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FtEPOR�r To courtctL
FROM: Thomas J. Quinn DA7T : April 20, 3900
Chief Administrntive Officer
SUBJECI': Ajex— Pickering Transit AmaJgemalion Study
- Stetus Updete and Council Appointments to Interim Trnnsit Boerd
- File: CA 5031
1. That Report to Council CAO 09-00, providing a status updnte on the Ajax-Pickering
transit amalgamation, and rcquesting Council nppointments to an Interim Transit Board,
be received for information.
2. That Council appoint the following thrce members of Council to the Interim Transit
. nnd
3. That a copy of this RepoR be fonwrded to thc Town of Ajax.
ORIGIN: Memorandum of Understanding between Ajax and Pickering conccming the
amnlgamation of the transit systems of thc lwo municipalities.
AU'I'HORITY: The Munlclpa! Acl, R.S.O. 1990
To assist in dealing with vazious operational nnd administrative issues prior to the fortnel
aznalgamadon of the Ajax end Pickering ksnsit systems, an lnterim Transit Bonrd should be
established at this time. It is recommended that Council appoint three membcrs to reprcsent
Pickering on this Interim Board.
On Febcuary 28, 2000, AJex end Pickering Councils npproved a Memorandum of Understending
(MO(n setdng out, in principle, ihe tem�s nnd condittons for amalgamadng tha transit systems of
the two munlcipnlities. The MOU wav executed in Merch of this year.
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`'' Repori to Counall CAO 09-00 . Deto: April Z0, 2000
' ` Subject: Ajex-Pickering Transit Amalgemetion pege Z
�.�, . .
Work is proceeding on the prcparation of lhc formal agreement and bylaws needed to Iegnliy
implement tho MOU. The agrament und by-lewa will be documented and prosented to Council
in e saparate report, for consideretion prior to summer rccess, A detai(ed review of the financiel,
lalwur t�laUons end human resource issues related to the emalgwnation is elso underway.
1Vhile the legal, financiai and labour rolations issues are being reviewed, it is also important to
beB�n edd�essing the large number of ndministrative end operational detnils rolated to the
emalgemation of the trensit systems, prior to the projected stert.up date for the new entity
(projxted for lanuary 1", 2000). These administrative end operationnl details would include:
hiring a Gene:al Mannger, hiring and training other staff; commencing en operations review,
including n major route roview; establishing epproprinte perfortnance, monitoring and trncking
measures; hertnonizing trnnsit policies nnd procedures; naming the new transit entity; prepering a
mazketing and communications plan; assessing the existing and future equipment, vehicles, Innd
and property neeils of the new trensit entity; end initinting work on the Year 2001 budgct.
To nsaist stafiand the lwo councils in dealing with these administrative nnd operational details, it
is rccommended that en Interim Tranait Board be established at this time, which would be
advisory only, and would comprise six members, thrce appointed from ench municipal council.
The Interim Bonrd would be in pince until the fortnal Trnnsit Bonrd is established later ihis yenr,
following the November municipal election.
It is therefore rccommended thut Couhcil appoint thrce mcmbers to represent Pickering on the
lnterim Transit Hoard.
Not applicablc
p�P� BY� Approved / Endorsed Eiy:
Thomas E. M lY � as J. Qui
Division Head Chief Administrntive Officer
Corporata Projects and Palicy
Copy; Diroctor, Operations and Emergency Services
Manager, Trnnsit Services
Chief Adminishative Officer, Ajax
Pickcring City
,,� : ,
The Corporation of the City of
Town of Ajax '
65 Herwood Avenue South
Ajex, Onterio
L1S 2H9'
Attendon: Richard Pnrisotto
Subject: Ajax—PickeringTransitAmalgamation
- Memorandum af Understanding
- File: CA 5031
Merch 30, 200o MAR 3 0 2000
Attached for your tetention ate thrce (3) wpies of thc executed Memorandum of Understending
between Pickering ond Ajex concerning the amalgamation of our transit services, We have
retaitied the othcr three copies of the executed MOU.
I trust Uils is satisfactory, ond look fonvard to working with you further on ihis project. ShoRly,
we will be in touch to confirm u wotk plan and timetable for implementing the amnlgnmation.
Thank you for fonvarding the nous yon had prcpared es a result of yow intemal stafimeeting,
Yours very truly
Thomas E. Melymuk
Division F•ead, Corporate Projects & Policy
Copy: Chief Administradve Offiar
; City Clak :
Ciry SoUcitor
DirecfAccess (905) 420-466
(herelnafter called uAjax")
(6ereina(ter called "Pickering")
Ajax and Pickering approvc, in principlc, thc mm�lgamation of thc Ajax Transit System and thc
Pickering Transit System to create one seamless transit service for our hvo communities. The ncw
System will provide significantopportunities for improvcd customcrscrvice, cost etTxtiveness nnd
future cost containment.
Thc new Transit Entity for thc purpose of Ihis Mcmornndum of Undcrstanding will bc called thc
Ajax/PickeringTransit System (hcrcaficrcallcd thc "System") and established undcrthe Municipal
Act iu accordancc with thc following provis�ons:
l. Th: System will bc operatcd by n Board of Dircctors (hcrcinallcr cullcd thc "Board")
camposed o�'six (G) mcmbcrs with thrce (3) mcmbcrs appointcd by each municipaliry and that
thcy shall bc cicctcd mcmbcrs oCcach respcetive Council.
2. Thc BoarJ will nppoint thc Chair Gom amongst its own Mcmbcrs.
3. Ajwc and Pickcring rccommend that thc Board nppoint u Trensit Advisory Committcc
composed ofcitizcns from bolh municipalities representing n cross-scction ofnble-bodied und
speciulizcd scrvicc transit uscrs.
4. The day to day operotion of the Systcm will be managed and operatcd by thc Board without
regurd for municipal boundarics. The Buard will conduct itsclf in u neutral and objective
manner in making decisions regarJing service levcls and the dclivery of the transit service.
5. Thc Board will immediately undeAuke to harmonize the various administrative policies nnd
proccdures of the two existing Transit Systems, including bus operator work assignment
nrnctices, opemtional managementpractices, service levels, service delivery methods and fare
6. The Board will have in addition to the policies and proccdures of Ajax and Pickering, thc
Phase 2 Implementation Plan Final Report of the consultants, Delcnn/Pricc Wnterhause
Coopers Cor guidance and referrnce in detcrtnining the conduct of its afTairs.
7. Thc ann�nl opemting und cnpital budget of the Bonrd shall require upprovnl of the Councils
of Ajax and Pickering.
8. a) The System shall be formed ns a 50/50 joint venture of Ajax und Pickering.
b) Thc asset contribution differential ofS178,000 shnil be paid by Pickering to Ajax in
twelve (12) consecutive monthly instalmenls of $14,83333 beginning on thc first day
of the month following the cstablishment of thc new System.
c) Incremental opersiting costs or savings of the System shall be shared betwcen Ajex and
Pickering based on their relativc twc nssessment bnse.
d) Future incremental cnpitnl costs or savings shnll be shnred equally (i.e. 50/50.)
9. n) All vehicles, equipmrnt, mnterinls and supplies ofboth existing tmnsit systcros will be
transferred by the two municipalities to the new System immcJiately atler its
b) AjuxwilltrnnsfcrownershipofitsTransitFacilitytothcncwSystemimmcdiatelynRcr
its cstablishmcnt.
c) Thc Pickcring Transit Facility will bc kcpt availablc for Icasc to thc Board for at Icast
onc ycar for use ns vchicic storagc or auch other rclated transit use that the Board mey
dcem oppropriatc. This dctcrtnination to bc maJc by the Board eazly in its mandatc.
10. That nny cost, finunciul obligation or linbility incurtcJ or crcatcd prior to amalgnmation by
cithcr municipulity shall rcmain thc liubility of that municipality.
I 1. The Boarc! will havc thc authority und responsibility of appointing a Gencral Munager. Ajnx
and Pickcring rccommend that thc position ofGencral Managcr be filled by open competition
considering intemal und extcmal candidatcs.
12. a) All pertnanent full-timc employecs nnd nll pertnancnt part-tima cmployces employed
by either the Ajax or Pickcring transit systems on thc day of the signing of this
Memorandum of Undcrstnnding will bccome full-timc und part-time employees of thc
System immedintely upon formnl mm�lgnmation.
b) Ajnx und Pickcring agree to support the principlc of recognizing thc seniority and
scrvice cnch employee has served in eithcr municipality as may bc detertnincd by thc
Ontnrio Lubour Relations Hoazd.
c) All existing collective ugreements and/or tcrtns of cmploymcnt shnll continue to be
honoured unless and until replaced by a new collective agreement or terms of
13. Ajnx and Pickering recommend that the Bonrd considcr en operntions review, including n
major route review of the new System as soon es reasonubly possible, having regurd for the
iasues raised in the consultants' report submitted by Delcan/PriceWnterhouseCoopers.
14. Ajax and Pickering strongly recommend that all services requircd by thc f3oard in the
operation of the new System, such as payroll services, purchasing, human resources issues,
etc. bc delivered by either Ajax or Pickcring. Accordingly, the Boazd shall discuss this matter
with both municipalities to detcrmine if one or the other municipality can eCfectively and
efficiently deliver the service to the Board before considerntion of extemal providers.
I5. Ajax and Pickering : grea that each municipality will support in principla seumless transit
service nlorg the Highway2-Highway401 Cortidor, having considered the recommendations
in ENTRA Consultnnts final rcport datcd Octobcr 1999.
16. Should the System purchase equipment to achieve a cammon fare collection system within
two years (i.e. fare boxes, smartcards) thc cost of upgrading the buses prcviously owned by
each municipality shall be bome by that municipality.
17. That Ajax und Pickcring agree to direct thcir legal representntives to prcparc a fominl
agreement and thc rcquisitc by-inws for thc nmalgamntion of the Ajax Transit System and the
Pickering Transit Systcm as soon us rcasonnbly possible.
Corpora ion f th Town of AjaY Corporat(on of thc City of Pickcring
May Mayor
/ �
Clerk Cierk
1 l.