HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 17, 1997� , .
MINUTES ot t6e 13th meeting of the Commlttee ot AdJuetment 6eld la t6e Commtttee
Room of t6e Plckering Civlc Comple: on Wednesday, September 17,1997.
PRESENT: Mr. C. Young, C6airmao
Mr. S. Smith
Mr. P. White
ALSO PRESEN7: Mr. J. Cole, Aesistant Secretary-Treasurer
Mn. A. Buchan, Secretary-TreAaurer (Acting)
T6e meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. la the Main Committee Room of the Civic Complei.
There were no mattero ari�log from the miaufes.
MOTION: Moved by Mr. Wdite, aeconded by Mr. Smith aad carried unanimouely -
T6at the minutes of t6e 1216 meeHng o[ the Committee of Adjuatment held
Auguet 27,1997, be adopted.
3. P/CA 34l97 - Council of IalAmic CuidAnce
PArt of Lot 30, Coocasion 3
also known ae SIO Concaaton 3 Road
Town otPickering
, The applicant uquaW relief from SecHon 5(�(b)(i�) of ameoding By-lew 2675/88, furt6er
i amended by By-IAw 4354/93, to Hy-law 3037 to permit the e�tablWdment of a ma:imum
groas floor ar.ea of 549.Baquaro metres to be provided by the e:i�Hng building and A
praposed addiHon on 16e eubject property, whereas the zooing byIAw permits a mA:imum
groee tloor area ot500 aquaro metrea.
The ppplicant requaW npprovpl ot thi� variance in order to obtAin � butld(ng permit to
convert an e:t�ting attac6ed gamge atructure to eupport a propo�ed kitzhen and proposed
funerol aervlces Area.
T6e Aealetant Secretpry-Treaeurer outlioed comments received from t6e Town of Pickering
Pianning Departmeot.
Mr. Zwheer Beg, agenf, wu prceent to represent 16e application. Mr. Beg requested
deferr�l ot the appli¢�Non to I�te November to give him �ddiqond time to prcp�re the
roqnired engineering report. No tuNher npraent�Hon wu present in f�vour ot or In
objceHon to the �pplicaHon.
, ,
MOT10N: Moved by Mr. Smitd and eecopded by Mr. White and carried unAaimouely
t61� application P/CA 34/97, by Council ot lelamic Guidance, be DEFERRED to the
meetiag ot Novem6er 19,1997.
4. P1CA 66N7 - M. Murray
Part otLot 68, Plan M•997
sl�o known as 1376 Everton Street
Town of Pickering
The eppltcant haa submitted tdLt applicstion reque�ting minar varisncea to recogn(zc a
number ot e:t�tiug altuaHons on the property which do oot compiy with iha requirementa
ot the zoning by-law, and fo permit an addiHan to t6e dwclling w6ich would result in
addillonol vartaoce eituatiop�.
T6e Asa(�tant Secretary-Trsaaurer outlined commenb reccived fram the Town ot Pickcring
Piaoning Departrocnt.
Mr. Murray, egent, wae present to represent lhe applicatton. Ms. Alll�on Mozc of
1382 Everton Street and Mr. Allan Haynes of 1354 Evertoo Sireet wcre preseot Iu
object(on to the epplicatton.
T6e A�s4+tant Secretary-Trea+urer outlined commenf� reccived from the Town of Pickcring
' Plonning Deportmeot.
• Ms. Moze e:pre�aed objecNon� to tuc application, particularly the is�ue of the lack of a
garnge on the aubJect.prrtperty. Ma. Moze had concerna over the on-slrcet parking
problema which currenlly extet addtog that approval of this applicatton would only
e:acerbate fde atfuatiop. Ma. Moze tcele a precedenf may be aet tor the neighbourhood it
the application I� approved. M�. Moze approached ihe Committee wilh photograpM�
ehowing oa•�treet parking.
Mr. Hsyaes eaked for clarification as fo the construction of the proposed addition and its
appearaoce. Mr. Youog adv�ied Mr. Hayaes that any construcNon must adhere fo
building codea, anJ that the appl(catiop i+ applicable to the eubject property only.
Mr. White aeked Ma. Moze if ihe photographe ahe took tndicate any vehiclea fielonging to
the applicant. M�. Moze respoaded no.
Mr. Smit6 A�ked f6e applicant if he is awaro of the parking problems an the atrcet, and the
fype of canatruction he W proposing. Mr. Murray respooded that he Is eware ot the
parking problema but advised Ihe membero that Ide occupants of the home park in t6e
driveway oniy end do not contrihute fo thc prablem. T6e propo�ed eddiHon will be
coordlnAfed wilh the main dwelling. Mr. Murray advised the Committee that the shed�
6ave been Io place prlor to 1980.
Mr. Yauog etated that eeveral Comroittee Membere and himaelf performed a altc
Inepection to aaseae t6e eifuAtion. Mr. White etated that he found the Murray properfy to
be apotleaa and well malntained And 6e fcela doea not contribute to on•atreet pprklnq. He
ai�o encounged Me. Moze to pureue 6er conceme with the Dylaw Entorcemeot
Department. Ma. Mou replied thpt even It Mr, ond Mn. Murray do nof confribute to t6e
pArking probiem, tde 6ouee may be aold to acw owaen with additional crro.
, �
DECISION: Moved by Mn Wdlte, �econded by Mr. Smit6 pnd cprried unan(mouely tdwt-
idis rppllcalloo P/CA 66/97, by M. Murrwy, be APPROVED, wltd one revblon aa followe:
i) T6pt the eaat aide yard widt6 propoaed to be atabl(ahed by an 11.2 aquqro mefre
■ddition be REVISED to x miniroum 0.6 of a mctre erat eide yard width aa thb
vari�nce Is minor in opture, deeirable tor Ihc pppropriate development ot Ihc laud
aod io keeping with t6e generol purpoae and intent e: ihe O�ciai Plan and
Sc6edule "B" ot emendiog Bylaw 4325/73 to Bylaw 3036.
ii) T6at the proposed varlance to permit a ma:imum lot coverage ot34 percent and to
permft a minimum ground tloor arca of 50,98 aquare metre� i� miaor in nature,
deetnble for the appropriatc development of the land, and in keeping wlth the
genenl purpoae and inteot ot the O(ticial Plan and Provtston 2. to Schedule "D"
and Schedule "B" ot amending By-law 4325/73 to Zoaing By-law 3036.
ili) Thwt proposed varlances to permit the conlinuance of a 0.0 metre aetback betweea
accesaory a6ed "b" add the eaat side lot Iine, end to permft the continuance ot a
0.0 metre aefback between accessory a6ed "c" and the east, west and north lot lines
are minor in nature, deairable for the appropriate development of fhe land, and tn
keeping wit6 the general purpose and intcnt of the O�cial Plan and Section
S.1B(b)D of Bylaw 3036, subject to the tollowing condition:
1. That t6eee variancea apply only ta thc occeseory �hcde in existence on the dafe
ot t6is decbton ae illu�trated on the plan c(rculated wilh thie a�pltcation.
Iv) That the proposed varlance to permit the continuance otthe eif�ttng dwelliag wlth
ao �ttac6ed gpnge u minor in nAture, appropriate tor ihe de�irable development
o(t6e land, and in keeping wlth tde genernl purpo�e anJ fntent otthe OlYictal Plan
and Schedule "B" otamending Dylaw 4325/73 to Zoning IIy-law 3036.
5. P/CA 69/97 - J. & S. Alkins
South Prrt otLot 12, Plan 8l4
aleo knowo ae 802 Fairview Avenue
Town of Pickcrtng
T6e applicaota requeat relief trom Seciion 10.2.3 0( Bylaw 2511, as amended, to permit the
The conNnuance of e tront yard depth ot4.2 metres provtded by Ihe e:i�ttng maio dwelling
on the property, ond a front yard depth ot 2.5 metres provided by A porch at thc froot ot
t6e dwelling, w6ereAa t6o zanfng bylaw requlrea a minimum front yard depth ot
7.5 metre�.
The establi�6meot ot A 0.6 metre nort6 eide yard widih provided by a renovated north aide
of the eiieHng dwelling aad a new roof e:tension over an outdoor sitHng erea af the
north-weet comer ot t6e d�velltog, whercas the zaning bylaw requlree a minimum north
aide yard width of 1.5 metre.+.
The oppllcanG requat Approval ot these varianaa In order to bring the ext�ting troat y�rd
depth �nd the propoud aoH6 eide yard wldth provided by tho e:i�Nng dweli(ng �nd t6e
propoaed renov�tione �nd roof exteoatoo Into coropliwnce with the zoaing by-I�w ao t6�t
6uilding permib maybe laaued.
The Aie6tanf 9ecreUry-Treaaurcr outllned commeata received from the Towa ot Pickedng
P{�nning Dep�rfinent.
,. , ,
Mn Strn Vao Noppen, agent, waa prwent to repreaent ,tihe Applical(oo, No further
reproaentation waa preaent lo Gvour otor in objcet(on to the s,pplicwtlon.
Mr. Smitb �eked for cleriticatinc aa to the reAeona for the roo[ e:teneloa. Mr, Ven Noppen
replied it U to provide �6ade/cover over a patlo/p(cnic area.
DECISION: Moved by Mr. Smith, And aeconded by Mr. WLife and carrled unenlmowly
thi� applicAtioa P/�A 69/97, by J. & S, Alklns, as outlined, bc APPROVED on fho grounda
lhat the proposed variance i� minor in aaturc, dcatrable for the appropriete development ot
the land, and in kceping wlih the general tntent and purpose of the Ofticial Plan and
SecHon 10.2.3 of Zooing Bylaw 2511, as amended, subject to Ihe following conditlons:
1. Thal tde 4.2 metre froot yard depth at variance apply only to the existing main
dwell[ng, and ihe 2.5 metre fraat yard depih at varlance epply only to the exiating
front porch attached ta ihe matn da�elling.
2. That tde 0.6 metre oorlh aide yard wiJth at variance eppiy only to tMe e:isttng
dwelling wilh the propoaed renovattona, including an extended raot over an outdoor
eitqng area at ide aorth•west comer of the dwelling.
6. P/CA 70/97 - B. & V. Cotterill
South Part of Lot 11, Conce�ilon 6
(noMh of Hlghway No. 7, weat of Durhem Regtonal Road No.31)
Town of Plckering
The applicant� requeat relief from Section 6,2.1 ot By-law 3037, aa emended, to permit the
conttnuance of an e:i�ting lo! area of O.S7 ot a hcclare, whereaa thc zontng by-law requires
a minimum lot area ot 0.8 of a hectAre.
The applicanb requeat approval of thia variance in ordcr to bring the esisting lot arca Into
compliance with the requirementa ot the zoning by-law.
The Assistant Secretary-Trea�urer outlined commeote received Goro Ihe Town of Pickering
Planning Departmeot.
Mr. aad Mro. Semeniuk, agent�, were preaent to repre�cnt the appllcallon. No further
repreaeulatlon was present in fevour otor in objection to the application.
DECI9ION: Moved 6y Mr. Smith and aecoaded by Mr. White and carried uoanimoualy
thie �pptic�tton P/CA 70/97, by B. & V. Catt�dil, aa outlined, be APPROVED on the
groundi thpt the propoaed l06 area ot 0.57 of a hectaro at vadence i� minor in nature,
deelrAble for t6e pppropriafe development of tde land, and In keeping wilh the gcneral
inteat and purpoae of the Otticial Plan and SecNon 6.2.1 ot Zoning Sy-ta�N3037, as
�mended. .
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7. P/CA 71N7 - C. & W. Lep�rd
Part Lof 18, Conceadon 2
��o knowa A� 1766 Finch Aveaue
Town of Pickedng
T6e applicante requeat rellef from Section 5.18(d) of Bylaw 3036, ea emended, lo perm(t
tde continuAnce of an east aide yard width ot 1,29 metrea provided by the auuth•eAet comer
ot a garage attached !o tde dwellipg oo the aubject property, whereae Ihe zoning by-law
rcquirea min(mum atde yard wldthe of 1.8 metrea.
The applicant� rcqueat approval of t6is var(ance in arder to bring the e:isting dwelling on
tde aubJecl property into compliance wlth thc requtreroenh ot the zoning by-law.
The A.tsiatant Secretary-Trea�urer oullined commenta received from the Towa of Pickering
Planniag Deparfinent.
Mr. and Mro. Lepard, owaer�, were present to represent the appllcatton. No tuHher
representation waa pre�cnf in favour of or in objectlon to the appllcalloa.
DECISION: Moved by Mr. Smith and aeconded by Mr. White end carrted unenimously
thi� applicaHon P/CA 71/97 by G. & W. LeparJ, a� oullined, be APPROVED on the
grouade fhat Ihe proposed 1.29 metre eaat aide yard widlh variance i� minor in nafurc,
deairable for the appropriAfe development of the land and in kceping wilh the general
purpose and inlent ot tde Oft(cial Plan and SecNon S.IB(d) of Bylaw 3036, aubject to thc
fallowing condition:
1. That thia variance apply only to the 1.29 metre ea�t aide yard width provided by the
eouth-eaat corner of thc garoge affached to the e:lating dwelling on ihe aubject
8. P/CA 72/97 - C, & L. Green
Lot 273, Plan M-14
also known a� 87R Naroc6 Bivd.
Town of Plckering
T6a applicenta requeat relief Gom the following provi�lons ot By-law 252Q, ae amcnded, to
permit the followiog:
Section 7.23 to permit lhe eatabliahment ot a minimum tront yord depth o[ 6.0 metres,
whereaa the By-Iww requfra a mioimuro tront yard deplh of7.5 metres;
Sectton 5.19 to permit the eatabliahmeot of a mtniroum eouth aide yard width of 1.0 metre,
wdereaa the Bylaw requiree a roinimum aide yard wldlh ot 1.5 metres where an atteched
ganga e:tata on the loh,
3ectlon 7.2.6 to pertnit the eatabltshmeat of a roaiimum lot coveragc of 38%, whereAa thc
by-law permtta p masimum lot covenge of 33%.
T6e �pplic�nte requat approvd of thae vArioncea In order fo obtrin � buildtng permit for
a propoaed lwaitorey gange rpd Iiving eppco tddltioa to Ihe �ou1h eldo ot the e:Gttng
dwelliog. °
T6e Asa4+tant SecretAry•Tre�aurer outllaed comment� nceived Gom Ihe Town of Plckering
Plronlog Department,
Mr. Creen, owner, wa� prcaent to reprGent Ihe applicAtion. Mr. Creen outllned reaaooa
for the Committeo u to why a bullding permit wa� aat obtatned with(n tde required time
tnme. M1ir. Greea'e neighbour wAa in attendeace and 6ad ao objecHon�. Mr. Cole advGed
the applicpnt t6ot even if the 1.0 melre atda yard width vnriance wae approved, grading
And drelaaQa approval through tde bulldtag permtt proceaa may requ(re a greater eetback.
DECISION: Moved by Mr. Smilh aod �econded by Mr. W6tte and carried unanimoualy
tht� application P/CA 72/97, by C. & L. Grecn, aa outUned, be APPROVED on the grounda
that t6e propoaed 6.0 metre minimum front yard dept6, propoaed 1.0 metre eide yard
wldth aod proposed 38% lot coverege are mtnor in nature, appraprlatc for the desirabie
developroent of the land, and in keepingwith the geaeral intent and purpo�e otthe O(licial
Plan, and Sectiona 5.19(d), 7.2.3. and 7.2.4 of By-Iaw2520, aubject to the following
1. 'fhat the applfcant obtain a buiiding permit for ihe additiana as generally illustrated
on the plana circulated wit6 thb appi(cation, and construct ihe additton within two
yean of t6e date of thie decis(on, or the approval of iheec vartanccs ahall becoroe
null and void.
MOTION: Moved by Mr. Wdite and acconded by Mr. Smith and carrled unanfmously
T6e 13th mecting ot the Committec of AdJuetment be adjourncd et 8:00 p.m. and fhc ne:t
regular meetfng otthe Committee otAdju�tmcnt be held on WedneadAy, Octobcr 8,1997.
Q� g� /99�