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�O�p OF p� . r
FROM: Thomas J, Quinn DATE: March 16,1998
General Meneger
SUBIECT: Preliminary Report - Frcnchman's Bay Watershed Management Strategy
Filc: PL5020
TIiAT Council receive RepoR GM 01-98 for information, including Atmchment
No. 11 entitled "Preliminary Report - Frenchmnn's Buy Watershed Munagement .
ORIGIN: Council Resolution N36/98 directing staff to providc Cow�cil with information on
n watcrshed managcment strategy by Morch 23, 1998.
AUTHORITY: Council direction
There arc no financial implications with recciving this Rcport. liowever, it is expected that over
time, substontinl funds will bc ncedcd to implcmcnt a Frcnchman's Eiay watcrshed management
strategy. Thc toml wst to the Tawn will depend on the number and scopc of projects sciccted for
implementetion in any given ycar, and the amount of outside funding thet may bc availeble.
Consideration will be given tivough the Town's onnual budgcl process for implementing specific
projecu associated with the Frenchmnn's Bay watershed management strategy.
On February 16, 1998, Council dirccted staff to provide a preliminery report on a Frenchman's
Buy watershed management strntegy by March 23, 1998. Staf(was asked to provide information
an various metters including: tha scope of the watershed sirategy; a listing of Frenchmen's Bay
subwatersheJ plens, and deficiencies they may have; the identification of priority ereas;
implementetion cosls; and, poten►ial sources of funding.
In response to Cowicil's direction, staff have prepared a preliminary report on the Frenchman's
Bay Watershed Msnegement Plen. In prepering ihe Report, staff have consulted with the
Toronto end Aegion Conservation Authority, the Watedront Regeneration Trust, and the Mnyor's
Watedront 2001 Task Force. The Report sets out a"three•pronged" wetershed manegcment
strategy for Frenchmen's Bay, involving Remedial Action Plens (Prong i), Dcvelopment Review
and Stortnwater Menagemcnt (Prong 2) end Cotnmunity Outreach and Environmental
Monitoring (Prong 3).
Report to Council dM O1-98 Date: 03/16/98
Preliminery Rcport - Frcnchmen's Bay Wetershed Manegement 5iretegy page 2
On Febnrary I6, 1998, Town Council adopted Resolution #36/98 dirccting steff to provide
infortnetion on a strategy to rcstom and manege the Frenchman's Bay watershcd. Specifically,
thc resolution directed staff to roport back to Council by March 23, 1998 with a Preliminary
Report on e watershed menagement strategy. The full Council Resolution is includcd as
Attaclunent No. I to this Report.
The Preliminary Report on the Frenchmen's Bay Wetershed Management Strategy was prepared
under ihe direction of the Generel Manager's office iluough a coordinatcd effort of staff from thc
Planning, Public Works, end Pnrks and Facilities Depnrtmenis. In particulaz, Mr. Geoff
McKnight of lhe Planning Department is to be thanked far his significant contribution to
researching information and drnRing the Report. Tha Report was also prepared in consultation
with the Toronto Region Conservation Authority, the Wuterfmnt Reseneration Trust, and thc
Mayor's Watetfront 2001 Task Force, ihe latter through e series of ineetings held with the Task
Foree in Jenuary and Febniary 1998. Stnffs Prcliminary Report is included as Attechment No. 2
to this Report.
Stafi's Preliminery Report outlines some of ihe existing stresses on the Frenchmen's Hay
wntershed, and suggests an action slrategy for dealing with these stresses. The strategy involves
n"three•pronged" approach to mannging the Frenchman's 8ay watershed:
• Proog 1: Rcmedial AcHoa Plane
Prong I would bc dircctcd et thc Town's urbaniud lands, and would gencmlly
a!1'ect thc lowcr nnd middlc rcaches of thc wutcrcourses that dmin into the
Bey. It would involve thc prcpazation of Remedial Action Plans (RAPs) for
the various watercourses, as wcll as lands close to thc Day that drnin dircctly
into it, Each RAP would providc dewiled infortnation on the spccific
remedial actions needcd to improve and rchebiliwte thc watcrcoursc, and the
cosls of underteking these improvcmcnts. Implemenintion costs for RAPs
would genemlly bc the responsibility of the Town, possiblc with the assisinnce
of benefiting lendowners or othcr funding partncrs nnd/or grant programs that
may be availuble.
• Prong 2: Development Revtew and Stormwater Mrnagemenf
Prong 2 would be directed primarily at Pickering's non-urbanized lands, end
would generelly af'fect the upper renches of the watercourses dreining into
Frenchman's Bay. Through the Town's devetopment review process (end this
is already happening), potential developers of lends nre required to undertake
appropriate stortnwater und groundwuter studies beforo receiving approval to
develop. Among other matters, the studies would describe the stortnwater
menagement techniques end facilities required ta maintain (or improve) water
quality and quandty for those streams that flow into the Bay. Under Prong 2,
the cost of underieking the required studies, end conswcting the required
stormwerer menegement faciliUes would generally rest with the developers of
the lend, not with thc Town.
` 8�Report to Council (iM Ot•98 Date: 03/16/98
Preliminary Report - Frenchmen's Day Watershed Mnnngement Suntegy Pagc 3
• Prong 3: Community Outreach pnd Eovironmentpl Moaitorlog
Prong 3 would be directed at nll residenis and business•people within the
Town. It would focus on encoureging voluntecrism, fundraising, and public
education. As weii, Prong 3 would involvc the establishment of an
environmentel monitoring program, the first component of which would be
the coilecdon of base-line environment data. Initially, only nominal costs
would be required to launch a community outreach end environmental
monitoring program, mostly for promotionnl and communication materiels,
Staff will continue to work on the Frenchmen's Bay Watershed Menagement Strategy in
consultation with the Toronto Region Conservation Authority, the Watedront Regeneration
Trust, and others, including the Mayor's WaterGont 2001 Task Force ns it works towerds
completing its Finel RepoA. Somc possible next steps in impicmenting the Strategy include:
l. Heginning work on a"Remedial Action Plan" for one of the watercourses
Dowing into the Bay (such as lhe Dauglas / Pine Crcck system).
2. On•going consideretion to innovutive stortnwater and groundwater
menagement lechniqucs nnd practices lhrough the Town's development
review process.
3. Continuing work with the conscrvation authority on galhering und mepping
base-line stormwatcr manngement deta.
4. Lewching a community outreach program with ihc assistunce of intcrcstcd
others (possibly including members of the Mnyor's Waterfront 2001 Tnsk
Forco following completion of its Finnl Report).
I. Council Resolution N36/98
2. Preliminary Repori - Frenchmen's Bay Watershed Management Strategy
Prepared By;
Approved / Endorsed By:
Thomes E. lely dlc. omes 1. Q
Executive Coo mator General Manager
d" « 3
A Meeting of the Pickering Town Council was held on Monday, Februery 16,1998 at 7:35 p.m.
ReaoluHon N36/98
Moved by Councillor Hollend
Seconded by Councillor Pickles
WFIEREAS Pickering's waterfront, including Frenchmen's Bay, is a vnlued nutural featurc and
asset to ihe Town of Pickcring; end
WHEREAS the arcn and henith of the wetiands in Frenchmen's Duy ore in decline and are under
thmat of being destroycd primnrily as e result of poor storm wnter menngement pmctices; end
WHEREAS iho Town of Pickering in Policy 10.6 to its Ofiicial Plun recognius thut
watercourses, streams and Inkes arc important to the hcnith of the Town's naturnl and built
environment, nnd that Council shali manage thc quality ond quantity of stormwatcr run•off
tivough watershed plenning and stortnwatcr menagcmcnt pianning, und;
WHEREAS Policy 10,11 of lha Ofticiel Plan recognius that arcas of groundwater recharge und
discharge make significant contributions to the qunlity and quantity of groundwuter and surface
water and acknowledges that land uses and ectivities hold implications Cor this quality and
quontity, both in th� short term ond cumuletively over time; and thut Council shall identify
known areas of grounJwuter rechnrge and discharge to incrcase awarcness of these ereas, end;
WHEREAS the Mayor's 2001 Waterfront Task Force (thc Task Forcc) in its Interim Report
dated October 14, 1997 nnd In its update to Town staff on Jenunry 28,1998 has identificd a need
• reverse stortn water damage to and siltntion in Frenchman's Bny nnd restorc naturnl hnbita►,
• develop strong storm water manegement precticeslmcasures for the Frcnchman's Bay
• ensure U�e protection of the headwnters of Frenchmen's Hay, including ihe leke Iroquois
Shorcline, which is the source of both Dunbarton and Pine Creeks,
• ensure thet appropriate integrated monitoring epproach of the Frenchman's Bey wutershed
occurs, end
WHEREAS it is necessery to develop a watershed managemcnt strategy for Frenchmen's Bay
that sets out appropriate remediel action plens for the developed portions of the wetershed, and
Identifies appropriete watershed munegement practices for the undeveloped portions of thc
watershed, and;
WHEREAS in order to prepare e watcrshed menagement study of Frenchmen's Einy and
, compkte the design of maJor remedial actions such as stormwuter retention fucilities it is
necessery W obteln additionel informetion, including hydro gcological infortnaUon with rcspect
to Ihe role which the Iroquoia Shorolinc to thet aiready developed with ihe Taak Forcc, nnd
tnduded in the Environmentel Assessmenl of Fronchmen's Bay Headweters; and,
;;,� 8G
WHEREAS the Tesk Force may wish to addrcss thc matter of a watarshed management strategy
in 3is finel report ro Council, and,
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Carporadon of the Town of Pickering hereby directs
town stef'f to consult with ihe Mayor's 2001 Watedront Tesk Force, the Toronto Region
Consecvation Authority, the Waterfrant Regenemtion Trust and others, to develop u watershcd
monagement strategy for Fronchman's Bay, end,
THAT staff report back to Council by March 23, 1998 with information on a watershed
menagement strategy, including:
(i) The scope of a watershed sVategy
(ii) Approaches to deal with the hydrogeologic impucts of development in the hcadwaters
areas, include hydtogcologic function of the lroquois shorelino in the context of the
significance of, but not limited to, aquifers, groundwnter llow, groundwater discherge to
(iii) A listing of all existing subwatershcd pinns, muster drainage plens and stortnwnter
guidelines identifying any deficicncics to bc addressed
(iv) Identification of priority areos, rcmedial action plans and pmcticcs to controi stormwnter
flows nnd siltntion
(v) Integrnted monitoring approaches
(vi) The estimatcd cost of preparing and implcmcnting the stmicgy
(vii) Potcnlial sources of funding
(viii) An implementetion schedule
(ix) Recommendntions on the developmcnt of similer watcrshed management stretegics for
the other wetersheds comprising Pickering's watcrfront.
Reterred fo Statf for a PrcllminArv Repott to Council by M�rcb 23 1998
on Ihms (i). (Uil. (ivl. (vil and fviil
MARCH 1998
�; : p
�• P R E L I M I N A R•Y R E P O R T
P�enchman's Bay ��""'�
Watershed Management Strategy �
F�rnchman's Bay is the heart of Plckering'e wattrfront, and iu curtent
ecologicel stete is of concem to the Council oFthe Town of Pickering.
On February 16th, 1998, Town Councfl dirccted suli to prepare a
prclimfnary rcport on a svategy to restorc and menege the Frcnchmen's
Bay wattnhed. ►n adapting Resolution NJ6/98, Council directed slaff
tn the following manner.
"... NOW TNEREFORE the Counc!/ aJrhe Corporarlon ojlhe
Town oj Plckering hereby dlrecu srafj to conruh wifh �he
Alayor'a 2001 {Vaterfront Tark Force, rhe Toronta and Regfan
Coruervatlon Aufhorlry, !he IValerfronf RegeneraNan Tru.rt,
n� orherr, ro develop a xnter.rhed managemenf stralegy jor
Fienchman's Bay, and
Tf1AT a�a,fi'reporf back to Councfl by Alach 23, /998 x•!rh
lnjormallon on a Nwterrhed managemenr rrrarep�, !nrluding:
(I) The acope oJo KnrerrheJ:rrorep�
(Ili ...
(11!) A llsfing oj oll erkting au6Nnfe�thed plau, mar�er
dralnage pfanr, anJ xrormNnrer gutde!lneJ, lJent��ing
arry defic(encler fo be aJdruied
(ro� /dent�corlon oj prlo�lry arear, remedlaf actlon planr
and pracrire.r ta controf atarmxntrrJlawJ and aflrarfon
(v) ..
(v1J The ex!!ma(ed coaf aj prr/aring and lmp�emenftng fhe
(vll) Polenffaf rources ojfunding ".
Follawing thle prcamble fe stafTs Preliminary Repon that conteins our
rceponse to Council'e direction. Specifically, Ihe Prcliminary Repon
eddrcsses Rewlutlon N36/96 in the following manner.
• the scope of a wetenhed stretegy �Item (i)J is diuusstd under
"Watenhed Menagemcnt SVategy on page 3, end continues under
"The Actian SVategy" on page 6;
• a listing of subwnlershed plans (Item (iii)J eppeers on pege 9;
• e dfuusslon for Item� (iv) end (vi) begins under "The Actfon
Strategy" on page 6.
• Item (vti) is dixussed under "Potential Sources of Funding" on
pa8e 11.
7his Prcliminary Report for a Frcnchmen's Bey wetenhed management
suategy, is e suggested epproach towerds Improving the Frcnchman'e
Day watrnhed. The approach provides a fremework Ihel ma•r be
adepted to other wetenheds in the Town.
Ta61e oj Con�rn�a
BiNjround ......_.__...�.
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FrmmdWl,IrllonPlaru 6
_.._.._._. ..__.._.....__..__. .__.._..._...
Dtvt�opmrnlRevlrwar� 9
srarnwrrr Alawgrmenl
_. _._.....__....._.._...____....._.._.____._
Communlry0untachanJ !Orv
fmironnrnwl Alonllaing
PonnNdSo�rcaoJfundlnr ll"•
�.i7nd flioujAa_....._..__.___.....�J..
Between Hemilton end Trenton, Frcnchman'� Bey ie the largest naturel
bay along �he nonh ahorc of Lake Ontarto. It ia a highly valued
ecolog(cal community wi�h provinctally rare plenu, rcglonally mre
brccding birds, end importnnt fish habitel. It is aleo en important
stopover for migrating waterfowl and shorcbirds.
As early as 1he mid 180D's, Frcnchmen's Bay wdt e bus�ling cenVC for
trade, trenepoA ond the lumber industry. As 1ht surtounding lands
were urbantud aver time, the focus of activlry in the eree shiRed to
recrcation — with parks, merines and yacht elub�.
In Merch of 1997, Town Council adopted a ncw O�clel Plan for
Pickering. Among tu many polictes, i� a commitment to prcpare an
"environmental management strategy" for Frenchman's Bay. The
futurc health of Frcnchman's Bay wm of concem, end it rcquircd a
thorough rcvfew. Leter that spring, His Worsh(p Meyor Wame
Arthun ennounced the formetion of Watedront 2001 - the Ma� �.
Tuk Force on Pickering's Watedront 'Ifie mendnte of WaterGr
2001 wati lo develop an In•depth vision Por the evalution of PickeringS
weterfront, Including Frcnchman's Bay.
ARer (our monlhs of background rcsearch cnd communiry meetings,
Watedront 2001 prcsented ib Interim Repon to Tawn Council on
October 14th, I997. The Report provided discus�ion end dircction on
such manen ae local environment; tourism end economic development;
park datgn; uail aUgnmenU; and, public educadon.
Among these many topics, U�e most urgent position put forward by the
Task Force'� Report (e 1he need lo Improve U�e htalih of Frenchman's
Bey. A healU�v Bay wa� deert�eJ essentiel, and ecntral lo any futurc
plens for a vibrant pickering waterfronl. 'Ifie Tmk Force found thet
sfgnifican� ecologicnl comr,�unities ue (n Jeopardy because af
urbaniralion, and the diminished quality of frcsh weter stnams keding
the Bay.
Waterfront 2001 concluded by stating that unless aclion is leken
qutckly, Ihe demise of Frcnchn:�n's Dey would be unavoidable.
� ' � � • . P�n�;i'z� . � . . . . � .. . �
4 �
r. ,�,.,.,,r.� ,., i� �,., �i,. w�.���,,,���,rn�.,��.,.�������s��„r�„
Whet ie e weternhed manegement strategyT Simply stated, (t I� a
�tretegy w meinlain end enhance Ihe neturol "heal�h" o( waur and
lende within e wetenhed. The Frenchmen'a Dey watenhed includes
lend� that drafn Into �he Uunberton, Pine end Amberlea Creeke, end U�e
Krosno Wetercourse. The watenhed elso Includee lends adJeunt to
Frcnchman's Bay that drain to slortn sewer systeme, and outlet directly
into the Bay.
This watenhed management stretegy prov(des directian towurds
meinufning m approprlete level of weter qunlity for these creeks, as
well m groundweter suppltes beyond the watershed; conxrv(ng and
enhencing wetland functfons; provid(ng protection Gom flooding and
eros(on; ensuring Ihe qualiry of fish and wlldlife habital; and,
protect(ng valley syslcros end headwaters.
Consfdering thal ell of theu namral systems ue interrelated, it is vital
to "trtat" the whole system (�he watershed), not Jusl Frcnchmen's Bay.
Endeavours to rcstoro the health of Ihe Second Mersh in Oshawe, end
Coota Paredise in Hamilton, heve consumed grcat quantities of cffort,
�ime and money, end heve achieved e feir emount of success.
Hawever, thl� success is in jeopardy because many of 1he factors 1ha1
lead to ihe detertoretfon of ihese two azeas are still In place. Svesses
within the conUibWfng watershed: of Second Marsh end Cootes
Paredise led to their downfall, and civfc leaders end naturalistt are now
lum(ng thdr aueNfon towards treating Ihe whole system, not just thc
most visible problems.
'Ihe Frcnchmnn's Uay watershed management strategy proposes a
s(miler approach. We will veat Ihe whole body, no1 Just Ihc heart. To
Fre�e6nu'� e�r w�tar�eeo do Ihfe rcqu(m an undentanding of Iht systemic problems �hat have
led to 1he prcunt candition of Frcnchman's Oay. We will brie0y
nw frcnrMwi ea�� rarrnArd u exemine the symptoms that mark the poor health of the watershed, end
°�'Pt�"10f�' �•�� �io1a'�' u'�'•� ""� then discuss Ueatmenls to eaunter Ihese, end other challenges lo the
uha,�rrowr.��.000a�rr. pay'sPomre.
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P�, .� Itr i�t fi�ir� �. Bn� Wniii�•,��i:yMnr�e�,iiniri� Si�.i.n�.
d!Rlddld ON TH! WATlRlHlO
Frcnchmen'� Bey f� continuouely aupplled with water from uveral
ditkrcnt sourca. At IU north end,lhe Dunberton, P(ne and Amberite
Creeks convey stotmweter from landf generally north of Nlghwey 401.
Storm sewer outfalls ere scettercd around ihe Bey's mid•perimeter, and
et tu south end, the Krosno Wetercoune dlscharges near the mouth of
Frcnchmen's Ba�. Groundwater from within end beyond the
watershed also supplles water to Ihe Bay and iu crcek�.
As detailed in the Watedront 2001 Interim Report, urbani7ation of the
Innds surrounding Frcnchman'a Bay hm placed streues an the
watershed, which hm Ied to en ecological daline of �he area, 7fie
decline hns been a cumulative e(Tort, end is rcllected by the following
FWrfualGig waftr qaantlry
With(n the Towds urban area, the lends around the Bay werc among
the earlfest developed. Stormwater management system� of yesteryear
ere ineffative campered to todaYs level of technology. Thls has
rcsulted in poor conuole on stormweter entering the Bay.
The srom�wekr controls, and modifications to lendscape because of
urbeniTat(on, rodlcally ellercd the manner In whfch weter mekes ib
way lo watercouru�. Once, it could soak into the ground, end slowly
meke its way across a gressy fieid. But, e� lends wilh(n Ihc
Frenchmen's Bey watcnhed werc urbaniud, the ground wm
"hardened", ond smell crceks and tribularies became pi�x�, Weter now
runs qulckly across esphall, through sewen, and discharges inlo s creek
0( (IIC UBY.
8ecause stortnwater is now conveyed so qulckly to watercaursei within
Ihe Frcnchmnn'� Bay wntenhed, crceks expMence wild R:cmatfons in
the volumes of weter they carry, Hfgh wator volumes can ceuu
tlooding end ero�lon of the strcam bank�, end 1he eroded malertal can
alter wetercourses, end congest walor bodia.
Poor warrr quaflry
Because the lendscape of Ihe Frcnchman's Bay wetershed hu changed,
so too ha� Ihe qualiry of weler that fe collecled in s�ormwater runafl:
When it rains, enylhing that may be on the ground endf up in storm
sewen, and �hen the Bay. As detailed in the Waterfrom 2001 interim
Report,lhis may Include stdimenb, gatioline, pain�, pesticldes, enimal
feces, end rubber from lirc wear. 'Ihey all contribule lo the Oay's
turbidiry, which Is Increasingly unsuftable for natural Ilora end feuna.
Ornuded errrk bonkr
Crcek bnnks Ihat aro not well vegeteted are susceptible to 1ht erosional
forces of weter. Hfgh, fazt ilowing water wtll sweep sway udfinent
(rom the sidn of t�e crcek, undercuning the top ot U�e bank and
toppling trees and shrubs. The rcsult is high udimrnt level� In �he
water, and bare crcek bariks which are even morc susceptible to
eroston. Urbani�ation compound� this problem by placing
development clase lo crcek benke and rcmoving riparian vegelat(on, or
by chenellizing weter systems Ihrough sterile eoncrete beds.
Lo.0 ojwUdl/fc ha6Ga!
When ereas of dparian vegetation, brush or woodlots elong
watercourses dieappear, sa too das wildlik habitet. Wherc lend meeb
water, en exvemely importent erea emerga for meny bird�, rcptilea,
amphiblene, and memmele to nest, forage and brced. When wildli&
habiteu decline in alu and number, eo too does �he 1(kelihood of
apec(e� rcmalning In Iheu erca+.
Aquatic habitet I� alw on the dallne beceuse of U�e poor queliry of
watcr within Ihe ISey. Aggregate wetlend erea continua lo darcese
beceuu the constant depoeltion of sediment and olher stotmwater•bom
eontmnGunu ero (nhospitable lo weterplante, R�h, end dha equetic Ilk.
jI uro.��ed
� Non•uro�n@ed
� '
1i� grtPh dcpk'[r dr b�pnct oJrob�/a14 m a
iarmn t�eJCVr. mdqRrr wbmitaran
Ra�Rlall brsw ar rl�r "Aoi^ on rhe nme
imlr. Nbrer �rolume 1n �k nrrk rtrn
qulclfy In IAr wbon ittnarla and
gmdmHy In thr nar•�r6an mm.�o. Tfir
wban innallo rrarAri o mucA hlgArr
ptak wlumr Mtawr •Mldrn�ng• oJ�At
wbon lard ihedr mIn wanr ai o murA
MRkr rcu and wlume, dnn non.u�ban
land'. 7iiR mn Irad ro foad rUb, and
Alyh ralel oferalon.
p�.i:� �r:�.ir�,H�r„�� fi�ir��.��i.inr�•.HnrWniir.,�ni.PAnGn�.Ir.�.iniSn�au�,
Lon ojaathdlc appta!
Poor weter quality, denuded crcek benke, end los� of w(Idlife habiut
inhib(u people'a onJayment of �he Frcnchman'e Bay area. An
,' unlnterceling, wmewhat stedle body of water olfen IitAe appeal, and
sedimentnNon awlonally leava poAione of �he Bey un-navigeble.
Cumuletively, these undwireblo keturea challenge the auccese of
Frcnohmen's Bay m a"people" deetinetfon, and Ihe ewnomic benefib
thet may rcault.
__I'�. .�.�'fti�,,. I�� �� ;.ri�.�Lir.�Wcii�� ninfAr,r�ni.ir.��rrSi �.���,
Wa know whet atate the Frcnchman's Bey wate�ahed le in, now wo tum
our ettcntion to in rcstoration. 7fib ie not e plan to "uve" Frcnchmm'e
Bay — tt is a plan W meko i� bener, end to rctum it to e model of naturo
co-exlidng wi�h communiry,
Wo suggest s avntegy that provldes a lhrce-pronged epproach lo the
ehallengeofrcstoringtheBey.Oneprongisdlrcctedattheprcparatton TAree.Pronfr/ApOro�eA
md Implementetfon of "rcmedial actlon piens" for the urbanfud
portioro af the Bay'a watercoursa. 7Le caond prong involva a ��dio��ruonplau
heigAtened focus on the implementation oC appropdete stortnwamr p,,,,1,p�„Mp,vk„
mmagement pnclices ae pert of the Town'a developmenl rcview a�dsro.rm.ar�.dlaro8.mmi
process. A third, and vitel prong, is an intensive communiry outreach '
program thet wfll involve the Pickering commun(ry In key upecu of ca�wiyaaro�hond
EmlronmenWl Mmlraing
ihls ekategy, m well es ongoing environmental munftoring.
Tho philawphy of the Ihree-pronged approach I� to place emphesie on
acttan — gening work done. With the backgrowd provided by �ht
Waterfront 2001 Interim Report, and the base of knowledge alrcady
availeble for tAe Frenthman's Bay watenhed, there nttd not be e great
deal of time and moncy dirccted lo further seidy and rcvfew of the
watershed, (n generel. Rather, the meJoriry of existing end futurc
rceourcee should be dirccted towerds implrmenting proJects.
Plugg(ng e tfuee-pronged approach into our eommuniry nelwork can
str�t w down 1he road to e healthier watcrshed for Frenchmm's Uay —
and h f� poedble lo do w rclaUvely qufckly, end in a cosl•effalive
The following Is e morc detnlled deuripHon of Ihe Uvee prongs.
PRONO 1f RcwmucAenoNPC.wi
A rcmedial acdon plan (RAP) would be prcpared for cach af Ihe four
walercourses contributing to Frenchman'� Uay. As stated prcviou�ly,
we heve lo treat tht whole body, nol just Ihe heart. Each wetercourse fe
en "artery" supplying Frcnchman's Bey, and must be trcated. A RAP
would nlsa fx prepared for Frcnchman's Day and fb edjacent land�.
Individual RAPs will provide a detailed auessmenl m to what
rchabilitative ecttons are rcquircd, and set out a procees to undennke
thosa ectlons. The aalans may involve a vuiety of the fallowing:
lnrlallalfon oJtlormwaler managrmenr pondt
Water qualiry pond� are sturmweter menagement technfques �hat
capturc the "first Oush" from a stortn, end temporerily s!orc �he
stortnwater. Thl� lemporary storege function allows sediment and
other conlaminanu ro senle. Watcr quantity ponds rcduce downsveam
flood end ero�lon impacu by rcleasing the water at e controllcd mte
(usuelly a pre-development rate). 71ie ponds ore an integral component
of todey�s subdivision design.
We cen improve Ihe qualiry of stortnwater enkring Frcnchmen's Uay if
water qualiry ponds are added to ib crceke. Unfartunately, because of
the Itmited availabtliry of suiteble vacant lands, �here are kw
opportun(t(u to conswct weter qualiry ponde in eppropdate laatione,
The RAP for oach creek would pinpotnl eny avaflable locatiom for
qualiry ponde, end provlde deetgn detefls for their corowctlon.
Rrpab and r1a6Ulu crorlom m�a
A� discussed prcviously, incrcaus in peak flow retes end runoff
voluma can lead ro erosion of atream channele, The sed(meN
transpoAed W the Bey I� the most aignifiaent conlributant lo the
detedoreqon ofweter.
Aiw of hipJ� ao�ton can be rcpnired end protecled from Portha
detaiaetlon u�ing blo-rngineatng txhnkrya auch a+ planUng eppopriete
vegetatbn, u well u placing riva atone end aha witablo egg�ega�a et the
ahc. Thae eclian� will wW in uabili�ing the ao�lai mna.
Plugging a lhree pionged
approach fnlo om communlry
nelwork can star� ur down the
road to a heaUhy waterahed jor
Frenchman's Bay — and it Ja
parslb/e !o do so relaflvely
qulckly, ond !n a cwf•effecflve
R�pbe1 rfpa�ke vrpdaflan
In uldllion W�ublliz(ng �ha crcak benk, rcplm�dng arteln areae elong e
crcck wlth ind(genoue vegewion wlll enhena hnbitat. Dense
vegetadon may alw dluuede humm Intnufon thnl can Icad W �he
Vempling of semitive plont epecloe, end Ihe depo�itlon ofgubage.
R�mow banknloJlrh movrmenl
Deuiled mussmenu oCtha crcek aysum� may uncover impedlmena to
Ihe movement of tish. Such m(gation b ImpoAent for the purpoua of
apawn(ng and feeding—utivities that ere Itmited if migrallon is
limited. Such Impedimenu ere oRen found wero crceb pau tivough
alvoA.+ (nkrsecting with road, rall and path crouinge. Regrading Ihe
crou-sation, end rcplecing culvau with suftnble swctures can
rcopen a longer atrekh of Ihe creek to fish — ihcrcby incrcasing iheir
Corrccting theso barrien will aiw enhance mtgredon opportunida for
other wildUk epeciee.
FrmcAman f Bay RAP
While the rchebilitetion o( each wetercourse te a prcrcquisim for the
healing of Frcnchmnn's Bay, Iherc are Veatmenls that can be appl(ed
direclly to the Bey. For exampie, many neighbaurhood stortn sewers
oullet dircctly to the Bay. It is poseible to retrofil sewer outlels wi�h
"olVgrit sepuaton", which will strain some of the sediment and other
conleminates from the ou411owing wahr. They are rccommended
wherc Iherc is Insullictent Innd evellable to conswct stortnwater qualiry
It if alw pos�ible lo subfliu the wetland function of Ihe Day Uvough
rcplmtings, and by proteding sensfttve ereas Gom Intnuive piant and
anlmal speciee (i.e, carp bartten, end rcmoval of Purpie Loosestrlk).
Improvemrnu to habiiat (tem ralls) and wetland desfgn (conswctlon of
Dunbarton Mush, s� suggested by Walerfront 2001), will also enhencc
wetland function.
The Fronchman's Dey RAP would investigate all of these act(ons, end
morc. II would then establish a stratc� far Ihe(r Implementation. It fs
suggesud thet any significant capilal undenakings for Frcnchman's Dey
(f.e. Dwbarton Mersh) wail untll severel of the watercourse RAP� are
Olhtt adlanf
Same ectians do not fil �pecifically wilh(n a RAP, but Ihey are availeble
ro Council. An ammple Is 1he authoriry for Councll W pau bylaws
rcgulating dlscherges to stortn sewen. In efkct, Councll could fine a
penon or corporadon uughl pouring inappropdate matter into a srorm
seweq auch a� oll or olher chemicals. Currently, M(nisay of the
Env(ronment rcgulattons to thfs effecl ere in plece, end Public Works
staffarc rcv(ewing other possible Town inftiedves.
Council can elw enact by-laws rcgulatlng the cutting of trees on private
properry, md othen t6at wntrol the rcmoval of ropwll pdor to lends
being developed. Also, edding fill to a site can be of concem because,
if left wutablliud, �he fill can wash oli(mo watercoursea, or, the depth
of new fill placed around tras Uveatens �heir aurvival.
Such bydaws couid help stabilize habilat erca, end rcduce sediment
loade earried by wetercoune�.
7fio wmmencement of my RAP chould be tluough Ihe dlrccUon of
Cowdl. WheNer die Mt MP b prcpued for tho Dunberton, Pine or
Amberlea Creek, or the Krosno Wetorcoune da� not really metur —
each rcqutrc� �Ao ume level oC invaQgation. F�don thet may
InOuenco Ihe order of Ihetr underteking Includa.
. percentngo of valley lende under pubifc ownenhip;
. RAP implemrntation cosb; md,
. evdlabilityofNmd+andfundingpartnen.
Prcltminery roview suggats tho Pine Crcek rystem might wemnt early
wmidemUon. In any case, Implementing the moro signifiant sspecu
of s Frcnchmnn'e Bey RAP should lag behfnd work on sevml of the
watercourses, a� sugguted earlter.
Field end on•dte investigatlom for tho pwpose af prcpnring a RAP
ehauld occur during spdng and summer month�. Implementadon of e
RAP cen be undenaken tivoughout U�e year — wi�h rcpianting occurting
in the spring, summer end fall montiu, and heary conswctton w(�h(n
umiQve erea occurring in the winter months.
Commencing in 1998, Cowcil has the opporteniry through its ennual
budget prouu, to ellocate fund� Por the prcparetion af RAPa, end for
speci8c Implomentation messures. This should be done on e
wetercoune by watercoune bads.
PoraNrus Com
A+ steted earlfer,lhe philosophy of Ihls wetershed menagemenl stretegy
(s to focus eveilable Ponding on proJecu — rcpinn8ng, rcplacing,
rcbullding, etc. Tharo i� enough technical expMiu among Town sulf,
Ihe Toronto end Region Conservadon Authodry, cnJ the Wetedront
Regeneration Twt to invadgate end prcpare most sspecu of �he
individua! RAPe. Hawever, funding wlll be nmdcd for detalled
engineering design of ewrmweter ponde and o�hor sWauree.
7he cost of implementing a RAP wtll dryxnd on U�e rype and unount of
work rccommended. The foliowing exemple� could �pply to eny, or ell,
• rcplentlng a halere of land wi�h indfgenous Eutem Cattonwood
trea can east S6,OOO l0 57,500;
• �he conswctton cost of e atormwater menagement pond can nnge
from f I00,00 to f200,00, depending on many vartebla likt pond
rype end siu, utchmenl erea, conswction accese, e�e,; end
• rctrollning e storm sewor outfell with an olUgril uparetor wlll cost
epproximately 540,000 ro 560,000 (�herc are e� least 12 rctrofit
opportunitta that may be coroldercd).
Daneted material can aubstentially rcdua thox wsu, m can volunurn
for plenting end elean•up.
i.''.': � ":; '. _ :
�f� . - .., . � . � � ' . � � .
' 96
PRONO 1r arvaw�wnvrR�nnr,wo
�rvieww� tor AUec�on�cvr
If development around Frcnchmen'a Dey had been bullt with talayi
, ettendon ro itormwekr manegement, we would not heve nearly Ihe
probleme we ero now fsuA with. Menagemeni kchnalogies and
mchniquea ere eoneunHy changing and improv(ng. Today, we ere
implememing atortnwnur menegement uchn(ques thet rcsuh in a level
of weter qualiry md quantlty (lowing from new neighbaurhoods, equnl
to that beforo the netghbourhoad wa� developed.
SYonxirmrrManrt�tmtnl Ptau
Mmry i�aenanr iwnPewrM plalu havt
hm prpmrd/a �Ae drrdapnwn� q/fandt
r1U�ln t!w £nnrM�w1 &ry xarerfArd
fir Jo!lawlnl npau vm prcpared al a
tlme rMn the rmnm war mar Ja
�anaydpilw quantlry•,���,.nw�,
Wo Aw Bay� rMn Aw yValiry•.
• Twn oJ Pk4rtny Wma�Md� Smdy
. Kromo wanrcaurx (197q;
• 1f�tA6whCan�numry/19dJ/:
• Torn of PIC4Nny S�mewara
a�anogrwru srudy /roa�l:
• Tawn oJ Plckrinj Afa�er Unlmn
Plan (l9811!
• B.M.W. Proytnki 11d (I➢d11;
• pYn6crfoniCawmwlryPlon/19dllr
. Awberlra waurcavx (I➢d!);
• Bayly Stnrf/N'ril SAar BwlrwrA
• B.m.alralandi(19a1J;
• Fan Ciry SAopptn� G�nae Lf�ntrrd
• A�n6rrkalydmnwlJ/19d8);
. fal.palRmd/19d9/:
• Dwbatan Cnr4 dfmur Oratwp
sn� p9av�; ad
. C�wdr/OpemryPlae(19d9).
/n iM smb l990k �M ioyAtrrknaon oJ
nmT.onr Iwnptnrnl plmu uK.rarcd
m prov6lav Ja �he pualiry q/watn wn
�nrfVdrd 71w JollowNg npau prorWlna
/a nor�rwatn quanny ppQ 4unl�ry Am
bttn prcpmrd Ja Imdr vuAln rh
innrMan'r Bay xanriArJ:
. Snoud, lans ad falryaf Road
. A/arrn Slamiwarn Afamgemrn� Plmi
ld ��� �mf (I D➢Q);
• Sfamrau� MamtaneM £alllry Brk/
• Plukrrint Nar6avCa�pany (19D71:
. fwcnomr Srnka; Rrpar - SwrA
Parlon V.6 SMan Proyrrry (1➢9d1:
• Rtrkw oJ Prayared Slmeraur
Managemrnl Pbn . SMan %mWti!'
Stelf, in wncert with wnservatton au�horitfa and Ihe Regton o(
Durfiem, will continue w ensure Ihat public and private developmenu
implement the most edvanced and appropdate level of stortnwater
management. In additton, when developmcnt Is propoud within or
near lends exhibidng elgnificant envlronmtntel featuree or functions,
�he Town': new O�icial Plen rcquirc� that applfcants prcpare an
"environmenul rcporP. The rcport must determine if the proposed
development an be designed in a menner thet das not thrcaten natuml
&aturcs end Ponction�, such as hebitet areas, vallry cortidors, end
The Otticial Plan also recognlus ihe v(tal role that groundwater plays
(n conVibuting to base-Oow for crceks,lhe fotmation of wellends, end
supporting various vegeutfon commun(ties. Groundwater flows ere
not constrained by watershed baundertee, end It Is imponant ro rcaliu
Ihat inadequately deaUng with growdwater may have fer-rangfng
implicatioru. Accordingly, an environmental rcport is also rcquircd in
support of development proposed wi�hin or near areai of growdwater
fCYhLfg� Of d�Sthefg0. .
For development propouls or land use slud(a that involve Inrge tracb
of Imd, Town steRand �he Taronto and Region Conurvation AuU�ariry
are now rcquiring the prcparation of Envlronmental Mester Servicing
Plans (EMSP). The EMSP rcvfewt the (mpact of development on all
upecu of the natunl heriuge system. Rethcr than prcpere seveml
rnvironmental rcports, one comprchensive roview is undeitalcen. Far
example, a temu of rekrcnce for an EMSP hm been prcpared for �he
East Du(fw Arca, which direct+ that Ihe following tmb be euounled
for in 1he EMSP submisslon:
• collectioa of background date;
• hydrologic aueumenl (surface water);
• water qualiry auessment;
• eroslon aucument;
• groundwaur auessmrnt;
• evaluation of epproprtate slortnwakr management pract(ces;
• evaluation of developmrnt lim(u; and
• prcparation ofen implamentation plan.
Th(e prong of ihe Frcnchman'e Bay wetrnhed strategy Is elrcady
plugged in. To ensure the most eppropriete levei of stormwater end
graundwater managemrnt t� lmplemented In all new development, suff
of �he Town, Region, end Toronto end Region Conurvatton Authoriry
will wntinue to rcvlew ell dovelopment propomis wiU�in the stringent
rcqufremenb of the Town's new Olticiel Plan, the Durham Region
Otiicinl Plen, and the pol(cie� end guidetlnp of U�e Torona and Region
Conservat(on Authariry.
Po�vnu. Codn
All atudla end rcporls requtrcd (n 1he rcvtew of development proposals
ero Ihe mpomibtliry of the epplicant, el�her directly or through
wllection af developmrnt cherga. Thae erc no edditfonal cosn to the
munlcipnliry, wleu Councll chooses to contr(bute to �n wdMeking, or
Initlete ib awn work.
:> .
`�' . er, - � � . � � . .. -
,. .}�•�.', ., .�.' � . .. . . � . � ..
PRONO Jt CowruNnY Our�r�cH ,uvn
71io rnUre Pickering communiry must conWbuto to the rehabllfuNon of
�ho Frcnchman's Bey wnterohed, if rchabillteqon b ro succeed.
Contribudons genernlly teke the fom� of Iime md money, but gelning e
better undentanding end apprcciatton of lhie complfutod natunl
system is en important eontribuNon u well. It f� thercforo important
�het e communiry ouveech progrem be uts6lished to orgentu
Pondrebing end valwteen, s+ well as eduating �he publte an the
imporlance of maintsining mtural aysums — md improv(ng Ihem.
Comnwnfty Oa�naeh -jundmtring
Mmy aourca of potentie! funding for environmmtal restoredon alm
IheU progrem� directly at community groups, md their funding mny not
be made evailable W mwicipalities. In order to teke edventage of ell
poafble funding wurces, it is suggated lhat a"Bring Beck the Bay"
Pondrabing teem be esteblished (or mme eimlluly named group),
comisting of vnrious communiry memben. Working closely with �he
Town, "Bring Beck the Bay" could �ake �he lead in ueking, and
ucuring fund�,
Comnwnity Outnach - voluntnrtrm
The mo�t successPol civic proJecu hnve alweys had tremrndous
�aes-roou eupport. When your femily, Giends end nelghbours are
Involved in a commwity proJect, interest end enthu�lasm can Ixcome
contagiau�. As an exemple, if a Dunbarton Crcek RAP It prcparcd, it
may rccommend wme emount of clem•up md rcplanNng. Involving
Ihe Dunbarton neighbourhood (n thi� work up� Into this Intercst end
enthu+tum — crcat(ng e unse of ownrnhip. A grea� deal of work can
bo wmpkud et minimai eost, end "nelghbourhood :tewudship•
emergee — people xrorking hard to rcstorc �hefr crcek, with an inlercst
in scefng it rcmnin that wey. Organiud cammuniry groupi :uch u
urvice club�, Scouu Canade, aid Guida, xhools, and o0mr youth
organ(retioro are oflen eager to voluntar the'u Iimc lo such ceux�.
Commanity Oulnarh - pubfk rdutaNun
Educat(on mey atnrt in schooi, but i� cenainly das not riop therc.
Wilhin Ihe Pickering communiry, it i� Important to genente an
epprcciation for the Town's natural heritnge. A communlry �het
reco�(us the value of wdcrteking e Fmnchman9 Bay wa�ershed
strate�, Is a community that will morc likely conuibute �o the:trate� •
• be it u a volunteer, or Ponding partner.
To auist in providing Ihis infortnation to young end old,lhe Toronto
and Reglon Conservetton Authoriry opereta uveral educatlonel
progrom�. Any of the following progrems couid euily be edapkd to
Pickering'a ne�d� (wme alrcady have):
• Uvough the YelloM Fl�h Road prognm, ch(Idton mark stortn dreiro
lo Inuoduce �hem to the conapt that "whatever enten the drein,
ends up in our streame, riven md leka";
• �hrough the Aqu�tle Planb progrem, studrnu grow thetr own
cattalls, waur lilies, etc., to be used far planling programs;
• a mobile Iolerprctive Grt G avalleble for use during public
waterfiont evrnu; end
• 1he Authority also provida verious wnscrvalion seminers end
Collectively, Ihe education progrortu in md aut of uhool, plus
promottonal cempeigro, can expend grav-nw� �uppo2
Envlronmenfal Afon4odng
Pnvironmrntal monitoring fw InknAonally ban Iinked wi�h cammmiry
outreach In ada w forge s urong rclaUan�hip botwern tha two. 7fiao b
ro beaa xay w monimr the effecdvrnw of e watenhed menegemrnt
�WS than by involving Iho�e who Ilve in the watenhedl "Br(ng Back
the Bey" volunteen (poss(bla called "BBB Keepen") cwid � on Uro
succes+ of rcplantod area�, ob�avenca of puUcular bW �pala, or any
olha hdkaWr otraloretlon niccea+ Waullled in e monitortn4 propun. .
�, :
�'`� _ .,� . :
� P�. ,�. ....It:� 1�. ��.�,,, :0:.,�W�. � ,Me�..ii. 5�� . .,
MonlWring protocol� have elrcedy been developed by Environment
Canede, end ot�en. 71ib wlll be of aeabtance in organivng "DDD
Kapen" and othen involved In monitoring.
Work b curtentiy being done by the Town to crcate a bauline of
Informetlan lhat wlll provide a rcfercnce poinl m esuss the resulb af
the cnvironmental monitoring program. 'Ihe Town'� Publ(c Works
Deperdnent is compining a mapping exerc(se thal digitally maps end
Invenroda Ihe Town'� :torm sewer nehvoric, and �he Toronto and
Reglon Conservation Aulhoriry is undettaking a simllu program to
map ell stormwater ponds In Ihe Town, and rcwrd data rclated to the
pond�. Together, thl� infartnation will provide s very delalled
invrntory oF ihe Town's stormwater menagemtnt system, end U�e
quality of watcr It produca.
Implemrnlation of this prong can Ixgin immedtately, A community
outreach progrnm could be devised ro convry the importance of ell
upects of �his watcrshed menagemrnt saategy to the Pickering
community. Addidonelly, diuuuions would be held with the Toronto
and Region Conurvation Authariry ro detertn(ne whkh af Ihcir
eduutional progrnms ere best suited lo our needs. Ae well, the F(nal
Report oF 1he Wetcrfront 2001 Tmk Force (expected by lune 1998),
could suggat additfonal community ouueach programs.
M importanl upect otcommuniry ouueach would be tht creation of e
'Bdng Dack Ihe Bay" rype fundrafsfng team, ati suggsted on page 9.
Funde for environmental rehabiliudon are Iimiled, and the sooner
funding program� are invaAgated and securcd, the sooner
implemen�ation cen begin.
In tertns of the monitodng program, staff of the Town and Ihe Toronto
end Reglon Canservetfon Authoriry should continue ga�hering bazr
8ne stormweter management data.
Nominal Tawn funding would be rcqulrcd for a communiry ouveach
program (mainly for cammuniu�ion md promotional meterfals). The
environmenul monitoring program would rcly on valunteer
"UDD Wetchen", u well as staR o( the Town and the Toronln and
Reglon Conxrvat(an Authority, and thereforc would rcqulrc Iinle
up-front fwding.
One of �he first tssb of e"Bring Beck �he Uay" rype fundral�ing �eam,
would be to Porther Invatigate potendal funding pertnen thet mey
have en intere:t in helping to rcstorc Ihe health end imegriry of
Frtnchmen'� Bay. Pouible avenues to explorc include locel, municipal
end kdcml govemmenu; edvaary groupr, corporate sponsonhip;
conservadon au�horitin; mejor watedront landawnen; corporate
watershcd rcsidenu; urvice clubs; end o�her charitable organl7ations.
'Ihe Town would consider specific projau through iu annual budget
procas. In eddidon, there are variaus polrntial funding sourca
evailablt; (ncluding:
• Enviroament Gn�d� cuaently eponwn two program� that mey
provide assf�tnnce. 'Ihey ere "Aetion 21" end the "Grcal
I.�ka1000 Clao•up Fund". Both erc oriented lowuds the
restorotton of the Orcat Lako�. 'Ifie Torunto md Region
Conxrvalion Au�horiry ha� elrcady epplfed for funding Ihet mey
fnclude work In P(ckering, but the Tawn, through a"Bdng Deck Ihe
Bay" type orgeni�atton, could inquirc u to the avslisbllity of fLnde
in addit(on ta eny reaivcd by the coroerveUon authadry.
• Duclu Unllmited C�n�d� providee tlmd(ng �o lendownon for �he
rcstontlon of weterfowi hsb(tat. Early diuu�ilans wilh Duck�
Unlim(ted saff indlcato that convlbuting towerde wetrnhed RAP
progroms in Pickedng may fit within �heir Pond(ng mendale.
• Ceneda Tnut hm esteblished �he Frleod� of tde Bnvlronmeal
Faund�tloo. The Fowdatlon provldes c(ttun'e group� with
funding to improve the local environment of �hefr commwities.
• The Iaidlaw Rounddlon provida fund(ng lo inlUat(va that,
unong o�her intercsb, help sustetn healthy cammw(da end
• The Commuolty Foundatlon of Dur6�m Reqlan ha� just rccently
formed. It ha+ an Intorcst in communiry servicee, particululy within
Diuham Regian.
In edd(tion to Iheu potentlel wurccs, therc ere over 60 cheriteble
foundatlon� thet sherc en intercst In convibuting to envfronmental
causee, Including the Body Shop Chariteble Foundation; Coca�Cola Inc.
Foundal(on; JoM Lebatt FounJntion; Noranda Foundation; and the
Rayal Bank ofCanada Charitable Foundation.
The Frcnchmen's Bay watenhed manegemrnt suntegy prcsenu e
tremendoui challenge to the Plckering commwiry. The key to ib
eucceuful implemenlatian, is peneverance. Leunching of such a
suste� mey caphue a great deal of intercst, but maintafning steady
momenhun over the nezt uveral yean will be �he test.
The next step� to (mplement �his suategy could include:
• begin RAP work for n Frcnchman'e Bay wstercourse (such u 1he
Pine Creek rystem);
• coN(nue ImplemeNing innova�ive stormwaier and groundwater
managemenl techniqua tluough the Tawn's developmenl rcview
• continue to work wlth the Toronto and Reglon Conserva�ion
Authoriry on gethering and documrnting base•line dnu for
stormwater management; and
• launch e comr.�wiry outreach progmm w(th the auistance of
intercsted r,�hrn (pouible including memben of the
Waterfront 2001 Tssk Force, once thry have completed their Final
While watenhed rchabilitntion ie not an exect ulence, expertise is
available to ensure that it works. By carefully dirccting Ponds to
rc:tontive proJects, end involving �he communiry in every step,
Frcnchmen's Bey can, end will, once agein rctum to a model of nature
cotxisting with communiry.
� � r i; . �, ,, .. �i,., w„ , rn,. . s,. ., .
SmHI Flsh :� ��T"a� ��
Perch, Shinen, Surfish � ..r �
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Submap�d •�� �
p���.�� �� .� 1
°i�^ ���-�' Zoop�.�k�on
adavor« � �
NMhan Pika,
B�MNcImM�brNn � BWImsnU
Flrqandl Cleme, Meyllies �� �
�ranchmwn': Bsy -• Futar� Posa/b//If/er
Frenchmnn't 8ay f� dominatrd by re-ericblbhed wetfand vegeratlon. Purple Loarurrlfe hnr been kepl fn check
an�i !he Infumtlon (r reductJ fo o polnl lbaf doa na! lmpalr werland junctlon. The Jdrh rommun(ry har
ruponGcd ro rhe rurwed werland and bav, plkt and olhrr duba6le fuh ae nbundaal. The wafrr !n fhe bay It
clrarer dut to lmprwemtnU fn atwmwalrr managimrnt rrchniquu wlrhln rhe woterxhed nnd rubmerged
aquarlc vegetarlon tr dv(ving wtthln fhe Bay.
Adapted from rhe HanUron Narbour RAP