HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 30/99�. .. . 42 �a OF p� ,�0 � � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Denisa Bye DATE: luly 8, 1999 Manager, Legal Serviccs REPORTNUMBER: L30/99 SUBIGCT: Part Lot Contral By-Law - Woodsmere Properties Limitcd - Lots I, 2, 8, 9, 13 and l4, Plan AOM•1943 - File: P4101.194 RECOMMGNDATION: A Pert Lot Control 13yLuw should bc ennctcd lo excmpt Lots I, 2, S, 9, 13 und 14, Plan 40M-1943, Pickcring, from thc subdivision control provisions of thc PlunningAcl. ORIGIN: Rcqucst Gom Tiffany Pnrk Homcs rcccivcd July S, 1999. AUTFIORITY: PlannGigAcf, R.5.0. 1990, chaptcr P.I), scclion 50. E3ACKGROUND: Thc above-mcntioncd IonJs arc bcing developcd in accordnncc with thc approprialc Subdivision Agreement and Zoning �yLnw, in such u manncr lo allow morc thun onc dwclling unit to bc conslrucicd on each of the lots referrcd to. Attached hercto is a drnR byInw, enaclment of which will exempl these lands Gom Qic pnrt lot control provisfons of Ihc PlanningAcl, thus permitting tmnsfers of thosc units into separale ownership, This by- law is in Ihe form usuelly cmployed in such cnses. ATTACFIMENTS: 1. DraD byInw. 2. Site Sketch/Locntion Mnp. Prcparcd/Approvcd by: D� Dy D�:Ijm Attachmenls Copy: Chicf Administretive Officcr Directorof Plenning Recommended for �he consideratlon of Pickedng Town Council ' I�3 I o ee J, Q n, C6ie dminia ' Oir c� ,i - � � • ' 43 TH� CORPORATION OF THE TO11M Of PICKFRIN UY•LAW NO. 5535/99 Ueing n byf�nulo exempt Lols 1,1, 8, 9, /j G11(I I�I, Plun aDhf- 19�3, Plckerrng, fram pnr� lot cunrral. WHEREAS pursuant to Ihe provisions of scclion 50 of the Planning,lcr, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13, thc council of �he municipuliry mny by bylaw provide that section 50(5) of the Act does not apply ta certain Innds within a plan of subdivision designnted in the by-luw; NOW THERGFORE, Ihe Council of The Corpomtion of Ihe To�en of Pickcring HEREE3Y BNACTS AS FOLLOI4S: I. Seciion 50(5) of the Plunning dcr, R.S.O. 1990, chaptcr P. U, docs not apply Io Ihc Innds dcscribed as follows: Lots I, 2, 8, 9, 13 nnJ 14, Plan 40h1•19d3, Pickcring. 2. This bylaw shall remain in forcc and cffcct for a perioJ of six months from thc Jatc of tlic passing of this bylaw nnd shull c:cpirc on January 20, ?000. DY•LAW rcad u first, sccond and Ihird time and finally passcJ this :OIh day of July, 1999. P1101,191 Waync Arthurs, dlayor Druce Tnylor, Clcrk � � . � . � . � � . i . � . . . . . . . . . . .. . . i . . . ., . .. . I . . . .... � � � � � ;I , , � , � • � . • � � . ,, , �r �