HomeMy WebLinkAboutPL 12-98O�H OF p� 52 �' REPORT TO COUNCIL � FROM: Neil Certoll DATE: June 2,1998 Director of Plenning PLANNING REPORT N0, 12-98 SUBIECT; Monitoring of Site Plan Approvals RECOMMENDATION; Thut Town Council receive Planning Report No.12-98, perteining to the Monitoting of Site Plen Approvals. ORIGIN: Sita Plen Advisory Committee's request that thc Directur of Plenning provide an updnta of approvcd plans to Councii. AUTHORITY: THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not applicable. EXECU7'IVE SUMMARY: A chnrl is attnched which lists site plan approvals granted by thc Director of Planning between lanunry 1,1996, and May 31, 1998. BACKdROUND: In order to keep Council informed of activity of site plen approvals, Planning stefT prcparcs a monitoring chert for Council's infortnation. • I.0 en The Approved Site Plans chart (see Attachment Nl), lists Sitc Plan approvals approved by the Director of Planning, and also provides other relcvant infonnation from the site plan review process, and is derived from our npplication monitoring system. Should eny member of Council requirc further deteils rcgarding specific site pien applications or update prior to the next scheduled rcport in August, please contnct Christopher Wong of the Planning Departmen6 � PLANN[N(3 REPORT NUMBER 12•98 Subjcet: Monitoring of Site Plan Approvels ATTACHMENT: 1. Approved Site Plens Preparcd By: Christopher Wang Senior Planner i�,�f�� . Lynda D. Tay�� Menager Current Opemtions Divisian GAA/ab/bo'c Copy: General Manager Datc: June 2,1998 Page 2 53 ApprovedlEndorsed by; /� �/�' _/� � � � •, . � � � ,''� 54 . � � .. � N T w i v � v a � m m a� � n � A i 0 « � � � � Z w � e m -� �C ro a $ N S e � a: AiTACHMENia�T�B PLANNINO REPORT M