HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 32/971 ' _� �.. �0�� QF p�� F Z Q REPORT TO COUNCIL ?" 1�� . �'/� . �o G FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, Clvat DATE: June 13, 1997 Town Clerk REPORT N0: CL 37l97 SUBJECf: Propased Household Hazardous Waste Depot at 1220 Squues Beach Road RECOMMENDATION: That the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Pickering hereby supports the Regional Municipaliry of Durham in its application ta the Ministry of Environment and Energy for a Cenificate of Approval to operate a household hazardous waste depot on Saturdays et 1220 Squires Beach Road, Pickering, Ontario. ORIGIN: Letter Bom the Region of Durham dated May 22, 1997 AUTHORITY: Environmental Protection Act FIIVANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Curtent Year: Not Applicable BACKGROUND: Please be advised that the Council of the Regional Municipaliry of Durham passed the following raolutian at its regular mr.ting of May 7, 1997: A. THAT subJect to the receipt of � Certificate of Approval, the Regioa enter into an Agreement with Durham Materiala Recovery Eacility which would Allow lhe Region to aperate a hou�ehold hurrdou� wa�te depot at 1220 Squtrea Beach Ro�d ia Plckering and the Regional ChAir and Cierk be authorfzed to e:ecute the �greement. B. AND THAT the Region not accept Propo�al, N-609-97, from Republie Eavironmental System� (Ptckertag) Ltd. for the openlion of A household hazardous woete depot it their Pfekering fociNfy. I have attached for your information a copy of the Report of the Region's Commissioner of Worke which the Regional Council considered in conjunction with the above resolution. . � � .,.,n I��J . --2-- This propoaal hes ban acemined by thc Dirator of Pianning and Technical Servicey Manager end their wmments ere alw attached hereto for your information. Basically, Town of Pickering staft'support thie proposel for the following reasonr I. The lands at 1220 Squires Beach Road are zoned to permit the operation of a household hazardous waste depat. 2. The present site is govemed by a Site Plen Agrcement with Durham Materiais Recovery Facility and the use proposed should not interfere with the proper functioning of the site. Only minor changes need to be made to the Site Plan. 3. 1'he household hezardous waste depot will function only one Saturday per month and containers end fecilities essociated with the use will be set up and removed on the same day. 4. The site is convenient to the residents to dispose of small loads of residential waste end the'v household hazardous weste at thc same site. Brucc Taylor, AMCT, CMM Town Clerk � ;7 .. ->: , . 'f � , . . � . ,� . I4' � � . M.YZ2, �99� m• Rw�onal Munlelpolty ot ourh�m worW Departmenl 8ax B23 103 Conaumen Dr. Whitby, Onhdo Caned� L I N 8AJ (9061888•7721 Fax�g0518B8•2061 V.A. 911pU11�, r.��� Commi�aloner ol Worka Ptea�e quote our ret Town of Pickering nr•: � ���-n One the Esplenede rov�• :'. ' Pickaing,Ontario,LlV6K7 . � 7.3 ;.., Attention: �� .5 `s=T Mr. Bruce Teylor, AMCT, CMM Town Clerk Dear Mr. Taylor, RE: Dieposal of Household Hezardous Wastes in the Town of Pickering In a letter dated February 28, 1997, the Region requested comments &om the Town regerding a proposal to establish a residentiel household hazardous waste depot in Pickering. The proposed depot was to be located at RepubGc Enviranmental System's faciliry at 1070 Tay Avenue. Comments provided by your Works end Planning staffwere very much eppreciated. Varioua methods of providing this type of secvice were examined by the Region. Our 8ndings were presented to Regional Works Committee end a copy of the Commi�sioner of Works' Repart No. 97•WR•3 is attached. The recommendations were subsequently epproved by Regional Council on May 7, 1997. The purpose of thi� lener is to obtain the support of the Town of Pickering for the Region to meke application to the Ministry of Environment and Energy for a Certi6cate of Approvel to operate a household hezardous weste depot on Saturdays at 1220 Squires Beach Road in Pickering. To assist in expediting the appGcation process, it is bene6cial to include all the nceessary approvals and attachments with our submission to the Ministry. Should you have any question� or concerns regarding this request or the application to the IvMistry, please contact me. 1 TV� P. Watwn, P. Eng. Menager of Wute Reduction cc: J. McCorkell Counctllor R Johnson r•� J � . . . �oouvo�iean�wiw � � . .. , . , �.. . . � .. � .. � �. . . . I. . . . . . .. . . . � � .. . �1�I� ��ti ' . . . . . . . .. ReQion�l Municipdiry of Durham ( Works neputmsm . Commiuioner'a Report to Worke Committca Report No. 97-WR-3 Due: AAril29, 1997 Sui+iact HOUSEHOLD F�AZARQOUS WASTE SERViCE FOR THE PICKERWG AJAX AREA BecsIDmeudat'tOni: — A TEiAT subjat to the rxeipt of a Certi6cate of Approval, the Region enter into an agreanent with Durhem MateriaL� Recavay FaciGty which would allow the Region to opaate e house6old hazardous waste depot at 1220 Syuires Beach Roed in Pickaing and the Regional Che'v ar�d Ck�k be euthorized to exavte the agrament. B. AND 7'FIAT the Region not accept Proposal, N-609-97, Gom Republic Environmmtal Systems (Pickering) Ltd. far the operation of a household huardous waste depot at their Pickering fuiliry. BSAB[t ' 'I1ro Housefroid Haurdau Waste (HFIV� Depot at the fortner Brock West Landfill Site ie scheduled to be pamanmtly closed on May 31, 1997. Special arrangements have been made with MeVopoGt�n Toronto Work� Depertmrnt to extend the hours of operation of this faciliry from the current ane and a half days a wak to two and a half deys � week during the lest month of opaation. The new houn during May will be Mondeys and Wednadays Crom 8:00 am to 3:30 pm and on Saturdays from 7:00 am to 12,30 pm. 'i1�e site will be closed on Victoria Day and will open the next day, Tuesday, instead. A news rdeau wiU be issued shonly to advise uea residents of these changa. The Re�on raeived a proposal from Republic Environmental Systems (Pickering) Ltd. to receive, process and �dispou of•residearial household herardous wanes at their commercial faci4ry in Pickering. The Proposal required the bidder to provide a reeidential HHW depot urvia, ona every month, Cor a twelve month pilot period. Subjact to the aaeptarxe of the Proposal by the Region, paymau would be on a disposal cost per meteria! buis and a service fee to operate the Saturday only events. The Proposal was carefully examined by Regionel staff and the total atimated cost waz C eppro�dmetely S 142,000. 'fhis wae damed to be too expmsive and it is recommended the Region not uapt this Proposal. WM l 2 pwfjm . , • � -- . �'' . i4� Page 2 RepoR 9�'WR-3 Dete: Apri129.1997 RerMrt (Cont'dl M eltemative method of providing e similu kfliW depot service wu examined. The eltem�tive required the Region to aublieh e suitable drop off location in the Ajax/Pickering area and to administer the receiving and hnuling of such wuta using Regional staff. The materials collated would be delivered to the HHW facilities at the Oshawa Transfer Swtion for wbuquent proauing and disposal. The total estimued nnnual cost for titis savice is approximatdy SS0,000. The Region currendy manages the mataiaL� collxted at the FIIiW depots at Scugog and Brcek Township Waste Facilities in a similar manntt. , Signi6cam savings can be realized within the lte�on's existing operadon. For example, about one half the paint raaved is given away at no chargc through the "Paint Fxchmge", the Region raeives revawe for car batteries instead of being a cost, aerosol cans aro procesaed before disposal tMu re,ducing the amoum of wute by about 75°.'0, and otha matuials wch as unwam�d moror oil have less expensive disposal costs due to �he voluma of materials regularly received by the Re�on. The Region approached the owners of Durham Materids Recovery Facility (Df�tF), who opaate a liwued waste transfer faciliry at 1220 Squires Beach Road in Pickering, and roquated they wnsider the ux of their front parking lot azea as a drop off location for local raidential household hazardous wasta. A copy of the lener to DhIItF ouUining the details of the proposal is anached to this report. Durham Materials Recovery Faaliry have egrced in prinaple, They heve offered the use of their faciliry at no charge to the Region, subjat to the Re�on obtaining al� the necesaary approvals. A copy of thar letter is elso attached. (t is recommended the Region enter into an ae•xment with DIWtF for the use of thrir property for thae Saturday HHW depot events There is a bmefit in having a Ffl{W depot operation at a location where residenis can elao dispose of their small loads of household waste. This was a concem of lowl nwnidpal ua&'and thus this additional commiena should assist residrnts in the disposal of tt�dr househo�d hazardous wastes. With effective advertising and promotion, as well as featura in future local wute management and blue box recycling calendars, residents should be well infortned, 3 �., i�� , P�e3 r Repprt 97-WR-3 Dite: Apri129, 1997 Be�.(Cant:dl Ztie M'i 'nstry of thei Environnxnt end Energy, have edhyed thu a Ccrti6cate of Approval u reqirirad Por this wvia and atha the property owner or the Region with the proP�Y owna's approval rtuy make �ach an application. It is rccommmded the Region rtuke the necesury �pplicui�n and the loal offia of the Ministry Iw agreed to auist. Tbaa m no provi9on� in tha �pproved 1997 SoGd Wute Muugemmt Budget for thi� SP�++� Pro1at• Nowever, it is uuicipued the estimued cost of 530,000 to apaate wch a depot xrvice for the balenu of the yeu can be ebsorbed within tbe tota! budget. This rcport has ban revinved by the Supply dc Savica Diviaioo of the Finance Dep�rtment. /1� ��'`�`�' � V.A Silgailis, P. En . . `� , Commistioner of W rka Recommrnded Por prexntuion to Cortunittee G. . Cu .W. C ef 'strative Offiar . � 4 . ; � ; > � � - :. . DtTRXRM MRTERIRIS RECOT/F•RY 1� 5 , FRClL1TY JNC. 1720 �p Wrn bweh Ilood, Pkluruq, Onbrb LI W 7ZS TiL• (905161l•Ti19 F� p031119•7�11 April2l, 1997 Fax: 905-66&2pS1 & ReQular Ma(I The Regional Municipality of Durham 105 Consumers Drive AnACH ��ENi No. / Whitby, Ontario ro L l N 6A3 REPOAi No. 9 �_ W� -3 AttenNon: Peter Wa�on h�•�aQ�r of �'laste Red�ction Dear Peter, Further to our discussions, we would like to advise tLat our company would be please3 to work out an arrangement to offa local nsidents a suitable location to properly dispose of their Household Hazardous Waste. Our facility could be made available for such a service on Saturdays at no charge to the Region, provided the Region makes all the necessary azrangements and obtains all required approvals and licenses. We would expect the Region staff to ensun that the parldng lot is kept clean and that all waste and containers are nmoved at the end of the day aRer every event Our normal operadng hours on Sahudays are 7:00 am. to 6;00 p.m. On behalf of 1 l S 1162 Ontario Ltd. thc owner of the property we grant permission to the Region of Durham to proceed in this regazd. Thenic you for your continued interest in our company and its services. Yours CuIY, DURHAM MATERIAI.S RE ,r.OVERY FACILITY INC. � '� ;i� •��� U Jon Grayson/� Vice-president � l� . 5 . �.. � ,, 'ia i Ap�l I�1. 1997 ATTACHMENi No, Z, ` TO � Mr lon Gnyson Durlwn Muai�ls Recovery Fuility REPORi No. g�j:�,/K,r� 1220 Squira Bach itad � � • Pickain�, Ontuio a an� � Dar Sir: o.o.n�n«n SatA2� �' Neutehnld His�rd���. ul....... ie�n cqy�� @Geh Resd �oe caw�«. a. ���10�'' �i0° As ue �wue, the R on a invati g p� g �u�w , ��� �� � gatin dtertutiva to the ndin closure of f� ���� (tW W) depa u Maro'� fortner Brak Wac Lu�dfill Sita One+hertutive was to anbGsh a pertnanmt HtIW depot u put ofyour waste ��,'�' „� "�" �t 6aGties on Sqvires Bach Rad but, unfortunuely. it w�s damed to be a w«a P�� iu your busineu pl�n�. • vtww auo�• ow nc � �tawiva it the , Region opirsta a Saturday savice from your facility. The Re�q� I�s+wute m+n+8emau systan Cati6ate ofAppaovil to undatafce this type of work u�d we would be plwed if you would consider dlowing the Region to opaue wch � xrvice in your pukin8 lot ua. The propotad savice would opuate onca a month, on a S�turd�y, for local ua � raidain anly ud it waild be fuUy opcnted by tnined Regiond wute man�gemrnt � M rtuteri�ls roce3vad would be carclWly picked into approved containen md �tarod in one of two 40 a. yd. roll-off wntunm: Empry roA-o@'containers woutd be deGvaed arly Suurday morning and plaud in the puking lot. At the end of the �, evmt day, thry would be sealed u�d transported to our wute muugement facititia � �sh+w�. whae the E4tW m+taials would be p�ocetxad for dispos�l. Your parldng lot would ba kept clwi. Bdoro thu ilterNtive i� examinad my fLnhu, it would be �pprai�ted if you would �dvite if wch t progr�m would be aaeptable ro Duthun Miterids Raovery Facility. Youn troly, ��� P. Wuwn, P.Eng. Min�ga of Wua Reduction ec: J McCorkell , s� � ,�.�,� l . _ . -. , � / Z�7 � � . r�o s, i�� IfV'fERDEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE PLANNING DEPARTMENT T0: Bmu Teybr FROM: Neil CarroU Tmm Clak Dirxtor of Planning RE: Proposcd Household Harardous Wute Depot 1220 Squira Beacl� Road Site Plan Application S 4/96 FunLtt w your rt�enwrandum of May 16, 1997 on thie natter, the following planaing cannxn4 are provided for your informadon. F'rstlY. 1 am plased tlut the Region ie eauidering an altemative site for the Republic Enviraunental System� faciliry on Toy Avenue that wu initially cauiderod for thie uu. The praa�t ptoposal to laate a Hasehold Hszvdous Wuu (FDiV1� Depot at the Durham Materiab Recovery Faciliry (DMRF7, at 1220 Squiree Beath Road i� far superior and will toncentrate rceycling efforts at the one loeatiuon. The lands at 1220 Squira Bwch Road are zoned "(F�M2S,• by Zoning Bydaw IS I 1, a� amrnded by Bylaw 61174, and pemtit the operation of a I4�W depot. Nowevcr, I understacd tliat a uttificate of approval for ihe operation will be required though the Ministry of the Enviroiunent and Energy. Ttic subject property is govemed by a rcgistercd site plm agrament and assaciated site plans. Tt�e operation proposed by the Region should not intaierc with the proper functioning of the DMRF eite, apaially wmidering that the oper�tion will /�,nction only one Saturday per month and that all conninenlfaeilitia usaciat�d with �he uu �o�ll bo set up and rcmoved on the same day (containen will na rem�in on sik). The neassary changa to �he site plan are minor and can be aceommodated by'rod-line' rcvisiau. The faciliry aill be operaud by the Region of Durham, thercby facilitating chengp W the operation should they be necessary in the futurc. 'Ihe proposal will be praaued W the Town's Sik Plan Advisory Committa on lune 11, 1997. I trust thie i� satisfactory. Plwx wnwct me �hould yrou have any quesaons in thie rcgard. /bo'c '�/ � . Ned C c.a. Diroctot of Public Works (Acting) I�3 � � \� n ��'..: u��►1.. �IC.C.� '1�19 ' J� � 1� ` 1�' 1l �\Y TO: Bruea TAylor DATE: Juoe 10,1997 Town Clerk FROM: Richud Holboro Tcehnlcsl Servicn Moniger . RE: Propoud Houaehold Nuardou� Wp�te Depot • 1220 Squ(rca BeACh Road Further to your memo dated May 26, 1997 regnrding the request from the Region of Durham for suppon in their application ro MOEE for a C of A to operate a HHW depot at 1220 Squires Beuch Road on Sanudays, the Public Works Department hes the following comments. I. Our depertment suppons ihe project and the location, as it provides a convenience to the resident to dispose of smell loads of residentiel waste and their household haznrdous wnsee nt the same site. � 2• We are conftdent ihat Region of Durham sta(( can deliver this service in a clenn, eflicient manner as ihey curreNly provide this service at other depats in the Region. 3. The Region should be requested to have �he Ilexibility to implement additional collections as the demand arises, either through ihe initial .-- C of A appiication or through revisions. 4• The Region should be responsible for any illegally dumped HHW in the viciniry of Ihe site, related to infrequoncy of collections. The Town of Pickering should be indemnified. ..................... Page 2 � . �� •'' I�J ��' . Page 2 5, Although the proposed site plan indicates traffic flow, the Region � must en�ure propar vehicle delineation on site should the need erise. Ttils can be achieved through pavemrnt markings or pylons. 6. The Region's contractor delive�ng and removing the conteiners is to _ be advised that access ro the site be from Brock Road/Clemenls AvenudSquins Heach and not Bayly StreetlSquires Beach for the , duration of the operotion. The location of the operation (witlun the front parking lot) with I directional signs av indicated on the proposed site plan drawing sketch is satisfactory. RI �erd Hoibo P� Ce°y: S. Brake, Traffic and Wazte Management Co-ordinntor Ip edp�vn � .. . .. 1 � 1 � i ; ' �. r ` ;4 `�. ,' C, x�� ` .' � ` � ✓ \j� , �'1 .` //,' �-�. �� , ,L �rj, .��,� '� ,... : .u..; , Sl 4 r - - _ 1 . `' �4 # '.� J . � � 4t� t ' ; � ? . . :l� i t _ ��j � t ,t:.� , .