HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 27, 1997_ ;�. . . � � .. � _ � �N�� � ' . . . � . ��F . . .. : . . . . � � . � � � � � . MINUTES of t6e 12th meeHng ot the Committee o[ Adjuatment held in the Committee Room of Ihe Pickering Civic Comple: on Wedneaday, Auguat 27,1997. PRESENT.• Mr. C. Youag, Chairman Councillor R. Johnaon Mr. N. DiLecce Mr. P. White -(arrived 7:30 p.ro.) AGSO PRESEN7': Mr. J. Cole, A�aistaat Secretary-Treasurer Ms. F. Niro, Secretary-Treaaurer (Acling) The meefing copveaed at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Committce Room of the Civ(c Complez. 1. MA7"fERS ARISING FROM THF. MINUTF.S There were no matlere ariaing from ihc minutea. 2. ADOPTION OF MINUTF.S MOTION: Moved by Mr. Johnaon, accondcd by Mr. DlLecce and carried unaoimousiy - That the minutes of the I lth meeUng of the Committee of Adjuetment held Auguat 6,1997, be edopfed. 3. P/CA 61/97 - K. McDiarmid Part Lot 6, Plsn 399 also Iwown ae 401 Rougemount Ddve Town otPickerfag T6e appllcaot requeats rcliet from the prov�lana of Section 6.6(a) ot By-lew 1511, as amended, to permit t6e wtablt�hment ot A 3.0 metre tlankage atde yard widt6, whereae the zoaing by-law requires a mtoimum 1lanknge etde yArd w(d16 ot4.5 metres. T6e applicaat has aubmitted t6i� applicati6n for mtnor varlance ao thet zoaing clearonce and a building permit may be obtained for the proposed addition. The Assbtnot Secrefary-Treaaurer outlined commeots received from t6e Town of Pickering Planning Department. Mr. Wemer Sc6rocder, agent, wna praent to represent Iha ppplicatton. No further repraentallon waa praent In fpvour ot or in objectfon to t6e pppticAtioo. . . 63 LECISION: , Moved by Mr. DlLecce rad ucodded by Mr. John�on and c�rried unmimoualy th�t- thb appllcallon P/CA 61/97, by Kirk B. McDiarmid, ai outlined, be APPROVED on the grounda t6�t t6e propoacd 3.0 metre llqukrgc aide yord width b m(nor In nAture, dnirable tor the approprlate developmeat ot the IAnd �nd ia keeping wft6 t6e generol purpoae rnd intent ot t6e O(ticial Plan and Secflon 6.6(a) ot By-law 2511, eubject to the following COOaUI0q77 � 1. T6at the 3.0 metre Ilaokage aide yard width apply only to the 3.6 roetre by 3.6 metre one-atorey aun porch additioa and the wheel chair ramp identified on the plaoa circulated with this application; 2. That tde npplicant obtain a buildtng permit And canafruct the addition within hvo yeara of the date of this deci�ton, or the approval o[ thta variaoce ehall become null and void. 4. P/CA 62/97 - BaptUt Convention otOntario & Quebec South Part otLot 18, Coacasion 2 also known ae 2(45 Brock Rood Town of Plckering The npplicant requeata reliet from tde provUiona of Section 5.15 ot By-law 3036, as amended, to permit t6e continuooce of a miniroum eide yard width of 5.1 metres provided by an e:Isting buildtng fo be used for (natituttonal (church) usea, wherea� the by-law requires miaimum aide yArd widt6a of 7.5 metrea for inaHfutional ueea. The Asai�teot Secretory•Treasurer outlined comments recclveJ trom the Town of Plckcring Planning Department. Mr. Howard Yeung, rgent, waa praent to represent the appltcallon. No furfher represenfotion waa present in frvour of or la objection to t6e appitcation. DEC[SION: Moved by Mr. Johnson and aeconded by Mr. DlLecce and carried unAnimoualy that- Ihis appUcAtioo P/CA 62/97, by B�pfist Convention o( Ontarto & Quebec, as outlined, be APPROVED oa the grouod� thot the proposed variance to perm(t a aouth efde yard width ot 5.1 metrea ta be provided by an e:isting 6uilding oo the property Is ro(nor io nature, deein6le [or t6e appropriote development of the land and in keeping w(th the geoeral purpoae And intent ot the Of(icial Plan Aod Section 5.15 of By-law 3036, aubject to ihe following coadtfloae: 1. T6at the S.1 metre eouth aide yard widt6 variance apply only to the e:i�ting former raidential bullding wh(c6 i� being converted to c6urch uaea on the property �� Indicated on t6e appllcont'a eubmitted plan; 2. Thet the qpplicaot obtain tinAl revGed eite plan approval and buildiog permi�i for the cooventop ot Ihe aubJect buildtng to c6urch ueea, pnd complete the cooatruction aad aite deve�opment requiremente of ihe rpproved aile plan �nd building permib withia two yern of the dAte ot t6b dec(eloa, or the �pproval ot thb v�rt�oce ehdi become null �nd vold. ,. 64 �, ;' I i ;' ` ;� _ , S. P/CA 63197 to P/CA 6SN7 - D�ve Buck Put otLof 4, Plan M-917 abo knorvn aa 1236 Hayview Town otPickeriag T6e rppl(cant rcqueata relief from the followlog provisione of ameadiog By-law 4139/92 to ByIAw 2511: SecHan 5.(2)(c)(iii) to permif the e�ta6li�hmeot of a mtnimam front yard deplh of 2.0 metres for propoeed Lot 1 aad 0.6 of a metre for proposed Lot 3, to be provlded by proposed futurc dwellin�.t, whereas the by-law requires a minimum front yard depih of 7.5 metres; Section 5.(2)(Q to permif ihe eatabll�hment of a minimum rearyard Jept6 0[0.6 ota roetre to be prov(ded by proposed future dwelitogs, whereas the by-law requires e mtn(mum rear yard depth of 7.5 metres. T6ae minor variance Ap,�licatione 6ave been eubmitted requesting var(encca to the minimum tront yard and rear yard deptd requireroents oo the three proposed lots, ao that the aeveranca may be finalized witd appropriate 6uildlug envelopes available for the cooatructton otdwe��(og� oa ihe IoW. T6e Asetetont Secrelary-Trea�urer outltoed commente received from Ihe Town otP(ckering PlAnaing Departroeof. Wrltfen commenta were Alao rereived from the Mefropolitan Toroato and Resfon Conaervallon AuYhority, Plckcring Har6our Compeny and D. & M. Clllo ot 719 Simp�an Avenue, all in aupport of fhe applicaHon. Mr. Ale: Arthuchov, agent, was praent ta repraent the application. No further repreaeataHon wAa present lo fevour of or In objection to Ihe Applicatlon. Mr. Arlhuchov atated t6at he concurred with tde PlAnning Dcp�rtmenl'a recommendation. DECISION: Movcd by Mr. Johnaou and aeconded by Mr. DlLeccc and carried uoanimaualy that- ihL� ppplicaHon P/CA 63/97 to 65/97, by D. Duck, aa outlined, be APPROVED on the grounda that the proposed variAnca aro minor in oelure, desirable for fhe approprlate developmeot of the land pnd in keeping wtlh tde genenl purpoae and inteot of the Otticial Plan and Sectlons 5.(2)(c)(lii) and 5.(2)(Q o[ �mcoding By-law 4139/92 to Dy-law 2511, iu6ject to the followtng condition�: 1. Thaf the minimum 2.0 metre front yard dcpth And 0.6 of a metre rear ywrd deptd spply ooly to P/CA 65/97 on Lot 1. Aa idenlitied on plam circulated wlth thi� AppBcation; 2. Thqt tde minimum 0.6 of e metre rear yard depth apply only to P/CA 63/97 on Lot 1. Ae ideafiIIed on ihe plana eubmitted with thie epplicwtion; 3. That t6e minlmum 0.6 of a metre front yqrd dept6 and rcar yard depth AppPy only to P/CA 64/97 on Lot 3. as idenHfied on 16e plane eubmttted wit6 t6i� �pplication; 4. Th�t Laad 3evennee Appl(atione LD 157/97 pnd LD 158/97 to crcite 16e Ihne �nbject lob be perfceted aad lbe certiflcpta of canunt iigned by the Seeret�ry•Tramrcr of t6e Durham Lwnd Divielon Comm(tta by Auguet 24, 1998, or t6e approvAl of t6ae v�rl�nca e6dl become nu0 md void. _ 65 , . . ,�. — , ,; � , ,� : 6. P/CA 66/97 - M. Mumy P�rt ot Lot 68, Pl�n M•997 �Iso known u 1376 Evertoo Street Towo ot Pickedng The applic�nt h�� aubmitted th�i �pplicatioa rcqueeting minor v�riaacee to recognize a number ot esi�fing eituatiooe on Ihe property which do not comply with the requirementa ot tho zoniog byIaN, and to permit nn addiNon to Ihe dwelling which would reeult In addttionAl varlrnce aituationa. The Assistanf Secretary-Treasurer outlined aammenW received from the Town ot Pickering Plaaning DepaHment. Mr. MurrAy, agent, was pre�ent to repreaeat the appllcaUon. Also present waa Ms. Alltaon Moze ot 1382 Everton Street, tn objection to the applicAtion. Mr. Murray advi�ed Ihe Committee that the aubject properfy was nat ip compliaoce.prior to hi� purchase ot the property. }II� wite t� legally blind and doe� not drive, therefore, additianal parking epace in the garag�e i� not requ(red. Ms. Mou oull(oed eeveral concerua includ(ng increased on-�trcet parking io the ares. Me. Moze objecfed to the proposed addiHon w6ich ahe (ee� would detract trom the uniformity of f6e dwellinge in tde aeighbourhood. She etated tdat ahe has no obJection fo the preaent location of tt�e aheda. Ma. Moze e:presacd concem ihat approval of thts Appl(crtlon may aet a precedent in ihe netg6bourhood. Mr. DlLecce advised Ma. Mou thrt each appl(cation b considered individuaily by the Committee. Each will be vlewed on Ita own meril�. Mr. Johneon asked ldat coocerne outlined by Ms. Moze be forwardeJ lo the By-law DepArtment pnd t6e Pub!(c Work� Department. Mr. Young a�ked Mr. Mumy It a revt�ed D.6 of a metre a(de yard setback is acceptable. Mr. Murrry replied thAt ft b not pcceptable. M1fr. MurrAy advteed Ihe Committee that abuttiag ntighboure hrve no objectton to Ihe applfcattoo. Mr. Cole outllned for t6e Committee mcmben the raaoos why the Planning Departmeat recommended a revi�ed 0.6 ota metre aide y�rd aetback Mr. Jo6naon asked whAt the current living epace b bcing uaed for. Mr. Murray replied if i� being matnly uaed tar atornge purposea. Heatlng currently run� tdraug6 t6e gamge prea aod it would make It very di(ticult fo convert t6e living �ra brck ioto a gange. MOTION: Moved by Mr. Jo6naon And aeconded by Mr. W6ife and carried uornimouely illAi- thie rppl(catioa P/CA 66/97, by M. Murray, be DEFERRED to the mating ot September 17,1997 MOTION CARRIED Mr. wnire Jo�o�a cd� commicee.� �d+, nma 66 7. P/CA 67/97 - Metropolifon Turooro �nd Regioa Comcrvallon Aut6odly P�rt Lot 36, 39, 40 , Plao 233 aleo known u 531 Rodd Avenue Towo of Plckering The applicAnt requcsta rel(ef from t6e following provieione of Bylow 2511, Ai amended: Section 5.19(b) to permit the continuonce of A garage located 0.95 ota metre from Ihe �oulh eide lot Iine end to permit t6e coottouance of An encloaed hnt tub atructure located 0.74 ot a metre from the enat aide lot line, wherea�, the 6y-lew requirea all pcceaaory etructurea greater than 10 aquarc metres in eize ond/or greater ihan 1.8 metre in 6eight to be aetback a mtnimum ot 1.0 metre from all lot linea. Section 5.19(a) to permit tde coafinuance of ao enclo�ed 6ot tub atructure located In the eaet aide yard, whereaa the by-law requtres all acceasory atructures which are not part of ihe mafn building to be locnted enNrely within the rear yard. T6e Con�ervation Author(ty hns aubmitted t6�i appllcation requesting variances to recogniu Ihe locatloo af Ihe lwo acceaaory atructures which do not coroply wit6 the requtrement� of ihe zoning by-law. The Ae�btant Secretary-Treraurer oullined commenW received trom the Town of Plckering Plqnoing Depertment. Mr. Vince Cornacchir, agent, wr� pre�ent ta rcpreeent Ihe application, No furtder rcpraentadoo w�� preaent io favour otor In objeclion to t6e application. Mr. Comacchia atated thwt de concurteJ with the recommended canditions imposed by the Planning Departmeot. DECISION: Moved by Mr. White and sceonded by Mr. DiLccce and carried unanimously thAt- th� appl(catioa P/CA 67/97, by Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conaervetlon Authority, n outl(oed, be APPROVED on the grouods thot t6e propoeed acce�sory structure locafion varlaocea are minor in nature, dainble tor the approprtate developmeut ot the land and In Icaping witd t6e genenl purpose aod inteat ot ihe Oflicial Plan and Sectione 5.19(a) and 5.19(b) ot ByIA�v 2511, aubject to t6e tollowing cooditiona: 1. That Ihe varlance to permit on occeaaory atructun to 6e locAted in the east eide yArd, 0.74 ot t metrc trom the eut aide lot line Apply oaly to ide eiGtiog enclosed 6ot tub idenlilied oa tde pl�a t(rculated witd this �pplicatlon. 2. Th�t the v�Hance to germit aa �ccea�ory defac6ed gange located 0,95 nf a metrc from the rcar lot line Apply onty to 16e e:isting detached gorege identitied on the pi�n circulrted wit6 t61e applicAtion. 3. Th�t ihe applic�nt obtaio �pproval from tde DurhAm Land Divl�ion Committa to acver Lot 39, Plrn 233 trom the holdings of fhe Coneervation Authority, t6af pll condltioaa of Ihe aevennce be perfected aed the certlticAte ot conaent aigned by t6e Secrchry-Trwsurer of the Durh�m L�ad DIvL+ion Committee wit6lo two yeare ot lhe dite ot thb dec6ioo, or t6e �pproval ot t6ese varianca ah�ll become null �nd void. 67 . . . .. . ... � _ & P/CA 6P/97 • K. J. Ad�m� . P�rt Lot 19, 20, Plan 2T0 �bo knoNn u 88S SudAveaue Toro ot Pickeriag T6e appllcant rcquat� rclicf from the provEelone ot Sccttoo S.8 ot By-4w 1S11, u amended, to permit p propoaed conenle pl�ttorm wilh eWin to project a ma:imum ot 2.S metrca beyond f6e tront trce of the esistiog dwelling into t6e required froot yard, whercre the by-IAw requ(rc� uncovercd etep� or plAtforme oot e:ceedta� 1.0 metre In 6eigdt above gnde to project no morc t6an 1.5 metra Inlo Ihe rcquircd fropt y�rd; The applicant haa aubmitted t6b application fn order to obtain a building permit to coa�trucf a proposed coacrzte plalform wit6 atain to lhe 1'ront of t6e e:Uting dwelltog on the aubject property. The As.+�tant Secretary-Treaaurcr outlined commeats roceived from the Town of Pickering : launiog Depprtment. Mr. Gary Sanfuccio, ogent, was present to nQreacnt ihe application. No Wrther represeotAtion waa preatot in favour ot or in objecNon ta the applicaHon. Mr. Santuccio etated ihat he wgreed with l6e Planning Departmeal'e recomroendatioo. Mr. Whtfe commeoted thAt he � tamiltar wilh Ihe neigdbour600d anJ that the proposed conafruction would oot 6e detrimentai to !he neigdbourhood. DECISION: Moved by Mr. DlLecce aad seconded by Mr. Wdlle And carrled unaolmoualy thAt- thfs applfation P/CA 68/97, by K. J. AdAme, r� outlined, be APPROVED on the grounda thot fhe proposeJ 2�5 metrc mr:imum projecttoo voriaoce i� mtnor io nature, deainblc far lhe appropriate development o( the land, �nd in keeping with the geaeral iotent aod purpoae ot tde Ot(ici�l Plan, �nd SecNon 5.8 ot DyIrw 2511, as ameaded, eubject to the following condiNone: l. Thqt Ihi� v�rlance apply only to � concrcte platform wilh atain not ciceedtog 1,0 metrc In deight from gnde, with the uacovered concnte platform providing ■ miolmum (ront yard dep16 of 6.0 metra �nd the pttrched atairo providiog ■ mtoimum froot yard dept6 ot5.0 metra. 2. Th�t the appliaot obhin a buildlag permit aad conatruct the concrcte pl�ttorm wit6 alain wttdin two yean of the dofe ot this decisioo , or t6e approval ot t6b variance adAll bceome null and void. 5 ,; 68 ,;: , ' � 9. ADJOURNMENT M07'ION: Moved by Mr, Jodnion �nd uconded by Mr. DlLecce ead arr(ed unsnimouriy th�b _ The 12th meeting of the Committee of AdJuitment be adJoumed tt 8;05 p,m. snd t6e next regular mecting of the Committee of , Adjwtment be 6eld on Wedoad�y, September 17,1997. �'t��L•��.�ti 1-� �q-� DATE ' ' IRMA °�C� Q��,��J SECRETARY TItEASURER (AC'fING) : �•� � ' ;�. °` , ; . `s t,. , , ', - °;;� � . , �, �; � j r„ �t' d , _� T � ;;� � � ' �,� , "r :; � � �` � �� _ �. '� . _ . , , . 69 -, , .- � „r , :. .f 7 .� 1;� v�. 7 r. . . � .