HomeMy WebLinkAboutPL 17/99�N OF p� � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Carroli DATE: November 1,1999 Director of Planning PLANNING REPORT NUMBER: 17-99 SUB7ECT: Proposed Terms of Reference - Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study Jaint Study by the Towns of Pickering end Ajax RECOMMENDATION: That Tawn Council authorizc staff to commencc the Urbnn Study of the Notion Rand Industrial Aren (identified in section 3.17 of the Pickering Official Plan), in collaborntion with slaff of the Town of Ajax as they undertnke u similur review required for ndjacent landsin Ajax; 2. That Town Councii endorse the "Tertns of Reference for the Notion Roud Lnnd Usc and Urbnn Design Study" niWched as Appendix I to Plnnning Report No. 17-99, ns the basis for undertnking this joint Pickerin�/Ajax study; nnd 3. Thnt Town Council authoriu an expenditurc of up lo 55,000 ns Ihe Town's share townrds 50% of the consulting fecs und othcr cxpcnscs that may bc incurtcd through the undcrtaking of this work, with thc rcmnining 50% to bc thc rcsponsibility of the Town of Ajax. �PLtll`►A Councii of the Town of Pickering Resolution NI04/98, which rcquestcd that the Town of Ajax give considerntion to n joint land usc and dcsign study of thc lands in the vicinity of Notion Road, south of Kingston Rond. AUTHORITY: The Planning Act, R.S.0.1990, chapter P.13 FINANCIAL IMPLiCATTONS: Tht ussistance of e consulting tratiic engineer and urbun designcr may be required during lhe preparation of this study. Total pckntiel axpenses nre estimated at 58,000 to 510,000. Funding for the study will bc split evenly between thc two municipalities, to an upset limit of 55,000 each. The Town of Pickering contribution will be drawn from the Planning Depnrtment's approved 1999 budget — Consultative and Professionnl, Account No. 2610•2392, Although this study was not identified as a line item in t�e Planning Budget, the DepartmenCs approved budget did include generel provisions for consultant assistance (technicaVurban dcsign) at SI6,000. Sufficient funds remuin in this budget to cover the 55,000 expcnditurc. 27 � PLANNINO REPORT NUMBER 17-99 Novcmber I,1999 2 g Notion Roed Land Use und Urban Design Study Page 2 EXECGTIVE SUMMARY: The Notion Road area (see Study Aren Mnp - Attnchment NI) conlnins industriul devclopment, and vncant industrielly-wned lend. Concems hnve bcen raised abaut the long-tertn compntibility between thesc uses end the abutting residentiai and open spaca uscs. Underlaking the Notion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study will identify a vision for the future of this uren, and provide direction on appropriate lund uses and urbnn design elemenis. This direction can bc implemented through nmendmenis to the Pickering O�cinl Plan, prcparation of Nution Rond Development Guidelines, and emendments to Zoning By-Inw 3036 if necessary. A Tcrtns of Reference hns been prepnred to guide tho sludy (see Appendix I lo Planning Report No. 17-99). Stnff recommend lhal Council endorse the Terms of Reference and authorize stnfTto work with the Town of Ajax on this joint municipal study. SinfTalso rccommend thut Council nuthorizc an expenditure of up to 55,000 ns the Town's share townrds 50% of the consulting fecs end other expenses ihat muy be incurred ttvough tha undertnking of this work. BACKGROUND: 1.0 Ovetview Notion Road serves ns lhe municipal boundary betwcen Ajnx and Pickering. 1t runs south from Kingston Road nnd connects with Pickcring Parkwuy just north of Highwuy 401. On the eust sidc of Notion Road in Ajax, thcre is commcrciul ond hcavy industrial uses which back onto tho Duffins Crcek vullcy. On Ihc wcst sidc of Notion RonJ in Pickcring, there nre lighter commcrcinVautomotivc•industrial uscs nbutting n rcsidential ncighbourhood to thc west. Hcuvy industrinl activity on thc Ajax sidc has Icd to computibility issucs with thc ndjncent naturnl arca, und residential Innds on the Pickering side. Unrler the cxisting Officiul Plnn and wning Gamework of both municipalilics, potcntiul cxists for additionnl uses ihnt may cxnccrbnte the compatibility issucs. The purpose of the Notion Rond Land Use and Urban Dcsign Study is to eslnblish n vision far the nrea, nnd provide dircction on uppropriate land uscs and urban design rcquiremenls thnt cnn enable compatible devclopment betwecn thc DuRin Creek valley in Ajax, nnd thc existing rcsidential neighbourhoods in Pickering. 2.0 Historv The Pickering Ofliciul Plnn was approved by the Region of Durham in September,1997. The Notion Rond areu was designated as "Urbnn Study Arcn" -- a designntion which recogniud the need for tha further review of eppropriate land uses for this arca. Sectian 3.17 of the Plnn esmblishes a policy Gamework for the icvicw, which mads as follows; "ToHm Counc!! ahalf recognlze as an U�ban Srudy Area on Sehedu/e 1, lands localed saurh oJKingsron Road, along Nollon Road, oppos!!e an lndur!rtal area !n AJar, and, (aJ shal! con.rlder ellmtnaling Ihe Sfudy Area desfgnallon jollowfng complellon oJa lnnd ute and deslgn arudy jor rhe /ands demonslraling tliaf rhe proposed use, (!) Is consla�ent w!�!i the goals, obJecNves and general purpose and lnfent ojlhls Plan; and , FLANNING REPORTNUMBER 1;-9� November I, 1999 29 Notion Roed Land Use and Urban Design Study Pugc 3 (IlJ !s compatlbfe �vlrh !he sur�aunding area glven fhc area's lacarlou between reafdcntlal landr !n Plckering, and lndusdfal fan�lr irt AJax; and (bj consldering the reaul�s oj Ilie abave aludy; aliail eslubllsh, by amendmenl lo Ihls Plan, approprfare latd we desfgna!!au and paflcles, " Currently, there are no uctiva development applications within lhe lands designnted "Urbun Study Ana". Howcver, the owner of the largest purcel of vacant lund hus bcen in discussions with the Town recently ubout resolving the Swdy Arcu designntion so thnt thcy can devclop thcir lands. In lute 1997, J. & F. Waste Systems inc. submitted n wning bylaw umcndment nppli;ation to the Town of Ajex, which proposed the operation of n m�dti•muterinl wnstc rec�very and transfer fncility ul 57 Notiun Road. The application was opposcd by the Council of the Town of Pickering and denied by the Cauncil of thc Town of Ajax. In April of 1998, ihe applicant appealed lhis decision to lhe Ontnrio Municipul Board. Following the appeal, both municipnlities and seveml resident groups prepured for an Onlario Municipal Doard hearing. During these prcparutions, Pickering Council reqiiested that the Town of Ajux entcr into a joint Innd use and design study for the Notion Road arcu (sce Resolution N140/98 - Attachmcnt #2). Thc study would provide input inlo lhe Ajax Official Plun Review, which was underway, as wcll as resolve thc Urban Study Area designution in th: Pickering Officiul Plan. The resolution further stated thnt Ajax end Pickering stuff should prcparc intcrim controi by-Inws to restrict thc possible establishment of ncw uscs thnt muy conflict with the results of thc land usc and design study. In October of 1998, .1. & P. Wustc withdrew its appcal and nll npplicalions for 57 Notion Road. At this time, the compnny is not pursuing devclopmenl proposnls for the site. 3.0 Discussion Alihough !. 8e F, Wnstc has wilhdmwn its appliculions, it is still approprinlc to proceed with a review of the Notion Road tuen. Considering that the Ajux O�cial Plnn Rcview is ongoing, nnd thnt the Study Arca designntion in thc Pickcring Ofticinl Plan hns not been nddresscd, this is a good opporlunity for both municipalitics to jointly undcrtakc a study of this aren. 3.1 Terms of Reference Plenning stuff from Ajax und Pickering hnve prepared a Tertns of Refercnce for u "Notion Road Land Use nnd Urban Design Study", which is ottnchcd as Appendix I to this Report. The Tcrms eswblish a straightfonvard approach to undertaking the study (see section 3- Methodology and Timing), with stnkeholdedpublic consultation nt key points. The scope of the study will tocns un land uso nnd design issues • site specific issues such as servicing, potential soil contamination. stortnwater management etc., will be the responsibiliry of londowners when future development praposals ere submittcd. Completion of the study will providc direction on appropriate land uses and urbnn design clements for the Notion Road arca. This direction will provide the basis of an amcndment to the Pickering Offciel Plan, prepnration of Notion Rond Development Guidelines, and amendments to Zoning By-lew 3036 if necessary. The study will nlso provide direction to the Town of Ajux as it prcpnres a drnR OlTicial Plan. PLANNMG REPORT NUMBER 17•99 November I,1999 3 � Notion Roed Land Use and Urban Design Study Pnge 4 Stafi'recammend that Council initiate the study of the Notion Road Industriul Arca, end endorse the "Tecros of Referencc for the Nolion Rond Land Usc and Urbnn Design Study", ntmched es Appendix 1 to Plnnning Report No. 17-99, as the basis for wderleking e joint Pickering/Ajux study for d�is area. 3.2 Timing Tha Notion Road Land Use end Urban Design Study will commence once nuthoriud by CounciL It is anticiputed the sludy will require 5 to 6 months to complete. 3.3 Study Funding Although the mejority of the work will be undertaken by Ajax and Pickering stal'f, there muy bc u need for the assistancc of a consulting iraffic engineer and urban dcsigner. Thc tratTc engineer will review land use ultemalives and comment on the ndequucy of the existing rond network to serva those altemutives. The urbun design consultnnt will provido input into lund use altemutives, prepnre streetscape skctches, and prepare urban design guidclines Cor the aren. Thc tmflic engineer's fees have becn cstimntcd at 51,500 to 52,500, and the utban designcr fees hnve been estimated nt 55,000 to 56,000, Approximntely S1,500 will nlso be requircd for mnpping, reproduction costs, and other disbursements. Totnl potential expenses nre estimaled al 58,000 lo S 10,000 Stuff recommend Ihat funding for the sludy be split cvenly bctwccn thc two municipalities, lo an upsel limit of S5,000 ench. The Town of Pickcring conlribution will be drawn from thc Planning Dcpartmcnt's npproved 1999 budgct. 3.4 Interim Control Dy-law Pickering Council Resolution k104/98 stales thnt if u Innd usc nnd design study for thc Notion Rond arca is initintcd, Ajuu nnd Pickering stnff should be directed to prepare interim conlrol byInws for Council's considcmtion thut would restrict the possible establishment of new uses in the areu that may con0ict with the rcsults of the Innd usc end design study. At this tima, smff do not consider an interim conuol by-law to be nccessury. Typically, such by-laws are implemented in response to a perceived threat that proposals for ineppropriate uses for u certuin ereu, or uses that mny prejudice the outcome of a study, are imminentiy forthcoming. Considering that J. & F. Waste hus withdrawn thcir applications, and no other similar proposals have emerged, such a threat is nol apparent. If these circumstances change, staff will report bnck to Council to seek direction on this matter. 3.5 Other Metters Ajux Council considcrcd a staf[ report on the "Terms of Reference for the Notion Road Land Use end Urban Design Study" on November 1,1999. The Tenns of Reference werc endorsed without modificution, and Ajox staff were directed to work with Pickering smf� to undertake lhe Study. A drsft copy of thc Terms of Refercnce wes sent to nil lnndowncrs within the Pickering poRion of thc study arca. A copy wus also fonvnrded to thc Arock Eust Community Association. PLANNINa REPORT NUMBER 17-99 November I, 1999 31 Notion Rosd Land Use and Urbun Design Study Page 5 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Study Area Mup 2. Cauncil Resolution #104/98 Preparcd By: � cKnight Plenner 2 � Calherine L. Rosc Mnnnger, Policy Division GM/ph Attachments cc: Director of Finance & Treasurer Recommended for the considerution of Pickcring T Council „ � mes J. i , , � Chicf Administrative Otiicer Approved / Endorse � Ne� Carro Director o I ing '� �! -r i ;�'� - , �` �' ' � �J..��t���i:� .�.,, ,..,,. ,rv,�. .,. . Fx� . . . , >.. . � , , . . . _ 32 . APPFNDIX I TO PI.ANNING REPORT NUhIDE7t 17-99 , '� � � �t,� � l ,',,;' �� � ,,;,�,,� ?` - _1 TERMS OF REFERENCE for the NOTION ROAD LAND USE and URBAN DESIGN STUDY �o�a oF p���� � � '�� c�i �f+i��� A Joint Study by the Town of Ajax and the Town of P(ckering OCTOBER 1999 Appcndix I to Vlwmiug Report Nwnbcr 17-99 �'°�� z 3 3 INDEX g o Section N° Pa e 1. Purpose of the Study ........................................................1 2. Study Area .................................................................................. 1 3, Background ............................................................................... . 2 4, Policy Context ................................................................... 2 5. Methodology and Timing ........................................................ 5 6. Study Approach .......................................................................... 6 � � �' il ,�� 3 4 pppendix 1 lo I'Iwining Rcport Nwnbcr 17-99 {'agc 3 NOTI�N ROAD LAND USE AND URBAN DESIGN STUDY TERMS OF REFERENCE 1. Purpose ofthe Study "Not(on Road" is the municipal boundary between lhe Town of Ajax and the Town of P(ckering in lhe area north of H(ghway No. 401 and soulh of Kingston Road. For many years, lhe lands an either side of Notion Road have been used for a variety of industrial and automotive repair lype uses. Mare recently, residential uses have been developed on lands west of Nolion Road in the Town af P(ckering, while lhe lands to lhe east of Not(on Road in lhe Town of AJax have generally maintained their industria� character. The purpose af lhe Notion Road Land Uso and Urban Design Study is to examina the current land use mix and to recommend appropriale land use designatfons and policies to gulde fulure development ano land use change wilhin the area. As well, general urban design guidelines will be propared to assfst in (mproving the physical appearance of the area as development and redevelopmenl occurs wilhin lhe area over time. 2. Study Area The "Study Area" is defined as Kingslon Road to the north, ihe easterly limit of the Du�ns Creek corridor to the east, Highway No. 401 to the south, and lhe westerly limit of the firsl row of lots fronting the wesl sfde of Nolfon Road to the west (see Map'A"). Orchard Road provides access to the interior of the Study Area east of Notion Raad. The size of lhe Study Area is approximately 58.1 hectares (139 acres) wilh 51 hectares (128 acres) be(ng located in the Town of Ajax, and 5.1 hectares (13 acres) being located in the Town of Pickering. On lhe east side of Nol(on Road In Ihe Town af AJax, Ihe lands conlain a variety of uses (nclud(ng a lumber yard, cemetery, aulo salvage yard, and concrete balching plants. On the west side of Notion Road, In lhe Town of Pickering, lhe lands closest to Kingston Road are generally developed wfth Iight industrial and automotive repair type uses. South of lhese light induslrial and automotive rapair type uses, lhe lands are vacant. To lhe west of the Study Area in the Town of P(cker(ng, the lands have been developed far resfdential purposes. Dufflns Creek runs in a soulh-easlerly direcl(on almost parallel lo Notion Road and forms lhe easterly Iimit of the Sludy Area. , Page 1 Appcndix I to Plwuiing Rcpod Numbcr 17-99 Pngc � 3 J 3. Background On November 28,1997, J&F Waste Systems Incorporated ("J&F") submilled a re-zon(ng applicatfon to lhe Town of Ajax to permit the development oi a multi•material recovery/ transfer tacility at 57 Nolion Road, On February 16, 1998, the Council of the Town of P(ckering provided commenls regarding lhe proposed re-zonmg applfcation. Pickering Council recommended lhe application be opposed, and further recommended to Town of Ajax Council: 'Thaf .., conslderefion be given fo reviewing fhe fype o( indusfrial development fo; fhe lands In AJax east ol Nofion Road in order fo esfablish a/ong-fem► vision for the area Ihaf !s more compnfible wifh residenflal uses." On July 8,1998, Town of Ajax Council pa3sed Iho following resolutions; `Thef fhe Town o( Ajax recognize fhe need (o co-ordinale land use planning on bofh sldes ol NoOon Road; and Thst fhe Town ol AJax sfaff be insfruc(od fo participnfe with Town o/Picke►ing staff ln the revlew o/ fhe Speclal Policy Aren on the west side ol Notion Road and to report back to fhe Commiffee o/ Il�e lM�olo meefing scheduled for September 14, 1998; and Thaf (he Town of Pickering sfaf( nnd area residenfs be invited to rnal�e su6missions and colla6orofe wilh thn Town of AJax sfaff in the Town ol AJax O�cial Plan Review now undenvay. " On March 2, 1998, AJax Council refused J8F's re•zoning application. J�F appealed that decislon to lhe Ontario Municipal Board, but later wilhdrew the appeal; lheir fnterest in the propozal has now ceased. Neve�iheless, Councils' dfrec8on la undertake a sludy of the Notion Road area continues to remain as a valid and worthwhile planning requirement. 4. Policy Context 4.1 Durham Regional Officfal Pian The Durham Regional Official Plan ('the Durham OP") which was approved in part, by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing on November 24, 1893, designates lands fn the vicinity of the Study Area 'Living Areas", "Employment Area" and 'Major Open Space' fn recognftfan of the Du�ns Creek corridor. ' Page 2 3 6 AppcnJixllo Plnnning Rcport Numbcrl7•99 Pogc S With regard to lhe Employment Areas designalfon, Section 11.3.1 of lhe Durham OP states, In part, as foilows: '11.3.1 Employment Areas ... shall be used (or manufacfuring, assem6ly and processing of goods, service lndustriol, researoh and development facilitles, warehousing, buslness parks, limifed personal service uses, hotels, sforage o/ goods and maferials, refaif warehouses, Ireighf fransfer and (ransportafion facilifies. Such uses shall be doslgnafed in appropriafe locafions /n fhe �espec(ive areo municipal officlal plans !n accorclance wifh fhe provlslons of fhls Plan. ..." Wilh regard lo lhe Major Open Space designation and the Du(fins Creek corridor, Section 2.2.1 af the Durham OP stales, in part, as follows: "2.2.1 In fhe planning and developmonf of fl�v Refllon, tfie nafural environment, whlch includes areas designaled os .., Major Open Space and feafures such as environmenfally sensilive aroas, valley sysfems, wafer resou�es and plant and anlmal habifafs, shn116e given paramounf conslderotfon !n Iight of fheir ecologicdl funcfions and sciontific end educa(ional values." Under Section 2.1.4 of the Durham OP, lhe exact extent of these designatlons are to be defined in lhe area municipal plans and zoning bylaws. 4.2 Town of Pickering Officfal Plan and Zoning By-law The Town of Pickering O(ficial Plan ("lhe Pfckering OP") designates the lands within the Study Area as "Urban Study Areas". The Urban Study Areas designation recogn(zes lands w(thfn lhe Town of Pickering where turlher study is required before fulure land uses can be determined. This jofnt Notion Road Land Use and Urban Desfgn Study is inlended to fulfil the requirements of SecUon 3.17. Until the required Sludy is completed, the Pickering Official Plan permits conserva8on, environmental protecUon, restoration, educaUon, passive recreation, and similar uses. Exisling lawfui uses are also permitted. "3.17 Town Council shail recognize as an Urban Study Area on Schedule I, lands located south of Kingslon Road, along NoNon Road, oppo3lte an industrial area In Ajax, and, (a) shall cansfder eflminaling lhe Study Area designation following completfon of a tand use and design study for lhe lands� demonslrating thet the proposed use, Page 3 . AppcnJix 1 to Plwming Rcport Numbcr 17-99 Pagc G 37 (i) is consistent with the goals, obJectives and general purpose and intent oF this Plan; and (ii) is compatible with lhe surroundfng area given ihe area's location between residential lands fn Pickering, and fndustrial lands in A)ax; and, (b) considering the results oE lhe above sludy, shall establish, by amendment to thfs Plan, appropriale Icnd use designal(ons and policies". Pickering's Zoning By-law 3038 zones the lands M1, M1-S, and M1-4, various storage and light manufactur(ng zones. 4.3 Town Rf Ajax Officfal Plan and Zoninfl By-law The Study Area within the Town of AJax is designaled "Industrial" by the "A2 Community f'lan" whlch was approved by the Ministry of Municipal A(fairs on March 25, 1988. The permilted uses wilhin lhe Industrial designatfon include industr(al, manufacturing and warehousfng uses. The current approved A2 Communily Plan furiher states: tindustrial uses sl�all be permitfed lo confinue and 6e developed in the area south o( Highway No. 2, east ol Nofion Road, west of Du�ns Creek, and north of Hlghway No. 401 ". An outcome of the study will be to cansider whether the above policy direction should continue to guide lhe development of Ihe area In the fulure. The Town of AJax's Zoning By-law 35-77, as amended zones the lands with(n the Study Area Heavy Induslrial `M3", Public Use "0" and park "G-Specific" Zones. . 4.4 Duff(ns Creek Corridor The Toronto and Region Conservation Authorily ("lhe TRCA") has identified large portions of lhe Study Area as being located within a"Special Polfcy Area" where development must comply with the provis(ens of a comprehensive Ilood plain management pol(cy (see Map "B"). The completion of this Study will requlre considerable direct input from TRCA staff. 3. Methodology and Timtng Page a 38 Appendix I lo Piwu�ing Rcport Numbcr 17-9� Pngc ) The Nolion Road Land Use and Urban Design Study is a joint study to be undertaken cooperalively by planning staff from both the Town of Ajax and Pickering over a five to six month period. The Study is proposed to praceed in Phases, as outlined below. Phase 1 (November 1999) � Assembly and analysis of background fnformatfon (e,g. base mapping, history of the area, review of MOEE Certificates of Approval) � Walking tour with TRCA representatives and interested members of the public � Land use (nvenlory � Discussions with industrial landowners and summary of landowner issues and concerns Phase 2(late November or early December 1999) � Open House #1 � The primary purpose of Ihis Open House fs to present the findings af the Phase 1 wark and to receive input from lhe a�ea residents to further refine the list of issues and concems to be regarded in lhe formuiatfon of land use allernatives. ?hase 3 (December 1999/January 2000) � Review and analysis of commenls and additional background information � Prepare land use allernatives � TraKc Consultanl's review of transporfation issues � Urban Desfgn Consultant enga9ed to provide comment on the allernatives, prepare clreotscape sketches and prepare general urban design guidelines for the area. � Progress report to Ajax and Pickerin� Councils (mid to �ale January 2000) Phase 4 January / February 20Q0) � Open House �2 � The primary purpose of lh(s Open House is to present and receive fnput on the land use allernalives and on the preliminary Urban Design work. After this Open House, a decfslon will be made on whelhor to have a thlyd Open House to present a preferred land use altemati���9. Phase 5 (February / March 2Q00) � Prepare Final Sludy Report � � Presentation of the F(nal Report to Councils of the Town of Ajax and P(ckering (FebruarylMarch 2000) Page 8 Appcndix I lo I'Imming Rcporl Nwnbcr 17-99 I'ugc 8 6. Study Approach 39 6.1 JaxlPickering Resaonaibilities ; The Nolion Road Land Use and Urban Desfgn Study is being undertaken Joinlly by staff of the Town of Ajax and the Town of Pickering Planning Deparlments. It is recognized that Ihe majority of lhe lands within the Sludy Area are located wilhin lhe Town of AJax; hence, it fs anlicipaled that Town of AJax staff will likely invesl more time in the Study from a staKng point of viaw. Nohvfthstanding, the responsibi�ily to complele lhe study on time, as outifned above, rests equally with planninc� staff from both Ajax and Pickering. 8.2 AJaxlPickering Studv Oblectivos : The obJective of the Study from the Town of AJax's pe�spective is lo assist in determfning appropriate land use desfgnapons and po�icies for lhe area to be included in ils new Official Plan, which is currenlly in•process at the tfming of writing these Terms oF Reference. The Study objective from the Town oi Pickerinq's perspecUve is to assist in determining appropriate land use designalions and policfes lo rep�ace the "Urban Study Areas" designalion which currently applies to the lands on the west side of Notion Road, As well, both Ajax and Pickering are fntent on having Urban Design GuldeHnes for Ihe area to assist fr improving the appearance of Ihe area as development and redevelopment occurs in the fulure. 6.3 Study Reaort ; The final producl of llie Study will be a Final Report, authored jointly by plannfng slaff from AJax and Pickering. It is expected lhat lhe Town of Ajex wfll rely on lhis Final Report to prepare and Justify the land use designations and policies to be inaluded in its new Official Plan; whereas, it is expected that the Town of Pickering wiil use lhe Final Report as the bas(s for an OKciai Plan Amendment to replace lhe 'Urban Study Areas" designation which applies lo the lands on the west side of Notion Road. P(ckering may process zoning by-law amendments tor lands on the west side of Notion Road as well. It is expected that AJax will address any zon(ng malters as parl of a new Compiehensive Zaning By- law. 6.4 Conaultants and Consultant Coat Estimates : The consultanls required to assist in the compfelion of lhis Sludy include a Tra�c Consultant and an Urban Design Consultant. The 1'raffic Consultant will be requlred lo review the �and use alternatives and comment on the adequacy of the road network lo accammodale those ailernatives. The cost far lhe Traffic Consullant's work is estimated to be $1,500 to 2,500. The role of the Urban Design Consultant is to provide (nput Into the alternatives, io prepare streetscape sketches and to prepare general urban design guidelines for the area. The cost for the Urban Desipn Cansultant is eatimeted to be up to $5,000 -$8,000. The Urban Design Consultent's work will be (ncluded as a componont of the Final Report, � Page 8 � O Appendix 1 to Pimming Report Nwnbcr,l7-9J ;' Pagc � It should be noted lhat the Study will �(nvolve the preparation of an Environmental Master Servicing Plan and will not involve any other detailed environmental studies such as soi�s or air quality testing. It is expected thal these types of issues will be dealt wilh as implementation malters in the final policy documenls. 6.6 Studv Costs; The tolal cansultant cosls as indiceled above (s $8,500 to $8,500. In addition, +!- $1,500 is required for mapping and other disbursements, bringing lhe total Study cost in at $8,000 to $10,000. The Study costs will be split equaily between t{ie Town of Ajax and the Town of Pickering with the understanding thal each Town's abligaUon will not exceed $5,000. 6.6 Oaen Houses and Public Pnrticipation : Nolfces af the Open Houses will be published (n the local (AJax and Pickering) newspapers lo ensure the widest possible coverage, The intent is to encourage pubHc partic(paqon in the Study process. in that regard, specific notice of the Open Houses will be mailed to those wilhin the Study Area, lhose within 120 melres af tho Sludy Area, the Presidenls of "Pickering ,4jax Cflizens Together (PACT) and Ihe "Brock East Cilizens Association" (BECA;, the P(ckering Village BIA, as well as the elecled repressntalives from Fickerfng and Ajax. It is also expecled that staff irom lhe Region of Durham Planning Department and the TRCA will play an active role in the Sludy process. �4 �. �� ;� , Pege 7 Y • . ` �� � � � F ��. ��a *�i-���i �e ' .'t;u�ay • i � ���. . '�M �`. � �:ailrii�„ .�:t;�A.. 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ATTACHMENT q � TO PLANI�INO REPORT N /7-99 44 INTE�-DFPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM GLERK'S DEPARTMCNT DATE: Juue 3,1998 • Neil Carcoll, Director of Planning FROM: Bnue Taylor, Town Clerk Please ba advised that the Council of the Town of Pickering passed Resolution N104/98 at a Regulur Council Meeting of June 1, 1998. WFiEREAS J. & F. Wasle Systems Inc. has submitted Zoning Qy-Imv Amendment Applicalion Z 20/97 to t6e Corporalion of the Town of Ajuz lo permit llie opernliuu of a mullt-malerial recovery/tran�fer fucility at 57 Nolion Rond; and WIiEREAS lhe Coundl af lhe Corporation of ihe Town of I'ickering pnsseJ Resolulion N34/98, Ilem 1, opposing Zaning [iylaw Amaidment Applicntion Z 20/97, lhe Cowicii of lhe Corporution of tlie Town o( Ajnx dcnicd Zoning Dy-Imv Amendment Applicution Z 20/97, and J.&�F;iyVasle„Systenis`Lie: lins nppcalcd tlic deciaion of Ajnz Council to lhe Onlario Municipul Uourd; nud 1 WIIEREAS Pickering hn� since at leust June 1995 iJentificd the Jesiri�biUty uf � includfng lhe IenJs nJjacent lo Notion ro{�J as a specinl sludy arca and appropriately the Pickering OlTicinl Plan aJopteJ in M1tnrcl� I997 ideutifics nn Urban Swdy Area on the IsnJs aJjacent ro Notion Roud in Pickering nud Policy 3.17 of lue Plckerfng Official Plan inJicafes Uiat Council shnll cunsider cliioinating U�e Urban Sludy Area designation nnd ulablishing nppraprinlc IanJ usc designations and policies following compleAmi of u laud use ond design sludy; nnd WHEREAS the Corpornlion of Ihe Town of Ajnx Is currenlly undergoing a review of ils OlTicfal Plan; and WiiE[tEAS currenl zoning of lands udjacent to Notion Rond in Pickeriug allo�vs light induslrial uset, and current zoning in Ajax between Naliou Rood nnd Duffins Creek allows 6eavy industrial u�a; NOW TiIEREFORE the Council of U�e Corpurntion of Ihe Town of Pickering hereby requesb thnt the Council of the Carporntion of tl�e Town af Ajnx give coaeiderulion to a joint land use anJ design atuJy of tl�e Innds in tlie viciuity of Nolion Road, souq� of Kingston Rond; nnd .', , : ... , ecwr u a To 1 i: ; , r��OAT u�Z:Yl � 95 z TfiAT, auould a lund uee und de�igu study of the InnJs (n lhe victnily of Noliuu Road be initiuled, the Council of lhe Corpornlion of lBe Towu oi Pickeriug nnd Ihe Council of the Corporation of ihe Town of AJux direct tl�cir sinff to prepnrc appropriate Inlerim coptrol zoning by-iaws for t6eir cansideration fu order lo ratrict the possible atabl(shment of new uses which mey conilict with ll�e resulls of the land use and design study; and THAT thb resolulton be forwanled to: 1. The Town Clerk of the Corporntion o� the Town of Ajn: 2. B. Hendenon, J. & F. Naste Syslems Inc., G(0 Finlcy Avenuc, Ajnx, LIS 2E3 3. The Onturio Municipul [tonrd This resolution is sent to you for your information. � Brucc Taylor, Town Clerk � cc • T,J. Quinn, General Manager , �.,