HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 13-99�, . . . _ � . . . +. � . . �NOFp� . . . . � . � .. .. .. � � REPORT TO COUNCI�. FROM: Thomus J. Quinn DATE: Octobcr 29,1999 Chief Administmlivc Ofticer REPORTNUME3ER: CA013•99 5UDlECT: Memorandum of Understanding - Agricultural Assembly - Town of Pickering, Region of Durhnm and Ontario Realty Corporntion - �ile: PL 5030 RECOMMENDATION: I. Thnt Report to Council CAO 13-99 conccming the Memomndum of UnJerstnnJing bchveen the Town of Pickering, the Rcgion of Durham and thc Ontario Reulry CorEwmtion bc received. 2. That thc Reviscd Conccptunl Lot Plan datcd November I, 1999, ottached as Attachment No, I to Rcport lo Council CAO 13-99, bc cndorscd by 1'o�m Council as lhc basis for conveying lots within thc Agricultural Assembly, and that the Rcgion of Durhum und thc Ontnrio Rculry Corpomtion bc rcqucstcd Io nlso enJorsc this Rcviscd Plan. 3. Thut all partics agrce to amend thc Mcmorandum of UnJcrstnnding betwcen the Town, the Region of Durhnm, nnd tlie Ontario Realty Corporntion, execulcd on April 30 und May 3, 1999, by rcplacing thc original Conccptual Lot Plan includcJ as Schcdulc A to that Memornndum, with thc Rcviscd Conccptual Lot Plan dutcJ Novcmbcr I, 1999. 4. Thnl Lynda Tuylor, Manugcr - Currcnt Operations, bc appointcd a5 dic 7'own's rcpresentutivc on ihc Technicnl Staff Commiltcc, to undcrtnkc lhc proccss of lot crcation through Crown Right, as established by the Memoraidum of Undcrstnnding. 5. That u copy of this Rcport bc fonvardcd to thc Rcgion of Durhwn nnd thc Ontario Rcalty Corpomtion. ORIGIN: Rcport originuted by staff to nddress tenant conccros. AUTHORITY: The Plnnning Act, R.S.O. 1990 CMANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not applicuble t i:> . _ _ . _ . . . . � 'Repad to Council CAO 13-99 Dutc; Octobcr 29, 1999 2� Subjcct MemornndumofUnderstanding • AgriculturulAsscmbly Pagc 2 EXECU'fIVE SUMMARY: A number of ienunls within the Agricultuml,lssembly have :aiscd concems with ccrtain aspects of the Conceptunl Lot Plnn a►tached to the Memornndum of Understanding thnt was executeJ carlier this yeur between the Tawn, the Region nnd the Onturio Realry Carporution (lo cstnblish terms and conditions for agricultuml enscmenls). The tenunt concems havc become cviJent as a rcsult of the ott•going implemcntation by ORC of their Tenunt Purchnse Program. In nccordance with the Memorandum of Understnnding, ORC hus udvised tenants that only those lots shown on the Conccpwal Lot Plun will bc ofTcred for sale to tenunts. No additionnl lots will be considcred. Unfortunntely, stricl udherence to thc existing Conceptuul Lot Plnn may crcnte significnnt hardships for some existing tenants. These hnrdships cnn bc avoidcd, by making ccrtuin revisions to thc Conceptual Lot Plan. These rcvisions would not compromise the previous intcnt of Council to muintnin long-term ngriculturc in thc urea. The revisions would allow for the potential crcation of four ndditional farm units (covcrcd by ngricultural cascments), und t�eo additional non-furm residentiul properlies (that would not be covered by eusemcnts). It is recommendcd thut Town Council cndorsc thc Reviscd Conceptual Lot Plnn attnchcJ to ihis Rcport, nnd requcst Ihat the Rcgion nnJ ORC ulso endorsc this Rcvised I'lan. 'Phc Rcviscd Plan could then bc used ns thc basis for convcying lols wilhin thc Agricullural Assembly. Lats would be crented Ihrough the Cro�m Right process by a Tcchnicnl SmfT Committec (us oudincd in the Memornndum af Understanding). To facilitatc this process, it is rccommendcd thul thc Town appoinl LynJu Tnylor, Mnnugcr of Cumnt O�xrations, :�s lhc'I'o����i s rcprcscntutivc on thc Slaff CommiRce. BACKGROUND: Gnrlicr this ycnr, following nn Ontario Municipal UoarJ prc•hcaring confcrencc, thc 'fo�m, thc Region, the Onturio Renity Corporation (ORC), thc Grecn Door Allinncc anJ Sandy Rider of Whitevnlc, rcached n setdement respccting IanJs within Ihc Town's Agricultural Asscm6ly. Minutes of Scttlement wcre signcd by all partics, anJ n McmoranJum of Understunding (MOU) was exccuted by the Town, the Region nnd ORC. Among othcr mattcrs, thc MOU requires that ORC cstablish agriculwral cascmcnts in fuvour of the Town, for all lots conveycd into private ownership (with some limited exccptions). Gascments nrc to be pinced on all lots zoned ngriculwml, in whole or in part, Ihnt nre greuter thnn 2 heclures in sizc (5 acres). Purchascrs of thcsc lo�s will bc required to execute nnd dcliver to lhe Town an casemcnt document, genernlly us set out in the MOU, on or beforc closing, so thnt the ensemcnt cnn be registered on titic. 'fhc MOU also requires that the Town nnd Region allow ORC to proceed with the wmcynncc of Io1s by Crown Right, in accordnncc with a spccified process. The process cnlls for tl�c establishment of threc•person Technical Stn(T Committce, cumprising onc reprcscntative from ench of the Town, lhe Region, and ORC. The Technical StufT Committce ;vill revicw scvcmnccs submitted by ORC for compliancc with a tcchnicul chccklist and a Conccptual Lot Plan as sct out in the MOU. ��Repod to Cauncil CAOl3•99 Aata: October 29,1999 ,Z1 Subject: Memorendum of Undcr�tanding • Agricuhurnl Assembly Pngc 3 The Conccptual Lot Plan The Conceptual Lot Plan is intended to be used as u basis for crenting lots in Ihc Agriculwral Assembly, through thc Crown Right proccss. Although some tlexibility exists, lots creuted in thc uren must genernlly conform to lhe Conceptunl Lot Plnn. The Conceptual Lol Plan wns developed following u mceling with the ruml community, hcld in 1998. The meeting occurced beforc nny significant consideration of the merits of using agriculturnl casemenls to protcct long term ugricultaml uscs in thc arca. In 1998, beforc ensements were discussed, it was felt thnt thc best way to ensure agriculmml viability wa.e through farm con�ulidntion, wherever possible. ConsequenAy, in vnrious areas ncrass thc Agricultuml Assembly, the Conceptunl Lot Plan rcquircd the consolidation of smaller farm Icaseholds into Inrgcr farm units. Now thut the Town, the Regian und ORC havc rcached ogreemenl on ihe use of agriculmrul e�ements, it is no longer necessary to re eire farm consolidation as a menns of protecting long term agricultural vinbility. Morcover, bascd on discussions with tennnts in Ihc arcu, forcing thc consolidation of sonte smallcr farm propertics into largcr farm units may causc significant hardship. It w�uld rcquirc that onc tenant bid ngainst anothcr for thc consolidatcd property, possibly resulting in highcr land priccs than �vould othcnvisc bc thc cusc, wid potcntially forcing the unsuccessful bidder w move out of the urcu. Nottivithstnnding thcsc conxms, ORC is continuing to implcmcnt ils Tcnant 1'urchnse I'rogram in strict accordnncc with thc cxisting Conccpwal Lot Plan. Tcnants arc bcing adviscd th�l unicss thcir Icnscholds arc shown an Ihc appravcd Plan, ORC will not pursuc thc crention of any othcr farm units. A number of tcnnnts hnvc thcreforc nppronchcd thc 'fown for ussistancc. A(icr revicwing thc matteq it wos detcrtnincd that thc most approprintc way to address thc issuc was through thc approvnl by thc Town, the Itcgion and ORC of a Reviscd Conceplual Lot Plun. The "Revised" Conccplunl I.ot Plan Pollowing discussions with concemed tennnly, ns Reviscd Conccptual Lot Plun has becn preparcd, and is nttnched for lhe consideration of Council. rollowing endorsemenl by C�>r:�cil, il is rccommcnded lhnt this Revised Plnn by fonvnrJed to the Rcgion of Durhnm and ORC for their approval, The Revised Conceptunl Lot nllows for the potenlinl to eslablish four additional farm properties thnt arc currcntly imder sepnrate Ieasehold. Thesc fnrm properties wauld all be covcred by agricultural cutcments. 7'he Revised Plan also shows the potential of establishing hvo additionnl non•farm residential properlics Iess than 5 heclarcs in sizc (these propertics would therefore not be covered by agricultuml eusements). When the ariginal lotting concept wus done, it was nssumed Ihat [hc dwellings on these properiies would rcmain with the surtounding fnrm pruperty. Il has now come to our nttention that this may not nccessnrily be the cuse. The opportunity should ►hcrcforc bc providcd to ullow the dwelling und surcounding rcsidential property to be scvered from the adjncent fnrm. A bricf explanation of each of the recommended rcvisions to thc Conceptunl Lot Plan follows. y.1 _ i s:" ' .. . . . . -. . . . . . . ,d��, . . . �j � �'Report to Council CAO 13-99 Date: Octobcr 29, 1999 ��2 Subject; Memurundum ofUnderstanding - Agricultural Ass�:nbly f'age 4 .� j1i f �i — PROPERTY 41 � �� A� — LOT 33, CONCGSSION 3 �� f � � � rGf� • nllow potentinl lor additionnl non-fnrtn residentiul property on west side of Altona A e� Road north of Taunton Road �r� • � � 52 , ,, ■ �3 . ■ ■ i �` i �'r� �,� ��. r�. � � a ��: �, �i�,i� �.:�,..t �,•.:� ,?i:����'n;- PR01'GRTY 43 LOT 32, CONCGSSION 3 • nllow potentinl for ndditional non•farm rcsidcnlial property on cast sidc of Altonn Raad nodh of'I'uunton Rond ���� �. ; •�rd���11i ; !� N�•b u' r>s, `. r!?� h�=.� � rkore�TVS2 LO"fS 29 & 30, CONCESSION 3 • allow potential fnr additional fnrm unit on — �acst side of Whitcs Road north of lhc Third ❑— Concession Road � � w � _ � �, ' Report to Council CA013•99 Date: October 29,1999 3ubjcct: Memornndum of Understanding - Agricultural Assembly Pngc 5 2� . PROPGRTY54 LOT 28, CONCIiSSION 3 • ullow potential for ndditional fartn unit on :ast side of Whitcs Rond north of thc Third Concession Roud t�:i� �'l�';j'w411Q:;'"_, � s� ��l,��� ,�, n.' + �il��}:I�f;�.�.;;;'::1. 48_� �;h� ['07o'S 3�1 & ZS CONCGSSION 2 =_ - •• allow poteminl for additionol farm unit -_ fi - on ���csl sidc of Roscbnnk Rond south ' ' ofthc ThirJ Concession Road '�_ -=- �=- ' � ?�; 'Y 78 ic 32, CONCGS510N 2 iotential for udditionnl fnrm unit t sidc of Roscbank Ro�d south fhird Conccssion Roud �J +�� �`��i N�1 � � ���� .:',: c _ .. � � . � . .R:; �. . . . , .. .. , - . , . . . _ . . - � `':RepoA to Council CAO 13•99 Dutc: Octobcr 29, 1999 �24 Subject: Memornndum of Undcrstnnding - Agriculturnl Asscmbly Pugc 6 C c us'o It is recommended thnt Town Council endorse thc Reviscd Conccplual Lot Plun, and rcqucst thc Region of Durham und thc Ontario Reulty Cotpomtion to nlso endorsc this Plnn. Oncc upproved by all pMies, the Revised Plnn would rcplace the originul Canceptunl Lol Plan includcd ns Schedulc A within thc Memorundum of Undcrstnnding, in bccomc thc basis for canvcying lots within thc Agriculturol Asscmbly. Also, as noted enrlier, n threc-person Tcchnicul Stuff Commitice nceds to bc estnblishcJ to ovcrsee thc Crown Righl proccss. Town Council nceds to formolly appoint n stnff representativc to sit on lhis Commiuee. Given lhe nnturc of the proccss, and its similarity with the curtent Land Division process, it would be nppropriate to appoint n senior stuff inember from the Plunning Depadment to reprcsent thc Totim. In this regard, it is rccommcnded Ihnt Lynda Tuylor, Mannger of Current Operations, be appointed as thc Town's repr:scntntivc. ATPACFIMGNT: 1. Revised Conceptual Lot Plan Preparcd By; Approvcd / Gndorscd 8y: � ' Thomns E. •lyn 'I iomns J. Q' m Director of Corpomtc Projccts an 'cy Chicf Administmlivc Oflircr TM: Attachmcnt Copy: DircctorafPlanning Recommendcd for thc considemtion of Pickering Town Councii � or/. 2 Y o as J. Qui , Chie Admin tive 0 icer 19nporuknla99.doc . � . . . Replacement Schedule "A�� Attaehment No. i � RepoA to Councll CAO 13•9fl '� �Ey�.SED CONCEPTUAL LOT PLAN 25 s ii '�. 8 :-. i ia :.:-� �15� . s 13 .... 16 �g.'=.. ii �20 ? 23 19 21 ; 22 24 25 26 39 3Q �;`: 31 .......... .. 34 SOL[ D 27 Y ��::;eR�G�ZN� 2j"� �mt �'.y3. )NRD Z9 1.;.'.. UNDER 38j : a� AQREEMENT �� �.1�..�-:':` ` `'� µ �,� 5 � � P��G � _� 39 . 43 �,��,��5 � Y W ` Q U 41 ti0� 51 � , =. � .t � PJe� � a ;_;_;-. ; 49 42 ...., ..., � ¢ . Y S so�oa 87 :: 88 a �== 46 m 50 52� CL09E0 �N ER O 45��,. , p ':' � F' AORE�M€NT a 47 � : � :;: _ � CHEqR 00� o • � == : 53 � = JRD C0�'c��.RD O - �!'.' LEOEND � NON GOVERNMENTOWNEDLANDS � WETIANDTOBECONVEYEO �.Y�..�. LANOSTpBEOEDICATED � CONSERVATION EASEMENT � PROPOSEDLOTS M1��������� POTEMIALADDITIONALlOTS �SiiiliiA ROADALLOWANCETOBECONVEYED TO THE REGION � ROA�ALLOWANCESTOBECONVEYED TO THE TONM I I I I I I I I FUTURE �07 ROUTE :,�l�� � 1' � � : 1 � � �� � �- u` R A � i'z �' .��. /.: _ __ ��: _=///,/ � �� PENOINO .��',r � SALETOCA '�FJ.',.; . ,,; ��?" � FYr %... ,�.,: 4oioa '�� CL09ED %� :1'�, ''' C„j��`�' '8• �:}i '�' � �; n =:=:55 :::::::::::::�:� Ya .� �: .... :.:.3'��..� 8 57::.:58:: 'BO �',�4 59 �.� . _......_._ 70 7 73':7�2�� I 74 �' � � 85 � W 84 �''� �o � ~ CNENNYNO00 � iRN17fONNLR 6 6fAilp/ a ❑ " ./v ❑ oao 1�R��Ni ._.'_ � _. o��- _ oa o o . o �� � NOV.1,1999