HomeMy WebLinkAboutPL 19-98. � �NOFp �O �F REPORT TO COiJNCIL FROM: Neil Carroil DATE: June 23, 1998 Director of Planning RECOMIvIENDATION REPORT NUMBER: 19•98 SUBJECT; Request for Council's suthorization to develop by Land Severance Applications LD 104/98 - LD 108/98 inclusive Arjo Urbanization Inc. Lot S, Plen M-90 (East side of Simpson Avenue, west side of Fairview Avenue, south of Browning Avenue) Town of Pickering RECOMMENDATIONS: That the request by Aryo Urbanization Inc. to devclop Lot 8, Plan M-90 for 6 residential lots, thraugh the Land Severance process - applications LD 104/98 - LD 108/98 inclusive, be APPROVED. ORIGiN: I.and Severance Applications LD 104/98 - LD 109/98, inclusive, submitted to the Durham Regian Land Division Committee by Arjo Urbanization Inc, lo sever Lot 8, Plan M-90 into six residential lots. The applications were approved by the Durham Region Land Division Commiltee subject to a number of conditions, one being that prior to iha final clearence of the severances, tha applicants receiva authorization from Town Council to proceed with the development by Isnd severance applications. AUTHORITY: The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 FINANCIAG IMPLICATIONS: At this time no additionel wsts ere anticipated beyond those normally attributed to development of this naturr. EXECUTIVE SUA�NARY: Arjo Urbanizntion Inc. received conditionel approvals from the Durhem Region Lend Division Committee on Lot 8, Plan M-90 which would result in tha development of sis new residential lots, three fronting on the east side of Fairview Avenue, and three fronting on the east side of Simpson Avenue, immediately south of Browriing Avenue. The six lots would provide Gontages ranging from 9,3 metres to 10.3 metres, and areas ranging from 279 square metros to 316 squaro metres. ��' ' RECOMIv1ENDATION REPORT NUMEBR 19-98 llete: June 23, 1998 Subject: Request for Council's euthorization to develop by Land Soverance Page 2.' � A condition of the Land Divisian Committeo's approvel is that the applicant receive authorization from Town Council to proceed with tho development by land aevsrance. Thie condition of approval was recommended by the Town Plaaning Department in accordance with the land severance policies of the Pickering Offidal Plan, The Plan requires that a property capable of being developed for mora then three edditionel lots (such as ihe subject property), be developed by plan of subdivision, except where it is demonstraled to Council's satisfaction that a plan of Subdivision is not necessary. ]n situations where Council is satisfied that a plan of subdivision is not necessary, Council may authorize the development to procced by land severance, Staft'evaluated the details of this proposal at the time of preparation of comments to the Durham Land Division Committee and found that the proposed development complies with the oflicial plan and the zoning by-law, is in accordence with the intent of ihe Bayview Street Rehabilitation Area Zoning Review, does not require the development of any new roads, and that ail matters of interest to the Town arising Bom the development can be addressed as conditions of approval of fhe severance applications. The Planning Depariment recommends ►hat Council uuthorize the proposed davelopment of �ix lots on Lot 8, Plan M-90 to proceed by severance applications. A property location map and a reduction of the applicant's severance plen are inciuded as Attachments Hl and #2 to this report. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: LO Land Severanco Aoplications 1,1 Circulation of thc Applications Land Severance Applications LD 104/98 - LD 108/98 were submitted to the Durham Region Larid Division Committee by Arjo Urbanizetion Inc. on March 17, 1998, proposinB to sever the subjec! property, Lot 8, Plan M•90, into six lots as identified on Attachment #2. The applications were circulated for comment to lhe Town Plsnning and Public Works Depanment, as well as to the Regional Public Works and Planning Departments, the Toronto nnd Region Conservation Authority, end to surrounding property owr.us. 1.2 Town Planning Department's Review ofthe Applicetions The Planiilng Depariment, which is responsib!e for coordinating ihe Town's review of land severence applications, fonvarded comments to the Durham Land Division Committee on April 15, 1998. After considering the issues associated with tha development proposal, Planning statf were satisfied that support could be given to tha severance applications subject to conditions, one of which required that the applicant receives Pickeri,�g Council authorization to proceed with the development through tha sevemna; process. A copy of the Planning Department's comments end recommendation to the Durham Land Divicion Committee is included as Atlachment H3 to this report. Staf£s support of the severance process and the specific land division applications is based on tha following factars: i) Tha five proposed severances, which would divide the subject property into six new residential lots, comply with the oflicial plan and the zoning byinw, do not rcquire the development of any new roads, end all matters of interest to the Town arising frnm the development can be eddrossed by the conditioas of epproval of 1he land severance eppiications, - ' RECOMMENDAT[ON REPORT NUMBER 19•98 Date: June 23, 1948 N� ' �' Subject: Request for Council's authoriration to devclop by [snd Sevcrana Pagc 3 ii) The erea in which the subject property is located was the suGJect of the Bayview Street Rehabilitetion Area Zoning Review in 1990 - 1992, et which time it was determined that redevelopment of this older, former wttage area of the Town sfiould ba encouraged through the acquisition of private lanes as pub�ic roads, the extension of municipal services, end the implementation of a zoning bylew which would allow new low end medium density residential development with unique development standards. Thc proposed development of tho subject property for six new lots meets with the intent of the Bayview Street Rehabilitation Area Zoning Review, and represents orderly development which is compalible with the general azea. 1.3 Decision of the Durham Land Division Committee The Durham Region Land Division Committee approved the land saverance applications on April 20, 1998, subject to a number of conditions, including tha condition that the epplicant satis6es the requirements of the Town of Pickering, financially and othenvise. The minutes and decisions of the Durham Land Division Committee meeting respecting these applications ere inciuded as Attachment N4 to this report. 2.0 Conditions ofthe Land Division Committee's Approval The Durham Land Division Committeo's approval of the subject saverance applications are subject to the fulfillmant of a number of conditions prior to the stamping of deeds to create the new lots. If nll of the requircd cond(tions are not fulfilled by Apri130,1999, the epproval of Ihe subject application� wili eipire. 2.1 Conditions required by ihe Town of Pickering The requirements of the Town of Pickering which must be satisfied prior to final clearance of these severances are detailed in Attachment �3. The need for the appitcant to obtain Council'a aulhorization to procad K•ith ►he land severance applications, is just one of aeveral conditions requtred by the Town. Other conditions required by the Town are es follows: i) Fairview Road across the frontage oP the subject property must be dedicated as a public road. This was previously a private road called Maple Avenue. It has been acquired by the Town, end has been renamed Fairview Avenue, as it is a logical extension of that road south of Browning Avenue. A by-law to dedicate the road as a public road is currently being finalized. ii) The applicant must submit a grading and drainage plan for the proposed development to ensure that the development does not adversely a(�ect the grading and drainage of surrounding lands. This is a stendard condition of approval which is required for all severences in areas where special grading and drainage considerations must be addressed. There are no stortn sewers in the ares. The applicent intends to work with the Town's Public Works DepaAment to satisfy this condition. iii) The applicant must submit a draft referonce plsn to the Town, wnvey any necessery easements to the 7own, and bring any situations of non-compliance with the Zoning Bylaw into compliancc. This is elso e standard condition of epprovel for all severances, and it is not enticipeted that there are any situations of non-compliance with tha zoning bylaw. iv) Thc applicant must enter into a development agrecment with thc Town to address all mettera of interest to the Town which wauld hava been eddressed through a eubdiviaion egreement. Theso meuero include adherenco to an epproved grading and drelnagc plen, any necessery road improvements end acrvice inatellation, or utiliry relocation, driveway location, house aiting and architcetural wntrol, end the , payment of any neceasery fece, aecuritiw, or tucs, including perklend dedicetion fees. • RECOMMENDATION REPORT N[JMBER 19-98 Date: lune 23, 1998 �'.� Subject: Request for Council's authorization to develop by Land Severance P�ge 4'►a 2.2 Conditions Required by the Region of Durham Other ihan tha Town's wnditians, the Region of Durhem Works and Planning Depertments werc the only other egencies that Imposed conditions of approval on thesc epplications. The Region of Durham Works Department has advised that sanitary sewer and weter services are aveileble to the proposed development, but that tha applicants will be required to pay for connections to each oC the new lots. This is a standerd condition of approval applied to all severance epplications. Thc Regionel Planning Department requires an archaeological assessment of ihe property prior to final clearance of tha severances, 3.0 Resident Comments A number of area rosidenis responded to the Durham l.and Division Committee's circulation for commcnts on the proposed severances, expressing a number of concems related to the status of the roads and services in the azea, the afTect on traftic and parking, and the general appearence and density oPthe proposed development of six new lots and houses on the subjcct propeny. These coi��menls are included as Attachmenls #5 - N10 inclusive. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Property Locetion Map 2. Applicant's Submitted Plan 3. Planning DepaAment Comments to the Land Division Commiltcc 4. Minutes and Decision of the Land Division Committee Meeting 5. Corcespondence • 1. Skeltan, 717 Simpson Avenuc 6. Cortespondence -1. Skelton, 717 Simpson Avenue 7. Corcespondence • G. Maynard, 807 St. Martins Drivc S. Cortespondencc • 1. 0'Brien, 699 Front Road 9. Correspondence - M. Reuill, 715 Fairview Avenue 10. Correspondence - M. & P. Campkin, 717 Fairview Avenue Prepared By: Jeffrey C�� Planner 2 �J.,yn a D, ayl r Manager, Curcent Operations JGC/ph Attachmenta Copy: Generel Meneger ARptoved / Endorsed by: �� �.• .� �/ 7�� e �� 7� ! . . ' . . ' . . � ,. . ;� . . ` ' . . . . . . � � � . i . � . . . � ' .. . .. . , . 'S° , � �. ., �: £,. . � ' �� 'a ., . — -. REDUCTION OF APPLICANTS' SUIiMITTED PLAN �H��`�T �� ro 1� � - � RE C ftYltfONi'i__� ' d SI�IPSON AVENUC . ' "f " G �� � � , �.. I �� ,I � `� � � i_._.._...1p�._ � .� � �� � 1� �uw I I � .._..i.._.._.._ ,I ,I fl �I � I 6 �.._..1.. �.1. � .= � � 0 ti 0 _I. ._ _ �. �.._ — - � � r � �� ia } � v �� o I s � I � I 0° I ' ^ ,.,..... .Y_ `�� i o ���,\'� ��� o O� � ;\� \ I "1 �� �j � � �i O U� ����-- Z � � n \� 1 \� n � , � ��� �Q\lU\����-- r �\ $_,t����� :R ° � ,� ��o e•��� � V � A . �t � � , ,� + �.- �' �� +; �*� � � av, , �� ���, ,�'.� \\� �� �� ������,� ���p � i A1t1M ',�',� �— IviA � � � O � ~ b L � .ai � � ` 00 0° , xrr,.c+it�anT � 3 ro Oi! • � S RECCtdRt[HDATIUp REPOFiT ►LP"PP '�— __--._ � _._... _— . ' I , npra is, i�e Mr, Kd Yaw Lend Divfeion Comm(ttee Region of Durhem 1615 Dundu Slrcet Eset Leng Tower, 4th Floor Whilby, ON LIN 6A3 Deer Mr. Yew: . RE: LD 104/98 lo LD IOBNB inclu�ive - Arjo Urbenirallon Inc. Lot 6, Plan M-90 (Sfmpson Avenue/Fairview Avenuc) Town o( Pickering 71iis Department hns rcviewed lhe above-noled epplicalione and hes the following eommenW: L [olroductlon I �.. The aubJect properly comprisee m nrca of epproximnlely 1,75I squaro metre� located on Ihe eouth side of Orowning Avenue end exlendtng from Simpson Avenue to Fefrvtew Avenuo (formerly Meple Avenuc). The end rosult of Ihesa five applicatione will Ix Ihe crcelion of �Ix new rcaidentiel lole for deteched dwallfng�, thrce fmnting Simpsnn Avenue end thrce fronling Feirview Avenue, wilh ercns ronging from epproximately 279 squere melrcs l0 316 aquero melrc�, end fronlega ranging from epproximetely 9.� metrcs lo 10.3 metrcs. 2. Plekerina Offlet�l DaiQa�llon Urben Residenliel • Medium Density Aree wilhin Iha Dey Ridgee � Neighbourhood. Commentas 'Ihe applicaUone confortn. 3. Zoalna The property is zoned "S-SD•I" - Reefdential [ktachod and Semi•Deleched Dwelifng Zone by Zoning Uylaw 25I I, e� amended by Bylew 4139/92. Thf� zoning permiW deteched end semi•deleched dwelitngs on lol� wilh mtnimum ereaa of 200 squaro melrca, end minimum fronlegea of 7.5 melrea. ...wntinued .. ' a�c.cN�.�aroT � 3 ro � RECCtd61EIJDATIU�� HEPORT ►1�� --------- _ ______� �, • , � � LD 104/9a • LD 108/98 • ArJo Ur6eniullon Inc. p�ge 2, Commenbt Zoning Uy-law 4139/92 wes tmp�emenled on the euhJect property end the aurtounding eroe in 1992 in order lo feciliUle rcdevelopmenl of Ihe eree In accordana wilh a comprchensive rcdevelopment acheme. The proposed aeverances eomply wilh lhe minimum lot area end fronlega rcqufrcmenb of the zon(ng by-lew, end aro in eceordence wilh tho enticipated development of the erca. ,. Older Commen Town Council'a lend severence poHcy stales Ihet any propetty capeble of betng developed for moro Ihan Ihrce edditional lol� must be doveloped by e dm(t plan of aubdfvision, unless otherwise eulhoriud by Council lo proceed by lend severance epplicationa. The epplicanls will be requircd Io o6lnin Council's aulhori�lion prior to finel clearena of lhese severances. Aa no new roads aro rcqulrcd, and as all of lhe � Town's (nlercsW can be covered through a development agrcement as e candilion of epprovel of Ihese aeverenca, lhis Departmrnl will aupporl tho epplicent'a request lo proceed wilh Ihese epplicatioro. Simpson Avenue is en o�xn dedicaled public roed. Meple Avenue has recenlly been rcnemed Fatrvfew Avenue, end le owned by Ihe Town. liowever, it hee nol been ded(ealad es an o�xn public road. The Town I.egel DepnAment hes inil(aled proceedfnga lo dedicate this road, end auch dedicelton muat be finaliud prior lo finel cleannce of these aeverancee. Tfie Town Public Workc UcpaAmont requircs a dreinage end grading plen end e slormwaler mnnxgemenl rcpoA lo indicele how Ihc developmenl of lhe pro�xtly cen be completed whila rcmeining to eccommodate Ihe drainage from Ihe adjncent properties. Easemenu mey be rcquircd lo meinlein thie dreinege, end any auch eesements would heve to be idenlified on Ihe rckrcnce plen for thi� severence. �- Concems heve been raised by reaideNS of Ihe arca rcspecling Ihe impact of Ihe pro�roscd severences on In�c end parking on Ihe narrow road ellowencet, and on Ihe vlauel end functional impacl of Ihe proposed developmenl on the arce in generel. Th(� mellcr will be eddrcssed by e developmenl agrcement which Ihe epplicanls will heve to enter tnto aa a condilion of epprovel of Ihese severances, 7'his development egreement mey include, bul may not nae�aarily be Iimiled to, provisions rcspecting roed improvemenb, service installetlon end/or rclocetion of exisling scrvicea end uUlitie�, drivewey iocalion�, house ailing end erchileclural controi, peyment of perklend dedicetion feea end any other eecuritin or laxee, edheronce lo approved grading end dreinege plens, end the provision of eny neceeury easement�. .,.continued �O /QT:dNId�r.T 4. � TO p� RECCNt.1GNDAiIUr� IEPONf f �L/O LD 104N8 - LD IOB/9A • Arjo Urbani�etion Inc. P�ge 7 s. gumm�rv . In aummery, tho Town of Pickering has no objecUon to Ihe epprovel of Land Severenco Appliution LD 104/98 to LD 106/98 • inelusive, aubject l01he following conditlone being fulfilled to the Town'a sati�fection prior to Ihe finel cleerena of the aevenncw: I. That the epplican�i rcceive eulhoriulion from Town Council lo proceed with lhe developmenl of the subjat proplrty by lend severena eppl(cetions to the Durhem Region Land Division Commitlee. 2. Thal Ihe porlion ol' Pairvicw Avenue adjecent to the three lots fronting on Ihet road be dediceted a� public road. 3. Thet e droinage end greding plan end e slortnweler manegement re�aA be submitted to Ihc Town showing how Ihe develapmcnt of the severcd parcel ean be wmpleted, while rcmeining to eccommodale Ihe dreinage of l„ sdjacent propeAlea, end Ihet eny neecssary easements be conveyed to Ihe Town. 4. Thel a droll referonce plen be aubmilted lo Ihe Tawn which show� the dimeneians of Ihe severcd end «leined percels, eny easemcnts delermined to be nceessary ae e result of Condition ]. 5. Thet any silualions o( non-compliance with Ihe zoning bylew identified on Ihe rcfercnce plan rcquired by Condition 4. ebove be broughl into eomplience. 6. Thet Ihe epplicants enler into n dovelopmenl egrcemenl wilh end lo Ihe setisfaclion of the Tawn which may include, bul which mey nol naesserily be limiled to, provisions respecting road improvements, sarvice inslallalion enNor rclocalion o( exisling servicea and ulililies, 1,,,,. driveway locationa, house siling and erchileclurel conlrol, paymrnt of perkland dnlicalion fees end any olher securilles or texa, edhercnce lo approved grading end drainage plans, end the provision of any necessery eaeemeote. Should Ihis application be epproved, the applicant should be edvised to eonleel the undenigned in this Department, at oxlension 2073, to caordinale anti�faction of Ihe ebove condilione. Yours very WIY, /� G�L leffroy Cole Plenner 2 c.c.: P: Wyger, Town Solicilor R. Holbom, Dircctor of Publtc Worke e , ;. p7;.CHIdcIVT I � TO RECCt/1.1flHDATION NEPORt I,(�.i� .� 11 N I N V T E& i D E C I 8 I 0 N S DVRHAM LJWD DIVISION COlQ1ITTEE As per : the Planning Act, the Durham Act and in accordance with the Provincial Rules o! Procedure CoNSEiIT APPLICATION heard on : Mon,.20 Apr 1998 LD 104/98 Submission B 111/48 owner .........: Arjo Urbaniiation Inc. Location ......t Part Lot 27, B.F.C. Town o! Pickerinq Hunicipelity ..: Town of Pickerinq l., Conaent to sever 5 vacant residential lote, 301m2, �• 28]m2 % 9, 279m2 and 289m2 in area, retaining a vacant 716m2 reeidentiel lot. Hr. A. Artuchov eppeared on behalt o! the owner company. Mr. N. Cillo of 719 Simpeon Ave., Pickering ON L1W 1H4 ves preaenE as an intereeted pnrty. Hr. P. Campkin and Hs. Judith Ritchie notilied parties were in ettendance in objaction. Mr. 1►rtuchov note� thet the propoeed davelopment to renult in 6 lota was in keeping with Toun o! Pickerinq 2oninq raquletions and Ofticial Plan policies. eeveral rrrittan eubraieoions were received trom notilied parties: Mr. G. Haynard wrote April 2, 1999; Mr. 6 Mrs. P. Campkin, V. Conchombray, Judith Ritchie and Marcella Revill signed one submiesion receivad April (� 1�, 1998t Mr. i Mrs. J. Skelton [iled e letter April 20,1998 and Marce: Ravill also eubmitted a separate comment by fax April 20, 1998. A concern, common to all written eubmiesions, waa the nerrow etreete and leck ot perking on private property which resulted in perkinq on tha etreet hindering ecceae !or emergency vehicles, snowploaing and qarbaqe pick-upj and meking pedestrian tralLic dengerous. A couple o! concerns wera raised in submiasions thet the lots would bn narrow end raquira Z atorey dwellinga, altaring the streetacape and meking it lese open and attrective. Watar and eewer capacity to service additional dwellings aae another ehared concern. The submiseion from Hr. i Hrs. Campkin and their three neighbours raieed tha iesue of tha ownerehip of Mepla Avenua (now Feirview Avenue), since they understood it was privately owned. Nater and sewer eervices were provided on that street through ensemante. The Town o! Pickering claimad ownership oi the rond. , . �J9 �2 AT7:.CHM.�".T �� TO RECCb:t.1ENDATIUN HEPOFT� l.(�p� 'l�o o! the lettere euggestad reeiting the propoeed lots to lace Browning Avenue. Nr. Maynerd axpreseed dieplensure thet the public meeting wae held in the daytime when he ves working and unable to ettend. Mr. Artuchov ahowed a aketch of the proposals to the Committee, Mr. Cemplin and Mr. Ritchie, explaining that the lote were l00 feet deep and that the driv�exays ae propoead would accomodate 5 vehioles each on site. Ne indicated•that there had been no objectione raised et the time of the 2o�ing emendamnt (in 1992) nor with tha poliaies of the Pickering Oflicial Plan. He had previously paid for aenitary eewer and water meine and wea prepared to eatisly all aqency requiremente of epproval. A telephone call wes received lrom Town o! Pickering Councillor Mark Nolland who Wished to bring to tha Committee�s attention that the development o! more than three lots by consent needs authorization of Pickering Council. Written commente received from the Town of Pickering i� elso addreesed this ieeue among other requirements. The Committee had for intormation purpoeee reports received from the Aegionel Worke end Planning Depertmeots, the Town of Pickering end the Toronto end Region Coneervetion Authority. All the above written comments from the agenciee were hended to Hr. Artuchov. DECISION OF THE COFU4ITTEE ---------------^--------- APPLICANT/OFiNERB ]UtE RESPONSIBLE FOA FULFILLING ALL CONDITIONB. HOVED : L. Fieher SECONDED : D. sullivan That ]lpplication LD 104/98 be approved ae applied for, ae the propoeal is in conlormity to 2oninq reguletion and Otlicial Plan policies, eubject to: 1/ Thet the epplicant satiefy all the requiremente of the Regional Nunicipality o! Durhem concerninq the proviaion of Reqional services, tinenaielly end otherwiee. 2/ That tha applicent satisly the requirements ot the Town of Pickering, Linenaielly and otherwise. 3/ That the applicant satisfy the reguiremente of the Reqionel Plenninq Dapartm�nt with reepect to provieion oi an archeeological aaeaesment as per comment deted April 14, 1998. 4/ Thnt tha epplicant eubmit two copiee ot a regietered reference plrn on the eubject parcel. 8/ Thet tha conaent 6a aubject to the lollowing time parioda : Laet Data for Luliillinq Conditions ie Fri, 7o Apr 1999. t:�o J a•c,cwa, ;; �..� ro RCCCN.t!CI�DATIUN HEPOi{T �lY�� ' 1'3. Expiry Dete ot 1lpplioation LD l0�/98 ie Non, 31 Mey 1999. CLF.ARINO 110ENCIE9 � -°-------------- ' 6/ Thet prior to the eiqning ot the certificate qiven by the Sacretery/Tree�urer thet the coneent hee baen qiven, the eecretery/Treasurer ia to be edviead in writinq by the Regionel Municipelity of Durhem Worke Dapartment that condition !1 hes been cerried out to its eatistaction. 7/ Thet prior to the eigning o! the certificate given by the &ecretary/Transurer that tha coneent hee been qiven, the Secratery/Treaeurer is to be edvisad in writing by the Town of Pickerinq that condition I2 has been carried out to its eatiefaction. 8/ That prior to tha eigning of the certiticete qivan by the &ecretary/Treeeurer that the conoent hes been qivun, thu eecretery/Treaeurer ie to be advised in writinq by the Reqional Planning Department theY condition /3 hne been carried out to ite eatisfaction. 9/ Thet prior to the eigning ot the certiticate given by the Sacratary/Treesurer thet the coneent hee been given, the Secretery/Traeeurer has to be eatielied thet the time periode outlined in condition /B hava baen adhered to. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 8lgned Mon, 20 Apr 1998 by ell membere present and concurrinq in thie Decision o! 1►pplication LD 104/98 : W. A. Kudle D. Sullivan Cheir Vice Cheir R. Mertin H. Grahem . Fieher H. V. Nedge J, C lliae W. Evane ar ''�6Seurer st Data o! ppeal o! this Decision or any oi t conditione conteined therain Tue, 19 May 1998 1J1 J o�rsei�i roN io:is FAI i0A !11 110� CAp80N AND f88�A ��� . i�� � aprl�:o, i9ca trb Rrgiao�t Mudotpatt►y oiinrh.n t.ona ntvidoc comnillho ' HORb3i lbll D�kM3L R 4!h T1oor Lu�Tawcr Wcat Huildint Whilbo, Unfnrio l.tir 6n3 Y.e: !*lo...........: LDlA:/98 I.UlUS/Y81.D1U6/98LD107�98 IIIIdiV9B Na��....... • .1ijo 1!ifi�m&aFion fnc. I.ocetton.,., Purt Iut 23. D.f�.0 Tmvn ofYickuriqg IOoosi000 ��r,•,c�i�.�.;;- e.� ro ���q PECCL:t.1f:��pqTIUi1 iIEPORT �._LJ` AECeiveo �a a o �9e �� p/ MOKIIdNO MAHNINO D[PAI1fMtM Plnso mccpl dur nn im� wridcn nmmiv�im tivi�h repank �n Ihv Aboti� nnaiiionnl m�11cr. ,+U wtH, i wou(d aqprerietr beinq sa� a copy oCihe Duluru Rigioa Lmd D(vision CoaxulUee't deoitioa ''h PIa�M+t�hero �ir ri.wl HppnNnmer ofuil 1ho ikwiu�mie�d haw a pede.trim �cxio 1Md roinfircn t6o wat,�ffcrul .eporicu��. proMCM � i���e oiAw u�t+�froi�, centribulce fo Wc enhmccmc�! oft6c ccoryNrin oad ic competihir with t5o odjacwd ncigi�mirood" 'il,u ubu�u quae �. ��kr�, liv,,, �he wnicrfim�t :�M�1 fnlcrim HqmH•Oanber 14y7. Mp conecmn a•t�h L'tc ecvernico of S moidntHnl lats md rNei,uiVl a��cont lul, md �JHmeroly fIrc buiiJins ofr�a nMV Lomre, ae ntn coronnudly nahnr. A ra�umnily w6ich slerfed out nn a comae mes4 uud iN new a petma�nd rcddenee In 9evernl fi�nilie�. Howevee I<M not teei tlmt ar nriKhhorheod f� cnpabk ol' huidiiryR stx nnw t�mbr in We propomd ana l�r rowY ce nrrtow mrl Ramil, �riNi sevn HI Iwa�rx ha�i�g na �6�vew;rvx. 71ro m4ldi�m ol' eix ie�a honk► woulJ ix, dmfil ii�traiicc n miuiunun uf Ii� lu u pn��ihla �necinam oi' twetve perauarnd re�fd:at r.diclei !o ew am As �cell. tpis it nd allon�tng for mry . vioiMn. 'ITd� le a tc�J prcFirm nlreiuly in our wa mwt cxtninly wlll becane mae ml�aed ln � xn(xlivicion Ibs roxla qre eontiruarc� widx and driveu�we tme �nent aid damdri. Wc do aot Mrvo tha tux�y of aemiag morr ep�cc lo ocramno�lnta merr vehlak�. �JIIC rboVO �huNlrnt CYONW feVlnll I�Af� WI�Ith intltltltA Glt�t�ired nctti� f� ettrctgmey �vfilclve; mow re�ao��d, gprbqqr pick up, etc, uoulJ ba (nqrob�bla �nd tla dryur pr�sert�d9n chfltren P�Y�4& Of/!0/11 101t tOfli PAI 006 !01 1101 CAitBON AND �[8 b00�/007 , �►� • ' p7'LNId.'„ 4 � TO �U � RECC!LL1[NDA71Ur11tEPOFit �L!._./i M M1 eeample, hidiq (3uaLry, April 19,1998) dmr wer� oppmxhnnely erven ve6iele� �ked on tien�mn Ave. d Ibe"Dac! riid'. vof taclud6rt aiy veliioie+ pwked ia drlww�y�. '17d� ir aarol} Bwn two I,anr+. (h� Uro oppodle ei�k oi'Ihe "i)eaA UwP' i� tlayvlew Street, w61o6 uowholdi llnm m�whW�m� roao11}• biult '11r.y lmvc tkee driv�wry� �n18m gpngr�. 71nre wRre q�pratinmtaly �e�tn vehicloa pwkvd nn thc road�eumoenllriaht ofwsy ons 'fhi� ix not mi wcoamoa rvu��l. [ rcnli:c thoro oro by- !uw Wrrueh �iladiau, Imw�.wer, thry vc oaFy ar Ruod at tlw anfurcameN. I �rn enneennd wd �rn.v ws gi�n uppraval for elx aAdiUr�mt lotu ned �Ix wlJitlnunl home�, , wo will bu com�wiowliRg w� Alrvndy i�,pos�ible problmn Aa �v�iL noi to im�ntion fLe vJdilln��al hnuea5eld ch�amicnle. engi�rc o�IH, auH•8eeze, etr. t�at will ba going directly iato Nrenchraw'� Buy. lluile ulhn yat I�r �fm Nay r^fctrod Ip ct n"jewei" m�l Uow Kro �add w n canpmmily iw woriciwtg oo nntorin4 it 'ilia Waterli�mit 2�10i 'lnsk h'orca [iA. ri�n Rcport �ivc� ua meqy fscMS inwhfch to do t�. ! do aot S�ol Wat 'Wfe ie a�u ofthxa 'fiu xrce ofwF�d, wn qraak i� nat R r,�l+drvia�on, nor i� il H m� Il�,t crm dmNt 8w �p»winp �nin. of R.hrnlion. . 1 ca mven �rov►uf by,.lmwn concemiag lot �i�R, elc, Ao�wver, pri�hr�s Ihevr ured lo b! roviewed aa! yvfa�� ihey rdaeld have �Imaciy bem rovicwed 1 ferl the ori4ival irAeM oftiroQr bylaay iroocemfrg lot eiva. r�c. werr to atlow eMistiva 6onke�mKS IF.a euqmbilll� afe�dwntiag U�rir hamre xud trbuiid'uyg on aielwg lole ifueeJ br. Cntuuly not to allow Ihr ovmerowdirys al ��n alrrsdy imdrroiztd nrou Pa�fis� lut +(zaq of sq�yroxiwdrly •t3 fbtt ltontaRa, io kee�,L� wilh UK u�ajc�iq ��fUomrr un Siuq�io:� .1•�ewa, .^•aininv Avrnur(norU� of Bratwi�g). SL Atsilr.'e lA9vc(So:ih) woidd Ue nwrr of� ��ppraprix!r riluetion L�mokldRyenr decirloa [ would eucuu�r yau to rr�yrw UK quMn Ovm Ilrc Wuter9ixa 10U1 Twk C•orcr nfyart unJ fo eontidtrktepiog a� tbigl:borhoad tniqu:, Pleote da nal NII� II III MCOIIIP jIM� MMIIM� R11M�IIVIPIMI. If Fmtelm�wi v Rry �w na.nwf wi�lh rodoru�g I..N ia mil malm hw+h dcei�iore� �Mu aill!mw o IonA trnn ^B�M11M t111 WBII IMIIIg MHI L'IIf1fMtC1' Yoarv vtrv hufY, an 9kellou kleff5krlton 717 3ucqron AvwnK Piokerin�, ONxio LfSY tNl4 � • � /Q7•,CH1.1�ItT 0� TO op � '�� is,. RECCtltJ[IJDATIUt1 AF.PORT �II-1 . --- � _ ___.. Maq 11,1998 Merk Holland do Town of Pielcering 1 The Fapienede Pickeri�, Onlario L1V 6K7 ' RECEIVED ��,M�: ' �IAI' 14199E TOWN Oi IICKtRIN6 R0: MJO UfI78�lIDi100I11C. PLANNING D[/A0.TMtNT U)104/98; LD 105/98; LD 106/96; LD 107/98; LD 108/98 Pert Lof 23, B.F.C. Tawn ofPickering PurauaM to o� marry convervstione conceming the above mentioned malter, I am now encloeing for your perueal copin of documenG conceming Ihio nibject Ar you ere awere Ihi� epplicatian lo eever we�d beforo the Region of Durhem Laod Divieion Commiftee an Monday, Apri120, 1998, end waa paaeed�pending verioue condilion�, a� outlined in Iheir minules and deci�ioro. It i� my uoderslending Ihat Ihir metter elill hae to come beck lo Council for tnli6calion of Ihe Aegion'e deoieion [ would roque�t ofyou thet you pleaee meka aveileble fo all the Couneilora copiee of Ihe enclonan eo Ihef ihey mny roview Ihere before oenctioning ihie decioion Ao well, [ would extmd en invilalion to ull Ihe Cotmcilon lo viait our neighborhood prior to thi� coming beforo Couacil. One oflhe lettero enclosed ie from Dwhsm Region deled Jenuary 28,1992. 7fiey �Inle Ihat fheir wdentanding oF the new zoning by-la�+ro were lo be on a lol by lot bneis and nol of en extemive land ecquieiHon nahae nor of rodevelopme�d at much higher deneitiee. Il wes on thi� imderelending fhat Ihey felt Ihc preaent �ervicing would be adequale. Ai well, l em enclo�ing copy ofminWee from Ihe Eaef Frcnchmen'� Hay Villege Ae�oclelion deted May B, 1988 roferting lo upgading of Uro main Irunk �ewer on Fro�d Street in order to hendle Ihe projeded ryrtem hook•up. Wes fhio ever done7 I ero aleo enclodng a eopy oCpege 3 Gom Ihe DraR Commwily Plen ro Bsryview Streel Relrebilildian Arc� Town of Pickering, for prcomtation at Ihe Jan 131h,1988 publ(c meeling. Clewe �.6 denlo wilh I�e purpoee of Ihe zoning by lew emendmenla end rofen lo eonrtruclion ofnew ro�idence� on "vacenC' lob in Ihe Area It doeamentlon nor ded wilh Ihe rovering of exiding lom. n , ,. - � , lOT,'LHI.1:h�T d�.�Q,� 10 � � � � � � - � . � � � RECCL:t.18NDATIUd HEPORi 1_LL".IP� � � � .. . . ' � �! � A copy of Mr. J.D. 0'Brien'o letter dded April 6,1998 rofere fo Ihe Region'e letler I have menlioned �bove, ond ee weU, touche9 on Ihe eapebililiea of Ilie exitling bylew rcgerding &oMage to crede an exlenoive lend rodevelopment et much higher deneiliea than eppropriale for our �ea In Ihe Hnyview Street Rehebilitefion Area ihem ere approximntely 231oh which could be wbdivided Thio hea Ihe cepability of crealing 38 new lofe all wilh 7.5 metre frontege�. 'Ifie rcmaining exieting IoG(epproximd�ly 22) have Gonlagea renging &om 7.6 mehee lo 13.7 metree. Back in 1990 a propoeed plen to build a 39 unif condominium lownhouee developmenl wae preee�ed to the Town. 'Ihia erea is juat norih of whero we are loceled, and although it wea a lotally new development, end not Qubdividing in en exieting eree, I feel lhero ia eomewhat of n timilarity. 'Ihie overe�denaivc development of Ihe Fnnchmen's Bay Area wes aot ecceptable Ihen, end I do aot feel thel il ehould be eccepfoble now. 'Ifie Co�mcilore of U�e day ihen and the locel "Snve Our Bay�' group foughl to prohibil thie &om happming, end Ihe end rceult was the ecquieition of Ihe lend by Ihe Town of Pickering end Ihe Metro Toronto Conservation Aulharity(now TRCA). 1n a IeUer dnted Oclober 7,1992 Jim Wieeman, MPP, wrote"....we ere builAing a betler epproech la dirocting developmenl fo morc sq�{xopriefe arees, keeping il away &om mviromnentelly aenailive arcas......we sre finally cherting a poaitive couree for Ihe envirornimf.....11 ie eboul time ihel Ihia province had a govermront fhnt rocogniui the meening of"groeed' ao �omelhing moro then maney." In cloeing I woald like lo oay Ihst I arn nof oppoaed lo oome developmrnl /rcdevelopment to a�gmerd our unique and romerkable neighbofiood I rcelize Ihet growth ia a very imporfmt pert ofc6ange, however, lel w not let ie get oul of control. 1 egree ihat improvemeMa, roelornlion end rejwenation ere needad in otc erea 1 feel, however, Ihet we need lo be very carcful and ca�tiow, end have Ihe !'orc�ight lo �ee what long term effecb tl�i� type of oNuratinn of extemive development in our erea will do. Yoiss very truly, �-- an Skellon 717 Simp�on Avenue Pickering, Onlerio L1W 1M� 903•839•2346 � ' a--r,•,cw. �r,* e..1 ro ��• 7�H RECCt;,R1GJDATIUr1 ilEPORi ►.i.�%� 807 SL Mertiru Ddve Pickaing, Ontuio LIW INI April2, 1998 REG(ON LAND DMSION COf�UvIITCEE Box 623 • 1613 Dundu St. E. 4th Floor, Lang Tower, Wat Building ' Whltby,Onterio LIN6A3 Dear Sir: Thi� letter ia to expros� my concems reguding lhe proposed aeverona of Part Lot 23, B,F.C. in the Toam of Plckering apecifically fdo LD 104/98; LO 105/98; GD 106/98; LD 107/96; end LD 108/98. I would flrat like to expreaa my diapleasurc thet auch en issue ia held during the allemoon of e buainess dey, e time when most working people would find it diRialt to attend. Clearly in e �perticipatory society such meelings ahould be timed to provide the maximum level of public (nput. The business et hend, lhe severance of thls property into aix pieca ie obviously e prelude to the connruction of a'uc eddilional housa. I must object to Ihis ultirtule purpose for a veriery of reaaoru and therefore I must object to the initiei procedure, the severance of th(s property. The two sireete most eRected by this conslruction, Maple and Simpson, presently contain five housw each for e total of ten. Each street hae ebout twenry inhabilanta for a total of forty. 'fhere aro epproximately ten vehicla on each slrat for t tolal of twenty. The proposed edditian� would edd six mare housa, lwenty•four more people end reelisdcally Irn rtiore vehiclen. Thi� would be bed enough but considering that three houxa have already been eddal lo all of thie, el lhe end of Simpson Avmue in the past few montlu, we have the beginninge of � ghetto. If lhese aix new houeea are constructed the mimber of people on theu two streeta will increase &om epproximately forty to realistically seventysix, nnd the number of vehicle� &om twenty to thirty-6ve. I don't beGeve we need this amount of expen�ion in thie ndghbourhood. The lot siu� being requated, elthough probably legal, ue far &om duirable. 'fhie many nertow housp would give the ua. the sppeerances of being a home for hvo alorey bowling dley�. �G . _ . . . , �! . .. ... . � � � . � ' � r;c�ia,r.r oZ ro RECCfdR1E8DATIUi1 �iEPOHT t.�L%� �� P�ge 2 . Ae a neighbour, l em particularly concerned ebout the increaee in nolu, The existing fenant on Ihi� picee of property has enjoyed the pcace and tranquillily oCthis very un(que neighbourhood for many yearo. I wiah to do the same. I objat that thfs individual, even if it ia through a third peAy, Ary'o Urbaniration [nc,, be allowed to change the neture of my community by overdeveloping merely to make a buck. Thls uea has alwe}n been one of law rise single Cemily homw. Thia changed lut fall wilh the addilion of three "boil�" el the winer of Bayvicw and Simpson Street�. . Please do not allow the Wection to spread. I would not wiah il in yaur neighbourhood and I do not wieh it in mine. � ��a�� d, Meynard 807 St. Mertin� Ddve Pickering, Ontario �L1W 1N1 ', j�� � �F � J ' �� t t 4. '�}-. .l � . .. . _ . .. . .. . . . . . �� �20 • R��1»... . _,—. - _-i:�.'+�ww+•:. -' � ra �.:c�i�.r�,- n.,� ro RECC��it!EHDATIUrI NEPOHT � �Q_iP ♦ • �w.. � .. . :,y..� ,f t' . . ;.��, , . • Apr11 6� 199g�. . . . . . . , . . a _. . . .. .. ;R gion of�purhero,'". . . ,;:••, .i,.:. �`,�:--..�_ '� ' • � '. • d Diaielon';14ommittee;: - _ .... � _� ''�: �•�°�•�.• -- ":,.;.'. _ �.._. - _ :,}�;c�,Y _ fn.: -;•::4 .:'x 1.tby, ...o„t;_,,.; .-:�: , , , . :,�, ,:.• . , , ... -- . . ' . . ..�.. _ A tri Yarlane �8argeht, �-`a . � Aeet 8eoty aTreae � � � ���+ _ , �T 5 �� rM� • +� �.,�,,�, i .. F�D ar Yadamj ti��� t� T t��„14 P��L Sr wr u�,��f�1 �f ��t-�,��'���y'G1i-''.a'".cL��Q� �� . � ���' ��c�' � t ! ,,� ��t ,�g Flle � ' �� fAD'0$ ./1.�.��,'�'i n e --,�c.: � , `;4j��.,,,t:�x�� � Yi y�� ,� Name � Hohda .;Lapan�r'�. u�y�' -, � „ }��{ i � y,�r �rxy��-s �c���:�rLocatlon�ypar�' i�23i�.F�a.F'� ��� � -�..-, �-,,,�;:. . il��.���- ��r��F�l �rfi t ia � ±; ��12�i7 �YV�@R iVB� ' .�-'{'. � [' . , i ti��h � � t � jt�ii� ��p�.i - .y��`"f' qoirti3. ��P�Okgriqg � '�'�'r r . ��J, _ _: . : �i f �1 ���� � ' 1:. �{,�N �rli�'i ( 4�^�. �i.�� ' �it`�:..:.3�t ��Y�^1�': � .Q � 5�41 . � ��b ffi r'Ttie^nboverprop8rty�de eui�jeot;�o'To niiil':r SZY�iiis�g�B�T'I,aR ;+,-� � 3'r'+'F 39%92 �?'h1e.Hy-La�.eete out+e�•front �ero��7.5;metreerr;. -• • :•�- : : ��•.m nimuro �a11d; eppliee,�to' 29 lote •eho�n o i•Plen.o��u-90 �ura�a�gi�.: •;-_-.�., � -r. T elve of`theee lote t�ave e.irontnge l rge�tno�rli to=eever•end:•= = �.'_ �..`r,�.a other.eevew.might•qualify:. Th1e mak' at-,'�1gaet'.4g=lote'-in•; "=� �'- ' ?i; t 1e area not�aaunting She lote on Ifat rpoint ;8b�,''�=" rr'�''' ' ''' °�' } ...r....._.: , ..< ' *� ! If •thio development takeo� piacenwil ; the :preaent;-oeRer. _and - -' � • Mater •eeraicee be•adequete, and !f not iho paye for•tfie �" � � .. eubetantiel seRer.replecement zequ!'re •�;haqe.appe�ded�.µ--. � •��, � •�1ptter,to,the?To�rlroi PSakerirg irom D fham;=Jen:�PB"=�g�2;��==•=� - �'•Mhich aeemo.to.voicb eomo oonoern abou 'oewera"�n th�e�aree. "' ,� � t . � �r. . . - : . � ..,. . . . . �- f,Rith�the'Slurrq•of•buildin�aotivit,�.takin�place�in�thie � ,�iarea tbie queetionnof ae�ere nnd lot eveTe�q4� eedo:bbm� ,, �-''.'._„r : care�'ulfetudy� �, + y��J �D � f , �;�����y�• ' ",. �- � a/i! 1� i � �C � Yvn � i ry f'f ��W.!, ���Y �ti, , X��' �''r - t d �+--f-' �-� �lli�r ,�L{y ' 'n i , � ,. t �jltt„' . 1, � �,...HiT�^T'�`�ii .: -1 . _" t��E� � Y � ; ��: � �; �i , �y,��i F�� �pu • �t 1Yi �'� kt�� --'-T-, ' t ri9 r'�f tr6 ,,�j i > r��ffi � � `�ni4'F���,}� � ils�...�y7�� ry��? , lF !aw �* i} +-".'.�1Fn"'"1 i� � ; � � � 1�.. i�G �� -�. � �. .�....:..1:7Y"�:w+� 1���( � - ''L.`lts�1 .l:i'i�N . 1%�T�_ , • �.- t.-- _„ _ „rf .�N�� ayvr�, � �'1 "f7 F - 1- f! i ' ���iy� �15 � :�. �.Piokering,��'Ontt,'�"`�+''Lllf 1P1 i"� �`r'" -�-' �q �n �r� ,. _ � .��. � , •. ; < y.�u�.��1.v ��]�� 1. :� � . . - .:w(StM1a�a+++yrl+s�i�%! 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