HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN 17/99 (2),... ..�.... , . . . . .. .;..,.,.. . .,��... . ._ .. . . .. . . � .. . . � .�� _ . . . .. .i. � � . . 92 1��a OFP� � ItEPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Gillis A. Paterson DATE: Novembcr 10, 1999 Direclor, Corporate Services & Trcasurer REPORT NUMBER: FIN 17/99 SUBJECT; Developmenl Charges Reserve Fund Statement for Town of Pickering Services for 1997 and 1998 RECOMMENDATION: That RepoA FIN 17/99 und the Stalemenl of the Uirector, Curporate Services & Treasurcr respecting the Devclopmenl Chnrgcs Fund (G/L 4227) bc reccived by Council. ORIGIN: Direcror, Corporute Scrvices & Trcasurcr AUTHORITY: Developmcnt Charges Act, R.S.O. 1990 as amcndcd. FMANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: There are no financial implications to the receipt of this stntemcnt. EXECUTNE SUMMARY: Not Applicable BACKGROUND: Scction 17 of the Development Charges Act tequires that lhc Trensurer fumish to Council a Statcment in respect of each Reservc Fund cstablished under Sedion 1G (ic, for cach Development Charge). Statements are attached to this Repart covering the last two fiscul ycars, t997 and 1998. While totnl developmenl chargcs collected decrcased by $264,53G from $3,133,000 in 1997 to 52,868,464 in 1998, the nmount expended on capital projecls also dccrensed by $185,178 from $2,015,405 in 1997 to SI,830,227 in 1998. Loan repayments of 51,275,533 in 1998 rcllcct inlcmal trnnsfers to various other Rescrve Funds to repay emounts borrowed to intcrim financc the construclfon of Fira and indoor Rccrcntionnl • � Repod to Council FIN 17/99 Dma; Novcmber 10,1999 Subject: Developmenl Chnrges Reserve Fund Sintement for Town PoBa 2 9 3 of Pickering Services for 1997 and 1998 Fucilities in past yeurs. Interest income und tha repayment of ovcrsizing cosls mukc up thc difTerence. The end result was an increuse in nvailablc balances ovcr Ihc two year period of 5858,147 to $5,874,29. ATTACHMENTS: 1. 1997 Statement af Developmcnt Charges Reserve Fund 2. 1997 Malysis of Aclivities Respecting Transfer to Capitnl Projects 3. 1998 Stalement of Activities Respecting Transfcr to Capital Projects 4. 1998 Annlysis of Activities Respecting Transfcr to Cnpital Projects p�P�d gy; Approved / Endorsed By: ol � J omlinson, "G,A. Patcrsan, Depury Treasurer Direclor, Cornorate Serviccs & Treasurcr JAT:vw Auachments Recommended for the consideration of PickeringTown uncil �� i ' (fl�/�+ omas J. inn, ief inistrnti e OCficer , . , . .., 1; 94 ATTACHMENTq�TOREPORTN � �119 o°o'�"'r��MevnnMO�o �� �o�o�n noot;ryvo�r�m� 1�p O 1� N O M�O V1 00 O �MH 'TV M .�.'MV V1bN�a�, N i� Q � �' onv a°v �y � � ^ Q� �O V' O N �t C � " V1 M �f V' Vl O w W'y � v � v vr 8 4 U ,�, aE,�,Fa oy * co v � o� � � 'C;y � o� o a .. .. v1�t Oo0 �f o0NV�'t M01nr1� �+ �O .�v.�. Vr1 7 b f`I ^'1 0�0� O^�fl gy (`I� �NNM v�i'MV r rI � O N I�tll % �.� e� n o0 o ri �o v� v a°i r. '�'1 a�:, t`�'�, � 0000, �.. n o� gm�a ari�oc�o�o�c�aot��g.' O �o�^� Nn o�^�=r'rovooi�o...... da o QVU O W o�0 � n Va1 M b M r 00 b� u� ?f'lr�o�c;`o�o�nc;r N vig�r'1�caoor�o^ ��� t��1 N r M1 � V�l � r fa`i b N Ri Q e _ •� A � � � � Q � °� � � � 3a � o �� p� u y W �ii .0 � i� �! ° � '� �i •a �C7;a°.�� � dC5 gw� �>' « � L ��w � s� ���� �'� � '� o '� '= a s� � o=� u �,. � �- O O � � b .G 7 •� y C � u $ �� � � N � u h n.�i� � aG0 o °' '� ��.' Q � � °n,'r� c � '� N 1"�' y' 9 � � � u � d o. o � i c � 0 .� � o � � .o g�� � � 's �' � � Eo� � Q�� u o �eo.� � o� » i:' ATTACHMENTN�TOREP011TN,�L� .(1�g9 ANALYSIS Oh Ab10UNTS TRANSFERRF.D l0199ZCAPITAI. PROJEC'fS 95 FROM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE RF.SF:RVE FUND Roads (External Subdivteton Worksl Rosebunk Road(18T-88074) S 392,759 Woodview Avenue(IST-87066) 215,090 fairport Urbanizalion 29,959 Kingston Road Trunk Stortn Sewer (WG) 3,93� Finch Avenue Street Lights (18T-93020) 4,047 Finch Avenue Sidewalk(18T-89028) 1,2G7 Dixic Road Urbanizution (18T-89077) 18.860 5665,915 Parkland Acauis(tton Prepaid ucquisilion netted Gom'Charge' 83,G0G Parkland Develooment Prcpaid development nettcd Gom'Chargc' S153,147 TraiUBikeway Deveicpment i 13,400 SouthcoR Fines Purk IG2,000 Princess of Wnlcs Park 48G.00n 914,547 Lfbrarv FaciliNes Westem Brunch 27G,097 Librarv Maferinls Collcction Mutcrials 75.240 �.41.�.99i . ,, 96 ATTACHMENT ��TO REP�RTM�1��49 �� 1� o0 00 �D r�1 O N� �1 M � T b �b ��M�b00 � o�o q ,+1 �D v1 0o I� vi a oo ��D � M,S� H M N h� p�p �� o�p � � Pa & C� + o°o v�i � �; n n d o d' o n o E � � °. a; " d a Oe� g �� ^� �� d � �b r � 4d R� � y V��1 � �� a 8 oU i' aHH�� a « �1 I � Cy i � V .7 �y � � M a�i � � ^ oa .p o0oo7��nn.•c�N.�r�v�� gm oao�iorn��nc�--000ri W V�`i , oo �0 0�o t1 r; oo �t r `w �'A N�: N�"�"'eao r a — '` •'a O� �D O'+ O N �e}} o0 00 '0' ��i L 00 NV voo Pl��Oa�oO�oMOV�1� � C m��� �OV10 O'7MO�COViTr1 L �f V1 V O t�f r�1 M v1 f�1 �D O T CI �O '+ N �/1 �/1 � d � o � r QVU d� e�c�n��o`�o,� {aon�,r`�j,r00i u o �ocr'� or��e�n000 ��y 'V�f��1� V V1bNOT� v1 (� Q � a .� c•a° � w'� °�% ° C � ,3 a � � � •n � y u�alv •Go�i2'� ° �� n � �> �s�°�a �(7a;��� vb�°w� �w> ''� � �� �o ��� �� t��wvsi3t-������ v � T C � � i � , � u r � U � �� � � o r� ' 'u O T .— L � A W � O •� V1 C � � � � �� � � a�� a� � p, o a � o c � , vb t o,�,� o � A �'S C � C � •C ,p �> C�1) � � Q u � �«� �� c r� c 'F� 0�4, ��: � u � o � ,'�, 4�-. p�' .� � � �FF {4 `.� � C C �6T �� .� � •� w U� ° a �� E � a � T u `� �- �$'� .� � � � �� �:�> u.o ,�� � eo � ��� �.� �o� �O� r-7 u • k ATTACHMENT#�.TO REPORTMf1tUl�y,9 ANAI,\'S1S OF AMOUNTS TRANSFERRED —1998 CAPI'I'AI. PROJEC'fS 9% FROM DEVELOPMENT CHARGF. RESERVE FUND Caoital Growth Studies Development Charges Study Update Roads (External Subdivision 1Vorksl Rosebank Road (18T-88074) Woodview Avenue (18T-87066) Watcrford Gate Extcusion (40M-1G29) Brock Road(18T-87079) Hillview and Park Cres. (18T-89280) Dixie Road Urbanization (18T-89077) Old Orchard(18T•84032) Rosebank Road(18T-93020) Finch Avenue(18T-93020) Kingston Road (S2/94) Altonn Road (S2/94) Livcrpool Raad (18T-89081) Finch Avenuc(18T-8908t) Southview Drivc (S7195) Altona Road (18T-86002) Bonila Avcnuc (18T-94022) Strouds Lunc (18T-9600'l) Whisky Gatc (18T-87059) Parkland Acauisltion Prepaid acquisition netted from'Charge' Parkland Develoament Prepaid davelopment ncttcd from 'Charge' Pctticoat Crcek Park Pinegrove Neighbourhood Pazk Front Strecl Park Rosebank North Ncighbourhood Pnrk TraiUBikeway Development Librarv Facilities Collection Muterials $174,697 14,85G 4,900 52,500 1,400 181,124 58,800 21,G40 17,290 35,SG0 22,190 19,591 21,5G0 G8,39G 42,000 90,200 122,500 14.000 $ 50,000 9G3,204 71,2G2 $ 12G,823 19,540 162,000 81,000 20,250 243.000 652,613 93.148 $1.830.227 lt-