HomeMy WebLinkAboutPL 15-98. � �vv ��OFp �0 � � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Cazroll DATE: August 4,1998 Director of Pleruting PLANNING REPORT NUMBER: IS•98 SUBJECT: Site Plan Application S 8/95 Pickering Harbour Company Ltd, (Aryo Urbani7ation [nc.) Lots 18 - 34 end 47 to 65, Plan 355 (South-west comcr af Bnyly Strcet and Begley Strcet) Town of Pickering RECOMMENDA7'ION: Thnt Council dclerminc whethcr they wish to rctnin authority for the issuancc of Fin•il Site Pinn Approval fbr the dcvclopment undcr Site Plnn Application S 8/95, submiticd by Arjo Urbuni7ation Inc., on behalCof the Pickcring Harbour Compnny, which proposcs a townhouse complex of approximntely 60 units on thc Innds locuted at the south-wcst comer of Bnyly Strcet and Begley Strcct, or whether the new proposal cnn procced Ihrough the Town's usunl site plan review process, culminnting with finnl approvnl bcing granted by the Director of Planning. ORIGIN: Request made by Rcgional Councillor Dickcrson that smiTrcport to Council mgarding the sintus of thc subject applicniion. AUTHORITY: The Planning Act, R.S,O. 1990, chapter P.13 FINANCIAL 1MPLICATIONS: Not Appliwblc EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In 1995, an application for site plen approvul was submitted, on behelf of the Pickering Hnrbour Company (PHC), for the lends at the south-west comer af Bayly Street nnd Beglcy Strcct. Thc epplication proposed a development comprising an apartmcnt buiiding and townhouscs, lolalling approximately 200 unils, In June, 1996, Council passed Resolution #184/96 (Atmchmcnt #4) which, emong other matters, stipulated thnt final approval of the site plan npplication be grnntcd only by Council. In December,1997, the Town was adviscd by the PHC that the initial devclopmcnt conccpt was being abandoned end thnt they had entorcd into e new joint venture with Ary'o Urbani�ution Inc. (Arjo) to develop Iho lends oxciusively for townhouses. To-dnte, Arjo's submittcd metedul is atill quite prcliminary in nnture and wauld not be eonsidered acceptable for dctailed site plan • � PLANNIAI(} REPORT NUMBER 15-98 Dete; August 4,1998 Subject: Site Plan Applicet3on S 8/95 Page'L 8� rcview. Attachmont HI is a location map indicating the subject site. Altachments N2 and N3 are reductions of the submitted site plen end building elcvatioro. The primary pwpose of this report is to inform Council of ihe new design approach to the site proposed by Arjo which comprises only townhouses and no longer includes an apariment building. On tha basis of the revised development concept, Council Is asked to confirm whether ihey wish to continue to hold npproval authority for a new site plen application which Aryo will be required to submit, or whelher review and approval of lhet application may proceed llvough the Town's usual sitc plan upproval process (under the usual process the new epplication would be subject to review by the Town's Site Plan Advisary Committee, end the Director of Plenning would have the euthority to grant final approvul). BACKGROUND: A settlement ugreemen[ between the Town nnd thc PHC regurding a long-stnnding litigation mntter was nnnounced in 1995. Following that announcement, PHC ihrough thair agent Mr. Wylie Freeman, submitted Site Plan Applicution S 8/95, which propased n residential development on the PHC's holdings et the south-wcst comer of Bayly Strect and Bcgley SUeet. Thc proposal comprised en apartment building on thc north end of lhc land, adjacent to Beyly Street, and townhouses on the southcrly portion of the lands. Approximately 200 units werc proposed in the two residentiai fortns. Early and cxtensivc arcu resident conccros regarding the proposcd development prompted e ncighbourhood meeting in May, 1996. Following that meeting, StnfE' prepnred a report to Council in lune, 1996, which providcd a summnry of thc vurious issues which werc to be nddressed by thc npplicant prior to thc Town's issunncc of finnl sitc plan approval. Council pnssed Resolution H184/96, based on the combined apnrtmcnt and townhouse design concept, and stipulaled thnt Finni Sile Plan upproval was to be granlcd only by Council. Subscqucntly, the Dircctor of Plnnning issued Conditional Site Plnn opproval for the samc design conccpt and provided lhe npplicanl with n list of conditions which were to be satisfied prior to fonvarding the application to Council Ibr final upproval. Between lune,1996 and December, 1997, stnff inet extensively with Mr, Freeman to discuss end resolve maners rclating to the closure and ltansfer of road allownnces requircd through thc settlement egreemenl, ond thc gencrnl sitc design. During this period, Mr. Freeman also consulted extensively with an ad hce residents commitlec to keep them epprised of the site design modifications, and to give them an opportunity to comment on the proposed development. However, by letter daled December 23, 1997, the Town was advised that s newjoint venturc was established between PHC and Arjo (Alex Artuchov end Dnvid )ohnston, principals). The letter elso stated that they would tx pursuing an exclusively townhouse design concept, thereby abandoning ihe idea of consiructin� an epartment building on the Innds. To-date, staf'f havo elso met on a number of occasions with Messrs, Artuchov and lohnston to discuss ihe new design approuch for ihe lends. Attachments H 2 and N3 ere very conceptual sitc plon and building elevation drawings which illustrate the new epproach. In principle, an exclusively ground•rolated housing fortn on the site can be supported, subject to a number of issues boing resolved to the Town's satisfaction. Thesc metters include, but erc not limited to, the foliowing; . demonstrating that none of the proposed to•,mhouses intrude into the requircd 10,0•metre bufler between development and the adjecent wetlund nreas; • demonstrating thnt the architectural design of the units fronting Bayly Strcet and Begley Sireet will estabiish nn attractivc strcetscape along ihesc roeds, and crcatc a focal point et iheir intersecdon; . providing the rcquired number of visitor parking spnccs in upproprinte locutions ttvoughout ihe site; . providing epp:oprinte vehiculer acrr.as, acceptable to thc Region of Durham, to ihcir pumping statjon located et ihe south end of Begley Strect; _ ;. ,, �' g Q PLANNINd REPORT NUMBER IS•9B SubJect: Site Plan Application S S/95 Dete, August 4, 1998 Page 3 • domonstrating that thc lack of private driveweys associated with npproximatciy half of the proposed units will not sdversely impact the functlon of the overall developmont in genecel; and . demonsttating thet lhc proposed sitc design complies with the existing zoning by-law provisions, end if necessery obtein approval of the Committee of Adjustment for variances to t�ose provisions. Staf'f are prepared to proceed with the detalled roview of the rovise� development conccpt following receipt of a formal site plsn epplication by Arjo. Upon receipt of the applicelion, the required detailed design drawing can bc circulated for comment from all affected departments and extemal egencies. Besed on the Town's usual site plen roview process, once ell major comments and issues have bcen addressed by an applicant, the development proposal is placed on an agenda of the Site Plen Advisory Committee (SPAC). Once pasented to the SPAC, end upon entering into a site plan agreement with thc Town, the Dircctor of Plenning wauld then be in a position to issue Final Site Plen Approval, Ttvough this process the opportunity exists to consult with the cxisting ud hoc committec or the neighbourhood in geneml, if decmed necessary, However, based on Council's 1996 resolution, all rcview and eventual approval of thc PHC's initial development proposal was to be conducted by Council. Staff nre seeking Council's direction and request thut Council confirm whether thay wish to extcnd this rcquirement to the current revised development proposul, or whether it cun procced through the Town's usuul review process. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Property Location Map 2. Applicant's Submitted Sitc Plan 3. ApplicunPs Submiued Elevation Drnwings 4, Council Resolution N184/96 Prepared By: Christopher R. Wong Senior Planner CRW/ph Attachmcnts Copy: Qencral Maneger Approved / Endorscd by: � Neil Carro Dircctor of P mg � I ! � �, _ � ,::,: ,� .� ';: „ •- u '" `i' � �� 3 w > �- N � 3 � �" � d u AttACHMENTa 3 TO PUNNINO FlEPORT N �� !8 . 93 � � > t � � n x ! : , z 0 � C w Z S _ U � � z � Q � J W � .� z� z� �� �� O .� Q . ' 94 HTTACHMEN1p�T0 o PIANNING REPORT r �5'�0 1NTER•DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDIJM CLERK'9 DEPARTMENT DATE: Juae 37,19% T0: Neil CarraU, Dirutor of Plaiuiing FROM: B�uce Taylor, Town Clork Pleaso be adviaai Uiat Uw Couucil of ihe Town oF Picicering pazs�d Re�olulion q184196, at rcgular Council moeting of Juno 24, t996. Thqt Flaal Site Plan Approval of Site Plan Appl(cat(on S8/95 w(II be approved by Town � Councfl only; �nd That prfor lo ihe Ls�uance of Fiuol Site Plan Approval, the applicant (Pickering Qarbour Company (Limited)) ehali �ubmit to Ihe Town of Plckering appropr(ate drnwing� which are gene�aily in accordance wilh the stte datgn conecpt illustrated on Allachment NS to Planning Rcport No. IS/96. Upon the i»uaoce of Condittonal Site Plnn Approvai, x detailed 11at of matten whfch mu�t be rJdre�eed by Ihe applicant wtll be prepareJ tn accordance wilh, but not necaearily he IimiteJ lo the following: l. The �ubmb�ton of building elevaUon drawings for ihe propoeed apaHment and tawnhouse unila which indieale lhe overall height, maesing, architeclurnl details, and e:le�tor m�leriau of t6e buildinge; 2. The su6mieefon of A land�cape plan and Associated Jetail� illustraling proposcd on- ilte plantinga, stree�cApe anJ walkway Irealmenb, rehobilitnlion pinnt(nge for the { weUand anJ buRer area�, and Aoy �pecial Jeelgn areua such as the recommended viewing gazebo; 3. The eubmiuion of a Stle Servteing Plan indicnttng the Jelaile of ihe required Starm Water MAnagement PonJ; 4. The eubmi»(an of a 5ile G�ading Plan indicating eitsting and propoaeJ grada acrot� the �ite; 5. The eubmisaion of � etarmwater management repart addreestng Ihe Jetuiled deefgn of lhe �torm waler manwgemeat faeil(ty; 6. The �ubmUeion of An environmental management report; 7. The eubmt�sion of �ed(menl anJ ero�ion conlrol pl�ro; 8. The rcquirement lo enler into ��tle plan agreement wilh and lo lhe ealisfaclton of the Town; 9. The requirement to �ecure ali landseap(ag aad other approprlata e(te worlc� through letter of credit wtlh �nd to the �Att�facdon of the Town; 10. Saltefying ihe Town wild rapect lo lhe dIspo�(tion af oprn epace lands wilhiu Ihe developmeat; 11. Sadsfying the Town wilh rapett to lhe provbion of Ihe pedatrlan walkway along lhe wt Iimit of ihe development �nd tde gazebo lookout at the iout6 lim(t of lhe devdopment; 12. SAtvfylag the Town with rapect to the clsilng and dUpoiltfon ot � porlton of Ihe Be�lty Slreet rad allowante adjacent to lhe projech and 13. Sati�fying the Town w1t4 rapect ta the aeeuaary ipprov�b ihrough the Commiltee of AdJwtment to bring ebout zoning conformity. 7Li� rwalution ie unt w you for your infortnatioo. � G���� G� Bruce Taylor, Town Cle�k