HomeMy WebLinkAboutPL 14/98��I��� . �� �,�1110FP� O � REPORT TO COU1v1CIL FROMr Neil Ceiroll DATB: luna 24,1998 Director of Planning PLANNING RGPORT NUMBER:14-98 SUBJECT: Sitc Plan Application S 8/98 Miller Weste Dnrham Inc. Lou 8, 9,1 i, I2,14,15,17, and Part of Lot 18, Plan M-1040 (west side of Squires Beach Rond, south of Bayly Street) Town of Pickering RECOMMENDATION: I. That Town Council advise the Director of Plonning of the componcnts of Site Plan Applicalion S 8/98, that it wishes to procecd ilvough for Sitc Plan Approval. ORIGIN; Site Plen Advisory Committee's rcqucst of June 3, 1998, thnt the Dircctor of Pinnning bring Site Plan Applicution S 8/98 fonvtvd to Council for direction us to which cornponents of lhe site plen applicntion thnt Council wishes to procccd through for Silc Plnn Approval, AUTHORITY: Thc Plonning Act, R,S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: At this time no udditionnl wsts are anticipated bcyond thosc nortnnlly attributed tu development of this neturc, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Miller Waste Durhnm Inc. (Miller) has submitted a site plen npplication for tha expansion und rcnovation of the existing waste recycling facility iceated at 1220 Squircs Beach Road. 7'he applicalion comprises two phaaes, each phnse consisting of various components (see location map Attachment Nl). Phnse 1 relates to the south portion of the site and proposes the wnswction of additions ond alterations to the existing waste processing buiiding. Phase 2 rcletes to the north portion of thc site and proposes the consiruction of n composting and wood chipping facility. Miller has requested approval for all the works proposed in pheae one at ihis time, advising that these works will result in e cleaner, morc efficient, and safer operotion. Loading and unloading of materials will be improved, ensuring that all refusc handling is conleined within the confines of the building. The Site Plen Advisory Committee reviewed the drawings for Phase I on lune 3, 1998, and endorsed oniy the new vehicle maintenanco shop end the expended staff facilities (Arens `A' and `B' roapectively on Atmchment #2). Construction of these �facilities will allow Millcr to consolidatc its vehicle meintenencc at thc Squires Bench site (Icasc on current rcpnir feciliry at 697'aunton Rond, West expires Febniary, 1999), The Site Plen Advisory Committcc rcstricted their rccommendetions to only these componenls of Phese 1, as the proposed works did not appear to support eny potenUal incrense in tha wa+le hendling cepacity of the site, Thc Sitc Plon Advisory Committec determined that any recommcnJadons rcspecting clements of thc site plen aubmisslon that mey eupport a tLturc increasc (n waste hand8ng capecfty should be mnde by Town CowciL , � Plenntng Report Number 14-98 Date;lune 24, 1998 ' SubJect; Sita Plen AppUcation S 8/98 Pagc 2 2% Cowcil would nlso heve un opportunity to comment on Millcr's epplication for a rovision w their curtent Cedificatc of Approval to permit an increased hendling capacity at ihis site. Thc Committce directed thet slnff seek Council's direction respccting thc review of the remaining components oFthe site plan npplication. BACKGROUND: ' The subject property is located in the Brock Industtial Area within an erea designated 'General Employment Ama' by the Pickering Official Plen. Warehousing, storage of goods ond muterials, waste transCer and recycling, wastc proccssing, and freight transfer are permitted uses in a "Genernl Employment Ama". The proposed use confortns wilh lhe policies of the Pickering Official Plan. The property is wned "M2S" - Yard Storegc and Heavy Manufncturing Zonc by Zoning By-law 2511. This zoning pertnits manufacturing or industrinl uses as well as �vnrchouses, distribution depols, and light mnnufacturing plants for tSc processing of goods and materials. The existing/proposed use and building ndditions are pertnitted by thc Town's zoning by-laws. Miller currently operntes u wastc transfcr faciliry at this location under u Certificntc of Approvnl issued by the Ministry of ihe Environment. Miller representntivcs have udviscd thut they intend ro submit en apQlication in )uly, 1998, to amend their curmnt Ccrtificnle of ApprovaL It is our undcrslanding that Millcr will h; rcqucsting Ministry npprovnl of an incrensc in the volwne of waste thet can be nccepted at this site and permission to handlc houschold hn�nrdous wastes. I.0 iscus i The applicant hns indicated that the works proposcd Uvough Site Plnn Application S 8/98 ara neccssary for the improvcd functioning of their curzent operation within thc wnste limits of the currcnt Ccrtificntc of Approval. However, Millcr acknowledgcs that some of the proposed Phase 1 additions will ussist in the proposed fuwre nccommodation of incrensed waste volumes. Phase 1 rclntes lo the south portion of the property nnd includes thc conswction of n ncw Gcc-standing vchicle mnintcnnncc building and approximately 4185 square metrcs of ndditians to the cxisting woste rccycling/tmnsfcr facility, Phasc 2 relntes to the north portion oF the subject property and consisls of Ihe consWction of n new 5860•squnte metrcs compost facility and ouldoor stomge/woodchip nrcn. A furlhcr detailed description for each azen in Phazc 1, as identified on Attnchmcnt N2, is provided below. The Site Plen Commitlec endorsed Areus 'A' and 'D', but requested lhul Amns 'C - F' inclusive be refeRed to Council for direction to stafl; es they mny facilitete an increase in waste hnndling capacity. Areu'A' is for the conswction ofa new 1025-square metres vchicle maintenancc building. This building is to be utiliud for lhe service and repair of the trucks used in the collection of recycled materials. Accorc!sng to Miller, this new building will consolidate thcir operation to a single facility. Area `B' will accommodate the additional stnff and truck drivers generated by the consolidetion of Miller's tcucking operation to 1220 Squircs Beach Road. This aren will include oftice space end shower facilities for the additional employees. Area'C' currcntly consists of one loading door with a portuble exterior ramp that is used for the shipping of baled recycleble matcrials. According to MiUer, this currcnt condition results in significant delays in shipping the bundled mnterials nnd does not provide satistactory refuse control. The applicant proposes to crcute a rypical recessed loading ama that will enable the 'sealed' handling of ineterials, The existing single loading door is proposed to be aplit into two loading daks end a third loading door addcd, Thc roof along 1he ful) extenl of the north side of th� building is proposcd to be raiscd In hcight 10 potrntially meet but not exceed thc highest point of thc existing bullding, These niterations are intended to facilitate e new intcmel layout that will rcsult in a more efTicient operntion for the ahlpping of soAed matedala end to cnsurc Ihut the wastca arc contnined enHrcly - within the building, redudng the potenUnl for outs(de Ilticr. 2g Plenning Report Number 14-98 Subject: Site Plan Application S 8/98 Dntc;lune24,1998 Page 3 Area'D' wnstitutes a 1907-squarc meUcs addition to the existing building for thc storage of sorted and baled materials. This uddition is specifically intended for thc storege and processing of rccyclables, and would oventually be merged with the alterations proposed in nreq'C'. Area'E' is currently utilized for thc collection and transfcr of municipnl household westes. The existing transfer erea is in poor condition and is utilized by both Ihc public and commcrciel carriers delivcring municipal waste. The area is not fully enclosed, resulting in ihe rclease of odaurs and litter, The proposal 1'or azea 'E' will essisl in segregating the public from the commercial camers, will provide a safer condition, and improved odour and littet control. Area'F' proposes to introduce u dcsignated urea far residents to drop off generul wnste and will also include a specific area for receiving end hendling of household hnwrdous wastes (this latter use recently endorsed by Pickering Council but requires amendment to existing CeAificate of Approval before it cnn become operational). Thc public drop off arca will include bins where materials cnn be dispased nnd sorted. This will provide a snfe drop-off nren that the general public cnn utilize withoul con0icting wilh wck trnfiic. The Site Plan Advisary Committce advised Smil' thnt any rccommcndutions respecting elements of thc site plan submission that moy suppott n fulure incrcase in waste hundling capacity through a rcvised Cenificnte of Approvnl applicution should be made by Town Council. Miller contends that any fuwrc npplication to revise the cuncnt Certificatc of Approval and incrcase wastc processing volumes should be reviewed on its own merits, independent uf thc site pinn approvul nnd building pertnit proccsscs. Thcy requcst that the Town procecd with thc site plan revicw of the entirc Phase 1 package, rcsulting in thc issuance of building permils for thc addilions/altcrations. The proposed expnnsions/udditions conform with thc currcnt wning, and Millcr has expresscd their willingness to work with the Town to provide appropriatc lundscnping, scrcening, and but�ering. The sitdpinnt opemtions undcr the current Certificate of Approval would benefit by the proposed building alterations/expansion. This report has been prcpnred to seek Council's dircction rcspccting the review of lhe remaining components of the site pinn applicntion. Spccificnlly, dircction is sought as to which of compoi�ents 'C to F' inclusive, Council wishes to proceed through lhe Sitc Plan Approvel Process, resulting in t�c issuancc of building permits. ATTACHMENTS: I. Property Location Map 2, ApplicenPs Submitted Plan 3, Applicant's Letter Prepared By: l 1--- � Tyler ame Plenning Technlcian � Lynde D,Taylor Menager Currenl Operations Division JTB/ab Atlachments Copy: (}cneral Managcr � Approved / Endorsed by, � Neil , Dircctor of Planning ' dTTACHMENTpLTO �(�� z9 PLANNINO REPORT N..--IJ--�' : so ATTACHMENT M�TO��� p(f PLANNINO REPOAT M_L7�v PROPOSED SITE PLAN MILLER WASTE DURHAM INC. PHASE 1 S 8/98 � �.�� ii� � r------ , �� o d� a „. � � '•, apa4 M �o��iv 'v� � ,i��� � II I � �� , I � .u:s .� ` �I , ' , � :ni■ p ! � 1� ��� ��� �� �/ � � � I � � ���� � .,,�: ��� ,, ;,t•. a;l�' ri -� '� - -�� � . �� .� �t..�� � : :,�. �:�._ ,.- �.�,�' c :x • < f�. . ` ki. , , { ; 3�1 ., . : . z � ,� 7 <� .. : t� �� � ta arrAcr+r1� ��.r��8 � � � .. .�,�' . . . . . . . PI.A�Ith` � ��y�r91 '7 • ;'w. . � . � � � .'Eii � � . . �� y.y: - .. . ��. . ..J• � � � ' Yt ; � � ! : . . ; `, � : �. .. , ;� � { � ' �� +i� , i, , S �j . � ) ��,� ' . , . 3 5 ��. � �;� . L. , .... • � . r . . � ` � . � ��. .�. - ..., ' . V. . .. � . . ' • � �� • ' •. ... 1' . � , . ,Mlller Waste Duiham Inc, �� , � . . tr�o squues eeecn aoad. ' '. ' .. ' • � • •� . Pkkerkip� Onterto•UW 3Z6'-• ' •• : WAST! • � , . . ' . • • _ . . �'DURHAM . • . ' ' • 7eli (905)428�4222 . . ' , , • Fen: (90.5) 428-4Y13 . • . ' • May8;.1988 . .' ' •• ' . RECEiVED � . � Mr. Chdstopher Wong . ' � ' ,' MAY 0.8 1998 � • • Senlor Planner'— Urban Detsign • T�N oF Pi�ERipa •• Town of Pickedng� . ' ' p�NINO OEPAHTMENT Pickedng, Ontado • . ' . . . Dear Slr. . . , ' , • `.� .. • RE: MILLER WA3TE DURHAf,A INC. • � . , .. , � . 4220 SQUIRES BEACH ROAD ' • � • • • . . BUILDINC3 PERMIT — LOADING DOCK . ' • � • We are writlng to confirm InfortnaUon requested as a result oi our May 5, 1998 � ••lettar for approval to apply and receive a build(ng permit foc 3— shippfng doars ' . • and loading dock for aur reGycling materials. - - � � . AddiQons?Infortnation � � ' Our current Ce�ificate oi Approvei (C of A) approved I(mfts oi volumea are I(sted ' . as tollows: � , '. L Onaite storage total combined matedals, recyde and transfer waste — . (� ' 780 tonnes � ' . 2. Total da(ly combined Waste tor landfi�l transfer - 299 toMes •� • 3. Total dai�y allowable recyde waste residue (or landflll Uansfer —189 tonnes , Note; #3 is included In total for #2• • • • • The total comb(ned waste stored on site has reached no higher than � • approxlmately 400 lonnes since Mlller Waste assumed ownership of lhls • elte in late 1997. • ' � °ihe cuRent volumes are wflhin the parameters set out by our cuRent C'o( A Theee volumes wfll not change as a resulf o( the construcHon ot tha new • proposed loading dock and ahipping dooro tor our proce§sed recyclable ' matedals. � ,�,.�...� • . . , 1 . �� . oar� no ' ^�O�°0°"� m�uw�aa.nmaaonvw �= . _ oanwD . . . . , . .. � . � . . � . , . . . �:'l . � . . . . .. . . � . � . . . _ . . � � . . . � - �. � . . . y.�' { ti • � - - . . ij . . , (. . .. � �'%. ysi � � ' . . � . . . . ���� . , �'32 �: 1 2 F . � < � � �; : � ;�� '�� ' �.1TACHI/E!!},�TO ��/� p� . � , � i, ' . . - � � . P�ANI7� 'f� f1�kORT q / T / � . � 2 �•, r� . . . ; . {' �1 i .� . � � r� <<i � � . � � �'' � � { ;, - x.s,' . �, ; ;:� ,: t;, :�,'• . , , , ;,.,� �� ' £c; , , . � . • � :�.: - . . . , . . .� w,aw e:�uoe- s. , . • � . . • . � • • � � • . . 'pils proposed.yuoik will provlde our operatian to.be totally enclosed as.required � " , . by our current C'ofA. . " ' . • . '. ••� �� The maJodty.of Gie recycle and weata trdnsfer matedals are collected and . .� ,` receiyed at ihis sito through munidpal contracts within fhe Regional Munjdpality: .' •, • . , • of Durham.. , , . • . "' •••� Miller INaste Du�hem's goal is to�imptove and'devetop this si(eto a level of � , • - premier IndusUy atandards. ' , ,• • • ' • .• Your approval and inlerest in our goal lo provide an e(tici8nt.and environmentally ��, ,. . . � ' f�iendly facility W serve tfi(s'community and �egion (s greaUy appredated.� � : � �'. �rusting th(s background.informatlon will:ass(st yau and your staft,, We look ,� • • fonvard'�o you� early approval a(our request to pra: ess the subJacE pertr�(t • . . � applicaUon. ' • . • ' . • ' ' . �; � ' . :Sin�erely, � . . • P�C��VE� � • MILLER WASTE UURHAM INC:. � • ,• , ; � ' � •� � `��R ' . ' . . , • �p�( .0 8 ' : . � ���{ . : �1.-.� , . . .� . � .. . . rypFPd°fr.,n . . ,� "�(� �� v�� . . .. . , . ' P�!Nln� ii .i�, . Q � i Q� Y ' •'$LOh-WCIf9` ' . . .. .' ,. , t . ... �� .. . , ' General nhanagec � . • , ' cc: . Tylar,Bartiett, Plckeitng,Planning .. '• . � • � . • Merv Gl�se; Miller Waste Durf�am Inc. , •�• .. . � ' . . . � ' . • _ . ' Ics � . . .� . .... •. • . � • . ;��' t,, :r , � : �� � f $ r ' . 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