HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW 22/98;,', Q$ . �NOFp� . � � ,,; � '. . ~ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richnrd W. Holbom DATG: Novembcr 12,1998 DircctorofPublic Works REPORTNUMBER: YW22I98 SUDJECT: Consolidation of Tha To�m of Pickering Gsuba�e Cullection Dy-Inw and Preliminnry I)iscussion of User-Puy Gurbage Colleclion Services. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Thnt Town of Pickcring Gnrbnge Collcclion Dy-Inw 385/76, as umendeJ, be repealed; and 2, Thnt the attached draR of Dylaw which reflects current cnvironmental necds rcgnrding the collection nnd removal of solid waste by the Corpomtion by imposing compulsory source sepamtion requirements and receptucic and item limits bc approved; nnd 3. That To�m Council endorse thc gcneml conccpt of Uscr Puy Gnrbage Collcetion Ihereby directing staff to furthcr investigute the fensibility of such u program nnd report back to Council in detail on Ihe mntter by Febniary 28,1999. C�I�L7i`.A Resolution NI IS198 rcceiving Report TR18/98 and recommcnding thnl the Direclor �f Public Wotks underlake a rcview of rnethods of charging for gnrbagc pick-up. This is ulso 0 housekeeping itcm tu updatc thc by-luw to regulatc thc collcelion nnd rcmovnl by thc Corporntion of nshes, gurbage nnd othcr refusc. AUTHORITY: Municipal Act, R.S.0.1990, c. M.45, scction 208.6 FINANCIAL 1MPLICATIONS: Budget provision in 1999 of 55000.00 to devclop and distribute educutionai mntcrinl over and nbove the Wnste Manngement Cnlendnr to ndvisc rcsidents on the reviscd by-Inw and proposcd recepmcle and itcm limit. It is nnticipated that the propased recepmcle und item limits will assist in keeping tender price increeses in line for the new multi-yenr contruct effcctive Novembcr l, 1999. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Town's Ciarbugc Colicction By-Inw �385/76 was lost consolidntcd morc than hvcnryd«ro years ago. Since thet time maJor changes hnvc tuken place both locally und globally respceting the manngement of solid waate thcrcby wnrrnnting a mworking of the �y-law and thc mcans in which thc Corporntion collects end removes garbage from within ils boundnrics. An updntcd by ' law hes been assembicd and attached to this rcport which bclter rc0ects currcnt cnvironmcnlal Q$ Report to Cowcil PW22/98 Date: Novcmber 12,1998 Subject; Garbagc Collection By-Inw Consolidation nnd Uscr Pay a;ubuga Collection Pagc 2 needs and concems nnd provides a Icvel of guidnncc to thc Town for futurc wuvte rcduction initintives. The single most impartnnt component of this consolidntion unJ update is the rccommendation to regulate the amount of receptacles or ilems of garbagc bcing collected Gom a current unlimited number to six (6) per collection day ellective January 1, 1999, and to four (4) per collection duy e(feutive November 1, 1999. The net effect of this change will be an avcroge increase in the weight of recyclnbles collected and a corresponding decreusc in the umount of wuste being sent to IundfilL It is expected thut the Keele Vnlley Landfill Site in Maple, the curtent destinntion of Pickering's residentinl waste, will bc permanently closed within the next three years. 7he Region of Durham is undertaking a comprehensive Long 'Pcrm Waste Munagement Study to deul with the disposal issue and the rccommendations of this report tue not expected to compromise that study. Future initintives that the Town may adopt to further rcJuce the nmount of wastc gcnerated is to investigate the feasibility of implcmenting n Cull or pariial user-pay garbage collcction system. These systems have been ndopted in one form or nnother by morc than onahundred (100) communities in Ontario with populntion bases as lurge as the City of LonJon, thc City of f3nrrie und the Town of Whitby. A parlial user pay system could furthcr reducc the limil of reccptncles or itcros collecled to two (2) or possibly onc (I), whilc n full user pay systcm would reduce the limit of recepwcles or items to uro (0). For cach reccptacic of garbagc to be adlcctcd pbovc the adoptcd maximum limit, un idcntifying "bag ing" would havc to bc purchased und placed on each item set oul for collcction. The Town of Pickering should make wnceded efTorts ovcr thc ncxt few years ot rcducing the amount of wnstc gencrated. Curtcnt divcrsion rnlcs through rccycling and ynrd waste programs only cqunle to approximately 30%, n figurc well below thc Provincial tnrget of 50% waste rcduction, in tcrms of total nmount gcncrated nnd sent to Inndfill, by thc ycnr 2000. Of us much importnncc is the futurc of contmcted costs for ihc collcction and removal of garbagc. lt is nnticipalcd thut tendcr prices will incrcase in thc ncw contrnct swrting, November l, 1999, but the increase can be mitignted should the To�m be successful in reducing the amount of garboge it rcquires to be picked•up under cantmct. This initinl report provides the To��m with a new wastc manngement by-Inw that will improve upon our wastc rcduction and divcrsion cfforts by bettcr utilizing thc existing recycling und ynrd wastc collection programs. Further intcrest in rcducing the umount of wuste gcnerntcd in thc Town nnd the costs incurred for the collection of such materiuls, will rcquire n further rcduction in the receptncic and item limit und nn implementution to some degree of a partinl or full user pay system. BACKOROUND; On June 22, 1998, Town Council pa�sed Resolution #118/98 recciving Report #TR 18/98 from the Director of Pinnnce containing n recommendation thnt the Direclor of Public Warks underluke a review of the methods of charging for gnrbnge pickup. In ajoint memorandum datcd September 30,1998, (Attachment # I) the Direcror of Public Works nnd the Town Clcrk rcportcd to the Ocnernl Menager nnd the Members of the Bourd of Menngcment on thc topic of imposing User Pees for Garbuge Collection Services. The memomndum outlined in bricf both the possiblc "advantnges" nnd "disudvantages" of a uscr puy system and furthcr included u number of observations thnt would need carefut considemtion nnd pinnning prior to implemcnting such a program in the Town of Pickering, The ndopted rccommcndations of the proposnl includcd an updating of the Town's Oarbnge Collcctlon Bylaw und the suggestion for staff to continuc studying the feasibiliry of a user pny syatcm for the Town. It was fudhcr rccommcndcd that stufi' should rcport bnck to Council in detall on the mattcr of user•pny by Fcbrunry, 28,1999. � so Report to Council PW22/98 Dute: November 12,1998 Subject: Ourbuge Collection Bylew Consolidalion anJ User Pay Gurbage Collection Pago 3 Gnrba�!e Collcction Bv-law The Town's gnrbuge collection by-inw N365/76 wus ndopted in a period when little considcratian waa given to tha matter of wasta reduction. The Eirock West Landfiil Si�e was a recent uddition in the Town and as part of thut ngreement ull of ihe Town's residential w�. te was dumped on-sitc for n number of yenrs without charge. Hence, minimnl incentive or need existed for thc Town to implement wnste reduction progrums or to that efl'ect bag limits within the rcgulating bylaw to contro! the costs of collection and disposal. In the lute 1980's, the Towns nnd Cities of the Region becnme more environmentnlly conscious by implementing a recycling collection program to reduce thc umount of wnste thut wns being sent to landfill. This program wns spurred on by the Province's nnnouncement that all municipnlilics should attempl to rcduce iheir wnste gencrotion by 50% by the year 2000. At present, the Town of Pickering has reduced its wnste generation by approximately 30% lhrough the utili�ntion af the existing rccycling nnd ynrd wasle collection progrnms. Unfortunately, however, the amount of diversion has plateaued at this mtc und will not chnnge without specific umendments to the existing gnrbage collection byInw and thc possiblc implcmcntulion of furthcr reduction programs that muy include a uscr pay system. The Region of Durham's Long Tcrm Waste Management Study will address fulurc Jisposal options nnd may ulso recommend further rcduction or diversion efforts. This repart and proposed by-Inw is not expccted to compromise any component of that study. The attnchcd droQ by-Imv has been nsscmbled to rcllcct current cnvironmental necds nnd concems by further defining the graunds on whicli Ihe Corporntion collects und removes gnrbage, rccyclubles and othcr rcfuse. Ench of thc two major changcs lo thc E3; =1aw arc outlined ns follows: "Receplacfe andllem Llndr" The revised byInw proposes n reasonablc limit to thc total numbcr of items nnd/or recepincles Ihat may be pinced out for collection on each schcduled duy. The benefits of such n restriction will be wnste reduction, rcusc, un incrcused usc of the cxisting recycling and yard wnste collcetion progrnms, and a Icgnl solution to thc problems encountcred with lhe lurge umounts of gnrbage IeR behind by householder movc-outs. The dircet financial benefits of diverting additional waste from Inndfill will bc lower disposul fecs nnd a potentiul far rcduccd collection wsls ns roWes cnn be covered more efticienQy. The Town will renlize an impact on collection costs in Novembcr, 1999, as the gnrbage coUection contmet is re•tendered for a tertn of up to five (5) yeurs. 1. is proposed that the nllowable limit be reduced from an unlimited qunntity to six (6) tcceptacles/itcros of garbage per colleclion dny efPective January 1, 1999, nnd to four (4) receptacles/items of gnrbage per collection dny effective November I, 1999. For compnrison rcasons, nll bther municipalities in Durhnm Region, with the exception of Srock Township, havc imposed "rcceptncle nnd item limits', which curtently mnge bctwcen pvo (2) and cighl (8), It is thc proposed mnndete of many of thc arca municipnlitics to further rcduce thcsc ailowable limits in the future. "Source Separaflon" It is p-oposed in the bylaw th¢t all collectible wnstc will be rcquircd to be source sepnrntcd into euch of the three existing wasle collcction progmms. Currcntly, thesc programs urc collectible garbnge, rccyc8ng and yard waste, Wliilc it is rcasonable to expect thnt a smnll numbcr of rcsidcnts curtently do not rccycic or compost their waste, ;' 51 Report to Council PW22/98 Dute: November 12, 1998 Subject: Garbugc Collection By-luw Consolidation und User Pay Gnrbage Collection Page 4 the revised byluw will provide the Icgal means in which improperly preparcJ wastes can bc togged und IcR behind end/or an infraction charge cnn bc laid. Other minor chnnges huva also beem m�da within tha by-law to better clarify what types of wnsle are considered coilectible or non-collectible und how they are to be prepared for municipal collection. The pnssing of the bylaw os proposed will move the Town in o direction to further its mte of v.mste rcduclion and io possibly prcpnre its residents for n future implemenlulion of n user pay gurbage collection system. �1ser Pay Svstem of Garbnpe Collection A uscr pny system of garbage collection involves u direct payment 6y the uscr thcrcby pincing it on the samc ievel ns n cost recovery for metercd utilitics such as �vuter, clectriciry and gas usnge. By doing so, ihose users who simply genernte less gurbage pay Iess to hovc it collected thnn those who do not. This system financially cncourages a user to furthcr their efforts nt wastc reduclion by utilizing the existing tnx bascd recycling and yard wastc collection progmms rather thnn incurring un ndditional Jirect charge for gnrbage rcmovnl services, lmplementing a user pay system of garbage collcction on a utility basc, similnr to thc rccognizcd metercd utilities, is secn us o fnirer systcm of allocating rcfusc collcction costs. User pny systems of garbagc collcction can bc implemented as eilhcr parlial or full programs. These terms gencrally refer to thc number oi rcceptncles or itcros that may bc placed out for collection withaut ndditional cost. In n full uscr pay systcm ull garbagc must bc markcd with a pre-purchased tag, whcrcby u partial uscr pay systcm rcyuircs that only thosc rcceptacles or itcros which excccd an nllownblc limil bc markcd with a prc-purchased tng. 'llic cost for thc allownblc limit in thc parlial uscr pay systcm would continuc to covcrcd by property taxes. Uscr fcc ratcs mny bc set to rccover only u portion of thc wastc manngcmcnt costs or all cosls including udministrntion, collection and finnl disposal. The implementution of user pay systems in Ontario municipalitics has incrcased to well over onc•hundred (100) communities by lunuary, 1998. Whilc it is recogniud thnt thcsc progrnms hnve largely bcen impicmentcd in smnllcr communitics, each hns unanimously reported noticeuble decrcases in garbage genemtion and correspondingly highcr mtes of woste diversion thraugh their rccycling und compasting pro�mms. As much as a 35% dccrcasc in thc amount of garbagc genemted has been rcpoded with u padial uscr pay systcm nnd up to 59% with n full uscr puy system. The appronch taken by somc municipalitics has becn to gmduully reducc thc number of allowable rcceptacles or itcros collectcd until eventually a partial or full uscr pay system has bcen ndopled. This process allows for an introduction of the user pay concept to rcsidents, hclps to build public ncceptunce and provides n time period for public consullnlion and to rcsolvc specific issucs. Thc proposed wastc manngement by-law, as attnched, incrcases thc To�m of Pickcring's environmental uwnreness by reducing our nllownblc garbnge limits from nn unlimited quantity to six (6) rccepwcles/items per collection ef(ective Jnnunry I, 1999, nnd to four (4) reccptncics/items per collection etTective November 1, 1999. These Iimils should be considcrcd vcry acceptnblc and by no means rcpresent thc adoption of a uscr puy system at this time. It is rccammended that Smf�should wntinuc to invcstigate the fcusibiliry of a user pny systcm of garbuge collection for the Towr. of Pickering and rcport to back to Council on the matter in dctnil by february 28,1999. �. . 52 . Report to Cuwcil PW22l98 Date: November 12,1998 SubJect: Onrbage Collection Bylaw ConsalidaUon and User Pey Oarbnge Collection Page 5 ATTACHMENTS: 1. DmR By-law Prc,+nred By: C. St icn Brake CSB/�.`..,�,.,.., Atinchments: 1. Interdeparlmeninl Memorandum Copy: (3eneml Munager Director of Financc Tawn Clcrk Recommended for the considcmtion of Pickering To ncil � 0 6 mas l. uinn, nc�n nagcr Approved / Endorsed By: �� / Ric ard W. Holbo � , , , , ,. „ . i r� , . , .' , { r �` z ��` , : � r a �$�F f � I{ s A r 1_ k .. � L`� � y I .�� ' f 1}' > � � :. .F ,� F ` . l+���' �C t � � � i � �� � r } } � � 3 '� �� � - . ��'�°zt�i�`�'" �,s j �'t7 �. � � �:cl. �` � f � . � t �- z�,i '^� i�r k} �F�ei a `-� t x' r � . �t� 4„ , � i� ' "'t ; 4�.. �'�. . ��£��y � t s !-:f i � t t t f ti � j � � ` . . ,. , .. . .. �.� '.?. _� F t• '. y'- t'-' r 1• . 53 . �; �:: ��. � �. � � :. .� Being a bylaw jor eslab!lshtng and mafnlaining a system jor �ht collecflon and removal ojgarbage, recyclab(e ma�erlals, yard waste and ofher refure. WHEREAS, pursuant to Sections 208.6 (1) and (2) the Munlcipa! Acr, R.S.O. I990, chapter M.45, us wnended a local municipality may pass by-laws to prohibit or regulate the use of any pnrt of a waste management system; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Cocporation of the Town of Pickering HERGBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS; DEFINITIONS 1. For the purpose of Ihis byInw tho term: (a) "biomedical wasta' shall mean whether solid or liquid, including but not limited to, any nnimal or human orgun or part thereof, bone, muscle, or animal or human tissue or part thereof, used bnndages, poultices, drcssings, medicines, vilnrnins, drugs, ��accines, necdles, syringes, vials ar any other similar mutcrial or substancc which contuins or may contain pathogenic micro•orgnnisms or which muy be hwudous ordangcrous; (b) "building mulerials" shall mean ull waste materials gencrated from the renovation or repair of a swcwrc; (c) "bundle" shall mean a parcel securcly tied with string or twine not excceding one hundred centimeters in length by cighty centimetres in width, depth or diumeter weighing not more than 23 kg; (d) "collectible garbagc" shnll mean all manner of domestic dry waste, refuse, ashes und other domestic waste but does not include yard wnstc, recyclable material or wnstes as defined as being non-collectiblr, in this by-law; (e) "day of collection" shall mean the dny dcsignated for the purpose of coilection and removul of collectible solid waste from within a designated nrea; (� "designated arca' shall mean those areas within the Town of Pickering designated from time to tima by byInw ns areuv in which the Corpomtion of The Town of Pickering shnll regularly collect and remove collectible gnrbage; (g) "Director oF Public Works" shall menn the Director of Public Works of the Corpomtion of the Town of Pickering or his or her designate; (h) "dwelling unit" shall have the seme menning as that in the zoning by-law of lhc Town; (i) "hazardous waste" shall mean nny waste material that (s cocrosive, Oammuble, rcactive or toxic; . Q) "Item" shall mean eny large object such as on applience or furniturc, bundlc or a rcceptacle of collectible garbege as defined end shall pectnin to the number of items collected by the Town; �� . .i � �� _ (k) "non•collectible wnste" shnll mean the following materials unless othenvise stated and only in such collection progmms as defined: (i) swill or organic mntter nat drnined or wropped; (ii) liquids; (iii) hay and straw; (i+) curcacses or parts of eny animal or fowl with the exception of bonafide kitchen wsute; (v) humun or wiimul excrement; (vi) industrie! or trade waste including ubandoned, condemned or rejected product and the stock of any whalea�le or remil merchant; (vii) hot ashes, explosives or olher incendiary; (viii) sod, earth or stone; (ix) tree stumps, trunks und branches in excess of 50 r.�illimetres in diatneter; (xi) grass clippings (xii) automotive parts; (xiii) building mumrial or building rubbish; (xiv) biomedicnl wasles; nnd (xv) hnzurdous wnstes. (I) "receptncle" shall mean: (i) a reusable receptucle shall be of such design thut the receptacle thall havc smooth intemnl surfuces, hnve two (2) suitable handles, bc not grealcr than eighty centimetres in height and not more thnn fifty centimetres in width or diameter, w�eigh not mare lhan twenty-three (23) kilograms with contems, and have n bottom surfuce not wider than the tnp opening; (ii) heavy-duty pl�tic bags shnll not be greuter thun eighty cen!imcters in height by sixtyfive centimeters in width, be properly scaled, hn��e n voluma not exceeding 0,1 cubic metres, a weight not exceeding twenty- three (23) kilograms with contents, and be sufticiently durnblc io withstand lifting without breaking open; (iii) only cleur, tronspurent, hen�ydury plostic bags, retumnble bushel baskcts or open top rousnblc receptncles shall bc used Cor yard waste; (iv) recyclable materials shall be placed nt the curb in blue boxes or nny oihcr retumable container not greater in volume than the blue box; (v) bulk roll-out rcceptacles of n volume end configuratlon as specifted by the Direcror of Public Wotka shell be used for the stotage and collection of gerbage from multi-dwelling unit rcsidential buildings; and . "= r ' , ',1._ t fi -'_j } , ,4 . . . . . : f ... . I'I ;ri . �� �, 55 (vi) roll-out recaplacles of n sitl� nnd configuration as specified by the Dircctor of Public Works shull be �.aod for multi•dwelling unit rcsidential recycling progmms. (m) "recyclablc material" shall meun eny wnste materiul designnted by the Town or Region oF Durhnm as being acceptebie for collection and without limiting the genernlity of the foregoing includcs newsprint and inserts, unwaxed corrugated cnrdboard, magazines, boxbonrds, type I polyethylene terephthalute containers and beverage or Cood receptncles made of glass or metal; (n) "solid wuste" shnll mean garbage, ynrd wnste, recyclable mnteriul, rubbish and debris, but does not include any material not collected by the Town; (o) "Town" shall mean the Corporntion of the Tuwn uf Pickering; (p) "ynrd waste" shnll mean nny orgnnic compastable w�sta designated by the To�m ns being ucceptable for collection for the purposes of composting and without limiting the generality of the foregoing includes brush, hedge und shrub clippings, lenves, tlowers nnd vegetnble plants; RESPONSIBILITIES 2. (u) In designnted arens, the To�m shull collect and rcmove, or cause to be collecled or removed, colleclible gnrbage, rccyclables and yard waste nt regulsv inlervals subject to thc provisions of this By-Inw, nnd from time to time designatc certain days for the collection of spccific typcs of materiul. (b) Thc decision of the Dircctor of Public Works shall be finnl ns to qunnlities and types of solid waste to be collected und the procedures employed for collection. (c) Except when specifically nuthorized by the Town no collcction vehidc owneJ or leased by ihe To�m or by uny person, business or com��+ny for the benetit of' �hc To�m shall enter upon any private propeAy for Ihe purpose of collecling or removing nny materinl and no handlcr employed by Ihe Town or any of its agen�s, representatives or contrnctors shall be rcquired lu enter into or upon any building or structure located on privute property for the purpose of collecting or rcmoving any mntcriul. COLLECTION PROCEDURES 3, Every person required to use or making use of collection ond rcmoval services shall comply wilh the prescribed procedures for collection: I(a) solid waste shall be set out in the prescribed receptacles, items or bundles fur !i garbage, ynrd wnste nnd recycling collections, und shall be pinccd on the pubiic � property ebuning tlie front ynrd of the premises ns close to the edge of the roadway as possible without obstructing the passage of vehicles, pedestrinns or �i both and the Director of Public Works may Porther specify the exact location ,� where solid wuste may be pinced to fecilitate collcction; ? (b) collectable gerbage, recyclable mnterials and yard waste shall be distinctly � separated from each other at the prescribed location to fecilitate collection; d (c) sol(d waste shell be set out for collection at the prcscribed location not enrlier than � ' 6;00 p.m. on the day lmmediately prcceding the dey of collectinn and not latcr •F. +'r ; then 7;00 e,m. an the deilgnated day of collectiom, � t �' �~�� X ; sll �'� � A t. � _ . .. . � � ' . _ i �}�}e� 'rilY� r ^ � , � . . � . ��r«, 7 � ,� W'� �ky``� � ,y � j 1 . . . � 'ft� 4�'ik����3 i�t� n 1 i �- . . . . . t�� 7 '2���.5y�� '� " . . � ��f� �\ t : • l:.,�,A ( 1 \ j ' . N _.... �. ���`.• ... � °±6 (r;) every person who hes pinced any mnterial for collection on any public property shall rcmovo from that public property any receptacle und nny muterial remaining for any rcason on thut public property before 8:00 p.m. on thc day of collection, whether or not wuste collection services hnve occurred; (e) No person shali sweep, ttJOw, drop or place, or cause to be swept, thrown, dropped or placed any mnterial onto any lane, street, creek, rondway, wa�kway or other public Fropert� in thc To�.m except for collection as hereinafter pravided; (� No person shall pertnit any materiel to be swept, thrown, or dropped from premises occupied by him or from u vehicle owned or opented by him onto uny Inne, street, creek, roadway, aalkway or other public property in the Town; (g) No person shall keep on his premises or elsewhere n dump, receptacle or repository for any material in such a condition that the dump, receptncle or repository, as Ihe case mny be, or its contents, is a nuisance or emits foul or offensive odours or harbours or attmcls rats, other vermin or insects; (h) whete the Town has contracted for the collection and removnl of solid wnste other thnn by mnnunl collectian Gom n public roadway, such collection and removal shall be effected only if such waste is pinced in receptncles npproved far the purpose by the Dircctor of Public �Vor{.s and the upproved receptudes arc placed in locations similnrly upproved; and (i) owners und occupiers of premises containing three or more rcsidential, commerciul or industrial units, or a combination ihereof, shall keep and store recepmcles and bundles only in encloscd compartments or structures, lhe location specificutions and constructian of which have been approved in advance by the Director of Public N'orks. GARDAGF, COLLECTION 4. Every person required lo use or making use of regulaz garbagc collection shall comply with.th^. foi#owiug: (a) no person shnll mix or place out for garbage colleclion nny matcrial afiich is '� defined by the Town as recyclable, compostnble, haznrdous or non•collecliblc and � where it is found to be mixcd it shall not be collccted; ! ; (b) collectible gatbage placcd out for collection shall be set out in a recepWCle only as �� defined in this by-law; ; (c) effective Janunry 1�1999, n combination of not more lhun six (6) reccplucles or � items shall be collected from nny dwelling unit on the duy of collection. i i! (d) effective Novembcr I, 1999, clnuse 4(c) of this bylaw shall bc rcvokeJ and i substituted with: "a combination of not more than four (4) rcceptacles or items shnll ba collected from any dwelling unit on the duy of collectiod'. ; _ � �_ _y. �► 5. Every person required to use or meking use of rccycling collection service shall comply with the following; (a) recyclable materials shall not be mixed with other non•rccycleble or composteble woste metedals and whero it is found to bc mixed it shail not be collected; - i .. .. .'� �,':_...., ,,; . .. `r ; , . • ; ,� . 57 II (b) whero curbside blue box recycling collection is provlded, recyclable mnterials shail be sepurated at so�uce and prepnred for collection ns dofined by the Town; (c) whero recycling collection is provided to mul►i•residential buildings the following shall apply, (i) recyclnble mnterinls shall be source separated and placed into designated recycling receptucles as defined by Ihe Town; (ii) the owner oFench multi-residential building shall designate and maintain an nrea for the storage or placement of the receptucles, it being understood that the storage azen shall confom; to the stnndards as specified by the Town; and (iii) where it is found that the recyclablo mnterials are not being recycled or ara not source separated as specified, the Director of Public Works may tertninate recycling and garbage collectian services; YARD WASTE COLLECTION 6. Every person required to use or making use of the yard waste colleclion service shall compiy with the following: (a) yard waste shall not be mixed with other non-compastable waste materials or with any compostable waste malerial identificd as non-collectible and where it is found to be mixed it shall not be collected; (b) ynrd wnste shall be sourcc separatcd nnd set out in u rcceptacle only as defined in this byluw; and (c) branches, brush, limbs must be cut nnd securcly tied into bundles. CENERAL PROVISIONS 7. The provisions of this by-law shall not rclieve any person Gom complying with thc provisions of the Health Protection and Promotion Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.7, and the regulations mnde thereunder as may be amended from time tu time. 8. No person shnll pick ovcr, intcrfere with, disturb, remove or scutter any solid waste placed out for collection olher than thc person who so placcd it, his ngent or representntive, or a wuste handler employed by the Town or any of its agents, representatives or contractors. 9. Notwithstanding onything elsa contained in this by-luw, the Town muy, under conditions � sntisfactory to tha Director of Public Works and the Council, provide a higher Ievel of service for solid wnste collection, it being understood that an udditional chazge may be levied for such service ond this additionnl churge shall be as detertnined by the Director of Public Works and npproved by the CounciL 10. No person shall deposit or place out solid or non•collectable waste for callection on a property not owned or occupied by thnt person. 11. No person shall offer or give ro any waste hnndler employed by the Town, and no waste handicr employed by the Town shall solicit, accept or recelve eny fee or grnwiry, in - , addiHon to h(s wages, far gerbage hendling services rondered to or to be rendercd. Y'� � x � a�"`."' r�r _ z�, 6 4 � - . �} � Ltl't?ai4'f,.f.5,i��...i.t,h ;F —�..— ____. .. � . .. 5$ � : _ PENALTIE3 12. Every person who contrnvenes eny provision of this bylow ls guilty of an offence and upon wnvicdon themof is lieble to a fine of not moro than 55,000, exclusive of costs, which shall be recovemble under the provisions of the Provincial Offences Act und all the provisions of the said Act shall apply to any prosecution for any oflbnce under the provisions of this bylaw, SHORT TITLE 13. This by-law may be referred to as the Weste Mnnagement By-law. REPEAL OF EXISTING BY-LAWS 14. By-law 385/76, as amended, is hereby repealed. EFFECTIVE DATE I5. The provisions of this bylaw shall come into force and tnke ef%ct upon the final passii�g � thereof. BY•LAW rend n first, second and third time and finully passcd this 7th day of December, 1998. Wayne Anhurs, Muyor Bruce Tuylor, Clerk I 1I '� 'i I � � rt ; { 'ry� � � � �s� � 7 �5���'7�i:�� -_ y � '- ' � i t ; i r � . iY }k �.,�, i `` < < : �. t� �� Y r� �<• , k, , Q. �, r.::� � yrt ,,��7 ..r i � ��� � �t i a 'k*� a.. ��4 3} L�„t.C� fl;,� ._ i �-. S_ r k ��.,ry"��.�, t^a: + t, 1, ^r - ,' .. ;. ,.. . 33 � �vtPnt�. r�i �.'�i.C.,.�`rir ��� .e�i ..�. e... ' � _ ;-i � . . . . . . . ATTACHMENTN. �..1b��1P�/9t 1NTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM 5� CLERK'5 DEPARTMENT September 30, 1998 T0; Thomes 1. Quinn Gene�al Manager Members of tha Board af Management FROM: Rlchard Holbom Director of Public Works Bruce Teylor Town Clerk SUDJECf: Uier Fees for Garbege Collectiou Services At the last meeting of tho Board of Management held on June 26, 1998, U�e Director of Public Warks and Town Clerk were asked lo investigate tha fcasibility of imposing user fees for gerbage collection aervices. User fees for garbege collection services is not a new conccpt end is being used in some form end for various types of garbaga, such as weV dry or organic garbage, in meny Canedian and American municipalities such es Bercie, Brockville, Collingwood, London, Whitby end Seattle, Washington. There ha� been varying Icvels of success in imposing uscr fces for garbagc collcclion but overall the municipalilies thet havo chosen this alternative to dete have been plcased with the concept. ADVANTAGES OF IMPOSING USER FEEA FOR CARDACE COLLEGTION I, such fees have proven in most cases to lead to wasle reduction. ..../2 '`.,, `i: : ;;s. ti• . , .;i' ry _ . . . . z� i . . �;�� - .... . . . � .{ t a 1� ;���� � , r•� ��1 � �•, <� �� '. i •. � ���� z . ��� = ���'� , ; , �, ' ! fi, -+Th4�iF�FS Yt � � � "'1 • � � . i Tw � a : x t -. i �1 . � . A����s yFi � a` _ t�` _ . 9�5� . ! � .. . e . , ATTACHMENTq � TOREtORTp�aaMp 6� •2.- 2, a lower portion of Iho tex bill le uaed on gerbega wllection. 3. it encourages recycling and reuse. 4. reduces disposal coats. 5, leads to mora efl7cient usc ofgarbage bags. 6, provides a better accounting for both tha Tawn adminislralion and the residents of how taxetion is spent on garbage collection. 7. can provide a anurce of revenue. DISADVANTAGES OF IMPOSING USER FEES FOR GARIIACE COLLECI'ION l. there is a cost of administering the program which could ba quite high depending on the system imposed. 2, could lead to more illegal dwnping. 3. there will be some negative reaction from the residents to the program. Residents curcently pay approximately 53 cents per week, per household on their tax bill for unlimited bag pickup. My additional fees to thi� service could be considered as imposing an indirect tex. ODSERVATIONS 1. The program would be successful if Ihe residents could be "weaned" of� their reliance on the uso of garbage bage end encouraged to recycla or reuse. At present, tho municipality allows en uniimited amount of garbage bags end itcros on the curb for pickup. If the program were introduced, the Town could implement it aver a period of four years wherein the first year, up to six begs would be allowed at no costa the second year four bags, the third year two begs and the four end final year would ba tha stert of a full user pay system. ..../3 . . . .�. . � � . . : ', . . _ . .. ... r � �.. " � � . . . . � �. .. . � � .. . . �.'1. .�.t . ��8, i � . ir '. ��r � � ��} .-i` rl . / 1' r' + 4� � ' ,' � S � '4 1 � � �� ' '� � �I .. 'f�i# '�).1r �K � i #4 k �1 � � 17 � ,� � } .�: { E � � z y � � � �i t �.t� i �� + . .c ��� �ri ! . ! _. '�' a.�., ° i ,- �' . x .� �,� . �.,, � . , ,, . - ° i . �. �� �_ 3 __ _ . �i'.. •+ � - . � � ... � �'�, '� ATTACHMENTa�TOitEEPORTa Pwaa/98 .., . �1 There are a number oFwaya of charging reaidents for extra bags of garbegc but thc most ellident seeme to be where residente can buy "Gnrbago Bag Stickers" at a aet ' price per aticker and these Stickera would ba e�ixed to the extra bags. Presumably, any extra garbage bags that do not have stickers would not be picked up end eppropriate fines issued accordingiy, 2. If the Town enters into a progrem for user fees Por gerbage colleclion in ihe near future, it will allow tha Dcpartments of Public Works, Financc, end Supply and Services an opportuniry to prepere specifications for tha Garbage Callection . Contract wiuch expires in October, 1999. J. At present, the Town's garbage collection contract allows lieavy items to be picked up at any time. User fees for garbage collection could lead to speciai pickup days such as Spring and Fall pickup or a call-in system with a limit per household per year, and if a resident hes Furlher heary pickups, lhey would pay en exlra fee. 4. If a user fee program was introduced in 1999, there may be a higher level of acceptance by the Members of Council and the residents because it is not en eleclion ycar anJ would likely not tl�erefore become an clection issue. 5, Tha Wesle Reduclion Commillee endorses the concept of uscr fees for garbage collection and has even been discussed informally with some Members of Council. 6, We have no information on how ihc imposition of user fces would ba epplied to high density developments or developments that have bulk pickup but 1 em sure Iliis could be addressed. 7. If a particular resident objects lo the payment of e user fee for gerbage coilection, thcy can tekc ihcir garbagc to a transfer station at no cost. 8. User fees for garbage colleclion is an easy way for thc municipality to increase revenue; however, if lhe initial fee is high or if the fees go up repidly Gom one ycar to thc ncxt, it might not be politically acceptable. 9. Most residents are opposed to new landfilis not only within Pickering but across tha Province. User fees has proven to lead to a reduction in curbside garbage collection and in turn reduccs the eventual grawih in landfill sites, ....14 ,� . r+ � ' �: i : ��s , ,�� `,� ,f � �rt � z� ' � 4 ` �i ^�'�ii.'.�R�tx�':`�.l, ' ,i� . :{ . . . . . .. � ; ATTACHMENTp�TOitEEPORTaA�aa/98 62 . --a.. 10. The Town could also impou; a user fcro for lhe removal end recycling of chlorofluarocarbona (CFC'a) contained in appliancea. It is current legialetion thal thie materid ehould not be vented into tho etmoephere. Existing disposal practice dow nal conform. As wpplies became acare, tho extraction of thla materiel may be prolltabte. RECOMMENDATION I, The generel concept of user fees for garbage collection is a benefil to lhe Town of Pickering and it should be recommended to Council that it be endorsed but that sta(T continue to study this issue and report back 10 Council by February 28, 1999. 2, if Council endorses the general concept, staff should put e priority on studying this issue, with the assistance of the Waste Reduction Committee, end report back to Council by February 26, 1999 with e recommendation that it be implcmeutcd possibly as early aa July 1, 1998 so that our new Garbage Contract will ba based on this program. 3. An updating of the By-lew regulating lhe colleclion end removai of garbage should be underteken in 1998 with the objective of imposing a bag limil for 1999. � Ri ard Holbom rcctor of Publ c Works 1 Bruce Teylor Town Clcrk , . :.(. , ' , � ' ,: ; ;1 1: , � �i, <'�; � _,;, y`, ;;; �r