HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW 15/98� . . : j� �; r, . O�p OF p� ' � �. . . � 'r� REPIlaIItT TO COUNCIL ,, � , 23 FROM: Richard W. Holborn DATE: Junc 4,1998 Director of Public Works REPORTNUMBER: PW15/98 SUB]ECT: Stop Sign By-law [ntersection of Hoover Drive, Hoover Urive and Hoover Urive RECOMMENDATION: A by-law should be enacted to furlher umend By-luw 2632/88 to nuthoriu the erection of stop signs at ceAnin intersections within the Town. ORI(3IN: Slaflinvestigution ofconcem for vehicle right-of•wny control. AUTHORITY: Hlghway Tra,Q7c Acl, R.S.O. 1990, Chnp. H.8, section 137. FINANCIAL 1MPLICATIONS: Menufacture and insWllation of signs costing approximately 5300.00. 1998 Ronds Opernting Budget(2320•2409) Highwuy Aids BACKGROUND: Hoover Drive is classificd within the recently udopted Town af Pickering OfTicial Plan as a residentiul collector from Twyn Rivers Drive southerly to Littlefard Street. Development plans for this Area indicate a future extension of Littleford Street to Altonn Road at which time a collector toad network will be complete in the Rougemount Neighbourhood. Until such time, however, that the proposed development is undertuken, Hoover Drive south of Littleford Street will continue to function as the �zsid:ntiel collector for this area. With the increased volumes af traffic an Hoover Drive comes nn incrensed potential for callisions. Of pnrticulnr concem is the movement of iraHic nt the "T' intersection of Hoover Drive, Hoover Drive end Hoover Drive. 'The north and east approaches of the intersection carty the highest volumes of neighbourhood trafiic while the southerly leg encounters very low volumes es it cui-de-sac's into approximacely eight (8) homes, This inherent change in tha directionnl flow of traflic with the absenr: of any form of posted regulatory stop/yiold control creates prime conditions for the occurrence of serious right•angle or head-on callisions. It is theroforo recommended thnt By-law 2632/88 be fiuiher smended to provide for tha installation of en All-wey (3•way) stop at the intersecdon of Hoover Drive, Noover Drive and Hoover Drive, ;:; , . ��eporttoCouncil PWISl98 Dalc: 1une4,1998 Subjecl; Stop Sign Bylaw , Page 2 ATTACHMENTS: : L Dmft By-law 2. Location Mep Prepured By: C.Step en Brake • Copy: General Mennger Town Salicitor Town Clerk Opemtions Supervisor ;; x .� ._. t'� . L ��.,� , , h `" ,. . . .. _ . -. ./ t i ;�..- .� . . ..: �� ..� �.� ,. �` -�t ��"- t :.. �j �F4 'l�.t � y, r r� � � , , . ... . ' ' . .. . Approved / Endorsed By: Ri iard. W. Ibom s.. �• T_HE CORPORATION OF THP TOVITI OF PI ►�E iT�r[i 25 BY-LAW NU. 5331/9 8 Being a by-!aw to fur�her nmend By-!aw 1631/88 �o provlde jor fhe e�ecflon oJslup signs af cer�ain in�ersectlons wi�h rhe Town ojPlckertng. „r....�`s6 WHEREAS, pursuant to thc provisions of section 137 of the Nlghway Tra�c Ac�, R.S.O. 1990, Chap. H.8, the council of a municipnlity may by by-law provide for the erection of stop signs at intersections on highways under its jurisdiction; NOW TIIEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Stop signs shell be erected at the intersections of highwnys set out in Column I, facing the trafiic bound in the direction or directions set out in Column [I. 2. Schedule A to Bylaw 2632/88, as nmended, is hereby further umended by udding thereto the following ile'ms: Co c 'o Hoover Drive, Hoover Drive nnd Hoover Drive oC lumn II Facin¢ Tra(fic Nonhbound, Sauthbound und Westbound on Hoover Drive 3. This byInw shall not come into force unless it is uppraved by the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durhnm pursuant to tha Regional Municipalities Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter R.8, section 34. BY-LAW read e first, second and third time ond finally passed this I Sth duy of June, 1998, Wuyne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk ,�; x 1. : � , LEGEND PROPOSED � STOP SfGN ��► oR P���R�NO TRAFFIC REP�RT ��� ., ��� , HOOVER ORNE • LOCATION OF PROP09ED BTOP 810NS �' W�a..v.wnaar Y. . ' ' . . . . . '