HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 8, 1997. � 1 . � .. . . . ' . . .
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MIIVUTES ot the 14t6 meeting ot the Committee of AdJuetment held in the Committee
Room ot the Pickedng Civic Comple: on Wedoaday, October 8,1997.
PRESEN7i Mr. P. White, Acting Chairtnan
Counclllor R Johnson
Mr. N. DiLecce
Mr. S. Smilh
ALSO PRESENT: 111r. J. Colc, A�si�tant Secretary-Treaeurer
111n. F. Niro, Secretory-Trea�urer (Acting)
The meeHng convened at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Committee Raom ot the Civlc Comples.
There were no maMero arGtng trom t6e minutea.
MOTIOIV: Moved by Mr. Jo6naon, aeconded by Mr. Sm(ih and carr(ed unanimously -
ThAt t6e minutes o[ the 1316 meeling of the Commtttec of AdJustment held
September 17,1997, be edopted.
3. P/CA 73/97 - P. & M. Amenta
Part of Lot 32 & 33, Plan 10�i1
al�o known as 806 Straud'a LAne
Town of Pickering
T6e appllcanW request reUet from the foilowing provi�iooa ot ByIaw 3036, a� amended:
Section 10.2.3. to permit the covtinuance of a minimum front yard dept6 ot 6.98 metres
provided by the ezL�ttng dwel!tr.g on t6e subject property, whereae the Bylaw requirca a
minlmum tront yard dept6 ot7.5 metres aod to permit the cantinuance ot e mtofmum ea�t
etde yard wtdth of 1.46 metrea provided by fhe e:i�tlng dwelitng on the eubject property,
whereaa the Bylaw requirea a minimum aide yard wldth ot 1.5 metrea.
Section 5.18(a) to permit the conNnuance of an acceasory atructure (ahed) located in the
porlheaat a(de yard ot the eubject property, whereaa the Bylaw requires all Accessory
etructures to be locafed eoHrely within ihe rear yard of the aubject propeHy.
The applicante requeet approvri of theae vadancee io order to brlag the es4�ting dwell(ng
and acceasory etructure (eLed) into complianca with the provi�lons of fhe zooiag by-I�w.
The Aealttaot 9ecretary-Treaaurer outlined commenta received from the Town �f P(ckering
Plaoning Department.
, -
Mr. Drew Dowling, �genf, w� preeent to reprment t6e applicatton. No furt6er
repreeeot�Hon w�s present in tavour of or in obJectlon to t6e ppplication. Mr. Dowling
■dvieed the CommiHee th�t a bulldiag permi: wai i�eued for au addiHon oa fhe �ubJect
property in 1990. A nceot eurvey 6a� revealed tdat the pddition wae incortectly
conatructed and doa oot meet the requlrementa of tde 6y-law. Mr. Dowliug feele t6at the
Iocallon of the pccaeory etructure (ehed) la m(nor.
DECIS[ON: Moved by Mr. Smith, aecoaded by Mr. UiGecce and carried unonlmouely
t6i� appl(cation P/CA 73/97, by P. & M. Amenta, es outlined, 6e APPROVED on ihe
ground� that the propased 6.98 melre minimum front yard depth and 1.46 metre
minimum side yard widlh variaocea provided by the ci(aNng dweiling on ihe aubfect
property, and the proposed side yard acceaaory structure location variaoce are minor in
nature, destrable for the appropriate development of the lend, ead io keeping wit6 the
general intent and purpoee of the O�cial Plan, and Section 10.2.3. and 5.18(a) ot
By-law 3036, ae amendcd, aubject to the following condiHon:
1. T6at the�e variancea apply oaly to the dwelling ip eiGtence on the date ot 16ts
decLtion which providea a min(mum front yard deplh of 6.98 metres and a minimum
aide yard widih of 1.46 metrea, end ihe acceaeory atructure (ahed) io eitstence on the
date of t6i� decL�lon located io the nort6eaat aide yard of the subJect property.
4. P/CA 74/97 - The Steele Valley Group
Dlock 22, Plan 40M•1365
al�o knowp as 1105 Fioc6 Aveoue
Town ot Plckedng
The applicant request� rclief from Sectioa S.(3)(b)(z)B of thc By-law to permit thc
eatabliebment af an addittonol 100 squAre metrea ot groe� floor erea devoted to bueiness
and professional ofiice uses, wherea� t6e By-law currently permits a maxtmum ot
200 aquare metrea of total grose tloor area be devated to all buainess ofiicea, commercial
achools, tinanciel inattlutiooa, retail atora and protea�lonel ofticea on the aubJect property.
The appilcont requeeta approval ot this variance to lncrea�e the allowable floor nrea
permitted tor bueinese ond professionrl omcc� in order to accommodate a new tenant.
The A�ai�tant Secretery-Treaaurer outlined commenla received from the Town of Pickering
I PlAnning Departmeot. Writteo comments were recetved trom Mr. Harry Kichleq Vice
President o[ Steele VAlley Developmente, and aolfciton Atrd & BerUs reprcaendng the
ownero ot ihe Glendale Plaza Immedlately acroa� l6e aubject properly.
Mr. Hprry Kic6ler, agent, was prpeot to represent the opplicntton. Al�o present waa
Me. Judy S6anka ot 1977 Lydia Cre�ceot to e:prese concems.
Mr. Klchler outlioed reaaooa aa to w6y the Addittona1100 aqua�e metrea of offlce use i�
required. He aWo added thet the propoaed tenaot'Edward donca' would complete t6e
lepaing ot t6e property.
Ma. Shonke efated t6At a6e i� not In opposlHon to lhe appltcAtion but had eume concerns
regarding parking aod additioonl traftic In t6e plaza.
Mr. Kichler �ddresaed Ma. Shanke concerna advising her IhAt t6e propoaed teorpt le a
brokemge ottice and would not aigniticAntty increASe ihe parking ar tntlio tlow in the
Mr. Jo6naon �aked t6e term ot the lease. Mr. Klchler reaponded t6�t the le�se � tor •
S year term.
,' .
DECISION: Moved by Mr. Ja6neon, seconded by Mr, DlLecce And corried unanimowly
t6b application P/CA 74/97, by The Steele Valley Group, pa outlined, be APPROVED oa
t6e grounds t6af the prapoaed varipoce to permit nn pdditional 100 equare metrea of
buslneaa and profeaalonal uftice an t6e iubJect property t� minor in aature, deeirable for
t6e appropriate developmeut ot !he lend, pp(I Ip keeping wtlh fde generol (ntent and
perpoee ot the Ofllciwl Plpn, and SecHon S.(3)(b)(:)D, ot emendiog Bylaw 1521/82 to
By-law 3036, aa furt6er amended by Bylaw� 2495/87, 4655/95 and 4766/96, aubJect to the
tollowing coodition: ,
1. That t6is variance appiy only to tde 685.3 �quAre metre commercial plaza la exletence
on t6e aubJect property on ihe date of tdb decialoa.
S. P/CA 75/97 - R& P. Singh
Part of Lot 20, Concea�ion 1
also known as 1965 Valley Farm Road
Town af Pickering
The appllcant� reque�t relief Gom Seclton 5.(1)(b)(iv)6 of Bylaw 3036, es amended by
By-law 2052/85, to permit the continusace ot a 1.74 metre noN6 stde yard wldlh provided
by an e:isting dweil(ng on t6e aubject property, Aad the contiauanex ot a 0.06 of a metre
north aide yard width prov(ded by o deck attpched to the dwell(ng, whef•csa the mning
by-law requires a minimum nort6 atde yard widlh of 1.8 metres.
T6e applicant� reque�t approval of iheae varlances in order to brfng fhe exisling dwclling
and attached deck into campliance with the provte(ona of the zoning bylaw.
The AeeUtant Secrelary-'Y'reaaurcr oullined commenta recelved from the Town of Plckering
Planning DepaNmeot.
Mr. Khonla, ageof, wns pre�ent to repreaent Ihe applicaHon� No further repreacntation was
preaeat In trvour of or in objectton to the applicaHon. Mr. Khoala atatcd that he ts in
support of the PlAnning Deportment'e recommendation and al�o feele that the variancc for
the deck U minor and a�ked that the Committee coneider approval of thi� varlaoce.
Mr. Smfth atated that he does have eome concero regArd(ng the reduced 0.06 of a metre
aide yaru but fhat there are no rnidenta preaent objecting to the appllcaHon.
DECISION: Moved by Mr. Smith, and teconded by Mr. Johnson end carried uoanimously
ihis appllcation P/CA 75/97, by R& P. Singh, a+ outlined, bc APPROVED on !he grounds
thet t6e propo�ed 1.74 metre aorth eide yard width provided by t6e e:isting dwelltng on
the properly aod the 0.06 ota metre nort6 aide yArd wiJth provided by t6e deck attached
to the ►,:in drvelling are minor f� nature, dairable tor fhe appropriwte development otthe
land, a�� in kceping wtth the general intent and purpo�e ot the Oftic(wl Plao, and
Sectfoo S.(1)(b)(iv)B ot ameoding Bylaw 2052/85 to By-law 3036, eubJect to tde fallowing
1. TdAt thi� vartance appliee oniy to the 1.74 metre north aide yerd wtdth provided by
the dwelling tn e:iatence on the property And the 0.06 of a mefro north side ywrd
width provided by ihe deck attached to the dwelling on the dete of thia decislon.
• ;-., ,
MOTION: Moved by Mr. Johoaon, aod ucooded by Mr. 3mUh and carrled unonimoudy
The 14fh meetlng of ihe CommiHee of AdJwtment be wdJourned at 7:25 p.m, And the neit
regulAr meeNng otthe Committee ot Adjuefinent bc held on Wedaaday, October 29,1997.
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