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MINIITE3 ot the 9th meeNng of the Commtttee of AdJuilmcot beld ia 16e Committce
Room ot the Plckering Civic Comple: on Wedneadry, June 25,1997.
PRESEN7i Mr. White, Chairmpn (AcHnpJ
Mr. N. DiLecce
Mr. S. Smith
ALSO PRESENT: Mr. J. Cole, A�si�taot Secretary-Treaeurer
Mn. F. NIro, Secretaty-Trcasurer (Acdr.g)
T.,, meetiag conveoed at 7:00 p.m. in Ihe Metn CommiMee Room of the Civic Complei.
T6ere were no matters arl�ing from the minutes.
MOTIOIV: Moved by Mr. DlLecce eeconded by Mr. SmitM and carrlcd unenimously -
That t6e minutes ot the 8th meeting ot the Commfftee of Adjustment held June 4,1997, be
3. P/CA 50/97 - L. & G. S�unden
Lof 19, Pl�n 814
r�o kaown Ae 817 Fairview Ave.
Town af Pickering
The applicanW rcquest relief from the tollowing provisiooa of By-law 25f 1, ae amendcd:
SceHon 5.19(e) to permit a lat covcnge of 5.6 °/. providcd by a 3.0 metre by 5.4 metro
accea�ory e6ed w6ic6 hu recently been cooatructed in tde rewr yard ot Ide aubject
property, whenAa the zoning by-low permfts r ma:Imum lot covenge for acceasory
atmctura of 3°/..
Scctton 10.2.1. ond SecNon l0.2.2. to permit t6e continuonce of p lot trontage of 7.6 metres
�od r lot arcA of 196.4 equAro metrea provided 6y the e:(atiog eubject property, wderc�a
fhe zooing 6y-law requirea A mtnimnm lot trootage of 15.0 metna �ad a miotmum lot prc�
ot 460 iqupro metres.
Sectioa 10.2.3 to perm(t the conNnuooce at � front yard depth ot 1.6 metra, a �outh aide
yard Nidth ot 1.5 meMea �nd � nor16 �ide y�rd width ot 0.5 ot � metna provided by Ihe
a6Hng dwelling oa t6e �ubJect property, w6ereAi the zoninQ by-I�w requlra � miaimum
tronf y�rd dept6 ot 7.S Ofl1f'!1� �Ila WIIIIOItl01 lldQ Y�IYI WIa1M1 0� �.S Wt�(H Op OIIQ lld0
snd 2,4 metrn on t6e ot6er dda
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Sectioa 10.1.5 and Secflon 10.2,410 permit a grou Ooor preA �nd � ground 11oor �re� of
74 �qu�ro metrca provided 6y the c:�tinQ dwelling on the �ubject praperty, wdere�i t6e
zooieg by-law nquirci a minimum grou floar arca wnd ground Iloor �rer ot 95 �qu�re
The applicaat� requat rpprovwl ot theae var(cnce� in arder to bring tde eai�tiag property
�ad dweiling into complirnce wit6 tde zoning bylaw, rnd to permit A building permlt to be
beued [or ao acceaaory ahed whtch hAe 6een conetructed in the rear y�rd otlhe �ubject
T6e Aseietaat Secretnry-Trea�urer outlined comment� receiveJ from Ihe Town of Plckering
Planning Department. Written commenta were also recefved trom Mr. Ru�sell Kearoa.
Ma. Saundcro, owner, was present to represent the applicatton. No further repreaeotatton
waa praent io favour of or fn objcction to ide applicallon. Ms. Saundero aaked eevcrol
queatlona about thc procedure of obtaining a building permit. Mr. Cole reaponded to 6er
DECIS[ON: Moved by Mr. DlLecce and aecondcd by Mr. Smith and carried unaaimously
thi� ppplicetion P/CA 50/97, by L, & C. Saundero, as oullined, be APPROVED op the
grounda that thc propoeed 7.6 metre lot frontage, 296.4 aquare meire lot area, 1.6 metre
front yard deplh, 1.5 mctre aouth side yard widlh, 0.5 of a mctre north sidc yarJ wldlh,
74 equare metre dwellfng gros� iloor areA and ground 1loor erea, and 5.6 percent accessoty
ahed lot coverage varlancca are minor tn nature, desirable for Ihe appropriatc development
of t6e Isnd, and in keeping wilh the general intent and purpose of Ihe Offictal Plan and
Sectiona 10.2.1, IU.2.2, 10.2.3, 10.2.5, 10.2.4, and 5.19(c) ot Zoning Bylaw 2511, as
amended, subject fo the foliowing condittona:
1. That the tront yard depth, aide yard widfh, groes Itoor area and ground tioor area
variances apply only to the aituafiona provlded by the dwclUng in exlstence on the
date otihi� dccielon.
2. That the acceaaory ahed lot covenge varionce apply only to ihe efruclure idenfified
nn t6e plane aubmitted with this applicatton, and Ihat the owocr obtatn a building
permit for this elructure withln one year ot the dale of ihls Jeciston, or the approval
ot thls vnrience ahell become null and void.
4. P/CA Sl/97 - Royal Canadian Legton
Nort6 Part of Lof I8, Conceasioa 8
alao knowa as 4937 Old Brock Rad
Towa of Plckering
The applicanb propoae to conefruct a 46.5 aquare metn outdaor patio at the rear ot fhe
Roy�l Caardian Legiod Hall on the eubject property. However, the e:lsltng build(ng, the
e:bting Leglon Hall, wdic6 is conatdercd a communtty hall uae for zoning purposes, and
the propoaed patio do aot comply with the requiremente ot the zoaing by-I�w, �nd
t6crcforc ApprovAl And permiW cannof be given for thc pallo.
Thenfore, the �ppl(canta hAVe eubmitted tdia applicallon rcquattng a vwr(ance trom the
zooing by-law to permit Ihe add(tton ot lhe propoeed potio.
The Aiabtoot Secretary-Trc�iurcr oufllned commeau receivcd hrom ihe Town ot Plckering
Pbnoing Dep�rtment.,
T6ero wu no ooe prweat b ropre�ent the appllc�Hoa.
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MOTION: Moved by Mr. Smith �nd ucoaded by Mr. DlLccce aod carried un�nlmowly
t6b �pplic�Noo P/CA 51/97, by Roy�l Cpn�diaa Leglon, a� oullincd, be TABLED to Ihe
Wedaadry, July 16,1997 Commiftee otAdjuatment meettng.
5. P/CA 52l97 - Dt�covery Place Ltd.
Part of Lot 21, Conccaalon 1
(eout6 eide otKingafan Rood, eaet otGlenannA Road)
Town of Pickering
The appiicant requests rellef from SecNon S.(1)(b)(vi)D of amending Dylaw 23A9/87 to
Bylaw 3036 to permit tde eatabliahment o( a mintmum 1.0 roetre parking etall aetback
plong the Kingston Road road allowance abutHng ihe aubject property, whercaa fhe by-law
requirea at grade parking area� to be aetback a m(nimum of 3.0 metrea from all road
The applicant requc�te approval ot ihis varlancc in order to ellow lhe associaled proposed
aite plan application for the Jevelapment ot a 16-storey, 253 unit apartmcnt buildfng and
recreaHon complez to be further conaidered and approved.
T6e As�(etant Secretary-Treasurer outlined commente recelved trom the Town of Pickering
Planaing Department.
Mr. Nino Pellicano, agent, was prcaent lo repre�ent the applicallon. No further
repreaentation wa� present in fevour of ar in abjcction to the application. Mr. Pellicano
�tafed fhat he concurced wlth ihe Planning Department's recommendatian.
DECISION; Moved by Mr. Smith and aeconJed by Mr. DfLecce and carrted unanimously
thG opplicafioo P/CA 52/97, by Df�covery Place Ltd., a� outlined, be APPROVED on ihe
grauads thAf ihe proposed 1.0 metre porking atail aetback trom the lCfng�ton Road road
dlowroce vwriance i� minor in noture, dainble for the appropriate development of the
IA�d �Od III keeping wifh the generel intent and purpose of the Ofticial Plan and
Section S.(1)(b)(vl)D ot ameading Dy-law 2349/87 to Bylaw 3036, aubject to Ihe following
I. That the �pplicant obtain fiool a(te plan approval tor the development aa generally
oufl(aed on the plana eu6mitted wJtd thia application withtn one year ot the date ot
t6L� decfslon, or the approvAl ot thta vArlancea ahall becoroe null aad vold.
6. P/CA 53/97 -1157535 Ontario Lid.
Lot 13, P14n 40M-1737
r6o known n 1526 Nfpiaalog Court
Town ot Pickeriag
Tbe �ppllcaof reqnab �pprov�i from $ection S(3)(b)(vl) ot �mendlnR By1�N 41]JN3 fo
ByIro 3036 to permit t6e coattnu�eee of � minimum 7.34 metro re�� y�rd deptd provided
by the nbNng raldentl�l dNelltag on tde yu6Ject propertyi where�� Ihe byd�w reqnira �
minimmm �+�r y�rd deptb ot 7.S mctrci.
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The �pplic�nt rcquab �pprov�l of thb vwriAnce In order to brinQ t6e e:btlaQ dwelllnQ into
compluace wit6 t6e provbioni of the zoning byI�w.
The Asei�t�at Secretpry-Trcaauror outiiued commeab reccived trom the Town of Pickering
Plaaaing Depsrtment.
Mr. Tony Seap, owner, waa prcaent fo repreeent tde appltcalion. No fuHher npraenl�tioo
waa prcaent in fwvour of or fn objection to the applicatioa. Mr. Senq ■dvVed the
Committee t6af tde reduced reAr yard depth wae due to r eiting error.
DECISION: Moved by Mr. Srolth and aeconded by Mr. DiLecce and carrted unan(mouily
th� Appiication P/CA 53l97, by 1157535 Ontario Limitcd, as autlined, be APPROVED oa
t6e grounds that the proposed 7.34 metrc rear yard depth varlance i� m(nor in oature,
dairable for fhe appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with tde general
intent and purpoae of tde O[ficial Plan, and Section 5.(3)(b)(vi) of amendlog
By-law 4123/93 to Bylaw 3036, aubjccf to the following condition:
I. That ide 7.34 metre rear yard depih varlencc upply only to the e:isting residential
dwelling on the aubject lot on ihe dnte of Ihi� decision.
MOTION: Moved by Mr. Smilh aeconded by Mr. D(Lecce and carried unantmoualy thet-
The 9th meettog of the Committee ot AdJu�finent be adJourneJ at 7:25 p.m, and the ne:t
regulrr meeHng of the Committee oPAdjuatmcnt be hcld on Wednceday, July 16,1997.
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