HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN 30/99}� i,= � - ! i , �. _. , . �,. . , :.. � .. �.. .. . � r_ .1 ..,� � . � . . � �,���� 93 .. REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Gillis A. Paterson DATE: Novembcr 10, I999 Dircetor, Co►porete Services & Treasumr REPORT NUMBER: FIN 30/99 SUBJECi': Adjustmenls to Taxes Under Section 442 of the Mwiicipal Act RECOMMENDATION; 'fhat Report FIN 30/99 be rcceived and thnt lhe Director, Corpumtc Services & Trcasurcr bc authorized to write-off taxes due to fire, d�:molition, cicricnl crtor, cxcmption and asscssn:.nt change as providcvl under Section 442 of thc Municipal Act. ORIGIN: Dircetor, Corpornlc Scrvices & Treasurcr AUTHORITY; Thc Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, as nmcnded, 5cction d42, FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS• If approved, the write-off of taxes as contained in Ihis report ropresents a grosc cost of SG6,741.89, with a net cost of approximately S 13,197, the bal¢ncc bcing chnrged back to thc Rcgion ef Durham nnd the School Boards. Thc 1999 Current Budgcl containcd u provision in the amount of S I50,000 for this purpose. Write-offs approved by Council eazlicr this ycar lotaled S19,642 for the Town leaving a balance of SI 18,751, which it is anticipated will bc rcquircd for fwlher write-ofCs in 1999 and eazly 2000. BXECUT[VE SUMMARY: Not applicable. HACKGROUND: The roduction of laxea duc to firo, dcmolition, exemption, assessmr,nt chenge or cicrical error, is - provided for under Scetion 442 of the Municipal Act. Writaof�s iif this nnture are considercd nortnal in tho conduct of businesa, Thc write-offs etc for vnrious taxedon years and will bc charged to tho 1999 budget accounl 2t34, Proviaion for Uncoliecteblo taxes, The mejor writc off peRaina lo Public Worke Canada (Roll Number 030-0003•06300) for thc emount of S54,984.60. •1 � �' Report ro Counci! FIN 30/99 November 10,199) Subjech Sxtion 442 of tha Municipal Act - Adjustment to Texes Paga 2 The Provincial essasment ofiice coded the propeRy incorcecUy for lhe 1998 taxation yc;a es msidentiel. The correct realry tax class should be PU, residentiel as it is reflccted for Ihc 1999 texetion year. Taxation ataff discovered this ertor in 1998, and issued Public Works Canudu m� invoice based on a PIL realry tax class, Thc application of Section 442 for this situation can be viewed as a "housekeeping" issua ATTACHMENTS: Section 442 Adjustments to Taxes dated October 25, 1999. prep�red gy; Approved / Endorsed By: !� I Mulene an Riesen, Coordinator Taxation Services GAP:mvr Altaclunent `�Gillis A. Puterson, Director, Corpomte Scrvices & Treasurer .. . . . � . 7.,.` _ _ . . � .� . . . . � � . �. . �. r t' f� 1 aaa�maa�v�a��u»:ooua ,mmoro:cu.:w : ATTACHMENTq,,..LTOMl�1O ,�ij eecnoNru�aiunn�u+nror�xee rnwo.n�a ucrn.�ws:oh ro� waw„mrr � aeow� U. �on o�owr:e,+on �pp� NiWB RG80NFORADJUSTU[NT YlAR COOE ROLLNUMBER AMOUNT SLW PuElle WMU � SYM Butkw��oW�rN�nu IWW TMOONWIO SOf11 Lo 9arD�n IMI TON71 OF PICKERINO 17fDD TOMM OF PICKEIUNO INI TOVM OF PICKEIUNO fN8 Hodpwn EIII� M�rpant lSIM Nodpwn EM� Mupant qIM S�npABurvrp�ul IOANG J�pdwVlcnm ttAG A4Wru,Mohlnd�rSlnph SNii F�mi� Hwn I7di9 Stott, Kwln 19117 Plumm�r Wnni� I7N9i Bdlm�iryk,J�aWMru r.euu: r�mn or.�uK,r.� Should N p�ym�nt In Ilw Atuum�nt CUdcal Erta AtN�un�nt CI�AaI ERIX ASSESSMENTCLElUCALERROR exeuaT�+owTawna E7fEMiTd10W TOVM! EXEMPT�/OW TOWN9 8hMl6u�p� nmw W 9hM10�np� nmwM A88ESSMENT CLERICAL ERROR HOU9E UEMOLISHEO HOU9EDEM0118HE0 NOW FJ(EMPT ASSESSMENT CLEFICAL ERROR REUUCEUA�bE99MENT � HOlISE DEMOUBHEO AS9ES9MENT CLEIUCAL ERROR ifN RTP 010-0O1-06700 1i9� NTP 070-0ON/WO 79ii qTP 070-030•1N1� 1Yi� pTP 070-010•1i921 tus� nrn otoa�e.uaoo 1Y91 NTP Of0-0tl-0W00 1YY9 RTP Of0-0fi40f07 +�s� nta a�aatwawo �uo� arr a�aauaeeao ��sa at� aaoa:oaetu 1i9i qTP O10-01t-0l100 1999 RTP O70-0t7-09W0 1899 RT8 010-071-0p16 tne arn ozoa:srrou 1997 BU8 020-0II-01/00-0OS76 199! RTP 010-0/0•17f00 1999 RiP o�oaozatui TOTAL . . _ . .. . . � . . � � S1.9N.60 1,67].71 106.0 �oe.0 137.1! ss�.0 151.0.1 1l.67 70.72 1,71l.37 907.l6 llt9! 1,t1E.90 7E1,A6 ten.py 69T.J1 1,]T2E9 66a+�.es