HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN 11/99331 � � � �� OF P� . � . � �O � . � . .. . . . . � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM; Gillis A. Paterson DATE: lune 14,1999 Director of Finance & Treusurer REPORT NUMBER: FINI 1-99 SUBJECI': Sections 442 and 443 of the Municipal Act - AdjustmenGs ta Taxes RECOMMENDATION: That the Executive Committce recommend to Council thah 1. tha write-off of tuxes due to demolition, asscssment department clerical crtor, exemption or asscssment changc as contained in Attachmcnt #1 to the RepoA as provided under Sections 442 and 443 of the Municipal Act be approvcd; nnd 2. the appropriate staff of the Town of Pickering be given nuthoriry to get clTcct Ihereto. ORIGIN: Direclor of Einancc & Trcasurer AUTHORITY: The Municipal Act, R.S.O. I990, as amended, Sections 442 and 443. FMANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: If approved, the write-off of taxes as contained in this report represents a gross cost of $106,594.84, with a net cost ofapproximately S17,140,39, the belance being charged back to the Region of Durharn and the School 8oards. EXECUTNE SUMMARY: Not applicable. HACKGROUND: The reduction of taxes due to fire, demolition, exemption, ussessment change or clericel error, is provided for under Scetions 442 and 443 of the Municipal Act. Scction 443 oC the Municipal Act allows for reduction of texee foc the provious years while Section 442 is applicable to thc current year. Write-offa of thie nenue are coneidered nortnal in thc conduct of business, The write-o[fe ero Cor lhe 1999 texation yeac and will be charged lo the 1999 budget eccount no, 2134; Provieion for Uncollectabie Tuxcs. :,, . 33Z RepoR to Council FINl t-99 Juno t4,1999 j; : Subjecl: Sxtions 442 and 443 of tho Municipal Act • Adjustment to Taxea Page 2 In 1998, the Provincial Assessment DepaAtnent isaued un incorrect supplemental asseasment for Hubbell Canada. Hubbell Canada eppealed their asscssment and were successful in having their essessment rovised. The assessment appeal is retroactivo to 1998. ATTACHMENTS: Section 442 Adjustments to Taxes dated Juna 4,1999 prepared gy; Approved / Endorsed By: � �/� i'� - Gitlis A. Paterson Marlene Van Riesen Senior Tax Clerk Director of Finance & Treasurer GAP:mvr Attachment Rccommended for thc considemtion of Pickering Town Council � �< „ omas J. nn Chief AJmin tivc 0 cer ;� ; ���r � ,�' �r ���� � � ;i r �r ��. � � !�2 , - �� , �� - ;. � li �. , . { �E . 71 � � �,, . �;_ 'r �, � �' �� = � ;, �, _ , y -. �f t \ ,�L 'A �t�� .�f .)�, � �3, . „C_,n _. .._„'-�� ., �. �f.� �. . , . . . .� � , ,.. _ .. -.. _ . on.=�+n�ncacuies9e.aaM m. ar rac�-.o ATTACFNIENTN�.TORfP01lTN secnoN �u,w�uan�eNrs To r�xes ' . MAY i1,199� � Jun�,1,iN9 � �pPt NAME REAWNPORAOJUSTNCNT YEAR C00! ROLLNUMEER lMOUNT I19199 3G99 21f99 3299 OA99 0T199 I6�99 Id99 :Y99 .L99 �' iP19 I»ro. ,oTroe Nal Wi�ll:T � Wnry Nal Wllllim i �mry y�il Wlllpm 6 N�nry N�il Nlllll�m l N�nq N�il Wllllim 6 Ninq Kim. Myunq:tyinq TOWN OF PICNERIN6 TC W N OF PICNEAINO TCWN OFPICNERINO TOWN Of PIr,XEFUNO TOWN OS• FICNEIUNO 110]6�7 CNTAfU01NC 52l0l9 ONT.IFIO LTD TCWN Cf PICNE(i1N0 iCiVN OF PICNERINO CUli.hAM 80 OF ED MARSM�LLHOME9 M:.R9HALLMONE! MPR9HALLHOME! MAR9MALLHOME3 70WN OF PICNERINO HUBB:LL C.WAOA �NC HUBB2LtCdNAOAINC BRIOQE4, OAVIDMATH BFIOOE4, DAVIDIIGiH an�am�nt R W uctlon A�arum�ntH�EUCyon Asu»m�nt RwuNon AiN��m�nt R�auctlon A�i�ftm�nt RWuNan Asaum�nt O�Ot ura E%EYPT110W TOYMS EXEMPT VOW TOWN7 E:fE4PT110W TOWN! E%E!APTd10W TOVM9 EXE'A'��710W i0VM9 ,- � NCUSE OEMOLISHED ASSESSMENT CLERICAL EMOR EXE1tPT.VOW TOYM! E%EVPT�'IOW TOVMS eXEYPT EXE�IPT E4EVPT E4ENPT EMEYPT EMEYPTd10W TOYMS ASSE59A1ENT Cl.ENCAL ERROR .133E3lMEN7 CIERICAL ERAOR COMN TO RElIOENiUI COMMTORESIO&YML , 'i. � �`, 1999 RTP OlOdIO•1lY.S 1999 RTP 070d10•19N� 1999 RTP 0]0-020•1Hl7 �999 RTP 0:0-0IO•191l� 1999 RiP O10-0IO•19159 199/ RTP 0]0-0IO•1MIt t991 RTP OtOdtt-0M00 1999 RTP 010-011•1�t1� 1999 RTP a+aaua�n� t999 RTP 010-01!•U2A 1999 'iTP O1G-011•1rti: 1999 RTP 010-01949700 1999 RTP 070-0IO•1t101 1991 RTP 070-020•!�T{0 �ssa aTV o:oaxo•:ira 1999 RTP 0]0-0IL4iI01 1991 RTP 070AI0•3r65S 1999 fiTP 010-0:0•i16SS 1991 RTP 070A2044l� 1999 RTP 070-020•Ir6U 1999 RPT 010-011-01109 f991 LTN 070-021-07T00 199t ITN 0]0-031,19T00 1991 CTN 010-011•21110 149! NTP 01001141�10 1,t0E.l9 ' . 1,076.9 � f,f06.19 ! 1,106.19 i to.e.:. � 1999! I I.17t.19 1.ldl.62 � t.9!!.]a tee.0 151.6! � 6ATd0' ses.xe � 1,N1.15 �,no.�s i 1,657.T6 iSd.97 131.67 17�.97 151.6� 151.63 0.1.53l.73 tl,950.]] t.13Td i , 10/,59�.AJ 106,l9�.l� f ,., � � ' . . . � _�.: � .��,- , � ,�. � .. . i , t � r� � � � � h;:; '� ' �F �ii ;�"'r - �j' j� f ( � �(, ��i; � f' .; . � . ','f fI �� . 1f., ,. . . _. , . . ._. i .- . - ,. . _