HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 4, 1997� � ,,� , y -,- — d'N�� � MINUTES ot the 8th meeting of fde Committee of Adjustment deld in the Commfttee Room of the Plckeriog Civic Complez on Wedneeday, June 4,1997. PRBSENT: Mr. C. Young, Chairman Mr. N. DiLecce Mr. P. W6ite Mr. S. Smith ALSOPRESENT: Mr. J. Cole, Assisfant Sccretary-Treaaurer Mro. F. Niro, Secretary-Treasurer (Acting) Tde meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. in fhe Main Committcc Room of the Civic Comple:. 1. MATTERS ARISING FROM TIfE 1111NUTF.S There were no mattcro erising trom the minutes. 2, ADOPTION OF MINUTF.S MOTION: Movcd by Mr. Johneon acconded by Mr. Whllc and carricJ unanimously - Thet the minutee of the 71h mecling of the Committcc ot Adjuatment held May 14,1997, be adopted. 3. P/CA 24/97 - Home Hardware Storca Ltd. Part Lot 1,2,3,4,9, Pian 230 also known aa 477 Kingalon RoaJ Towu of Pickr.ring The applicant requeate relief Gom the provi�ione of Section 5.(2)(c) ot amending F3y-law 2499/87 to Dy-law 3036 to permit a decrea�e in minimum required front yard depth provided by buildings and structures on the property from 14.0 mefre� to 8.3 metrea, and Sectton 5.(3)(b)(v) to perm(t n reductton in the tota) number ot parking apeces required on ihe properly from 62 ta 50. Tde applicant requcste.epproval to vary the minimum tront yard depth and the pArking apace aumber requircmenta of the zoning bylaw tn order that the garden centre and the SO parWng epacca may be permitted on the property. � The Aseiatant Secretary-Treasurer outltned comment� rccelved trom the Town ot PtckeNog Planniag DepaMmenf. Commenta were aleo received froro the Miniatry ot Tnnsportatlon and Public Worka DepartmenG Mr. WUmer lrwin, Agent, wae present to represeqt tde appllc�tlon. No tUrther repreaentallon wAt preaent in frvour otor Ip objectfon to the applicAfton� �' 43. �bt ���;{ . . ':L r i . A � .�� . - ' - . , Mr. White neked Me Cole It t6e rccommended coadiHon of �pprov�l trom the Publlc Worke Deparlment i� Induded in the Pl�an(eg Dep�rtmente rccommendatfon of �pprov�L Mn Cole reapooded 16pt it b included in item number 3 of t6e condilion� impo�ed In the decbion. DECISIUN: Moved by Mr. Johnaon and uconded by Mr. Sm(tb and crrried unaafmouely that- th�i applicAtioo P/CA 24/97, by }inme Hardware Store� Ltd., aa outlined, be APPROVED on the ground� tdat tde propoaed varianca for u reductlon in the requfred minimum troot yord depth from 14.0 metres to 8.3 metree and a reduction in t6e required mloimum number of pArking apaca from 6Z spacee to SO apacea are minor in nature, desirable tor the approprlate development of the land, end In keep(ng with ►he generol intent and purpose at ihe OHicial Plan end Sectloni 5.(2)(c) and S,(3)(b)(v) o[ ameoding By-lew 2499/87 fo Bylaw 3036, subject to Ihe tollowing conditione: 1. That t6e variance to permit a minimum 8.3 metre froat yard depth apply nnly to 9 garden centre located In front ot t6e lumber ntorage buildfag on fhe west aidc of t6e property aa ideuNQed oa t6e aite plani eubmitted with t6i� epplication. 2. That ihe variaace to perwit e minimum of SO parking spacea apply only to the e:iaNng herdware aod building eupply etore ia e:i�tence on the property as identi(ied on the ilte plans aubmifted with thia applicattoa. 3. That ihe applicant receive Onal revi�ed atte plAn approvei tor ihe development ee ident!tied on ihe iitc plan� �ubmitted witd tdia Applicatlaq within one year of the date of ibie declafoa, or the approvrl of lhese vprfoncea ahell becomc aull anJ void. 4. PICA 45/97 - The CA Hold(ags Ltd. Lot 3, Plao 407 also known ai 70S Liverpool Road Town ot Pickering T6e appitcant requah reliet from the following proviaions of Bylaw 1511: SecHon 13.2.2 and Secfion 13.3J to permit reductiona in the roinimum 12.0 metre tront yard depth requircmeat and tde minimum 7.5 metre rear yard dcpth requirement ot tde wning by-Iww so that A new building may be constructed on the eubject property which providea A tront yard depth ot 3.0 metna AdjACent to Liverpaol Roud, pn eaet reAr yard dept6 ot3.0 metrca and s north rear yard dapt6 ot 1.2 metrea; Section 5.21.1(d) to permit e reducHon in required minimum 3.0 metre aetback ot parWng areaa from atreeb eo t6wt a new park(ng lot mey be conetructed to wilhin 1.5 metra of Commerce Streeh, SecNon 5.19(A) to permit an acceeaory atructuro (garbage room) to be conetructed in ihe front yprd of t6e aubject property, whereaa the zontog by-law requires oll accdeory etrucfura to be located in t6e rear yard. The applic�ot wiehes to atAblieh � rataurant oo the eubJect property, and hu aubmitted r prelimin�ry dte plrn w61c6 doea not comply wit6 l6e abovanoted requircmenU ot fhe zoniug 6y-I�w, Approvrl ot t6ne v�rianree would be requlred in order tor t6e �pplican! to obt�in atte plm approv�l and 6uildlog permth for the development. Thc Aulet�ef Secretary-Tre�enrer m�tllned commeot� received trom the Town ot Pickedng Pl�nning Dep�rtment �nd t6e Public Worlu Dep�rttneof. "� � �.v.�' .. ,� , .. , , 1 Mr. Ric6ord Ward, agenf, wpa prcaeot to repreeent the applicAtlon. Mr. Comeron of 715 Liverpool RoAd waa prcaeat, MOT10N: Moved by Mr. Jo6nson eeconded by Mr. DlLecce aud cArried unon(moualy thot- t6is application P/CA 45/97, by T6e CA Holdings Ltd., aa outlined, be TAHLED until the outcome of a zontug by-law amendmeut on the properly la knowa. MOTION CARRIED 5. P/CA 34/97 - Council of Islamic Guidance Part of Lot 30, Coaces�ion 3 a�o known a� 510 Conce�alon 3 Road Tawn of Pickeriag The applicant requeste relief froro Section 5(5)(b)(i:) ot ameading By-law 2675/88, further amended by Bylaw 4354/93, to Bylaw 3037 to permit the eatabllshment ot a mesimum gro�s floor area ot 549.8 aquare metre� to be provided by the e:bfing building aad a propoaed addition on t6e aubject properly, whercas the zoning bylaw perroits a ma:imuro groa� Ooor area ot500 aquare metree. The appticant requesta approval of Ihfe varlance in order to obtain a building permit to convert an eii�ting attached garage alructure to euppoH a proposed kitchen and proposed tuneral aervlces area. The Aaststant Secretary-Treaaurer out8ned commenle received from ihe Tawn ot Pickering Planning Depertment. Comments were also received trom Mark & Linda Petty of 405 Concesston 3, Me. Drenda Trylor & Mr. Tom Mart(n of 430 Conccasion 3, Mr. John Maclean of 465 Conces�ton 3, and the Durham Region Heallh Department. hir. Zaheer Heg, agenf, wae preaent to repraent th: applicafion. Ma, Dorothy Monroe of 400 Conceseioo 3 sod Ms. Lindaey Pre�ton of 435 Conceaaion 3 were preaent in objection to the appiicatlon. Mr. Beg a�ked t6e Commiltee to cons(der approving the applicalion t6t� evening with a condiNon (mposed Ihat the deci�ion be approved based on the Health Deparlments acceptabilily of the aeptic ayatem. Mr. Cole outlined the cammeota trom the Durdam Region Healf6 DepaNment. Mr. [icg a�ked t6at the Commiftee defer the appiicattoo to t6e September 17, 1997 meeting as to give him pmple time fo obtain the intormation the Committee requfred to make e decision. 1Nr. Smith claritied for the appitcaot that a deci�ton will be made aot only on the infarmatton provided tor by t6e Durham Regioo Healt6 Department, but in it'a entirety. MOTION: Moved by Mr. DiLecce and eeconded by Mr. Smlth and carried unantmously t6at- thte applicallon P/CA 34l97, by Council of [elrmic Guldrnce, aa outliaed, be DEFERRED to the Wedneaday, September 17,1997 Committee of Adjuafmcnt matiag MOTION CARRIED 45 `,�, � � _ . f ,.. 1 . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 6. P/CA 42l97 W�Iter Naeh Part Hlock B, M-1057 Parf Block A, M•1060 ��o known u 1755 EaetbAOk Raad Town of Pickcring Tde AppUcAnt requeate reliet from Schedule "B" to Amending Ay-Ipw 229/75, Aa furtder Amended by ByIAw 324/75, to Bylww 3036 to permit t6e eatabllihment ot p min(mum rear y�rd dept6 of 3.96 metrea to be provided by a propoaed eolarium rdditioa attAChed to the nar ot the e:isting dwelling, whereAi t6e zoning by-law �equire� a minimum rear yArd dept6 ot7.5 metrc�. The applicant requeeb approval ot thla varlance In order to obta(n a building perm(t fo con�truct a proposed eolarlum addition to t6e rear of the e:i�Npg dwelling. Tde e4+abtaot Secretary-Treaaurer outl(oed commenta received trom the Town of Plckering Planning DepaNroent. Written commenta in aupport of the appltcation were received trom Jemea Lawrie ot 764 Edgewood Road, Fred & Lynne Karwelat of 1738 Ada Court, L. & I. Johnaon ot 1736 Adr Court, Richord Barkey ot 1757 Ea�t6ank Road, Dan Maurlce ot 1740 Ada Caurf, Juae MclValty of 762 Edgewood Road, and Clitford Mott of 1759 Esetbpnk Ropd. Mr. Bruce Hackenecdmidt, agent, waa prcaent lo represent the appl(calion. No further repraeofatlon waa pre�ent in frvour of or in objecHon to the applicallon. Mr. Cole advLed 16e Committee thrt �ince tde previau� meeling the Plann(ng Department has rea�ived letten from rbutting aelghboun In support ot the applicaUon, therefore, the Plaon(eg Department hai no objecHon to the Cammittee approving the applicaHon aubject to the following conditionr i. Tbot thb varirnce apply only to the prapo�ed onaatorey aunrooro addilion as outllaed ia the �ppllctnt'i �ubmitted plrn�. 1. T6et the wpplicant obtAin A building permit and conetruct the propoaed one-storey eunroom additton wilhin one y��r of fhe dale otth6 deci�lon, ar the approval of thi� vArience edall become null and vaid. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Sroith and eeconded by Mr. White and carried unanfmously illA�- thi� application P/CA 42/97, by Walfer Naah, a� outllned, be APPROVED on tde grounda ihat t6e proposed minimum 3.96 metre rwr yard dept6 variance is minor in nature, de�irable for the approprlate development o[ the lande, and io keeping wi16 the general inteot and purpoae ot Schedule "B" to amcod(ng Bylaw 229/95, as amended by By-law 324/75, to By-law 3036, aubject to the tollowing condlttons: 1. That thi� varlance apply oaly to t6e propoaed ooe-atorey eunroom addiHoo wa outlined in t6e applicanCa eubmitted plans. 2. That f6e applicant obtatn a building permtt and conalruct the proposed onaatorey auoroom additfon wlthin one year ot the dafe ot thls dceiston, or 16e �pprov�l ott6W vrriance ahaii become null and roid. ' .. 4G , 7. P/CA 46/97 - Alin Web�ter Lot 648, Pl�n M•18 �uo kaoNO ru 73S Bnay Drive Town otPickering The �pplicanf rcquate rclief trom Section 7.2.3 of By-I�w 2520, ai �mended, to perm(t Ihe atabii�hment of r mialmum roar y�rd depth ot 4.9 metre� to be prov(ded by a propaed onaatorey rddit(on aHu6ed to the rcrr of t6e e:i�ting dwelBnQ, wdera� the zoning bylaw requtrca r minimum n�ryard depih ot7.5 metm. Tde applicaat requeeb �pproval ot tdb voriance in order to obtalo a bullding permit to coostruct a propoaed onaatorey, 16.5 iquArc metre additton to Ihe rerr of the e:ialing dwelling. T6e Meietrnt Secretary•Treaeurer outlined commenb rccelved from t6e Town of Plekertog Plaoning Dcpartment. Mr. Aloa Webaler, owner, wae praent !o repreaent the applicat(on. No further represeototioa wA� pre�ent ia taeour of or in objeci(on l0 16e appl(cation. Mr. Webater atafed Ihat he �poke wilh abutting neig6boun and they hAd nu obfecfton to the propo�ed reduced recr y�rd. UECISION: Moved by Mr. Smild end �econded by Mr, White wnd carrted unanimoualy 16ot- thu rppiication P/CA 46N7, by Alrn Web�ter, ai oullined, be APPROVED on the grounde tdpt t6e propoaed 4.9 metre minimum n�r yard dept6 provided by the prapo�ed ona�torey �dditlon varimce b minor in nalurc, de�ir�ble for the appropriwte dcvelopment of Ihe land, and in keeping with the generAl Intent and purpoae ot Ihe Official Plan rnd Section 7.2.3, to By-law 2520, �e amended, aubject to ihc foilowing condlliona: 1. Tdat thb vari�nce �pply only to the propou� onaitorcy, 16,5 aquare metre (3.5 metrca by 4.7 metm) rddition r� outlined in the opplicrnl'� �ubmitted plans. 2. Th�t the rpplic�nt obMin s building permil aad conslruct the prapoaed onaatorey additioa with(o Iwo yean of the d�te ot thb decialon, or t6e �pproval ot Ihis vAriance �h�ll become null and void. 8. P/CA 47/97 - Guairck Ralty Holdinge Part Lote 25 and 26, Raoge 3 aL�o known oa 980 - 984 Kingeton Road Tawn of Plckering T6e applicant requeata nllet from Section S.(4)9a)(vi) of �mending Bylww 2498/87, to Bylaw 3036, u furt6er omeoded by By-IAw 2923/88, to permif Ihe atablUhment of r body edop openfion on the eubject property in conJunctlon with � vehicic aeles ued�utomobile dc�leredtp, whercAe the zoning by-Iaw curnntiy permib vedicle ulca �nd nntala �nd ve6lcle rcpAir uea, but apecifiea thrt a body �hop l+ not permided. The �pplicant requafe approvd of lhte v�ri�nce in order to rcloc�fc �n e:leHng �utomo6ile de�lenh(p trom Ihc eaal dde ot Town on Kingrton Ro�d (S6erld�n Chevrolet, Oldamobile, C�dillac) to l6e �ubJect property. T6e Aubhn! Secrct�ry•Trcuunr outllned commenb rcceived trom tde Town of Pickerio` Pimeina Dep�Mment aed CN R�il, offering ao obJecNoo� to the �ppllc�Nao. 47 ,�. �� •r� � . . �� � Mr. Jerry Gwrck, orvoer, N�i pruenf to rcpreunt the �pplic�tlon. Mr. Ron P�Itenon of Dunbartoo Roid w�u praeot ia obJeclloa fo ide �ppBcaHon. Mr. Gwrck �Mted 6e du openfed � c�r deden6lp fnr over 20 ynn and would Ilke to move hb e:Ltina openNon to t6e Dunb�rton iite �dding � body �hop �ervice. Mr. P�ftenon eiprcued coocern over the pottati�l harmful fuma ih�t may emit from the piint and body 1111er we. Concemi of water pallutlan, du�t, poaible tirc hwrd�, noiu pollutlon �ad (acn��e in tnific werc �bo vofced. Mr. John�oa �aked Mr. Gazarek fo �ddrai Ihe coacems esprcaud by Mr. Paltenon. Mr. Gazarck �4tcd t6�f f6erc are drict 6eAlth �nd aafety U�adardi t6�t t6ey rre nqufnd to mtet including afr control, noiee �baftment, employee iatety. Mr. Youog aaked if t6e GciUty fe ta�pected. Mr. Caurck reapooded that t6e 4cil(ty b impected annuqlly by !he Depprtment of Lpbour ai to tde matcrial� u�ed, itored and method of dbpai�l. Mr. White advi�ed Mr. Pattenon of di� e:perience in the halth aad ertety Oeld rnd that coacerne �rc documented nnJ are tuliy governed under the Minfstry. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Jnhn�on and �econded by Mr. Smith and crrcfed unanimoualy Ih�t- Ihb �pplic�tion P/CA 47/97, by Guarck Re�lq Ilolding�, a� outlined, be APPROVED on the grouadi tdat the propoxd v�rl�nce to permit � body ihop opentlon on Ihe aubject property b minor in aaturc, dairoble for the �ppropri�te dtvelopment of the land ond in kaping with the genenl purpose �od Intent of the Ofticiqi Plan and Section 5.(4)(p)(vi) of amendiag ByIrw 2499/87 to By-law 3036, a� furihcr amcnded by Uy-law 291J/88, aubject to t6e following conditioa�: l. That the body ihop operwNon be atabN�hed u rn ecca�ory component of o vehicle repair ihop aaaoclated with � vehicle ula or renlal atablishment on fhe �ubject properly. 2. Thrt the body ahop operation be loc�led entircly within the aeterly building oo the aubJect property, locluding ihe propoud futurc 560 aqu�re metre rdd(tlon ae ideaHOed on the plao circulated with Ihi� application. 9. P/CA 48/9?- Liagoold Developmenla Inc. Lot 57, Pl�n 40M-1753 alao known u 1424 Major Odu Ro�d Town of Pickcring The �pplicant rcquesta rollef trom Scetioa S.(4)(b)(iv)A ot emeeding Dy-I�w 4183N3 to Byi�w 3036 to permit the contiourace ot a aide yard widt6 of 1.15 metra provlded by the norlh-wat atde of the gange �ttacded to tde exiating restdenttal dwelling of Ihe mbJecl property; whercaa t6e bylaw rcquira mloimum eide y�rd widtha o(1.2 roetrcs on each dde. Tde appBant nqneib �pprov�l of thb v�ri�oa In order to brL►g Ihe e:i�ting dweilieg wit6 attacded g�nge Ioto compliance with fhe provbiona of t6e zoning byI�M. The Mibhnt 5ecnhry-Tniunror oullined commeab received hrom the ToMn of Pickering Pl�nninQ Department. 48 Mr. B600la, sgeot, Nu praent lo repnuot t6e �pplicatlon. No further nprcuotation wn prwent in 6vour of or in obJcelioa to Ihe �pplintioo. Mr. en�i..a�a�a �n� com�in« th�! ef t6e time of conitructlon therc wu �n error in dNaQ Ihe a�nge Nhtc6 multed In ihe rcduced aide yurl width. DECISION: Moved by Mr. Smith �ad uconded by Mr. Whife �nd arried unanimowly t6at- t6i� appltcatloo P/CA 48/97, by Liagoold Developmenta Inc., u outUned, be APPROVED on thc around� that the propo�al 1.15 metre �ide yArd width variaoce U m(nor in nNun, desirable tar Ihe �ppropriate developmrnt of Ihe land, �od In keeping with Ihe general intent aed purpou of t6e O�cial Plau, and Sectton S.(4)(b)(iv)A of amendiag By-I�w 4183N3 to Bylaw 3036, iubject to 16e following condllinn: 1. That tl�e 1.15 metre �1de yrrd wldt6 vAriaoce apply oaly to the north-wat poMion of the attwched gonge on ihe e:iatiog resldepNAl dwelling on tde aubject lot on the dqle of tdG decUlon. �i]I Y � L�131�5� I'.T?� Aa per Mr. John�oa'i requal Mr. Cole outlined det�ili of ihe upcoming minor variance appl(crtlon by the RoyAI Crnrdi�n Legion. Mr. Johnion a�ked ih�t Ihe Commitice coniider ch�nging ihe drte ot the neat Committce of Adjuatmcat �pplic�tfoo to Tuadry, June 24, 1997 io I�e may rttend Ihe meeting. Due to t6e Sporte Hdl of Fome tunction held on Wednadq�, June 25,1997 he wflt not be ablc to attend. After eome dUcuaalon it w�s determined that the N'eJneadoy, June 25, l997 dafe wauld be auit�ble. Mr. DlLecce, Mr. Smith �nd Mr. White all conOrmed thrt they will be ovailable for ihe Wednaday, Juoc 25,1997 meeting. 13. ADJOURNMFNT MOTION: Moved by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Smith wnd c�rried uarnimoualy thrt- T6e Bfd meetlag ot the Committee ot Adjustmeat be adjoumed at 8:25 p.m. �nd the next regular meeling otthe Committee of Adjustmeot be deld on Wedneadwy, Juae 25,1997. �w<�,7�„ a5�a-� DATE � C RMAN "�G\��/n. 11Yw � SECRETARY•TREASURER (AGTING) 49 ��.:, , : ,,,�� :.. . ,