickcring. The consultant tcnm would act ns a rcsource
throughout the process so that the end result is senmless and cohcsive. Thc consultant tcum will
be an invaluable resourcc in both thc technicnl rcport nnd stmtcgic plan, It is projcctcd that
$25,000 will bc required lo contrnct n consultnnt tcnm to complete thc assigncd duties.
Thc Mastcr Plun process cicarly providcs an opportuniry to nsscss curtcnt scrviccs, mcasurc
community satisfaction nnd develop a slrntegic plan thnt will mcct the Icisure nceds of our
community for futurc ycars.
• Report lo Council CR 06-99 Datc: Novembcr 29, 1999
Subjecti Recreation, Parks nnd Culturul Services Page-5 n� �
� Master Plan
l.. Recrcation, Purls nnd Culturnl Scrvices Mastcr Pinn, Critical Path
Prepured By, Approved ! Endorsed Dy:
Stephen Reynolds, Division Hend Gverett I3untsma, Director
Culture & Rccreution Division Operntions & Emergency Scn ices
Copy: Chief Administmtive Officer
Dircctor of Opemtions nnd Emergcncy Scrvices
Director of Corpomic Serviccs anJ Trcasurcr
Recommcnded for the considemtion of
Pickcring Town Council �
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o ns J, Quinn,
Chief Administrutivc Officcr
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� Critical Path
I. Prcpnre nnd Distribute Requcst for Proposal January 2000
2. Select Consulling Fitm February 2000
3. Establish Advisory Council February 2000
- Terms of Referencc
4. Rcsearch nnd Preparc Prcliminnry Report �cbruary 2000 — blarch, 2000
5. Public Participation March 2000 — April 2000
- survey ond intcrview devclopment
und implemcntation
6. Synthesis af Results Aubust ?000
7. Dcvelop Tcchnical Rcport Septembcr ?OOD — October 2000
- un ussessment of curtcnt necds
undcr Ihc curcent Ic�cl of scrvice
8. Develop n Strnlegic Plan Novembcr ?000 — Janunry� 2001
- uutlinc Puture directions for
Icisure scrvicc provisions
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