HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 44/98.:. ..,. .. t ., .:..... ....... . ,. . ': � � .. . . . . . . � ' . . . . . . . . _ 97 d�N � �' � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bmce J. Taylor DATE: 20 Octob�r 1998 Town Clerk REPORT NUMBER: CL 44-96 SUBIECT: Tender for Radom Street Repairs Ttnder No. T- 7- 98 RECOMMf:NDATION: That Tender No. T- 7- 98 submitted Hemden & King Construction in the amount of S65,157.84 be eccepted; and that e project cost of S79,920.03 including the tender amount and other associated wsts, be approved. Funding in thc amount ofup to 579,000.00 be provided by tho issuance of debmtures, if required, by the Region of Durham for a term up to but not accading twenty (20) years be approved, with the balance to be charged to the Generat Fund. ORIGM: Request by Depariment of Public Works AU1'HORITY; 1998 Cepitel Hudget FINANCIAL IM1�LICATIONS: The Dirxtor of F'uiarice and Taasura of tho Town of Pickaing, in accordenco with provincial reguletions, arti6es that exprnditures contained in the recommrnded epprovals can be 6nanced by the issuance of debrntures and/or entering into leases, if required, for a tem� of up to 20 years and i� within the updated Debt and F'uianciel Obligation Limit. Any debt issued will result in annual repayment costs appeering in futuro CuRent Budgets in the emount of approximetely 59,000.00 per year with a fifteen ( I S) year term at 7 perccnt, Financing costs in the estimated amount of SE,000.00 wili be included in the 1999 Budgets. ,� �;�.. , �. ,. . ; . ,. , �� � .. ; <,. ,' � . . :. . — _ �, ' � Iteport to Council CI. 44 98 Deta: 20 October 1998 SubJcct: Tender No. T- 7• 98 Page 2 1; . qg Tendu for Radom Strcet Rad Improvementi FINANCIAL IIvIPLICATIONS (wndm:ed) 1. Tendaed Amounk „,RoadWork .. ...... .. . ... ,m........$60,895 18`:.. (i.S.T. . �. .�....._ �,..,4,262.66°. O.S.T.rebato `. ._ , , '-2��935.68 , . Totel Amount 562� 722.16 2. Approved Source of Funds. ..:,.., _ - .. , _ CurtartYear: Budget2320l6181 . , 580,000.00 .•.,.: . ,. .. : . .,_. Prior Year: Budget 0 •:.. _ ,. FuWro Yearo: ,Budget � ,., _._.. TotalA roved Seo,000.00 3. Estimaled Project Costing Summery: _. .. _ _ .. c«utn�ction Material Wdng Pro- Enginoering Survey Rcgian af Durtam � SWrtn Scwer R�pain • • Telucan . Sub Total d,S.T. (3.S.T. robato � Seo,e9s.ie ' 1�600.00 9�146.93 5,950.00 ''" 5,931.45 - 3,103.53 4. Pro ect Coete (Over) under A roved Funde S79. 97 EXECUTIVE SiJDRvIARY: Tho work consisU of the excavation of the adsting roadway end roplacunent of the granuler base, concrete curbs and asphelt pavement on Radom �trat accordana with tertns end speciBcations prepered by the Town. Hamden 8c King Construction Limited hava pert'crtned satisfactory work for the Town as per Trnder No. T-2-95 Road Improvements, ELllcrest Road, Glendele Road, Liverpool road and Woodview Avenue. 1'hc Health and Sefery PoGcy to bc used nn this project end the CAD 7 form issued by Workplaa Safery & Insurance Board as wbmitted by Hernden & King Constmction Limited. have been reviewed by the Municipal Works Supervisor and aro acceptable. M amount of 580,000.00 ia available from the 1998 Roads Capitai Budget - Account No. 2320- G181, Job No. 9805. The Troaaurcr adviea Rnancing mey be by the ieauance of debenturca. ;�:_ 1�:-�' , . Report to Council CL 44 98 Date: 20 Octoba 1998 q 9 Subjxt: Tender No. T- 7• 98 Page 3 Tendv for Radom Strat Rad Improvemenn BACKGAOUND:. Pleaae be adviud the following tendaa far this project were opened on Friday 16 October 1998 for the tbova project. M estlmated 18 wmpanie� wero invite� to pariicipate of which 11 picked up tendaing documenta for n non-roft�ndablo fea of 510.00 per xt. A copy of the Record of Tenden Opened and Chxked used at the tender apening is attached. Purcfwing PoGcies end Procedures Item 9.22(h) provides that whero there ere incortect o�ctensions or misplaced dceimels, the bid may ba cortected. Unit prices ahell be used to cortoct exteasione. Purchesing Policies and Procedures Item 9.27.(a) permits that ell deposits other than the low threo bidders ahall be retumed. SUMMARY (P3f included, OST include� Total TaMeRd Mwunt S After Calculation Checic S; Flamdca dc King Coretrudiai 65,157.84 65,15T.84 Furfari Convtmction 69,673.05 69,673.05 Miwel Construction 73,000.00 73,000.10 D. Crupl & Sons 75,878.52 75,878.52 ElirpaConstrucdan 90,107.40 90,107.40 Upon careful examinadon by the Directar of Public Works, the General Manager, and I, of ell tendere rxaved, I recommend the low bid of Harnden & King Construction Limited in the amount of 565,157.84 be approved end a project cost of 579,920.03 approved. ATTACHMENTS: 1. PubGc Works Manorandum dated 20 October 1998 2.. Record of Trnders Oprned end Chec�ed 3. I.ocalion Map Pro By: Approv Endo y: era A ganacher JefTrey, C.P.P, CPPO, CMM I rua I. Taylor, AMCT, ClvIItit Menagrr of Supp{y end Servicw, Town Clerk Gii Paterson Director of Finenca end Treasuror Recommendal for the considaetion of Pickt�Ing Town Counal , f�� n,�,,. � �, ; ; : ., r,% i `� Q1TER•DCPARTMLNTAL CORRC9PONDENCL , `��DQ PUHLIC WORKB T0: Ven Fd�em�cher JeI1Fey DATEt OMOber i9,199a M�mger of SuppFy & 3ervica FROM: Bob Kuzme Adminbtntlaa Supervuor RE: Tender T- 7- 93 - Radom Strcet - Ro�d Impnrvemeab We have completed our review of the relevant documents related to the above tender and recommend the acceptance of the low bid Gom Flamden & King Construction Limited. Harnden & King Consduction Limited have performed satisfactory work for tho Town per Tender T-2•95 - Road Improvements, Hillcrest Rd., Glendale Rd., Liverpool Rd. end Woodview Ava. • The Municipal Works Supervisor hes also damed the Health end Safety poGcy and the Cad 7 form issued by Workplace Safety and Insurana to be acceptable. 1'his project wes approved in the Public Works Capital Budget - Account #2320-6181, Job # 9805. The Treasurer advius financing wiA be by the issuana of debentures, which is the subject of a separate report. Fin�ncid Imoitcationa Inform�t(oa 1. �'ender Amount Road Work (ptt Tender T-7•98) G.S.T. G.S.T. Rebate Totai 2. Approved Source ofFunds Budget - Curtent Year - 2320-6I81 Budget - Prior Year Budget - Futuro Year Total Approved Budget 3. B�Limated Project Costing Sumsnarv Consuuction Materia! testing Pro-Engineering Survey •Region of Durham Stortn Sewer Repeirs - Telescan Sub Total , G.S,T. G 3.T_Rebhte �"� � ' Total Projxt Cort t; � � � �� p i��hrwi��a .,.: , . 560,895,18 4,262.66 -2,435.68 562,72Z.16 580,000.00 sao,000.00 160,895.18 1,600.00 9,146.93 5,950.00 577,592.It 5,431.45 •3,103.53 579,92U'U3 , , �����V�� TOWN OF PICKERINQ � OCT 2 01998 � G , �:�xp... 1� S y ` OEPARTMENTOF ,4 � , ,� SUPPLYANDdEHVICE9 � 1�Ba '< ��o�Publlc Wo�in �Vc�Supervfbt �, ��� �.t•�,� � t , �, Jf �,'. A`re . �.., tf� � _ . . . . . _ . �,i'> "�'r F ?i,�"Zix�'' ?ti i � � }p7;�, �}r 3 _i x � i t y � x ,. �,� - i t; ��s S�„3Y t� i � _r�d'f t }' i. �Yiy � 1" � f' >, �� � '> 1 X � 3 'l e� �� A 1 • . +'£x a { , ; ; 1 � �L4YAIf 1�� : t: ; �+ ,_ ri � � Ttii� informadon meeta with`tAa epprovel of the (}eneral Managery _ � - 17i . Quinn Generel hfaneger Thi� infarmation mats with the approvel of the Director of Public Works: chard W olbom . Director o Public Woric� This Wortnation meets with the approval of the Director of Finana. �� �' }— G. P/ ei�n D'uectnr of Finance F �r;� � t � sz�_ ,y�� Y� � t n<, i t' �i P,P� tERt�G_4 j�f t�¢`� ���y}'1�'a�'�� d 'S , . _ i d,���� ��! ��, ,�����yt��� � ��r ` r � �,t� ��f;:}.,i-�st, �,L$ry}y,n� ! ,�kfi4�,ls.eA��� "� � �� r.�� r � � .. •���� •;u �'�'�,�CF3a � x s � S p,C��� ;�i J,�+ ��""'' �t� „ . 9 ) _ . . jp i��{�r„�A5 it�lJ,y �` . 'T q31�z � � � �1 xy� . ��if���v`� �fa '�r�`� { . ti . _ , 'jtF�'4ir+ra�;� �h � . r � i . . . ��4�N���.S� 5 1i� f � t � � �� x '� i. i , �� � ! � ��+` `. %�'S `�S y � r 1 _ . • i3 ,y J„q p� % i � ': � � �i 4"r � �� Q� i � t � h . . �3�; 4�� � 2 "'�'� s7 r, �, l f„�i�'��` � i } . `r �`����f �$y� " ` � { � M � ��� � �� +, . ,,.�t �'� .�y t} c ( : a � - � p }}}qqq ..�A tM i t ���y'��i��� f! � A,ji�'y {✓[t AC �. .� � ��.1 �, _.ciCi,'{�rm�"°''. . � .. . . . .r 5 . . ., . . .. . . .. �:� • � : a' 02; " , �� Attachment For Tender: T-7-98 . ' RADOM STREET ` PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT LOCATION MAP PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES: Srocm Sewer Repairs - . Radom Stmt - from Liverpool Road, westedy for 150m Road RceonsWcdon (esphelt and curWgutter) . Radom Street • from Liverpool Road, westeriy for ISOm Complete Landscape Restoration (grading end sodding whero requircd) . to all areas affected r ! 3' � ��n' � � � , :. . , �- �� `: � �` �x r ' r t �'��� � nto�n�n teMarwo.ftaoo ' K4t:�:'.�� .s ti,�.� 5� .� ... ,— ,. . . . . . • W �, y, 3 � � � z �' Q � a � � � �� � a � � � � � 1\�. � s , < < � � `�� a � D n oa �a n° � � ' � � p $ � � � � a� ,J � o � J ,� '� � p � a a a • » � n � � � i � � z 0 � � �0 °� � • � y � \ � � �: U I I I I I I I I I I I I � i!►3 O Z O T � n � m � Z � 0