HomeMy WebLinkAboutHP 02/99071 O�N OF p� � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: John Snbcnn, Chair DATE: Oclober 7, 1999 Heritage Pickcring RGPORT NUMDBR: HP 02-99 SUEiJECT: Pnlmcr-Voss liousc Qcsignation 2101 Vallcy �arm Rond Concession 2, Lot 20 Town of Pickering RECOMMENDATION: That Reporl #HP 02-99 regnrJing thc dcsignution of thc Pulmer-Voss I lous�, :101 Valley Pnrm Road, bc rcccived; anJ That ihc Pnlmcr-Voss Fiousc lx designatcJ us n I Icritugc Propcny. ,7�[�Ii`iA Lelter Jaled Mnrch 22, 1999 from Johannu Voss AUTHORITY: Ontnrio Hcritngc Act, R.S.O. 1980, c. 337, Scclion 29.G PINANCIAL IMPLiCATIONS: $300 - Placquc - Acct. 2743•5400 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Hcritagc Pickcring (LACAC) rccommcnds lhc desi6nation of thc Palmcr-Voss Nousc. E3ACKGROUND: Plea.se find nitached to this report n by-Inw for designntion of thc Palmcr-Voss Ilousc. At its regular meeting of Mny 3,1999, Counci) npprovcd Rcsolution k99/99 conccming thc Jesignation of the Pulmcr-Voss flouse at 2101 Valley �arm Roud, The process nfJcsignution requircd thnt Notice of Intent be udvcrtiscJ in the local newspnper for onc wcck unJ nolificntion then bc scrved on the owner anJ ihc ONario Ilcrilage roundation. No nppenis havc becn rcccived on this Jcsignation, thcreforc, Hcritagc Pickcring (I.ACAC) nrc now rcquesting n byIaw to designutc be upproved by Council. � 1 ���� Repod to Council HP 02•99 Dute: Octolxr 7, 1999 SubjecL Palmcr•Voss Flousc Designution png� Z A7TACHMGNTS: I, Dy-Inw rcqucsting Dcsignution. PrcpareJ By: ApproveJ / Endorscd B: �. L� � �-/ John Sabenn Drucc Taylor IIT:dk; Attechments Copy: T, J. Quinn, C.A.O. Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Town Council w � • ,. c . Thomns J. Quin Chicf Administrntivc O�icer . � m �""^'^�m �...L�� n�ru111 � �t- 51 �%� THE CGRPORATION OF TIiE TOWN OF PICKGRING RY-LAW NUMDER Deing a by-law to designate the property kno�m as the Palmer-Voss Nousc us being of architectural and historical voluc or intcrest WFIEREAS pursuant to parograph (a) of seclion 29.6 of ihe Onlario Hcritage AcL R.S.O. 1990, c. 0.18 the council of u municipality is authorized to cnact byla���s to Jesignate rcul property, including all buildings und structures thcreon, to bc of architectural and historic vulue or interest; and WHEREAS thc Council of the Corpomtion of the Toaro uf Pickering has caused to lx served on thc owner of thc lands and premiscs kno�rn as Ihe Palmcr-Voss Housc in the Town of Pickering nnd upon the Ministry of Citirenship, Culture and Recrcation, notice of intentiun to sa Jcsignatc thc aforesaid rcal pro�xrty and has caund such noticc ol' intention to bc publisheJ in thc samc newspaper having gencrol circulation in 1he municipnliry for onc wcek; and WHEREAS no nolice of cbjection io the proposed Jesignation has txen sen�ed on ihe clerk ofthe mur,icipality; NOW THERE�ORH thc Council of thc Corporation of ihc To«n ol' PickcrinE f 1I3Rf:[3Y ENACTS us follow•s: I. There is designa�ed ns being ol'architectural and histuric:il value or imerest the renl property kno«�n as thc Pnlmcr•Voss Ilousc in thc To��n of I'ickcring, more pariculady dcscri�d in Schedulc °A" attachcd hcrcto. ''. Thc municipal solicitnr is hcrcby authorind to rusc n cupy� uf ihis h�••I:nc tu lx registcreJ aguinst thc proExrty describcd in SchcJulc "r1" hcrcto in Ihc proper land registry otlicc. 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized to cause a copy of this hy-law lo lx served un the owner of thc uforr.snid property and on thc �linistry of Citizcnship, Culturc & Recrention nnd ro cau� notice of the pnssing of this bylaw to be published in the sume newspaper huving geneml c'uculation in thc municipalily for onc wcek. DY-LAW READ a first, second nnd third time nnd tinally PASSED this Ist day of Novembcr, 1999. Mayor � ,� Clerk - Ii � � i �i a� �t ► � � � ����� � ��1`,, � � ��; � �r 1� i . ,1 SCHEDULE "A" TO E3Y-LAW NUME3ER r�LL AND 31NGULAR thosc ttrtnin parcels anJ tracts of lands and premises siwatc, lying and being in the To«�n of Pickering, in the Regional �tunicipality of Durham and Province of Ontario nnd being composed uf Lot ?0, Concession ?, duly registered in the Registry OfTice for the Registry Division of Durham, designnted as Pnrt 3 on Plan dOR13232, , � 075 M THE MATTER OF TNE ONTARIO HER1TAaE ACT R.S,O. 1990, CHAPTER 0.18 and . IN THE MATTER OF TEfE LANDS AND PRGMISES MUNICIPALLY KNOWN AS PART [.OT 20, CONCESSION 2 IN 7'HE TOWN OF PICKERING [N THE PROV(NCE OF ONTARIO and fN T}{E hfATTER OF TOWN OF PICKERING BY-I.AW NUMBER REASON FOR DESIGNATION This stone house is located on southcrly portion of Lot 20, Canccssion 2, in thc To�m of Pickcring and was built in two stages, Ihc first pnrt Juring �hc 1850's and the sewnd purt ubout 20 years later. Shenvood und Mnrtha Palmer, movcd to Pickcring in 1834 nnJ purchnscd Lot 20. Concession 2 from the Clergy Rcscrves on November 24. 1847. 1�he Palmer farm comprised of one hundrcd acres of Innd. The Palmcrs built a onc nnd•u•half storey slone house und a waler power:d suwmill. Thc house is n��crnacular strucwre of the Gothic Revival urchitecturul style with a cenirc gabla poinlcJ arch winJow and Jecomtive gable finials, pendants and curvilinenr vcrgeboarJ. Thc front scclion is thrcc bays wiJe anJ two bays decp with u nmdium pitched gablc roof. A onc and•a•half storcy stonc rcnr wing e�ends from to the north of the front section.